So now were all remote workers. Whether youre managing teams or working for studios that are rapidly transitioning to remote work, its important to start understanding the new skills, disciplines, and technology required for all of us to be collectively successful as remote workers. But where do you start? This talk focuses on precisely how the clever application of technology and technique can untether you from your location, keep you deeply connected to your team and project, and distinguish yourself as a spectacularly effective Remote Work Superhero.
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How To Be A Remote Work Superhero
Jon Jones, Art Outsourcing Manager
2. Working in games since 2001 on over 50 titles across all platforms
Career-long specialization in art outsourcing management
Working remotely managing distributed teams since 2009
Speaker at events like XDS, GDC, SIGGRAPH, MIGS, Casual Connect, and
Who is Jon Jones?
3. Remote Work Superpowers
1. Omnipresence
2. Super Speed
3. Omniscience
4. Vigilance
5. Foresight
6. Regeneration
4. Video call tradecraft
Look at the camera, not their face. Eye contact is important!
10 minute cutoff for no-shows
Buy and use a laptop camera cover. Always keep it closed unless youre on a call
Stay muted unless speaking to minimize background noise
Before a call, check whats in the camera view and hide sensitive items
Always wear pants. You can tell by their face.
Screensharing advice:
Hide your bookmarks bar: Ctrl-Shift-B in Chrome
Check your open tabs, open windows, and desktop for sensitive or embarrassing info
When possible, share only the WINDOW and not the entire SCREEN
5. Omnipresence
90% of telepresence is being in the first place people look when they need you
Management By Walking Around is normal for many managers
Person in seat = Person working
Transitioning to remote work is like having your senses severed
Compensate by learning, setting, and maintaining expectations of responsiveness
Communication is the beginning and end of everything
Learn when and where people communicate important information, and BE THERE
6. Identify primary comms channels:
Work assignments and feedback
email, Trello, Basecamp, Slack, Teams, Shotgun, Jira, etc
General or technical discussions
email list, Sharepoint, scheduled video calls in Zoom/Hangouts, etc
Location of file share for collaborating on content and file transfer
Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Aspera, Resilio Sync, etc
Source control
Perforce, SVN, etc
Learn how people use those channels. How would you get answers?
Where am I most likely to find a responsive artist or programmer?
If source control is down, who do I talk to?
Its late, everyones offline, and I need help. Where are our shared resources?
7. 90% of telepresence is being in the first place people look when they need you
Sometimes that's clear, sometimes you can train the team around you.
Always :
respond quickly in the primary channels
dont spread yourself thin across too many channels
follow up when you say you will
consistently use the same communication channels for the same information
This doesn't mean you're on call 24/7. If your team has set core hours, work
during those core hours, and don't respond outside of them. Set boundaries.
Remote work on an ongoing basis is EARNED. Push for sustainable conditions.
Super Speed
8. Take responsibility for understanding process
Whose work is upstream from me?
Where does my work product go next?
What tools do those teammates live in?
Where will highest-priority contributions be noticed first?
How can my thoroughness be easy to verify?
9. All information must create its own context.
Document A should not require Documents B, C, and D to make sense.
Use proper nouns and be specific
NO: hesheitthattherethingplace
YES: BobAlicefile.pdf[full path]etc
Save and include images, never link. Links break!
Use specific filenames and absolute folder locations in all feedback
Cite all sources and references, including web links
Document edge cases in a shared scratchpad to incrementally build knowledge
10. Vigilance
You are now remote. You no longer have the luxury of ignoring security hygiene
You do NOT want to be responsible for an easily preventable data breach
a. Password Manager
i. Use 1Password. Pay for it. In 2020, password managers are critical life infrastructure.
ii. If you cant do the bare minimum to protect your lifes most valuable information, why
should a company trust you with their confidential information?
b. Two-factor authentication app
i. Use Authy. Set a backup password. If you dont, lost phone = permanent account lockout
ii. Only use SMS 2FA if there is no other alternative
c. Create a new Work profile in your web browser
i. Create new Gmail address for work
ii. Log into your browser with that profile
iii. Set up sync, set up 2FA
11. Foresight
Realistic scenarios to plan for:
Power outage
Internet cell service outage
Hard drive crash
Stolen hard drive laptop
Hospital or family emergency
Non-specific hardware failure
12. Regeneration
Self-care is important!
Dedicated workspace with explicit on work / off work hours
If you mix work and play areas, you will never be fully at work or at play, and youll grow to hate it
Create daily rituals to separate yourself from work
Do yoga
Walk a dog
Cook a meal
Take language lessons (DuoLingo, 5 minutes at a time!)
Podcast while you clean
Develop a focus time for work playlist