Personal selling involves face-to-face interaction between a salesperson and potential customers to present and promote goods or services for sale. The salesperson's goal is to not only make a sale, but also to create long-term customers. Personal selling provides information to educate customers about new products and allows customers to examine products directly and get assistance with any questions or issues. It is an important tactic for both manufacturers and customers.
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1. Personal Selling
Lesson 22
Personal Selling
When you want to buy something you usually go to a concerned shop and purchase it from there.
But, sometimes you find people bring certain goods or products and make them available to you
at your place. For example, you find persons selling vegetables or rice by carrying the same in a
cart and moving from door to door to sell. You must have noticed persons selling sarees, carpets,
electronic items, etc. in a similar fashion. While traveling in buses or local trains you must also
have seen people selling pens, toys, books, combs, etc. inside the bus or train. In cities also
persons move from door to door to sell different products like water purifiers, air purifiers,
detergents, mosquito repellents, etc. Dont you think these are different methods of selling goods
unlike keeping them in a shop and sell? In this lesson let us learn more about these types of
22.1 Objectives
After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
State the meaning of personal selling;
explain the essential elements of personal selling;
describe the importance of personal selling; and
identify the qualities of a successful salesman.
22.2 Meaning of Personal Selling
Think about the persons who come to you to sell goods and commodities. What do they do?
2. Business Studies
They show certain variety of goods to you, try to explain the features of the products, if required
demonstrate the functioning of the items, inform you about the price concession available, persuade
you to buy the product and also in some cases promises you to bring certain items of your choice
in future. So not only do they inform and explain to you about the product but also persuade you
to buy those items and want you to buy from them in future also. On the other hand, you also
gather more information about the product, see and handle it personally to judge it better.
The person who sells goods to you in this way is called a salesman and the technique of selling
is known as personal selling or salesmanship. Thus, personal selling refers to the presentation
of goods before the potential buyers and persuading them to purchase it. It involves face-to-face
interaction and physical verification of the goods to be purchased. The objective is not only just
to sell the product to a person but also to make him/her a permanent customer.
You can also find personal selling in some shops where salesmen are employed by the shopkeeper
to use this technique. For example, you can find such salesmen in jewellery stores, consumer
goods stores, saree houses, etc. In case of some services, we also find personal selling used in
shops. For example, we find people going to the same barbershop to cut their hair and get a
massage from a specific barber. This shows that in case of personal selling the seller usually come
to know about the taster and preferences of the customer and thus attracts him to buy the goods
or services.
Personal selling refers to the presentation of goods and services before the customers
and convincing or persuading them to buy the products or services.
After having an idea about personal selling, let us know about some of the essential elements of
personal selling.
22.3 Essential elements of Personal Selling
Personal selling consists of the following elements:
i. Face-to-Face interaction: Personal selling involves a salesmen having face-to-face
interaction with the prospective buyers.
3. Personal Selling
ii. Persuasion: Personal selling requires persuasion on the part of the seller to the prospective
customers to buy the product. So a salesman must have the ability to convince the customers
so that an interest may be created in the mind of the customers to use that product.
iii. Flexibility: The approach of personal selling is always flexible. Sometimes salesman may
explain the features and benefits of the product, sometimes give demonstration of the use of
product and also faces number of queries from the customers. Looking into the situation
and interest of the customers, the approach of the salesman is decided instantly.
iv. Promotion of sales: The ultimate objective of personal selling is to promote sales by
convincing more and more customers to use the product.
v. Supply of Information: Personal selling provides various information to the customers
regarding availability of the product, special features, uses and utility of the products. So it
is an educative process.
vi. Mutual Benefit: It is a two-way process. Both seller and buyer derive benefit from it.
While customers feel satisfied with the goods, the seller enjoys the profits.
Intext Questions 22.1
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
i Personal selling involves persuading _________ to buy the goods
ii. The ultimate objective of personal selling is ________.
iii. The most important element of personal selling is ________ interaction.
iv. Supply of information to customers makes personal selling an ______ process.
22.4 Importance of Personal Selling
Personal Selling is extremely important as it helps in increasing sales. But there are other features
as well which make it important. Let us discuss the importance of personal selling from the point
of view of manufactures as well as consumers.
From manufacturers point of view
i. It creates demand for products both new as well as existing ones.
ii. It creates new customers and, thus help in expanding the market for the product.
iii. It leads to product improvement. While selling personally the seller gets acquainted with the
choice and demands of customers and makes suggestions accordingly to the manufacturer.
From customers point of view
i. Personal selling provides an opportunity to the consumers to know about new products
introduced in the market. Thus, it informs and educates the consumers about new products.
ii. It is because of personal selling that customers come to know about the use of new products
4. Business Studies
in the market. The sellers demonstrate the product before the prospective buyers and
explain the use and utility of the products.
iii. Personal selling also guides customers in selecting goods best suited to their requirements
and tastes as it involves face-to-face communication.
iv. Personal selling gives an opportunity to the customers to put forward their complaints and
difficulties in using the product and get the solution immediately.
Intext Questions 22.2
Which of the following statements are true and which are false?
i. Personal selling helps manufacturers to improve their products based on suggestions made
by sellers.
ii. Customers do not have immediate solution of their problems regarding a product from the
iii. Personal selling leads to creation of new customers only for the existing products.
iv. Better use of product is not the result of personal selling.
v. Customers can not make complaint to the salesman about a product.
22.5 Qualities of salesperson engaged in Personal Selling
It is very difficult to enlist the qualities of people engaged in personal selling. The quality will vary
from time to time and from situation to situation. It also depends upon the customers demand
and nature of the product. Again a salesman may be effective in one situation but may fail in
another situation. So in real life certain qualities may be suitable for a particular line of product
and may be irrelevant in any other case. However, there are certain common qualities, which
every salesman should possess in order to become successful in their life. These qualities are
listed below.
i. Physical Quality
ii. Mental Quality
iii. Integrity of character
iv. Knowledge of the product and the company
v. Good behaviour
vi. Ability to persuade
Now let us discuss the above qualities in detail.
i. Physical quality: A salesman should have a good appearance and an impressive personality.
He should also have a sound health.
5. Personal Selling
ii. Mental quality: A good salesman should posses certain mental qualities like imagination,
initiative, self-confidence, sharp memory, alertness etc. He should be able to understand
the needs and preferences of customers.
iii. Integrity of character: A good salesman should posses the qualities of honesty and integrity.
He is to gain the confidence of the customers. He should be able to understand their needs
and guide them how to satisfy those needs. His employer too should have faith in him. A
salesman should be loyal both to the employer and to the customers.
iv. Knowledge of the product and the company: A salesman should have full knowledge of
the product and the company he is representing. He should be able to explain each and
every aspect of the product i.e. its qualities, how to use it, what precautions to be taken,
etc. He should be able to explain the business and service record of the company. He
should also have knowledge of products of rival companies. So that he can put across the
superiority of his own products.
v. Good behaviour : A salesman should be co-operative and courteous. Good behaviour
enables one to win the confidence of the customers. He should not feel irritated if the buyer
puts up many questions even if the questions are irrelevant. It is also not necessary that the
person he is trying to convince buys the product. The salesman has to remain and courteous
in every case.
vi. Ability to persuade: A good salesman should be good in conversation so that he can
engage the person he is attending in conversation. He should be able to convince him and
create the desire in his mind to posses the commodity.
Intext Questions 22.3
State whether the following statement are true and which are false:
(i) Knowledge of product is not necessary to make one a good salesman.
(ii) A good salesman should have imagination, initiative and alertness.
(iii) It is not necessary for a good salesman that he must be accepted by the society.
(iv) A good salesman should be loyal to the consumer but not to the employer.
(v) Impressive voice, good appearance and sound health has no place in qualities of a good
22.6 What You Have Learnt
Personal selling refers to the presentation of goods and services and convincing and
persuading potential customers to buy the product or service.
Essential elements of personal selling :
6. Business Studies
o Face-to-face interaction;
o Persuasion;
o Flexibility;
o Promotion of sales;
o Supply of information; and
o Mutual benefits
Personal selling in important both from the customers and manufacturers point of view.
Qualities that can make a sales person more effective are many. These include physical and
mental qualities, integrity of character, knowledge of the product and the company, good
behaviour and ability to persuade the customers.
22.7 Terminal Exercise
1. What is meant by personal selling?
2. State the essential elements of personal selling.
3. Describe the importance of personal selling form the point of customers.
4. Explain the importance of personal selling from the point of view of manufacturers.
5. State the physical and mental qualities of sales persons engaged in personal selling.
6. State the social qualities of sales persons engaged in personal selling.
7. What are the occupational qualities of salespersons engaged in personal selling?
8. Define personal selling. Explain the importance of personal selling from the point of view of
customers and manufacturers.
9. What is meant by personal selling? Explain the essential elements of personal selling.
10. Do you think that to be a successful salesperson only personal and mental qualities are
sufficient? Give reasons in support of your answer.
11. Describe the different qualities of sales persons engaged in personal selling.
12. A salesman need not possess any quality if the product is good. Do you agree with the
statement? Give reason.
22.7 Key to Intext Questions
22.1 (i) customers; (ii) to promote sell of products, (iii) face-to-face; (iv) educative.
22.2 (i) True; (ii) False; (iii) False; (iv) False; (v) False
22.3 (i) False; (ii) True; (iii) False; (iv) False; (v) False
Activity For You
While buying any goods and services, carefully notice the behaviour of the salespersons and
note down the various qualities he/she possss.