The document provides an introduction to composite materials, including:
1. A brief history of composite materials from natural occurrences to modern developments.
2. A definition of composite materials as a combination of two materials and a basic composition of a composite including a matrix and reinforcements.
3. A classification of composites based on the matrix phase (polymer, metal, ceramic) and the type of reinforcements used (fibers, particulates, flakes, whiskers).
4. An overview of how to characterize the mechanical properties of composites including rule of mixtures, loading orientation, and methods to estimate properties like modulus of elasticity, strength, and thermal expansion.
2. Table of Contents 1
1. Inception and History
General Overview, Natural Occurrence and Anthropogenic History
2. Introduction
Technical Definition
3. Classification
Based on Matrix Phase
Based on Reinforcements
4. Mechanical Characterization
Rule of Mixture and Loading Orientation
Estimation of Various Properties
5. Advantages of Composite Materials
6. Disadvantages of Composite Materials
7. Conclusion
4. 3
Why Study contd.
Composites make a great proportion of most of the materials we
use in our daily lives
The use is ever increasing which makes it a must to understand
and explore these materials
5. 1. Inception and History of Composite
Composite Material
= Combination of two materials
Natural Occurrences
1. Trees = Cellulose Fibers + Lignin (natural Polymer)
2. Muscles
3. Bones
4. Silky thread made by
Anthropogenic History
Wood is the oldest known composite used by human beings
Straw Bricks as construction material, ~ 10000 BC ( Ashby et al)
Modern development began before World War II with requirement of
strong but light material
Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic was the first commercial Composite
used in Havilland Mosquito Bomber aircraft of Royal British Navy
6. 2. Introduction to Composite
Combination of 2 different materials at macroscopic
Identity of each component is retained
Composites Vs. Alloys
Basic Composition
Composite = Ground Substance (Matrix Phase)
+ Reinforcements (Mostly
Fig 1: Basic Components of a
Various combinations of Matrix and
Reinforcing Materials can be used as per
the requirement of various properties
and the uses
Various types based on various matrix
and reinforcement materials
7. 6
3. Classification of Composite
A. Based on Matrix Phase: Polymer/Metal/Ceramic
1. Polymer Matrix Composite,
PMC Matrix is made from a Polymer like Resins
The first commercial composite, Glass Fiber, was a PMC made with
Phenolic Resin
May be a. Thermosetting ~ Epoxy Resin OR
b. Thermoplastic ~ Polycarbonate, PVC, Nylon, Polystyrene
Light Weight
Easy Processing
Excellent Mechanical Properties
Extensive use in Automobile and Aeronautical
2. Metal Matrix Composite, MMC
Use metals like Aluminum, Magnesium, Iron, Cobalt etc. as
matrix phase
Provide additional Strength, Fracture Toughness and Stiffness
than PMC
Popular in Mobile Phone industries
8. 3.A Classification/Matrix Phase contd.
3. Ceramic Matrix Composite, CMC
Use Ceramic materials as the matrix phase and reinforce with short
fibers derived from Silicon Carbide, Boron Nitride, etc.
High Melting Point
Stability at elevated temperature ( ~ 1500 oC )
Corrosion Resistant
High Compressive Strength
Favorite choice for working in high temperature
X However they are quite brittle compared to
B. Classification Based on Reinforcement Materials:
1. Fiber Reinforcement
Fibers made from various materials are placed within the matrix
phase to form a composite of desired strength/properties
Fibers form the major load carrying element and are most common
9. 3.B Classification/By Reinforcement/Fibers . Contd.
3.B.1 Fiber Reinforcement:
Types of Fiber Reinforcement
A. Continuous/Long Fiber
Long, continuous and unbroken fibers are used with L/D > 100
Most common type of composite materials
Fibers may be oriented unidirectional or bidirectional
Better impact resistance and rigidity at elevated, sub zero
Modulus retention at elevated temperature
Creep resistance
Dimensional stability during solidification (thermoplastics used
as matrix phase)
B. Short/Chopped Fibers
Chopped or small pieces of fibers are used instead of long,
continuous fibers
L/D ratio is within 100
Common Fiber Materials
A. Carbon/Graphite B.
C. Aramid D. Boron
Fig-2: Fiber
10. 3.B.1 Classification/Based on Reinforcement/Fibers/ Common Fiber
Materials. Contd.
A. Carbon/Graphite Fibers
Fibers are made from carbon/graphite material, commonly derived from
Excellent fatigue resistance and do not undergo stress rupture like glass
High electrical conductivity, due to conductive nature of Carbon, thus used
for applications requiring good electrical properties
B. Glass Fiber
Glass is the most common reinforcement material for PMC
Common variants are E-glass, R-glass, S-glass, D-glass, ECR-glass etc.
Configuration may be Roving, Sheet Moulding, Woven Roving, Chopped
Strand Mat etc.
High Tensile Strength
X Lower Modulus compared to other
C. Aramid Fiber
Kevlar is a common aramid fiber
Highest strength to weight ratio among all commercial composites
Similar tensile strength but at least twice modulus compared to glass
High Toughness
X Lower compression strength, poor adhesion to matrix
11. 1
3.B.1 Classification/By Reinforcement/Fiber/Fiber Materials ..
D. Boron Fibers
Has been in use much before the use of Carbon fibers began
High cost led to gradual reduction in their except for specific
Similar tensile strength to glass fibers but very high modulus, up to
5 times higher
Composite has higher stiffness
3.B.2 Particulate Reinforcement
Reinforcement in form of particles which are of order of few microns in
Use of particles increases modulus and decreases ductility of matrix
Load is shared by both particle and matrix, majority by particles
E.g. Automobile type Carbon Black (particulate)+Rubber
Fig 3: Particulate
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3.B. Classification/By Reinforcement .Contd.
3.B.3 Flakes
Fig 4: Flake Composite
Flakes refer to small, flat (i.e. 2D geometry)
layer or chips
Very effective reinforcement as they impart
almost equal strength in all the directions
They can be packed very densely when laid
parallel, that is denser than the longitudinal
Aluminum flakes are used in paints, they align themselves parallel to
surface of the coating and impart good properties
3.B.4 Whiskers
Single crystal fibers; short,
discontinuous and with
polygonal section Fig 5: Microscopic view
of Whiskers
Fig 6: Whisker
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4. Mechanical Characterization :
4.1 Introduction
Estimation of mechanical properties of composite is a bit complex compared
to metals as they are anisotropic and the properties vary with directions
Structural analysis involves more parameters (like Stiffness/Strength
Constants) than the analysis of metals.
Mechanical characterization of composites is still under development, with
many existing methods under debate.
4.2 Loading Orientation and Rule of Mixture
A. Loading Orientation
Load may be
Iso Strain : Load aligned with
Iso Stress : Load transverse to
the fibers Fig 7: (a) Iso Strain Load (b) Iso
14. 13
4.2 Mechanical Characterization . Contd.
B. Rule of Mixture
Its an approach to estimate the mechanical properties of composite
Property of composite is the volume weighed average of the properties
of the constituents matrix and the dispersed phases
Some of the properties may depend on loading direction and vary for Iso
Strain and Iso Stress conditions, while other properties are same for both
the loading conditions
4.3 Estimation of various Mechanical Properties of the Composites
1. Density
dc = dm . Vm + df . Vf
dc ,dm,df densities of the composite, matrix and dispersed phase
Vm ,Vf volume fraction of the matrix and dispersed phase
15. 14
4.3 Mechanical Characterization/Mechanical Properties
2. Coefficient of Thermal
A. Iso-Strain/Parallel to fibers
留c =( 留m . Em .Vm + 留f . Ef . Vf ) / (Em . Vm + Ef Vf )
留c , 留m , 留f Coefficient of thermal expansion of composite in longitudinal
direction, matrix and dispersed phase (fiber) respectively;
Em , Ef Modulus of elasticity of matrix and dispersed phase (fiber) respectively.
B. Iso-Stress/Transverse to Fibers
留ct = (1+亮m) 留m . Vm + 留f . Vf
亮m - Poissons ratio of matrix
留ct Coefficient of thermal expansion in transverse
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4.3 Mechanical Properties . Contd.
3. Modulus of Elasticity
A. Iso Strain Condition
Ec = Em . Vm + Ef . Vf
B. Iso Stress Condition
1/Ect = Vm/Em + Vf/Ef
C. Short Fibers
Ecl = 侶o . 侶l . Vf . Ef + Vm . Em
侶l = 1 2 / (硫L) . tan h(硫L / 2 )
硫 =[ 8Gm / ( Ef . D2 . ln ( 2 R/ D))]1/2
Ef - Modulus of elasticity of matrix materials 侶o - 0.0 align in transverse
Gm - Shear modulus of matrix material 侶o - 1/5 random orientation in
any direction ( 3D )
侶l - Length correction factor 侶o - 3/8 random orientation in
any direction (2D)
L - Fibers length 侶 - 遜 bi- axial parallel to the fibers
17. 16
4.3 Mechanical Properties Cont.
4. Sheer Modulus
Gc = Gf . Gm / ( Vf . Gm + Vm . Gf )
Gf - shear modulus of elasticity of fiber material
Gm - shear modulus of elasticity of matrix
Gc - shear modulus of elasticity of composite
5. Poissons Ratio
袖 = Vf . 袖f + Vm . 袖m
袖f - Poissons ratio of fiber materials
袖m - Poissons ratio of matrix materials
袖 - Poissons ratio of composite
18. 17
4.3. Mechanical Properties . Contd.
6. Tensile Strength
A. Long Fiber
c = m . Vm + f . Vf
c , m, f - tensile strength of the composite ,matrix and
dispersed phase (fiber) respectively
B. Short Fiber
c = m . Vm + f . Vf . ( 1 Lc/ 2L ) for length less then
critical length, Lc
c = m*Vm + L* c*Vf/d for length more than
critical length
L c = f * d / Tc
d - diameter of fiber
Tc - shear strength of the bond between the matrix and dispersed
L - length of the fiber
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5. Advantages of Composite Materials
High Strength to Weight Ratio
Light Weight
Design Flexibility, to achieve desired stiffness, strength
and manufacturing requirements
Complex shapes are easily accomplished
Fire Resistance
Chemical and weathering Resistance
Resistance to fatigue damage with good damping properties
Low thermal conductivity
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5. Disadvantages
High Manufacturing Cost. A typical finished composite may cost
in between 10-15 times (or even more) the cost of material
being used.
Synthetic fibers have low melting point and thus high
temperature operation is not feasible for those type of
Repairs of composites is very difficult and complicated, unlike
metal based components
Sometimes, critical flaws and cracks in the composite structure
may go unnoticed
6. Conclusion
A field of heave research and development
Development of new types and obtaining the desired properties
is the main focus
Attempts are being made to reduce the manufacturing cost