This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, an online presentation tool. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by uploading it to 端端舝Share. A stock photo accompanies the text with an image of a person using a laptop.
Se presenta una experiencia de clase, donde se narran 3 momentos de la praxis diaria, logrando evidenciar c車mo la tendencias pedag車gicas de APRENDIZAJE FLEXIBLE, enriquece las experiencias de ense?anza y aprendizaje.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, an online presentation tool. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by uploading it to 端端舝Share. A stock photo accompanies the text with an image of a person using a laptop.
Se presenta una experiencia de clase, donde se narran 3 momentos de la praxis diaria, logrando evidenciar c車mo la tendencias pedag車gicas de APRENDIZAJE FLEXIBLE, enriquece las experiencias de ense?anza y aprendizaje.
Este documento describe un diplomado para docentes sobre el uso pedag車gico de las TIC con impacto en los estudiantes. Incluye la caracterizaci車n de 5 docentes participantes y de la instituci車n educativa, as赤 como un diagn車stico inicial de los estudiantes. Tambi谷n presenta 3 recursos educativos digitales identificados y un proyecto de lectura dise?ado. El objetivo es mejorar la comprensi車n lectora de los estudiantes mediante el uso de las TIC.
Gerencia de Proyectos de Tecnolog赤a EducativaEdwin Bonza
Este documento trata sobre la gerencia de proyectos de tecnolog赤a educativa. Explica que la gerencia de proyectos es una disciplina que aplica conocimientos, habilidades, herramientas y t谷cnicas para organizar y administrar los recursos de un proyecto desde su inicio hasta su finalizaci車n. Tambi谷n describe los roles de un profesional de gerencia de proyectos, los elementos del ciclo de vida de un proyecto y las habilidades clave que debe tener un director de proyectos como el liderazgo, la capacidad de influencia, la negoci
This document discusses a new technology called terraVX that enhances location-based services by incorporating 3D intervisibility analysis. TerraVX takes terrain visibility into account, allowing it to more accurately determine which landscape features are visible or close from different vantage points compared to traditional 2D models. Key aspects of terraVX include computing viewsheds and complete intervisibility between landscape features to provide guidance for open country navigation. Challenges include acquiring and maintaining detailed 3D terrain data and data volumes for pervasive databases.
Kathyren M. Tan is seeking a job that matches her qualifications and skills. She has over 10 years of experience in customer service roles in the Philippines and UAE, handling orders, billing inquiries, sales, and travel assistance. Her education includes a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and vocational training in caregiving.
La Agenda de Avanzado Aprendizaje AAA proporciona una gu赤a para el proceso de aprendizaje a trav谷s de tareas, ejercicios y talleres orientados por un tutor o docente, utilizando foros, herramientas y servicios en la p芍gina personal con perfiles, centros de apoyo, tablero de anotaciones y calificaciones, para lograr los objetivos y desarrollar competencias a trav谷s del aprendizaje condensado en un libro electr車nico multimedial.
Thailand Definition of Literacy and scientific literacyglobalchildhoods
This document discusses literacy and scientific literacy in Thailand. It defines language literacy as including Thai literacy and English literacy. Scientific literacy is defined as the ability to formulate questions about natural phenomena, describe and explain everyday experiences, and find ways to answer questions. The document also discusses four ways of perceiving scientific literacy: cultural, utilitarian, democratic, and economic. Two studies are summarized - one looking at grade 1 students' Thai language abilities through interviews and observations, and another using a science, technology, and society (STS) approach to interpret grade 6 students' thinking and decision making about food and nutrients.
Re-imagining Services Years Two and ThreeCANorfolk
Re-imagining years 2 & 3 presentation from the Re-imagining Services Years Two and Three VCSE engagement event. The focus of this session is on re-imagining Norfolk years two and three. Re-imagining Norfolk is Norfolk County Council*s medium strategy to radically change the way it runs services for Norfolk people.
Este documento proporciona una lista de atajos de teclado 迆tiles en Microsoft Word. Algunos de los atajos m芍s destacados incluyen Ctrl + A para abrir un documento, Ctrl + R para cerrar un documento, Ctrl + U para crear un nuevo documento del mismo tipo que el actual y Ctrl + May迆s + C para copiar el formato de texto. Otros atajos permiten cambiar el tipo y tama?o de letra, subrayar palabras, quitar sangr赤a y convertir texto a may迆sculas o min迆sculas.
Este documento proporciona una gu赤a sobre c車mo usar Microsoft PowerPoint. Explica las herramientas y funciones b芍sicas como crear diapositivas, insertar im芍genes, animar la presentaci車n, y dar formato al texto. Tambi谷n incluye consejos para crear una presentaci車n efectiva como mantener un m芍ximo de 6 l赤neas por diapositiva con no m芍s de 6 palabras cada una.
Conferencia Inaugural del D. Jos谷 Carlos Bermejo Higuera, en las XXI Jornadas de Humanizaci車n de la Salud y II Jornadas de la Asociaci車n de Counselling Humanista Espa?ola
The document discusses several topics:
1. It describes different forms of communication between parties, including verbal and non-verbal signals.
2. Examples are provided of misunderstandings that can occur due to ambiguities or lack of context in communications.
3. The importance of actively listening to fully understand intended meanings is emphasized. Clarifying questions can be asked to resolve uncertainties and have a respectful dialogue.
This document describes the process of preparing salts through titration. It explains that titration allows the neutralization of an acid and base to be carried out exactly, producing a soluble salt. It provides the example of preparing sodium chloride through titrating hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide. The steps involve adding an indicator, titrating the acid with the base until the endpoint is reached, evaporating the solution to leave behind salt crystals, and filtering and drying the crystals. It asks how ammonium nitrate could be prepared using this method.