Day 2, Session 2: Tenure reform - Experiences and lessons from other countries
Presentation by Li Shuxin, Policy Division Chief, Department of Policy and Law, State Forestry Administration, People's Republic of China
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Li Shuxin: Collective Forest Tenure Reform In China
2. contents
! Why collective forest tenure reform?
! Whats the content?
! What we have done?
! Whats the result?
! What have we learned?
! What we are doing now?
3. Forest statistics
Forest cover
Total forest land
area: 174.91million
Standing wood
volume: 13,618
million cubic meters
The stand volume
per hectare 84.73
cubic meters
4. Basic information
! Forest cover 8.6% to 18.21%
! Plantation area.
! 1990s large scale mountain
greening programe, some
provinces eradicate
barren land
! 1998-six key projects were
5. Forest Tenure in China
! Two land ownership types
! State-owned forest land
--42.45% forest area and 42.16% volume;
--Managed by state forest enterprises
and farms
! Collective
--57.55% area and 57.84% volume
--Diversified models of forest management
6. Why collective forest reform?
! History
--before 1978,planning economy
--after 1978,forest land contracting
to farmertaking back
! Problem
--Low productivity.
--Farmers have low interests in
--Rigid policies
8. Reform background
! Harmonize society
! New countryside
! To Meet forest product
9. Reform contents
! Goal
--increase forest resources
--increase farmers income
--good environment
--harmonious society
! Tasks(2008-2012)
--Giving 70ys forest land use right to farmers
--Issuing forest certificate by government
--Adjusting policies (e.g. cutting quote policies, reducing fees and taxes, financial
support etc.)
--From Document on advancing collective forest tenure
14. Status quo
! 28 provinces have issued documents on
advancing this reform
! 30 provinces have designated organizations
responsible for the reform.
! 5 provinces have finished first-step reform.
! 15 provinces are putting forward all the way
after piloting, the others are under experiment
15. Whats the result?
! 90% farmers satisfied with
the reform
! Three worrying doesnt
! Positive aspects
--Incentive motivated
--Forests increased
--Farmers income increased
--Community harmonizes
--Strengthen the ties between
government and farmers
20. Why success?
! Government support.
! Respecting peoples will.
! Advancing the reform
according to law.
! Careful designing the
! advancing reform in light
of realities of specific
! Right time
27. !"#$$%&'%
! From natural forest to
! Forest fragmentation??
! Income increase??
28. What we are doing
! Conference on forestry reform will be organized.
! Policies
- --farmers cooperative
- --cutting system reform
- --improve compensation standards
- --investment in forest infrastructure
- --monetary initiative
! Forest law revising
29. Thanks for your attention!
The department of policy and law,