Inheritance In JavaManish SahuJava Inheritance with its type and basic examples
Java collectionsHamid GhorbaniThe Java Collections Framework provides classes and interfaces that help store and manipulate collections of objects. The main collection interfaces are List, Set, and Map. Lists allow duplicate elements and access by index. Common List implementations are ArrayList and LinkedList. Sets do not allow duplicates. Common Set implementations are HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet. Maps store objects in key-value pairs and cannot have duplicate keys. Common Map implementations are HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap.
5 isi-riscos, ameacas e vulnerabilidadesHumberto XavierO documento discute riscos, ameaças e vulnerabilidades na segurança da informação. Define riscos como eventos que podem impactar os objetivos de negócio, ameaças como eventos indesejáveis que podem danificar recursos, e vulnerabilidades como fraquezas em ativos que podem ser exploradas por ameaças. Também lista e explica diversos tipos de ameaças como spoofing, tampering e negação de serviço, além de agentes de ameaça como vírus e worms.
java-threadbabu4b4uThis document provides an overview of threads in Java. It discusses what threads are, the different states threads can be in, how to set thread priorities, and the Thread class. It also covers the two main ways to create Java threads: by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface. Additional topics covered include thread groups, synchronization to avoid race conditions, and inter-thread communication.
Collections - Lists, Sets Hitesh-JavaIn this core java training session, you will learn Collections – Lists, Sets. Topics covered in this session are:
• List – ArrayList, LinkedList
• Set – HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet
For more information about this course visit on this link:
Collections in JavaKhasim CiseThe document discusses Java's Collections framework. It provides an overview of Collections and their benefits, describes the core Collections interfaces like Collection, Set, List, Queue, Map, SortedSet and SortedMap. It also discusses common operations, implementations, iteration, algorithms and thread safety considerations for Collections.
[OOP - Lec 20,21] InheritanceMuhammad Hammad WaseemInheritance allows one class to inherit properties from another parent class. This creates a hierarchy where child classes inherit behavior from the parent class and can add or override behavior. There are three types of access specifiers that determine whether inherited members are public, private, or protected. Virtual functions allow runtime polymorphism by overriding functions in derived classes. Pure virtual functions define an interface that derived classes must implement.
Java Lambda Expressions.pptxSameerAhmed593310Lambda expressions were added in Java 8 as a way to implement functional programming. They allow short, anonymous blocks of code to be passed around as parameters or returned from methods. A lambda expression takes parameters and returns a value without needing a name or class. They provide a concise way to represent method interfaces via expressions and simplify software development by providing implementations for functional interfaces.
Spring framework coreTaemon Piya-LumyongThis document provides an overview of the Spring Framework core module topics to be covered in a 2-week training, including introduction to Spring, basic beans, the IoC container, bean lifecycle, and annotations. The instructor team is listed and the topics are broken down into dependency injection, Spring modules, and a lab on basic DI setup.
react-js-notes-for-professionals-book.pdfAdilKhalki1This document provides an overview of React JS and discusses topics such as getting started, components, props, state, lifecycles, forms and user input, routing, and communicating between components. It includes chapters on basic concepts, creating and nesting components, passing data between components via props, managing component state, the component lifecycle, and setting up a React environment with tools like Webpack and Babel. Sections dive deeper into specific aspects like controlled vs uncontrolled components, default props, prop types, and using React with other libraries like TypeScript and jQuery.
Implementando Testes Unitários em Java - Manoel PimentelManoel Pimentel MedeirosO documento descreve uma palestra sobre testes unitários em Java usando JUnit. A palestra aborda conceitos de desenvolvimento guiado por testes, como escrever testes unitários, o framework JUnit e como implementar testes em JUnit usando Eclipse.
Collections In JavaBinoj T ECollections in Java include arrays, iterators, and interfaces like Collection, Set, List, and Map. Arrays have advantages like type checking and known size but are fixed. Collections generalize arrays, allowing resizable and heterogeneous groups through interfaces implemented by classes like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet and HashMap. Common operations include adding, removing, and iterating over elements.
RESTful API 제대로 만들기Juwon KimThis document discusses best practices for developing RESTful APIs. It begins by explaining that APIs should follow REST principles even if others are not, in order to be usable by others. It then shows an example of a non-RESTful API call. The document goes on to explain concepts like RESTful design, HTTP methods, resources, and HATEOAS. It provides examples of good and bad API patterns. It also introduces tools like appkr/fractal that can help build RESTful APIs in Laravel. Overall, the document provides guidance on how to properly structure APIs according to REST architectural principles.
Cap1 exercicios comandos linuxportal_Do_estudanteEste documento fornece uma lista de exercícios em Linux divididos em duas partes. A primeira parte inclui exercícios para criar e manipular diretórios e arquivos, mover e copiar arquivos entre diretórios. A segunda parte inclui exercícios para pesquisar arquivos, medir tempo de pesquisa e criar um script shell para copiar arquivos e mostrar informações sobre eles.
Spock FrameworkЛеонид СтавилаThe document discusses the Spock testing framework. It provides an overview of Spock, noting that it is a testing framework written in Groovy that embodies the behavior driven development (BDD) approach. Some key advantages of Spock are that it uses a more readable syntax compared to Java testing frameworks, has built-in support for stubs and mocks, and allows tests to be written in a given-when-then structure that resembles plain English.
Hacker ProfissionalDiolene SampaioO documento discute o conceito de hacker e oportunidades profissionais para hackers. Aborda a visão da sociedade, imprensa e empresas sobre hackers, além de conceitos como ética hacker e técnicas para desenvolver uma mentalidade hacker. O objetivo é entender o conceito de hacker e como pode ser uma profissão rentável seguindo princípios éticos.
Maven introdução Muito RápidaRudson Kiyoshi Souza CarvalhoO documento apresenta uma introdução rápida sobre o Apache Maven, incluindo sua história, propósito, instalação, configuração, criação de um projeto Java simples utilizando Maven e execução de testes no projeto gerado.
Spring: Overview do framework mais popular para desenvolvimento em JavaMariana de Azevedo SantosO documento fornece um resumo sobre o framework Spring, descrevendo:
1) Por que foi criado o Spring para substituir o EJB do Java EE, tornando o desenvolvimento Java mais leve e flexível;
2) Os principais conceitos do Spring como injeção de dependência e gerenciamento de beans;
3) As principais partes do framework Spring e projetos relacionados como Spring Boot, Spring MVC e Spring Data.
Training Offerings - CodeOps TechnologiesCodeOps Technologies LLPHere is a slidedeck for the training offerings from CodeOps Technologies. Interested in organizing a training in your organization? Contact us at:
NodejsVinod Kumar MarupuThis document provides an overview of server-side JavaScript using Node.js in 3 sentences or less:
Node.js allows for the development of server-side applications using JavaScript and non-blocking I/O. It introduces some theory around event loops and asynchronous programming in JavaScript. The document includes examples of building HTTP and TCP servers in Node.js and connecting to MongoDB, as well as when Node.js may and may not be suitable.
Abstract Class PresentationtigerwarnThe document discusses abstract classes and concrete classes in Java. It defines an abstract class as a class marked with the abstract keyword that can contain abstract methods without an implementation. Concrete classes must implement the abstract methods and provide a basic implementation. The document includes an example abstract class program and concrete class program to demonstrate the relationship between the two, where the concrete class inherits from and implements the abstract class.
Les collections en JavaPapa Cheikh CisseChapitre sur les collections relatif à mon cours d'introduction à Java.
Ppt of c vs c#shubhra chauhanThe document provides information about C and C Sharp programming languages. It discusses the history, features, data types, loops, conditional statements, functions, arrays, pointers, object-oriented concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism in both the languages. It also highlights some advantages of C Sharp over C like automatic memory management, no need of header files etc.
Abstract class and InterfaceHaris Bin ZahidAbstraction is a process by which concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal ("real" or "concrete") concepts.
Abstraction is a concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts, and connects any related concepts as a group, field, or category.
Неотрефлексированный сдвиг парадигмы: от поколений языков программирования вы...Alexey NeznanovЛекция на школе учителей 2018-11-05. Название слишком забористое, но в целом это более-менее системное и актуальное рассмотрение того, что происходит с языками программирования. Лекция прочитана перед изучением языка Питон (Python). Много ссылок
[OOP - Lec 20,21] InheritanceMuhammad Hammad WaseemInheritance allows one class to inherit properties from another parent class. This creates a hierarchy where child classes inherit behavior from the parent class and can add or override behavior. There are three types of access specifiers that determine whether inherited members are public, private, or protected. Virtual functions allow runtime polymorphism by overriding functions in derived classes. Pure virtual functions define an interface that derived classes must implement.
Java Lambda Expressions.pptxSameerAhmed593310Lambda expressions were added in Java 8 as a way to implement functional programming. They allow short, anonymous blocks of code to be passed around as parameters or returned from methods. A lambda expression takes parameters and returns a value without needing a name or class. They provide a concise way to represent method interfaces via expressions and simplify software development by providing implementations for functional interfaces.
Spring framework coreTaemon Piya-LumyongThis document provides an overview of the Spring Framework core module topics to be covered in a 2-week training, including introduction to Spring, basic beans, the IoC container, bean lifecycle, and annotations. The instructor team is listed and the topics are broken down into dependency injection, Spring modules, and a lab on basic DI setup.
react-js-notes-for-professionals-book.pdfAdilKhalki1This document provides an overview of React JS and discusses topics such as getting started, components, props, state, lifecycles, forms and user input, routing, and communicating between components. It includes chapters on basic concepts, creating and nesting components, passing data between components via props, managing component state, the component lifecycle, and setting up a React environment with tools like Webpack and Babel. Sections dive deeper into specific aspects like controlled vs uncontrolled components, default props, prop types, and using React with other libraries like TypeScript and jQuery.
Implementando Testes Unitários em Java - Manoel PimentelManoel Pimentel MedeirosO documento descreve uma palestra sobre testes unitários em Java usando JUnit. A palestra aborda conceitos de desenvolvimento guiado por testes, como escrever testes unitários, o framework JUnit e como implementar testes em JUnit usando Eclipse.
Collections In JavaBinoj T ECollections in Java include arrays, iterators, and interfaces like Collection, Set, List, and Map. Arrays have advantages like type checking and known size but are fixed. Collections generalize arrays, allowing resizable and heterogeneous groups through interfaces implemented by classes like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet and HashMap. Common operations include adding, removing, and iterating over elements.
RESTful API 제대로 만들기Juwon KimThis document discusses best practices for developing RESTful APIs. It begins by explaining that APIs should follow REST principles even if others are not, in order to be usable by others. It then shows an example of a non-RESTful API call. The document goes on to explain concepts like RESTful design, HTTP methods, resources, and HATEOAS. It provides examples of good and bad API patterns. It also introduces tools like appkr/fractal that can help build RESTful APIs in Laravel. Overall, the document provides guidance on how to properly structure APIs according to REST architectural principles.
Cap1 exercicios comandos linuxportal_Do_estudanteEste documento fornece uma lista de exercícios em Linux divididos em duas partes. A primeira parte inclui exercícios para criar e manipular diretórios e arquivos, mover e copiar arquivos entre diretórios. A segunda parte inclui exercícios para pesquisar arquivos, medir tempo de pesquisa e criar um script shell para copiar arquivos e mostrar informações sobre eles.
Spock FrameworkЛеонид СтавилаThe document discusses the Spock testing framework. It provides an overview of Spock, noting that it is a testing framework written in Groovy that embodies the behavior driven development (BDD) approach. Some key advantages of Spock are that it uses a more readable syntax compared to Java testing frameworks, has built-in support for stubs and mocks, and allows tests to be written in a given-when-then structure that resembles plain English.
Hacker ProfissionalDiolene SampaioO documento discute o conceito de hacker e oportunidades profissionais para hackers. Aborda a visão da sociedade, imprensa e empresas sobre hackers, além de conceitos como ética hacker e técnicas para desenvolver uma mentalidade hacker. O objetivo é entender o conceito de hacker e como pode ser uma profissão rentável seguindo princípios éticos.
Maven introdução Muito RápidaRudson Kiyoshi Souza CarvalhoO documento apresenta uma introdução rápida sobre o Apache Maven, incluindo sua história, propósito, instalação, configuração, criação de um projeto Java simples utilizando Maven e execução de testes no projeto gerado.
Spring: Overview do framework mais popular para desenvolvimento em JavaMariana de Azevedo SantosO documento fornece um resumo sobre o framework Spring, descrevendo:
1) Por que foi criado o Spring para substituir o EJB do Java EE, tornando o desenvolvimento Java mais leve e flexível;
2) Os principais conceitos do Spring como injeção de dependência e gerenciamento de beans;
3) As principais partes do framework Spring e projetos relacionados como Spring Boot, Spring MVC e Spring Data.
Training Offerings - CodeOps TechnologiesCodeOps Technologies LLPHere is a slidedeck for the training offerings from CodeOps Technologies. Interested in organizing a training in your organization? Contact us at:
NodejsVinod Kumar MarupuThis document provides an overview of server-side JavaScript using Node.js in 3 sentences or less:
Node.js allows for the development of server-side applications using JavaScript and non-blocking I/O. It introduces some theory around event loops and asynchronous programming in JavaScript. The document includes examples of building HTTP and TCP servers in Node.js and connecting to MongoDB, as well as when Node.js may and may not be suitable.
Abstract Class PresentationtigerwarnThe document discusses abstract classes and concrete classes in Java. It defines an abstract class as a class marked with the abstract keyword that can contain abstract methods without an implementation. Concrete classes must implement the abstract methods and provide a basic implementation. The document includes an example abstract class program and concrete class program to demonstrate the relationship between the two, where the concrete class inherits from and implements the abstract class.
Les collections en JavaPapa Cheikh CisseChapitre sur les collections relatif à mon cours d'introduction à Java.
Ppt of c vs c#shubhra chauhanThe document provides information about C and C Sharp programming languages. It discusses the history, features, data types, loops, conditional statements, functions, arrays, pointers, object-oriented concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism in both the languages. It also highlights some advantages of C Sharp over C like automatic memory management, no need of header files etc.
Abstract class and InterfaceHaris Bin ZahidAbstraction is a process by which concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal ("real" or "concrete") concepts.
Abstraction is a concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts, and connects any related concepts as a group, field, or category.
Неотрефлексированный сдвиг парадигмы: от поколений языков программирования вы...Alexey NeznanovЛекция на школе учителей 2018-11-05. Название слишком забористое, но в целом это более-менее системное и актуальное рассмотрение того, что происходит с языками программирования. Лекция прочитана перед изучением языка Питон (Python). Много ссылок
Некоторые трудности при обучении программированию:что нельзя обойти и умолч...Alexey NeznanovПрезентация к обсуждению с учителями информатики на школе учителей основных трудностей при обучении программированию и алгоритмизации в старших классах.
Тема не устаревает уже много лет. Систематизация в красивой форме давно напрашивалась.
Как обычно, есть красивые картинки и полезные ссылки.
Программирование как способ выражения мыслей. Levon AvakyanЯ расскажу на простейших примерах как функционирует современный компьютер, какие языки программирования бывают, для чего они используются, какие парадигмы лежат в их основе. По сути, язык программирования это инструмент, с помощью которого можно рассказать машине, чего же мы от неё хотим, тем самым воплотив свои мысли.
Java Core. Lecture# 1. IntroAnton MoiseenkoThe 1-st lecture from the course "Java Core".
Chair of Information Net Technologies.
St-Petersburg State University Of Aerospace Instrumentation.
Solit 2013, Советы по написанию кода: именование, массивы и перечисления, Вор...solitВоробьёв Артём, Минск. Работал программистом в сфере защиты информации, затем перешел в область мобильных разработок, сейчас занимается разработкой игр для мобильных устройств.
«Советы по написанию кода: именование, массивы и перечисления». Development секция. Для студентов и разработчиков.В презентации будут даны некоторые советы по именованию переменных и классов, а также некоторые соображения по использованию массивов и перечислений для написания более качественного кода. В презентации для пояснения идей будут использованы небольшие куски кода.
основы ооп на языке C#. часть 1. введение в программированиеYakubovichDAОсновы объектно-ориентированного программирования на языке C#. Часть 1. Введение в программирование.
Рассматривается базовые понятие алгоритмов, блок-схем, объектно-ориентированного программирования на базе платформы .NET Framework.
2016 ВКР Черемискина Н.А.Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinВыпускная квалификационная работа бакалавра Черемискиной Н.А. Тема "Разработка компьютерной модели в пакете ANSYS для исследования работы пластинчатого теплообменника и проведения лабораторных работ" (УрФУ, 2016). Руководитель профессор, д.т.н. Лавров В.В.
2016 ВКР Гребнева Н.В.Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinВыпускная квалификационная работа бакалавра Гребневой Н.В. Тема "Разработка компьютерной модели в пакете ANSYS для исследования работы водо-воздушных теплообменных аппаратов и проведения лабораторных работ" (УрФУ, 2016). Руководитель профессор, д.т.н. Лавров В.В.
2016 ВКР Имашева А.А.Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinВыпускная квалификационная работа бакалавра Имашева А.А. Тема "Разработка программного обеспечения систем размещения и визуализации показаний датчиков мониторинга распределения концентрации газов на земной поверхности" (УрФУ, 2016). Руководитель профессор, д.т.н. Лавров В.В.
магистратура 09.04.02 ист на кафедре тим урфу+Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinМагистерская программа 09.04.02 «Информационные системы и технологии в металлургии». Профиль «Информационные системы и технологии в металлургии». Квалификация (степень) выпускника – «магистр». Базовая кафедра для подготовки – кафедра «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» Уральского федерального университета.
(с) Кафедра «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» УрФУ, 2016 г.
магистратура 22.04.02 металлургия на кафедре тим+Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinМагистерская программа 22.04.02 - «Теплофизические основы конструирования и эксплуатации промышленных печей». Профиль «Металлургия».
Базовая кафедра для подготовки – кафедра «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» Уральского федерального университета.
(с) Кафедра «Теплофизика и информатика в металлургии» УрФУ, 2015 г.
2014 диплом Терехова А.ЮUral Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinДипломный проект Тереховой А.Ю. Тема "Разработка автоматизированной системы для оптимизации расчета доменной шихты" (УрФУ, 2014). Руководитель доцент, к.т.н. Лавров В.В.
2014 диплом Мухаметшин Р.РUral Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. YeltsinДипломный проект Мухаметшина Р.Р. Тема "Разработка программного обеспечения системы контроля теплового состояния и прогнозирования толщины огнеупорной футеровки промышленных печей" (УрФУ, 2014). Руководитель доцент, к.т.н. Лавров В.В.
2. 2
Интерфейс (interface) — это именованный набор абстрактных членов.
• Абстрактные методы не имеют никакой стандартной реализации.
• Интерфейс выражает поведение, которое данный класс или структура может избрать
для поддержки.
• Количество абстрактных членов в интерфейсе зависит от того, какое поведение
пытаются смоделировать при помощи этого интерфейса.
• Каждый класс (или структура) может поддерживать столько интерфейсов, сколько
необходимо, и, следовательно, тем самым поддерживать множество поведений.
() Владислав Лавров,
3. 3
Пример иерархия геометрических фигур с интерфейсами
IPoint показывает
количество углов
() Владислав Лавров,
4. 4
Пример объявление интерфейсов
Во всех классах, наследуемых от данного интерфейса, метод GetNumbersOfPoints()
обязательно должен быть реализован!
() Владислав Лавров,
7. 7
Способы получения ссылки на интерфейс
Способ 1. Явное приведение типов
() Владислав Лавров,
8. 8
Способы получения ссылки на интерфейс (продолжение)
(!) Чтобы избежать проблем с исключением, исключение нужно
перехватить и обработать
() Владислав Лавров,
9. 9
Способ 2. Использовать ключевое слово as
Способы получения ссылки на интерфейс (продолжение)
() Владислав Лавров,
10. 10
Способ 3. Использовать оператор is
Способы получения ссылки на интерфейс (продолжение)
() Владислав Лавров,