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Reinforcement learning
for trading with Python
December 21, 2018 ¤Ï¤ó¤Ê¤êPython
Taku Yoshioka
? A previous work on github: q-trader
? Q-learning
? Trading model
? State, action and reward
? Implementation
? Results
? An implementation of Q-learning applied to (short-
term) stock trading
Action value function (Q-value)
? Expected discounted cumlative future reward given
the current state and action then following the
optimal policy (mapping from state to action)
Q(st, at) = E
rt+k | s = st, a = at
: discount factor
t: time step
st: state
at: action
rt: (immediate) reward
? An algorithm of Reinforcement learning for learning
the optimal Q-value
(st, at) = (1 ?)Qold
(st, at) + ?(rt + max
Q(st+1, a))
? 2 (0, 1): learning rate
? For applying Q-learning, collect samples in
episodes represented as tuples (st, at, rt, st+1)
Deep Q-learning
? Representing action value function with a deep
network and minimizing loss function
L =
(Q(st, at) yt)
yt = rt + max
Q(st+1, a)
? In contrast to supervised learning, the target value involves the current
network outputs. Thus network parameters should be gradually updated
? The order of samples in minibatches can be randomized to decorrelate
sequential samples (replay buffer)
D: minibatch
Trading model
? Based on closing prices
? Three actions: buy (1 unit), sell (1 unit), sit
? Ignoring transaction fee
? Immediate transaction
? Limited number of units we can keep
? State: n-step time window of the 1-step differences
of past stock prices
? Sigmoid function for input scaling issue
st = (dt ?+1, ¡¤ ¡¤ ¡¤ , dt 1, dt)
dt = sigmoid (pt pt 1)
pt: price at time t (discrete)
?: time window size (steps)
? Depending on action
? Sit: 0
? Buy: a negative constant (con?gurable)
? Sell: pro?t (sell price - bought price)
This needs to be appropriately designed
? Training (train.py)
Initialization, sample collection, training loop
? Environment (environment.py)
Loading stock data, making state transition with reward
? Agent (agent.py)
Feature extraction, Q-learning, e-greedy exploration, saving model
? Results examination (learning_curve.py,
plot_learning_curve.py, evaluate.py)
Compute learning curve for given data, plotting
? For comparison of various experimental settings
stock_name : ^GSPC
window_size : 10
episode_count: 500
result_dir : ./models/config
batch_size: 32
clip_reward : True
reward_for_buy: -10
gamma : 0.995
learning_rate : 0.001
optimizer : Adam
inventory_max : 10
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
yaml = YAML()
config = yaml.load(f)
stock_name = config["stock_name"]
window_size = config["window_size"]
episode_count = config["episode_count"]
result_dir = config["result_dir"]
batch_size = config["batch_size"]
Parsing con?g ?le
? Get parameters as a dict
stock_name, window_size, episode_count = sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), int(
batch_size = 32
agent = Agent(window_size)
# Environment
env = SimpleTradeEnv(stock_name, window_size, agent)
? Instantiate RL agent and environment for trading
# Loop over episodes
for e in range(episode_count + 1):
# Initialization before starting an episode
state = env.reset()
agent.inventory = []
done = False
# Loop in an episode
while not done:
action = agent.act(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
agent.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done))
state = next_state
if len(agent.memory) > batch_size:
if e % 10 == 0:
agent.model.save("models/model_ep" + str(e))
? Loop over episodes
? Collect samples and train the model (expReplay)
? Train model every 10 episodes
? Loading stock data
class SimpleTradeEnv(object):
def __init__(self, stock_name, window_size, agent, inventory_max,
clip_reward=True, reward_for_buy=-20, print_trade=True):
self.data = getStockDataVec(stock_name)
self.window_size = window_size
self.agent = agent
self.print_trade = print_trade
self.reward_for_buy = reward_for_buy
self.clip_reward = clip_reward
self.inventory_max = inventory_max
? Computing reward for action and making state
def step(self, action):
# 0: Sit
# 1: Buy
# 2: Sell
assert(action in (0, 1, 2))
# Reward
if action == 0:
reward = 0
elif action == 1:
# Following slide
if len(self.agent.inventory) > 0:
# Following slide
# State transition
next_state = getState(self.data, self.t + 1, self.window_size + 1,
done = True if self.t == len(self.data) - 2 else False
self.t += 1
return next_state, reward, done, {}
? Reward for buy
elif action == 1:
if len(self.agent.inventory) < self.inventory_max:
reward = self.reward_for_buy
if self.print_trade:
print("Buy: " + formatPrice(self.data[self.t]))
reward = 0
if self.print_trade:
print("Buy: not possible")
? Reward for sell
if len(self.agent.inventory) > 0:
bought_price = self.agent.inventory.pop(0)
profit = self.data[self.t] - bought_price
reward = max(profit, 0) if self.clip_reward else profit
self.total_profit += profit
if self.print_trade:
print("Sell: " + formatPrice(self.data[self.t]) +
" | Profit: " + formatPrice(reward))
# returns an an n-day state representation ending at time t
def getState(data, t, n, agent):
d = t - n + 1
block = data[d:t + 1] if d >= 0 else -d * [data[0]] + data[0:t + 1] # pad # with t0
res = []
for i in range(n - 1):
res.append(sigmoid(block[i + 1] - block[i]))
return agent.modify_state(np.array([res]))
? Computing 1-step differences of time series of
stock prices
? Adding information if the agent has bought
def modify_state(self, state):
if len(self.inventory) > 0:
state = np.hstack((state, [[1]]))
state = np.hstack((state, [[0]]))
return state
(in agent.py)
? Implements RL agent
? Load pre-trained model when evaluation (is_eval)
class Agent:
def __init__(self, state_size, is_eval=False, model_name="", result_dir="", gamma=0.95,
learning_rate=0.001, optimizer="Adam"):
self.state_size = state_size # normalized previous days
self.action_size = 3 # sit, buy, sell
self.memory = deque(maxlen=1000)
self.inventory = []
self.model_name = model_name
self.is_eval = is_eval
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = 1.0
self.epsilon_min = 0.01
self.epsilon_decay = 0.995
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.model = load_model(result_dir + "/" + model_name) if is_eval else self._model()
def _model(self):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units=64, input_dim=self.state_size, activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(units=32, activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(units=8, activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(self.action_size, activation="linear"))
model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001))
return model
def act(self, state):
if not self.is_eval and np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon:
return random.randrange(self.action_size)
options = self.model.predict(state)
return np.argmax(options[0])
? Implements action value function by a neural network
? Accept state vector as input, output values for each action
? Specify square loss and ADAM optimizer
? Take argmax action or epsilon-greedy for exploration
? Compute a target value with the current network output
? Update parameters once (epochs=1)
def expReplay(self, batch_size):
subsamples = random.sample(list(self.memory), len(self.memory))
states, targets = [], []
for state, action, reward, next_state, done in subsamples:
target = reward
if not done:
target = reward + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state)[0])
target_f = self.model.predict(state)
target_f[0][action] = target
self.model.fit(np.vstack(states), np.vstack(targets), epochs=1, verbose=0,
if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
Running scripts
# Training with Q-learning
$ python train.py config/config2.yaml
? Training
# Learning curve on training data
$ python learning_curve.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC
? Learning curve
Plotting learning curve
# Plotting learning curve
$ python plot_learning_curve.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC
? Specifying the data on which pro?ts will be
computed with the trained model
Training data (^GSPC) Test data (^GSPC_2011)
? Not working well: increasing pro?t on test data, but
decreasing on training data
? We usually see over?tting to training data
Plotting trading behavior
? Specifying the data and model (?lename)
# Plotting trading on a model
$ python evaluate.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC_2011 model_ep500
20181221 q-trader

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20181221 q-trader

  • 1. Reinforcement learning for trading with Python December 21, 2018 ¤Ï¤ó¤Ê¤êPython Taku Yoshioka
  • 2. ? A previous work on github: q-trader ? Q-learning ? Trading model ? State, action and reward ? Implementation ? Results
  • 4. edwardhdlu/q-trader ? An implementation of Q-learning applied to (short- term) stock trading
  • 5. Action value function (Q-value) ? Expected discounted cumlative future reward given the current state and action then following the optimal policy (mapping from state to action) Q(st, at) = E " X k=0 k rt+k | s = st, a = at # : discount factor t: time step st: state at: action rt: (immediate) reward
  • 6. Q-learning ? An algorithm of Reinforcement learning for learning the optimal Q-value Qnew (st, at) = (1 ?)Qold (st, at) + ?(rt + max a Q(st+1, a)) ? 2 (0, 1): learning rate ? For applying Q-learning, collect samples in episodes represented as tuples (st, at, rt, st+1)
  • 7. Deep Q-learning ? Representing action value function with a deep network and minimizing loss function L = X t2D (Q(st, at) yt) 2 yt = rt + max a Q(st+1, a) Note ? In contrast to supervised learning, the target value involves the current network outputs. Thus network parameters should be gradually updated ? The order of samples in minibatches can be randomized to decorrelate sequential samples (replay buffer) D: minibatch
  • 8. Trading model ? Based on closing prices ? Three actions: buy (1 unit), sell (1 unit), sit ? Ignoring transaction fee ? Immediate transaction ? Limited number of units we can keep
  • 9. State ? State: n-step time window of the 1-step differences of past stock prices ? Sigmoid function for input scaling issue st = (dt ?+1, ¡¤ ¡¤ ¡¤ , dt 1, dt) dt = sigmoid (pt pt 1) pt: price at time t (discrete) ?: time window size (steps)
  • 10. Reward ? Depending on action ? Sit: 0 ? Buy: a negative constant (con?gurable) ? Sell: pro?t (sell price - bought price) This needs to be appropriately designed
  • 11. Implementation ? Training (train.py) Initialization, sample collection, training loop ? Environment (environment.py) Loading stock data, making state transition with reward ? Agent (agent.py) Feature extraction, Q-learning, e-greedy exploration, saving model ? Results examination (learning_curve.py, plot_learning_curve.py, evaluate.py) Compute learning curve for given data, plotting
  • 12. Con?guration ? For comparison of various experimental settings stock_name : ^GSPC window_size : 10 episode_count: 500 result_dir : ./models/config batch_size: 32 clip_reward : True reward_for_buy: -10 gamma : 0.995 learning_rate : 0.001 optimizer : Adam inventory_max : 10
  • 13. from ruamel.yaml import YAML with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: yaml = YAML() config = yaml.load(f) stock_name = config["stock_name"] window_size = config["window_size"] episode_count = config["episode_count"] result_dir = config["result_dir"] batch_size = config["batch_size"] Parsing con?g ?le ? Get parameters as a dict
  • 14. stock_name, window_size, episode_count = sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), int( sys.argv[3]) batch_size = 32 agent = Agent(window_size) # Environment env = SimpleTradeEnv(stock_name, window_size, agent) train.py ? Instantiate RL agent and environment for trading
  • 15. # Loop over episodes for e in range(episode_count + 1): # Initialization before starting an episode state = env.reset() agent.inventory = [] done = False # Loop in an episode while not done: action = agent.act(state) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) agent.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done)) state = next_state if len(agent.memory) > batch_size: agent.expReplay(batch_size) if e % 10 == 0: agent.model.save("models/model_ep" + str(e)) ? Loop over episodes ? Collect samples and train the model (expReplay) ? Train model every 10 episodes
  • 16. environment.py ? Loading stock data class SimpleTradeEnv(object): def __init__(self, stock_name, window_size, agent, inventory_max, clip_reward=True, reward_for_buy=-20, print_trade=True): self.data = getStockDataVec(stock_name) self.window_size = window_size self.agent = agent self.print_trade = print_trade self.reward_for_buy = reward_for_buy self.clip_reward = clip_reward self.inventory_max = inventory_max
  • 17. ? Computing reward for action and making state transition def step(self, action): # 0: Sit # 1: Buy # 2: Sell assert(action in (0, 1, 2)) # Reward if action == 0: reward = 0 elif action == 1: # Following slide else: if len(self.agent.inventory) > 0: # Following slide # State transition next_state = getState(self.data, self.t + 1, self.window_size + 1, self.agent) done = True if self.t == len(self.data) - 2 else False self.t += 1 return next_state, reward, done, {}
  • 18. ? Reward for buy elif action == 1: if len(self.agent.inventory) < self.inventory_max: reward = self.reward_for_buy self.agent.inventory.append(self.data[self.t]) if self.print_trade: print("Buy: " + formatPrice(self.data[self.t])) else: reward = 0 if self.print_trade: print("Buy: not possible")
  • 19. ? Reward for sell else: if len(self.agent.inventory) > 0: bought_price = self.agent.inventory.pop(0) profit = self.data[self.t] - bought_price reward = max(profit, 0) if self.clip_reward else profit self.total_profit += profit if self.print_trade: print("Sell: " + formatPrice(self.data[self.t]) + " | Profit: " + formatPrice(reward))
  • 20. # returns an an n-day state representation ending at time t def getState(data, t, n, agent): d = t - n + 1 block = data[d:t + 1] if d >= 0 else -d * [data[0]] + data[0:t + 1] # pad # with t0 res = [] for i in range(n - 1): res.append(sigmoid(block[i + 1] - block[i])) return agent.modify_state(np.array([res])) ? Computing 1-step differences of time series of stock prices ? Adding information if the agent has bought def modify_state(self, state): if len(self.inventory) > 0: state = np.hstack((state, [[1]])) else: state = np.hstack((state, [[0]])) return state (in agent.py)
  • 21. agent.py ? Implements RL agent ? Load pre-trained model when evaluation (is_eval) class Agent: def __init__(self, state_size, is_eval=False, model_name="", result_dir="", gamma=0.95, learning_rate=0.001, optimizer="Adam"): self.state_size = state_size # normalized previous days self.action_size = 3 # sit, buy, sell self.memory = deque(maxlen=1000) self.inventory = [] self.model_name = model_name self.is_eval = is_eval self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = 1.0 self.epsilon_min = 0.01 self.epsilon_decay = 0.995 self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.optimizer = optimizer self.model = load_model(result_dir + "/" + model_name) if is_eval else self._model()
  • 22. def _model(self): model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(units=64, input_dim=self.state_size, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(units=32, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(units=8, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(self.action_size, activation="linear")) model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001)) return model def act(self, state): if not self.is_eval and np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon: return random.randrange(self.action_size) options = self.model.predict(state) return np.argmax(options[0]) ? Implements action value function by a neural network ? Accept state vector as input, output values for each action ? Specify square loss and ADAM optimizer ? Take argmax action or epsilon-greedy for exploration
  • 23. ? Compute a target value with the current network output ? Update parameters once (epochs=1) def expReplay(self, batch_size): subsamples = random.sample(list(self.memory), len(self.memory)) states, targets = [], [] for state, action, reward, next_state, done in subsamples: target = reward if not done: target = reward + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_state)[0]) target_f = self.model.predict(state) target_f[0][action] = target states.append(state) targets.append(target_f) self.model.fit(np.vstack(states), np.vstack(targets), epochs=1, verbose=0, batch_size=batch_size) if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min: self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
  • 24. Running scripts # Training with Q-learning $ python train.py config/config2.yaml ? Training # Learning curve on training data $ python learning_curve.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC ? Learning curve
  • 25. Plotting learning curve # Plotting learning curve $ python plot_learning_curve.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC ? Specifying the data on which pro?ts will be computed with the trained model
  • 26. Training data (^GSPC) Test data (^GSPC_2011) ? Not working well: increasing pro?t on test data, but decreasing on training data ? We usually see over?tting to training data
  • 27. Plotting trading behavior ? Specifying the data and model (?lename) # Plotting trading on a model $ python evaluate.py config/config2.yaml ^GSPC_2011 model_ep500