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1息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential
creating change brand shaping
human centered
2息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential
Topic Tuesday
The Future of Farming (IIOT)
designaffairs was founded in 1997 & is an
owner-managed design consultancy with
studios in Munich, Erlangen, Shanghai &
Portland, USA.
Our agency is ranked 17th among the most
award-winning creative agencies in the world.
Together with our clients, our team of more
than 100 interdisciplinary experts develops
successful products & into-market strategies
that are creating a successful change in our
clients, businesses.
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 3
Our background
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 4
We believe strategic partnerships are
better positioned when facing
disruptive market forces. Together we
cover the topics that matter.
Together we are stronger.
5息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential
Ideas come from changing perceptions and asking questions,
only when you are in a state of curiosity and play can you innovate.
Innovations are curiosity and ideas shipped. Walt Disney
We start with a simple premise.
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 6
Grandfather (Farmer)
Father (Farmer) Son (Farmer)
Contractor (Farmer)
Daughter (Farm Owner)
 Age: 70 +
 Farming to survive or as a way of life
 Age: 50.
 A hands on and a doer.
 Use technology to fit to the situation.
 A balance of caring and passion but not
 Focused on: productivity efficiency.
 Farming to be rich.
 Zero waste and a reuse mentality.
 Age: 25.
 Avant guard: Energy farmer.
 Farming to change the world
 Most caring most Passion.
 Ecological and more ethical.
 More educated farming school.
 Might live only on wind farms.
 Age: 38 ( mostly males).
 Offspring of farmers.
 Do not own no farm.
 The most aspirational and passionate but
care less.
 Focused on: Speed and money.
 Farming to buy or inherited farm through
 Age: 35.
 Supports in administrative farming
 Responsible for accounts and operations.
Finally I am back in
I made it
It's too much hard
work on my own
Zero waste &
maximising my lands
I feel ecologically
In touch with
the land
Real people, Fresh Perspectives
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 7
Direct consumer to producer
relationships blossom, amidst
fear of fake food.
Concerned about the safety of what they eat.
Direct relationships between growers and consumers is
growing fast.
Social farming, farmer markets & shift to organic farming are
growing fast.
User Observation 1
Question: Could Agri Brands leverage the
closer proximity and be a guarantor for
trust to consumers?
Could Agri Brands form a social farmers market
as a way to grow the brand?
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 8
Fast demand for many SKUs
of sustainable farming.
(organic, urban, indoor etc)
By 2050, 33% of food will be grown in cities as urban and
indoor farming grows fast inc; vertical, rooftops aero,
hydroponics and organic.
Young farmers attracted to new farming techniques inc Elon
Musks brother.
Many SKUs or variations of farming is the future
User Observation 2
Question: How could Agri Brands
become part of a food producing
urban city?
Could Agri Brands bridge the gap between urban
and rural with tools, services and
social initiatives?
2033 - 2038
take off for
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 9
Small-sized farmers
industrial farmers
Pioneers &
Paradigm shift farmers
E.g. Vertical, Organics
User Observation 3
Changing in user base
Decrease in farmers over 35 representing less than 2% of
US farmers.
an increase in younger farmers aged 25  34 of 2.2%.
These 25 to 35 will drive the future of farming.
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 10
Intelligent automation
(IIOT) will fill the void left
by workers.
Less than 2% of farmers in the US in 2017.
Nations plan to automate all manual tasks to meet food
demands by 2050.
2022 smart agriculture market valued at $11.23 billion a
13.27% CAGR in five years.
User Observation 4
Question: Can Agri Brands integrate
more with IIOT to help farmers
remain profitable?
Could Agri Brands look to a simple partnership as
low hanging fruit?
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 11
Framers Right to
The right to repair strong legal backing and legislature
support for farmers in the US.
Strongest amongst industrialist & traditionalist at large and
small levels farms.
Eastern European, India and Chines hacking is prevalent
(unregulated legislation).
User Observation 5
Question: Could Agri Brands empower and
support farmers to a right to repair
without reducing profit margins?
Could Agri Brands relook at the relationship of old
vs new tractors, manual vs digital?
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 12
Shared-economy &
renewable energy as a means
to stay profitable.
Agriculture will play a significant role in shared and
decentralised energy farming.
$1.2 billion new income for farmers by getting involved with
new energy sources.
Europe plans to use at least 20% of bio-fuels by 2020.
User Observation 6
Question: Could Agri Brands take a
stake in farmers interest in
energy harvesting?
Could Agri Brands design lighter vehicles or tools,
generators etc?
Could Agri Brands be in harmony
with nature? Could this make them
more resistant or efficient?
What If Agri Brands Used Biomimicry?
An Analogy To Think Sideways
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 13
Could Agri Brands provide the next
generation of tools for wind farms?
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 14
For Agri Brands
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 15
Of farming
Re-interpreting existing farmers values:
make it less of a burden & profitable again
Re-interpreting new farmer values:
make it fun & attractive again
Support the new farming practices:
reverse the brain drain by innovating
Strategic implication 1:
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 16
Be A
Create tools: For farmers to become decentralised energy
harvesters or IIOT farmers.
Create platforms: That empower shared economies for
energy or food harvests or IIOT farming.
Promote knowledge transfer initiatives: For rural or urban
farm learning including internet for rural areas.
Strategic implication 2:
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 17
Re-alignment of brand and user values for old and new
Road mapping of rural, semi-rural and urban farming
Strategic implication 3:
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 18
Thank You
息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 19
息 Copyright 2018  All rights reserved
This presentation is the intellectual property of designaffairs GmbH & is subject to current copyrights. Dissemination, copying, modifying or distribution without our
expressed written consent is strictly prohibited. The used images & graphics only serve research & illustration purposes  they are not to be published.
designaffairs GmbH | Balanstrae 73 | Haus 32 | 81541 M端nchen | Germany
phone +49 89 442 329 0 | info@designaffairs.com | www.designaffairs.com
creating change

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IIOT & The Future of Farming v1.0

  • 1. 1息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential creating change brand shaping innovative human centered
  • 2. 2息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential BRS Topic Tuesday The Future of Farming (IIOT)
  • 3. designaffairs designaffairs was founded in 1997 & is an owner-managed design consultancy with studios in Munich, Erlangen, Shanghai & Portland, USA. Our agency is ranked 17th among the most award-winning creative agencies in the world. Together with our clients, our team of more than 100 interdisciplinary experts develops successful products & into-market strategies that are creating a successful change in our clients, businesses. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 3 Our background
  • 4. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 4 We believe strategic partnerships are better positioned when facing disruptive market forces. Together we cover the topics that matter. Together we are stronger.
  • 5. 5息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential Ideas come from changing perceptions and asking questions, only when you are in a state of curiosity and play can you innovate. Innovations are curiosity and ideas shipped. Walt Disney We start with a simple premise.
  • 6. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 6 Grandfather (Farmer) Father (Farmer) Son (Farmer) Contractor (Farmer) Daughter (Farm Owner) Age: 70 + Traditionalist Farming to survive or as a way of life Age: 50. A hands on and a doer. Use technology to fit to the situation. A balance of caring and passion but not aspirational. Focused on: productivity efficiency. Farming to be rich. Zero waste and a reuse mentality. Age: 25. Avant guard: Energy farmer. Farming to change the world Altruistic. Most caring most Passion. Ecological and more ethical. More educated farming school. Might live only on wind farms. Age: 38 ( mostly males). Offspring of farmers. Do not own no farm. The most aspirational and passionate but care less. Focused on: Speed and money. Farming to buy or inherited farm through marriage. Age: 35. Supports in administrative farming operations. Responsible for accounts and operations. Finally I am back in I made it It's too much hard work on my own Zero waste & maximising my lands profit I feel ecologically responsible In touch with the land Real people, Fresh Perspectives Consumer?
  • 7. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 7 Direct consumer to producer relationships blossom, amidst fear of fake food. Concerned about the safety of what they eat. Direct relationships between growers and consumers is growing fast. Social farming, farmer markets & shift to organic farming are growing fast. User Observation 1 Question: Could Agri Brands leverage the closer proximity and be a guarantor for trust to consumers? Could Agri Brands form a social farmers market as a way to grow the brand?
  • 8. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 8 Fast demand for many SKUs of sustainable farming. (organic, urban, indoor etc) By 2050, 33% of food will be grown in cities as urban and indoor farming grows fast inc; vertical, rooftops aero, hydroponics and organic. Young farmers attracted to new farming techniques inc Elon Musks brother. Many SKUs or variations of farming is the future User Observation 2 Question: How could Agri Brands become part of a food producing urban city? Could Agri Brands bridge the gap between urban and rural with tools, services and social initiatives? 2033 - 2038 Forecast take off for organic agriculture
  • 9. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 9 Traditionalist Small-sized farmers Industrialist Large-sized industrial farmers Pioneers & Developers Paradigm shift farmers E.g. Vertical, Organics User Observation 3 Changing in user base Decrease in farmers over 35 representing less than 2% of US farmers. an increase in younger farmers aged 25 34 of 2.2%. These 25 to 35 will drive the future of farming.
  • 10. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 10 Intelligent automation (IIOT) will fill the void left by workers. Less than 2% of farmers in the US in 2017. Nations plan to automate all manual tasks to meet food demands by 2050. 2022 smart agriculture market valued at $11.23 billion a 13.27% CAGR in five years. User Observation 4 Question: Can Agri Brands integrate more with IIOT to help farmers remain profitable? Could Agri Brands look to a simple partnership as low hanging fruit?
  • 11. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 11 Framers Right to Repair. The right to repair strong legal backing and legislature support for farmers in the US. Strongest amongst industrialist & traditionalist at large and small levels farms. Eastern European, India and Chines hacking is prevalent (unregulated legislation). User Observation 5 Question: Could Agri Brands empower and support farmers to a right to repair without reducing profit margins? Could Agri Brands relook at the relationship of old vs new tractors, manual vs digital?
  • 12. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 12 Shared-economy & renewable energy as a means to stay profitable. Agriculture will play a significant role in shared and decentralised energy farming. $1.2 billion new income for farmers by getting involved with new energy sources. Europe plans to use at least 20% of bio-fuels by 2020. User Observation 6 Question: Could Agri Brands take a stake in farmers interest in energy harvesting? Could Agri Brands design lighter vehicles or tools, generators etc?
  • 13. Could Agri Brands be in harmony with nature? Could this make them more resistant or efficient? What If Agri Brands Used Biomimicry? An Analogy To Think Sideways 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 13 Could Agri Brands provide the next generation of tools for wind farms?
  • 14. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 14 Strategic Implications For Agri Brands
  • 15. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 15 Attractiveness Of farming Re-interpreting existing farmers values: make it less of a burden & profitable again Re-interpreting new farmer values: make it fun & attractive again Support the new farming practices: reverse the brain drain by innovating Strategic implication 1:
  • 16. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 16 Be A Service Create tools: For farmers to become decentralised energy harvesters or IIOT farmers. Create platforms: That empower shared economies for energy or food harvests or IIOT farming. Promote knowledge transfer initiatives: For rural or urban farm learning including internet for rural areas. Strategic implication 2:
  • 17. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 17 Brand Adjustment Re-alignment of brand and user values for old and new markets. Road mapping of rural, semi-rural and urban farming equipment. Strategic implication 3:
  • 18. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 18 Thank You
  • 19. 息 designaffairs 2018 | confidential 19 息 Copyright 2018 All rights reserved This presentation is the intellectual property of designaffairs GmbH & is subject to current copyrights. Dissemination, copying, modifying or distribution without our expressed written consent is strictly prohibited. The used images & graphics only serve research & illustration purposes they are not to be published. designaffairs GmbH | Balanstrae 73 | Haus 32 | 81541 M端nchen | Germany phone +49 89 442 329 0 | info@designaffairs.com | www.designaffairs.com creating change