Tots ells busquen una fam¨ªlia que els adopti i els estimi!!
Els trobar¨¤s al: CAAD MARESME ¨C ARGENTONA Crta. Comarcal C-1415c
(darrera cementiri nou) ARGENTONA // Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72
The document is a program for a 3.5 day event hosted by Anthony Robbins called "Unleash the Power Within" taking place in London from May 10-13, 2013. The event is designed to help attendees take control of their lives by discovering what they want, making a plan to achieve it, developing clarity and confidence, and learning to consistently take action. Attendees will learn techniques for changing anything in their life, developing influence and leadership skills, and experiencing a "firewalk" to overcome their fears. The event promises to help people thrive during times of global change and uncertainty by unleashing their inner power and potential.
¦¥¦Ñ¦Ã¦Á¦Ë¦Å?¦Á ¦Á¦Î¦É¦Ï¦Ë?¦Ã¦Ç¦Ò¦Ç? & ¦Ð¦É¦Ò¦Ó¦Ï¦Ð¦Ï?¦Ç¦Ò¦Ç? ¦Ð¦Å¦Ñ¦É¦Â¦Á¦Ë¦Ë¦Ï¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Ê?? ¦Ð¦Ï¦É?¦Ó¦Ç¦Ó¦Á? & ¦Á¦Å¦É¦Õ¦Ï¦Ñ?¦Á? ¦Ò¦Ó¦É...Hellenic Passive House Institute
The document discusses the urban heat island effect and its impacts. It notes that urban heat island intensity in European cities ranges from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius. It also notes that the number of hours and degree hours above 30 degrees Celsius in Athens has increased considerably from 1990-2004 compared to 1977-1989. The peak electricity demand for cooling buildings increases significantly due to the urban heat island effect.
Upper Austria has hundreds of passive buildings constructed in recent years, including homes, offices, and public buildings. Passive buildings use little energy for heating through high insulation, airtightness, and avoiding thermal bridges. Common characteristics include high insulation, prevention of thermal bridges, airtightness, solar orientation, efficient windows, and heat recovery ventilation. Upper Austrian examples showcased include the first music school and exhibition center built to passive standards.
¦°¦Á¦È¦Ç¦Ó¦É¦Ê? ¦°¦Ñ?¦Ó¦Ô¦Ð¦Ï ¦Ã¦É¦Á ¦Í?¦Á & ¦Ô¦Õ¦É¦Ò¦Ó?¦Ì¦Å¦Í¦Á ¦Ê¦Ó?¦Ñ¦É¦Á. ¦§ ¦Ò¦Ó¦Ñ¦Á¦Ó¦Ç¦Ã¦É¦Ê? ¦Å¦Í?¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Á ¦Ò¦Ó¦Ç¦Í ¦Ï¦É¦Ê¦Ï¦Í...Hellenic Passive House Institute
This document discusses sustainable passive houses for both old and new buildings. It highlights that retrofitting existing buildings to the passive house standard can result in energy savings that pay back the additional costs within 5-11 years. New buildings can also be constructed to the passive house standard to minimize energy usage from the beginning. The passive house standard is presented as a strategy to address economic and environmental issues.
This document summarizes an presentation given on October 6th, 2012 about experiences with passive houses in warm climates like Spain. It discusses the Spanish Passive House Platform, which was founded in 2008 to promote passive house standards in Spain. Several passive house projects in Spain are highlighted, including the first certified passive house in Spain from 2009. Ongoing efforts to promote passive building include Spanish passive house conferences and an award for passive projects.
Jersey Shore es un reality show estadounidense que sigue la vida de 8 j¨®venes que residen en Seaside Heights, Nueva Jersey. El programa presenta a Snooki, DJ Pauly D, Sammi, Deena, Vinny, JWoww, Ronnie y The Situation y sus aventuras durante varias temporadas en Nueva Jersey, Miami e Italia, incluyendo peleas entre los miembros del elenco y dramas amorosos.
This document discusses the opportunity to custom build and assemble your own personal aircraft. In the past, aircraft were mass produced, but now through, you can work with engineers to design specifications for a personalized plane that is assembled and shipped for you to then construct and fly yourself. The document provides acknowledgements for images used from various aviation and technology websites.
This document outlines the topics covered in a 7th class English program, including reading, writing, listening, grammar and speaking. Lessons focus on English grammar and vocabulary through activities like listening to CDs, watching DVDs, learning new words, the past simple tense, and writing letters. The program aims to improve English skills through a variety of exercises.
Revista "Adopta'm", on hi trobareu la major part dels gossos i gats que actualment es troben al Centre d'Atenci¨® d'Animals Dom¨¨stics de Companyia del Maresme - Argentona
This document contains a list of over 200 names, most of which appear to be names of pets or characters. The names are listed with no additional context or explanation. The document thanks the reader at the end and provides a website URL.
Object based image analysis tools for opticksMohit Kumar
This document summarizes a presentation on using Opticks, an open source remote sensing application, for object-based image analysis. It describes Opticks capabilities for working with imagery data, its plugin architecture, and how it can be used as a development framework. The presentation then outlines Opticks' workflow for object-based image analysis, including image segmentation, object attribution with features, classification using Mahalanobis distance, and vectorization of objects. It provides examples of segmenting and classifying an image and analyzes Opticks' performance at different image sizes. Source code links are also included.
Tots ells busquen una fam¨ªlia que els adopti i els estimi!!
Els trobar¨¤s al: CAAD MARESME ¨C ARGENTONA Crta. Comarcal C-1415c
(darrera cementiri nou) ARGENTONA // Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72
This document outlines the topics covered in a 7th class English program, including reading, writing, listening, grammar and speaking. Lessons focus on English grammar and vocabulary through activities like listening to CDs, watching DVDs, learning new words, the past simple tense, and writing letters. The program aims to improve English skills through a variety of exercises.
L'ACAAD ja t¨¦ whatsapp, la versi¨® m¨°bil del web, m¨¦s de 5.000 euros invertits en anal¨ªtiques, veterinaris, medicaments i pinsos pels animals amb necessitats especials,... aquestes i altres novetats a un nou InfoACAAD de l'Associaci¨® de Voluntaris del CAAD Maresme-Argentona
¦°¦Á¦È¦Ç¦Ó¦É¦Ê? ¦°¦Ñ?¦Ó¦Ô¦Ð¦Ï ¦Ã¦É¦Á ¦Í?¦Á & ¦Ô¦Õ¦É¦Ò¦Ó?¦Ì¦Å¦Í¦Á ¦Ê¦Ó?¦Ñ¦É¦Á. ¦§ ¦Ò¦Ó¦Ñ¦Á¦Ó¦Ç¦Ã¦É¦Ê? ¦Å¦Í?¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Á ¦Ò¦Ó¦Ç¦Í ¦Ï¦É¦Ê¦Ï¦Í...Hellenic Passive House Institute
This document discusses sustainable passive houses for both old and new buildings. It highlights that retrofitting existing buildings to the passive house standard can result in energy savings that pay back the additional costs within 5-11 years. New buildings can also be constructed to the passive house standard to minimize energy usage from the beginning. The passive house standard is presented as a strategy to address economic and environmental issues.
This document summarizes an presentation given on October 6th, 2012 about experiences with passive houses in warm climates like Spain. It discusses the Spanish Passive House Platform, which was founded in 2008 to promote passive house standards in Spain. Several passive house projects in Spain are highlighted, including the first certified passive house in Spain from 2009. Ongoing efforts to promote passive building include Spanish passive house conferences and an award for passive projects.
Jersey Shore es un reality show estadounidense que sigue la vida de 8 j¨®venes que residen en Seaside Heights, Nueva Jersey. El programa presenta a Snooki, DJ Pauly D, Sammi, Deena, Vinny, JWoww, Ronnie y The Situation y sus aventuras durante varias temporadas en Nueva Jersey, Miami e Italia, incluyendo peleas entre los miembros del elenco y dramas amorosos.
This document discusses the opportunity to custom build and assemble your own personal aircraft. In the past, aircraft were mass produced, but now through, you can work with engineers to design specifications for a personalized plane that is assembled and shipped for you to then construct and fly yourself. The document provides acknowledgements for images used from various aviation and technology websites.
This document outlines the topics covered in a 7th class English program, including reading, writing, listening, grammar and speaking. Lessons focus on English grammar and vocabulary through activities like listening to CDs, watching DVDs, learning new words, the past simple tense, and writing letters. The program aims to improve English skills through a variety of exercises.
Revista "Adopta'm", on hi trobareu la major part dels gossos i gats que actualment es troben al Centre d'Atenci¨® d'Animals Dom¨¨stics de Companyia del Maresme - Argentona
This document contains a list of over 200 names, most of which appear to be names of pets or characters. The names are listed with no additional context or explanation. The document thanks the reader at the end and provides a website URL.
Object based image analysis tools for opticksMohit Kumar
This document summarizes a presentation on using Opticks, an open source remote sensing application, for object-based image analysis. It describes Opticks capabilities for working with imagery data, its plugin architecture, and how it can be used as a development framework. The presentation then outlines Opticks' workflow for object-based image analysis, including image segmentation, object attribution with features, classification using Mahalanobis distance, and vectorization of objects. It provides examples of segmenting and classifying an image and analyzes Opticks' performance at different image sizes. Source code links are also included.
Tots ells busquen una fam¨ªlia que els adopti i els estimi!!
Els trobar¨¤s al: CAAD MARESME ¨C ARGENTONA Crta. Comarcal C-1415c
(darrera cementiri nou) ARGENTONA // Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72
This document outlines the topics covered in a 7th class English program, including reading, writing, listening, grammar and speaking. Lessons focus on English grammar and vocabulary through activities like listening to CDs, watching DVDs, learning new words, the past simple tense, and writing letters. The program aims to improve English skills through a variety of exercises.
L'ACAAD ja t¨¦ whatsapp, la versi¨® m¨°bil del web, m¨¦s de 5.000 euros invertits en anal¨ªtiques, veterinaris, medicaments i pinsos pels animals amb necessitats especials,... aquestes i altres novetats a un nou InfoACAAD de l'Associaci¨® de Voluntaris del CAAD Maresme-Argentona
Participem a l'Animaladda, arribem als 7.000 seguidors a la p¨¤gina Facebook, gossos i gats que esperen adopci¨®... i moooolt m¨¦s, d¨®na-hi un cop d'ull!
Este documento lista m¨¢s de 50 animales disponibles para adopci¨®n en el Centro de Acogida de Animales Dom¨¦sticos Maresme en Argentona, Espa?a. Proporciona los nombres de los animales, as¨ª como informaci¨®n de contacto para el centro.
Edici¨® especial de la revista Adopta'm amb motiu del Sal¨® Animaladda 2013, amb els animals que porten m¨¦s temps al CAAD Maresme esperant ser adoptats.
Tots ells busquen una fam¨ªlia que els adopti i els estimi!! Els trobar¨¤s al: CAAD MARESME ¨C ARGENTONA Crta. Comarcal C-1415c (darrera cementiri nou) ARGENTONA // Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72
Arriba el bon temps i amb ell arriben les vacances!! I amb el gos o gat, qu¨¨ fem? Doncs ens l¡¯emportem!! Cada cop hi ha m¨¦s llocs (hotels, apartaments, c¨¤mpings...) que accepten als nostres millors amics. El millor ¨¦s sempre confirmar a l¡¯hotel al que volem anar que ens podem emportar el nostre gos/gat.
En aquesta presentaci¨® us volem mostrar, breument, el nostre balan? d'aquests 4 anys treballant des de l'Associaci¨® pels animals del CAAD Maresme - Argentona.
Hi ha molta gent que s¡¯arriba a escandalitzar quan sent que hi ha nens que conviuen en una casa a on hi ha gossos. Per¨° el que no saben aquestes persones ¨¦s que els nens poden obtenir molts beneficis de tenir un gos a casa.
12. Els protagonistes deEls protagonistes de
la 21a passejadala 21a passejada
I aquests s¨®n
els nostres
A tots ells:
fer feli?os als
animals del
CAAD !!!!!!!!!!!!
13. Tots ells busquen una fam¨ªlia
que els adoptiadopti i els estimi!!
Els trobar¨¤s al:
Crta. Comarcal C-1415cCrta. Comarcal C-1415c
((darrera cementiri noudarrera cementiri nou))
Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72Tel. CAAD 93 797 42 72
ACAAD 697 75 84 76 |