Testing is everything. We will share our own practical experience with testing, and see how may be come one step further, without losing too much productivity.
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2024 DAPUG Conference Arnaud Bouchez Test Driven Design
1. Session 6
Test Driven Design
DAPUG Hotel Hesselet, Nyborg
Arnaud Bouchez - https://synopse.info
2. Sessions
mORMot as a ToolBox
From Classes/Components to Interface
Technical Debt
Test Driven Design
mORmot Gems
FPC and Lazarus
3. Test Driven Design
Test First
Unit Tests
Integration Tests
Performance Tests
7. Iterate
Coding is an ITERATIVE process
Even up to the management level (projects)
Ensure each step wont break any previous step
Testing should be part of this process
8. Iterate
Coding is an ITERATIVE process
Most of the time: feature-oriented iterations
(because this is what the client pays for)
Sometimes: quality / refactoring iteration
(but most likely done with an associated feature)
Testing should be part of this process
9. Iterate
Refactoring to isolate seams via interfaces
1. Know your subject
2. Identify responsibilities big picture
3. Study data structures
4. Break out big classes
5. Break out huge functions iterative process
6. Encapsulate global references
7. Testing is everything
11. Test First
Test Driven Design
means iterate from a test and into tests
12. Test First
Test Driven Design
means iterate from a test and into tests
a.k.a. the it is not coffee, it is TDD time
13. Test First
Test Driven Design
means produces passing test
1. Write the test
2. Fails the test
3. Implements the feature
4. Fails the test ? Drink a coffee and go to 3.
5. Pass the test and all previous tests
6. Continue to the next feature
14. Test First
Test Driven Design main benefits
Ensure we didnt break anything
We wont break anything
15. Test First
Test Driven Design collateral benefits
Define the types and API early
Refine the expectations ASAP
Document the API before implementing
Can mock the UI before implementing
Tests as specification
17. Unit Tests
Validate a single method
Sometimes a single class with a few methods
Dependencies may be stubbed/mocked
This is the first test to write
18. Unit Tests
Validate a single method - in practice
Look for all corner cases, and best coverage
Dont hesitate to include loops and fuzzing
Some unit tests could be skipped
if robust integration tests are involved
(e.g. not fixed values, but fuzzed/random content)
20. Integration Tests
Integrate several classes and methods
Favor composition over inheritance
Up to a system-wide tests (clients, servers)
Can mock/stub some dependencies
(e.g. email, DB, third-party library)
21. Integration Tests
Integrate several classes and methods
Triggered locally by the developers
(their main application should be the test suite,
not the client/UI/mobile application)
Include in the build chain
(e.g. in a batch file, or a Jenkins/github service)
Run in sandboxed or pre-production environment
(may use containers)
23. Performance Tests
Check for execution timing and proper scaling
Testing on the developer machine is inconsistent
(high-end hardware and local execution)
Ensure test environment consistency
(e.g. same DB indexes)
Not always: performance may not be a concern
for some features
24. Performance Tests
Check for execution timing in practice
Log accurate timing on production,
then identify real bottlenecks,
then write corresponding performance tests,
and include them to the Integration Tests
/ build chain if possible