Tema 16. Organització política d'Espanya i Catalunya (GEOGRAFIA. 2n BATXILLERAT)Rafael Palomero CaroLa democràcia. Les eleccions. Organització política i administrativa d'Espanya i de Catalunya
Death by PowerPointAlexei KapterevThis document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations. It notes that many presentations are "unbearable" due to a lack of significance, structure, simplicity, and rehearsal. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose for your presentation, using a simple structure like problem-solution, keeping slides concise with minimal text and images over clipart, writing speaker notes instead of long slides for printing, and rehearsing your presentation aloud to work out any issues. The overall message is that presentations should be passionate, memorable and scalable through a focus on simplicity and clarity of message.
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PC дээр CD.... бичиг гарч ирэхгүй бол дахин RESTART хийгээд F12 or DEL товч дарж CD –ээс ачаалах командыг BOIS-тохируулж өгөх .