The challenge:
Cancer sucks. Many people suffer from cancer worldwide, but still a large part of the cancer treatments fail. This costs cancer patients lives and brings a large monetary cost to society as well. The challenge is that the effectiveness of cancer therapies can only be seen after weeks. Differences between people give rise to different reactions to therapies. Currently, a mix of drugs is given without knowing if they will work. To examine the effectiveness of drugs on individuals, we present the CTCPure.
The solution:
The CTCPure isolates and then characterizes circulating tumour cells from the human blood stream. By doing this characterization, a better prognosis and associated treatment can be done for each patient. Instead of determining treatments based on chance of success, treatment will be tailor made to each patient using the CTCPure. By doing this all on one chip, the process is cheap and fool-proof.
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2018-05-13 CTCPure - pitchdeck
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Our Mission:
Improve the prognosis and quality of life of cancer patients
by offering a tool to measure treatment success
Before administering the drug to the patient
Our Vision:
Personalized medicine is the future of medicine
and the number of cancer patients is a growing
3. Im tired and I got an
awful cough and
sometimes I got chest
Lets prescribe
you some
Week 1
Jack Jack
Nothing has changed
and my wife says I lost
much weight
I will refer you to the
hospital for further
Week 2
Im here for
an MRI and
a CT scan
I see a suspicious
area. I will refer
you for a biopsy,
you can stop by
MRI / CT scan
Week 3
Im here for
a biopsy
I will take a biopsy and
it will be analyzed
further under the
4. 4
Multidisciplinary meeting
The MRI and CT
scans revealed
suspicious areas
I analyzed the biopsy,
there is some concern.
I detected a certain
type of lung cancer
I think we should
proceed with a
treatment that has
proven to be
successful for about
70% of the patients
Week 4
Based on the results we
would like to invite you
for a conversation in the
Ill go there
right now
Weve got some bad
news, you have lung
cancer. I will explain
the procedure you
can expect
Week 5
5. Treatment selected
Treatment given
to patient
Cancer has grown /
remained similar
At least two weeks
recovery before new
Cancer is reducedCancer not detectable
Cancer diagnosed
Check ups: 3 months,
6 months, each year
New treatment selection
At least two weeks
recovery before new
6. Effectiveness of chemotherapies only shown after
- Many possible chemotherapies
High costs for cancer treatment
- in 2015 worldwide $2 trillion (US dollars)
Low concentration CTCs in blood and many
- Personalized medicine: 1000 cells/mL for 1 gram of tumor
Differences between people give different reactions
to medication
- Ethnicity, age, sex, genome, type of cancer
7. 4. Advantages + 5.
Innovative microfluidic solution
Combining multiple and most recent insights for filtration
Not wasting money and time on ineffective treatments
8. 8
Treatment selected
Treatment given
to patient
Cancer has grown /
remained similar
At least two weeks
recovery before new
Cancer is reducedCancer not detectable
Cancer diagnosed
Check ups: 3 months,
6 months, each year
New treatment selection
At least two weeks
recovery before new
6. Product
9. Financial benefits
- $2.3 billion can be saved for treatment of all
lung cancer patients worldwide each year
- 350.000 patients dont get wrong treatment
7. Traction
12. 10. Business model
How are you planning to make money? Show a schedule when you expect revenues to pour
13. 11. Investing
What is your planned budget? What kind of budget are you looking for?
We are looking at investment in information and funding for realisation of the products