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GUI-based Testing 
Alessandro Marchetto 
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST
GUI-based Testing 
 One of the practical methods commonly used to detect the 
presence of errors (failures) in a computer program is to 
exercise it by using its Graphical User Interface. 
Our program 
The output 
is correct? 
I1, I2, I3, 
, In,  
Expected results 
= ? 
Obtained results 
GUI-based Testing: again four main questions 
 At which level conducting the testing? 
 How to choose inputs? 
 using the specifications/use cases/requirements 
 using the code 
 only considering the GUI (functionality, structure) 
 How to identify the expected output? 
 test oracles 
 How good test cases are? 
 when we can stop the testing activity
GUI . what? 
 GUI as a means to use/interact with the software 
 GUI are nowadays almost ubiquitous, even in safety 
critical systems 
 Different types of device (web, pc, tablet, palm, mobile) 
 GUI interacts with the underlying code by method calls 
or messages 
 GUI can exercise remote code 
 GUI responds to user events (e.g., mouse clicks) 
 GUIs are event-driven systems 
 Testing GUI correctness is critical for system usability, 
robustness and safety 
 The whole system can be executed by means of the 
GUI . more formally 
A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a hierarchical, 
graphical front end to a software system 
A GUI contains graphical objects w, called widgets, each 
with a set of properties p, which have discrete values 
v at run-time. 
At any time during the execution, the values of the 
properties of each widget of a GUI define the GUI 
state: { (w, p, v), } 
A graphical event e is a state transducer, which yields the 
GUI from a state S to the next state S.
GUI-based Testing 
 Testing GUI software systems is different 
from testing non-GUI software 
 Non-GUI testing: suites are composed of test cases 
that invoke methods of the system and catch the 
return value/s; 
 GUI-based testing: suites are composed of test 
cases that are: 
 able to recognize/identify the components of a GUI; 
 able to exercise GUI events (e.g., mouse clicks); 
 able to provide inputs to the GUI components (e.g., filling text 
 able to test the functionality underlying a GUI set of components; 
 able to check the GUI representations to see if they are 
consistent with the expected ones; 
 often, strongly dependent on the used technology;
GUI testing difficulties 
 GUI test automation is difficult 
 Often GUI test automation is technology-dependent 
 Observing and trace GUI states is difficult 
 UI state explosion problem 
 A lot of possible states of the GUI 
 Controlling GUI events is difficult 
 Explosion of the possible combinations of events to do 
the same thing 
 GUI test maintenance is hard and costly
GUI testing advantages 
 Automation is feasible 
 Several frameworks and tools support it 
 Easy to conduct for non-expert people 
 It is funny to do
Which type of GUI-based testing? 
 System testing 
 Test the whole system 
 Acceptance testing 
 Accept the system 
 Regression testing 
 Test the system w.r.t. changes
GUI-based Acceptance Testing 
Acceptance Tests are specified by the customer and analyst to test that the 
overall system is functioning as required (Do developers build the right 
 Manual Acceptance testing. User exercises the system 
manually using his creativity. 
 Acceptance testing with GUI Test Drivers (at the GUI level). 
These tools help the developer do functional/acceptance testing 
through a user interface such as a native GUI or web interface. 
 Table-based acceptance testing. Starting from a user story (or 
use case or textual requirement), the customer enters in a table 
the expectations of the programs behavior. 
 Black-Box (aka functional) approaches can be used to define 
test specification then executed manually, by means of the GUI or 
by table-based testing.
Approaches for GUI-based testing 
 Manual based 
 Based on the domain and application knowledge of the tester 
 Capture and Replay 
 Based on capture and replay of user sessions 
 Model-based testing 
 Based on the execution of user sessions selected from a 
model of the GUI 
 Which type of model to use? 
 Event-based model 
 State-based model 
 Domain model 
 How do obtain the model to be used? 
 Specification-based model 
 Model recovered from existing software systems 
 Log-based model
Coverage criteria for GUI-based testing 
 Conventional code-based coverage cannot be 
 GUIs are implemented in terms of event-based 
system, hence, the abstraction level is different w.r.t. 
the conventional system code. So mapping between 
GUI events and system code can not be so easy. 
 Possible coverage criteria: 
 Event-coverage: all events of the GUI need to be executed at 
least once 
 State-coverage: all states of the GUI need to be exercised 
at least once 
 Functionality-coverage: .. using a functional point of view
Event-based Model 
Model the space of GUI event interactions as a graph 
Given a GUI: 
1. create a graph model of all the possible sequences 
that a user can execute 
2. use the model to generate event sequences 
Event-based Model 
Event-flow graph 
New Open Save  
Cut Copy Paste Replace Undo  
Editbox0 Editbox1 Match case 
Find next Replace Replace all Cancel 
Top level 
TC: <S0, event1, event2, > 
Oracle: <State1, State2, > & !CRASH
Event-based Model 
Model Type: 
 Complete event-model 
 Partial event-model 
Event types: 
 Structural events (Edit, Replace) 
 Termination events (Ok, cancel) 
 System interaction events (Editbox0, Find next) 
Coverage criteria 
 Event coverage 
 Event coverage according the exercised functionality 
 Coverage of semantically interactive events 
 2-way, 3-way coverage 
State-based Model 
Model the space of GUI event interactions as a state 
model, e.g., by using a finite state machine (FSM): 
 States are screenshot/representation of the GUI 
 Transitions are GUI events that change the GUI state 
Given a GUI: 
1. create a FSM of the possible sequences that a user 
can execute, considering the GUI state 
2. use the FSM to generate event sequences 
e4 e5
State-based Model 
- State: GUI 
-Transition: event 
that changes the GUI 
<fill + ok> 
<fill + ok>
Problem: state explosion! 
 Use of a state abstraction function 
It maps concrete states into abstract states 
(i.e., sets of concrete states)
Log-based Recovered Model 
 How do obtain the model? 
 starting from system specification or 
 starting from the system (i.e., reverse 
1. trace some system executions (at method calls 
2. infer a model 
3. refine it manually, if needed
Test oracles for GUI-based testing 
 It could be difficult to detect faults looking the GUI 
 Crash testing is often used; 
 In a GUI test case, an incorrect GUI states can take the 
user to an unexpected/wrong interface screen or it 
can make the user unable to do a specific action; 
 e.g., after the click of a button, we try to click the button again 
but we fail since the button no longer exists, after the first click. 
 A GUI state can be represented by the components 
expected to be part of the GUI in a give time and their 
 e.g., window position, GUI objects, GUI title, GUI content, GUI 
GUI errors: examples 
 Incorrect functioning 
 Missing commands (e.g., GUI events) 
 Incorrect GUI screenshots/states 
 The absence of mandatory UI components (e.g., text 
fields and buttons) 
 Incorrect default values for fields or UI objects 
 Data validation errors 
 Incorrect messages to the user, after errors 
 Wrong UI construction 
GUI-based Testing: process 
1. Identify the testing objective by defining a coverage 
2. Generate test cases from GUI structure, specification, 
 Generate sequences of GUI events 
 Complete them with inputs and expected oracles 
3. Define executable test cases 
4. Run them and check the results
GUI-based Regression Testing 
 GUI-based testing means to execute the GUI of a 
system exercising its GUI components; 
 A small changes in the GUI layout can make the GUI 
test cases old and useless; 
 Hence, GUI-based test suite need to be maintained 
and often chagned 
 supporting tools are welcomed 
 Often, GUIs are realized by means of rapid prototyping 
or automatic framework. This requires an efficient 
approach to generate and maintain GUI test suite 
 supporting tools are welcomed
Capture and Replay 
A capture and replay testing tool captures user 
sessions (user inputs and events) and store 
them in scripts (one per session) suitable 
to be used to replay the user session. 
An ad-hoc infrastructure is needed to intercept GUI events, 
GUI states, thus storing user sessions and also to be 
able to replay them. 
- they can work at application or VM level 
Recorded information 
 Inputs, outputs, and other information needed 
to replay a user session need to be recorded 
during the capture process. 
 General information: date/time of recording, etc. 
 System start-up information 
 Events from test tool to system 
 Point of control, event 
 Events from system to test tool 
 Checkpoints / expected outputs 
 Time stamps
Capture and Replay: the process 
1. The tester interacts with the system GUI to run the 
system, thus generating sessions of sequence of 
mouse clicks, UI and keyboard events; 
2. The tool captures and stores the user events and the 
GUI screenshots; 
 a script is produced per each user session 
3. The tester can automatically replay the execution by 
running the script 
 the script can be also changed by the tester 
 the script can be enriched with expected output, 
 the script can be replicated to generate many variants (e.g., 
changing the input values) 
4. In case of GUI changes, the script must be updated
Tools for GUI-based testing 
 HtmlUnit, HttpUnit,JWebUnit 
Running Example: Calculator 
Calc_1 : 
 Logic mixed to GUI 
 GUI realized by using 
Calc_2 : 
 Logic mixed to GUI 
 GUI realized by using AWT 
Calc_3 : 
 Logic separated from the 
 GUI realized by using AWT 
These apps are from the net hence please refer to the authors copyright
 Is a tool that helps writing System/GUI tests 
for Java/Swing applications 
 Consists of a recorder, player, and an editor 
 Records tests script in Python 
 It is possible to use it without knowing Python  
 Allows to insert assertions in the script easily 
 Using a specific GUI 
 Shows testing results using JUnits control bar 
 download Marathon and its user manual
Marathon example (1) 
 A calculator application 
was developed (Swing) 
 We want to write tests 
for the calculator 
 Ex. add two values 
1. create a new Marathon 
2. create a new empty test 
(a test is a Python script 
3. build the test (recording)
Marathon example (2) 
Record the script 
 click on the record button in 
the toolbar 
 the red circle 
 enter 12 + 4 =, the result is 
displayed (16) 
 press control + right-click in 
the text area, to open the 
contextual menu 
 select Assert Text 
 stop recording (the button 
with a red square), the script 
now looks like: 
 save the script
Marathon example (3) 
Run the script 
 Select the JUnit tab 
 Click the test view, you should 
see your new created test 
 Click on the Run all tests 
button, in the JUnits control 
 get the green bar
 Is a tool that helps writing System/GUI tests for Java 
AWT/Swing applications 
 Consists of a recorder, player, and an editor (via Costello, built 
on top of Abbot) 
 Records tests script in Java 
 Allows to write test cases directly from Java code (named 
programmatic GUI testing) 
 Allows to insert assertions in the script easily 
 Shows testing results using JUnits control bar 
 Two main building blocks: 
 ComponentReferences to get a handle on a GUI component 
 Robot: to perform user-level actions on various GUI 
 download Marathon and its user manual
Abbot example (1) 
 A calculator application 
was developed 
 We want to write tests 
for the calculator 
 Ex. add two values 
1. create a new empty 
Abbot test 
2. Initialize the test with the 
application under test 
3. build the test (recording)
Abbot example (2) 
1. Start recording of all 
2. Execute the software 
3. Add assertions 
1. select the GUI element 
with SHIFT+F1 
2. select the property (e.g., 
3. set the expected value 
4. Stop recording
 A testing framework implementing the Event-flow 
graph approach 
 Four main components: 
 The GUIRipper: extract GUI information from a program 
 The GUIStructure2Graph: build a traversable graph 
representation of the GUI elements 
 The TestCaseGenerator: create an extensive set of test 
cases based on the graph 
 The GUIReplayer: run the program as instructed by these 
 It is a research tool 
 It requires ANT to be executed
Guitar (1) 
Four main components: 
(1) GUIRipper: GUI information extraction 
>ant -Dproperties=jfcripper.properties -f jfcripper.xml 
(2) GUIStructure2Graph: Event-flow graph inference 
>ant -v -f GUIStructure2GraphConvert.xml
Guitar (2) 
(3) TestCaseGenerator: Test cases generation traversing the graph 
>ant -v -f TestCaseGenerator.xml 
(4) GUIReplayer: Run the program GUI 
according to the generated test cases 
>ant -Dproperties=jfcreplayer.properties -f jfcreplayer.xml
Tools for other GUI-based testing of Java 
 HtmlUnit, HttpUnit, JWebUnit 
XUnit Web tools 
HtmlUnit, HTTPUnit, JWebUnit, etc. 
- They are inspired by JUnit 
- They let us to verify the functionalities of Web sites 
- They emulate the relevant portions of browser behavior 
form submission, JavaScript, http authentication, cookies, automatic page 
redirection, etc. 
- They allow Java test code to examine returned pages 
in terms of text, DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links 
- They make it easy to write Junit tests that verify HTTP requests 
and responses
Send the request 
 HttpUnit example 
import junit.framework.TestCase; 
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse; 
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebConversation; 
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebForm; 
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebRequest; 
public class SearchExample extends TestCase { 
public void testSearch() throws Exception { 
WebConversation wc = new WebConversation(); 
WebResponse resp = wc.getResponse("http://www.google.com"); 
WebForm form = resp.getForms()[0]; 
form.setParameter("q", "HttpUnit"); 
WebRequest req = form.getRequest("btnG"); 
resp = wc.getResponse(req); 
resp = resp.getLinkWith("HttpUnit").click(); 
assertEquals(resp.getTitle(), "HttpUnit"); 
assertNotNull(resp.getLinkWith("User's Manual")); 
Set the google page 
Fill the google form 
get the google response 
verify the response
- It is used to exercise and test web pages. 
- It allows us make assertions about the structure of a page and to 
navigate between pages. 
- We can also fire java script, submit forms, "click" links, etc. 
- It is based on a fixture that lets us navigate to any element of 
page DOM. 
To use this we need some knowledge about the DOM (Document 
Object Model). 
Capture and Replay for Web 
Selenium IDE: a Firefox add-on 
that will do simple record-and- 
playback of interactions 
with the browser 
Selenium WebDriver: a 
collection of language specific 
bindings to drive a browser -- 
the way it is meant to be 
Additional references 
-Atif M. Memon. An event-flow model of GUI-based applications for testing. 
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2007, John Wiley & Sons 
-Atif M. Memon, M.E. Pollack, Mary Lou Soffa. A planning-based Approach to GUI 
testing. International Software/Internet Quality Week, May 2000 
-Marlon Vieira, Johanne Leduc, Bill Hasling, Rajesh Subramanyan, Juergen 
Kazmeier. Automation of GUI Testing Using a Model-driven Approach AST06 
-Jessica Chen and Suganthan Subramaniam. A GUI Environment to Manipulate 
FSMs for Testing GUI-based Applications in Java. International Conference on 
System Sciences, 2001 
-Alessandro Marchetto, Paolo Tonella and Filippo Ricca. State-based testing of 
Ajax Applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software 
Testing, 2008 http://selab.fbk.eu/tonella/papers/icst2008.pdf 

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2.5 gui

  • 1. GUI-based Testing Alessandro Marchetto Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST
  • 2. 2 GUI-based Testing One of the practical methods commonly used to detect the presence of errors (failures) in a computer program is to exercise it by using its Graphical User Interface. Our program The output is correct? I1, I2, I3, , In, Expected results = ? Obtained results Inputs GUI
  • 3. GUI-based Testing: again four main questions At which level conducting the testing? 3 Unit Integration System Regression How to choose inputs? using the specifications/use cases/requirements using the code only considering the GUI (functionality, structure) How to identify the expected output? test oracles How good test cases are? when we can stop the testing activity
  • 4. 4 GUI . what? GUI as a means to use/interact with the software systems GUI are nowadays almost ubiquitous, even in safety critical systems Different types of device (web, pc, tablet, palm, mobile) GUI interacts with the underlying code by method calls or messages GUI can exercise remote code GUI responds to user events (e.g., mouse clicks) GUIs are event-driven systems Testing GUI correctness is critical for system usability, robustness and safety The whole system can be executed by means of the GUI
  • 5. GUI . more formally A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a hierarchical, 5 graphical front end to a software system A GUI contains graphical objects w, called widgets, each with a set of properties p, which have discrete values v at run-time. At any time during the execution, the values of the properties of each widget of a GUI define the GUI state: { (w, p, v), } A graphical event e is a state transducer, which yields the GUI from a state S to the next state S.
  • 6. 6 GUI-based Testing Testing GUI software systems is different from testing non-GUI software Non-GUI testing: suites are composed of test cases that invoke methods of the system and catch the return value/s; GUI-based testing: suites are composed of test cases that are: able to recognize/identify the components of a GUI; able to exercise GUI events (e.g., mouse clicks); able to provide inputs to the GUI components (e.g., filling text fields); able to test the functionality underlying a GUI set of components; able to check the GUI representations to see if they are consistent with the expected ones; often, strongly dependent on the used technology;
  • 7. 7 GUI testing difficulties GUI test automation is difficult Often GUI test automation is technology-dependent Observing and trace GUI states is difficult UI state explosion problem A lot of possible states of the GUI Controlling GUI events is difficult Explosion of the possible combinations of events to do the same thing GUI test maintenance is hard and costly
  • 8. 8 GUI testing advantages Automation is feasible Several frameworks and tools support it Easy to conduct for non-expert people It is funny to do
  • 9. Which type of GUI-based testing? 9 System testing Test the whole system Acceptance testing Accept the system Regression testing Test the system w.r.t. changes
  • 10. 10 GUI-based Acceptance Testing Acceptance Tests are specified by the customer and analyst to test that the overall system is functioning as required (Do developers build the right system?). How? Manual Acceptance testing. User exercises the system manually using his creativity. Acceptance testing with GUI Test Drivers (at the GUI level). These tools help the developer do functional/acceptance testing through a user interface such as a native GUI or web interface. Table-based acceptance testing. Starting from a user story (or use case or textual requirement), the customer enters in a table the expectations of the programs behavior. Black-Box (aka functional) approaches can be used to define test specification then executed manually, by means of the GUI or by table-based testing.
  • 11. Approaches for GUI-based testing 11 Manual based Based on the domain and application knowledge of the tester Capture and Replay Based on capture and replay of user sessions Model-based testing Based on the execution of user sessions selected from a model of the GUI Which type of model to use? Event-based model State-based model Domain model How do obtain the model to be used? Specification-based model Model recovered from existing software systems Log-based model
  • 12. Coverage criteria for GUI-based testing Conventional code-based coverage cannot be 12 adequate; GUIs are implemented in terms of event-based system, hence, the abstraction level is different w.r.t. the conventional system code. So mapping between GUI events and system code can not be so easy. Possible coverage criteria: Event-coverage: all events of the GUI need to be executed at least once State-coverage: all states of the GUI need to be exercised at least once Functionality-coverage: .. using a functional point of view
  • 13. Event-based Model Model the space of GUI event interactions as a graph Given a GUI: 1. create a graph model of all the possible sequences that a user can execute 2. use the model to generate event sequences 13
  • 14. 14 Event-based Model Event-flow graph File New Open Save Edit Cut Copy Paste Replace Undo Editbox0 Editbox1 Match case Find next Replace Replace all Cancel Top level TC: <S0, event1, event2, > Oracle: <State1, State2, > & !CRASH
  • 15. 15 Event-based Model Model Type: Complete event-model Partial event-model Event types: Structural events (Edit, Replace) Termination events (Ok, cancel) System interaction events (Editbox0, Find next) Coverage criteria Event coverage Event coverage according the exercised functionality Coverage of semantically interactive events 2-way, 3-way coverage .
  • 16. 16 State-based Model Model the space of GUI event interactions as a state model, e.g., by using a finite state machine (FSM): States are screenshot/representation of the GUI Transitions are GUI events that change the GUI state Given a GUI: 1. create a FSM of the possible sequences that a user can execute, considering the GUI state 2. use the FSM to generate event sequences e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
  • 17. 17 State-based Model <ok> FSM: - State: GUI screenshot -Transition: event that changes the GUI state <fill + ok> <click> <click> <click> <fill> <fill> <ok> <fill + ok>
  • 18. 18 ..example Problem: state explosion! Use of a state abstraction function It maps concrete states into abstract states (i.e., sets of concrete states)
  • 19. 19 Log-based Recovered Model How do obtain the model? starting from system specification or requirements starting from the system (i.e., reverse engineering) 1. trace some system executions (at method calls level) 2. infer a model 3. refine it manually, if needed
  • 20. Test oracles for GUI-based testing It could be difficult to detect faults looking the GUI 20 Crash testing is often used; In a GUI test case, an incorrect GUI states can take the user to an unexpected/wrong interface screen or it can make the user unable to do a specific action; e.g., after the click of a button, we try to click the button again but we fail since the button no longer exists, after the first click. A GUI state can be represented by the components expected to be part of the GUI in a give time and their state/value e.g., window position, GUI objects, GUI title, GUI content, GUI screenshots,
  • 21. 21 GUI errors: examples Incorrect functioning Missing commands (e.g., GUI events) Incorrect GUI screenshots/states The absence of mandatory UI components (e.g., text fields and buttons) Incorrect default values for fields or UI objects Data validation errors Incorrect messages to the user, after errors Wrong UI construction .
  • 22. 22 GUI-based Testing: process 1. Identify the testing objective by defining a coverage criteria 2. Generate test cases from GUI structure, specification, model Generate sequences of GUI events Complete them with inputs and expected oracles 3. Define executable test cases 4. Run them and check the results
  • 23. 23 GUI-based Regression Testing GUI-based testing means to execute the GUI of a system exercising its GUI components; A small changes in the GUI layout can make the GUI test cases old and useless; Hence, GUI-based test suite need to be maintained and often chagned supporting tools are welcomed Often, GUIs are realized by means of rapid prototyping or automatic framework. This requires an efficient approach to generate and maintain GUI test suite supporting tools are welcomed
  • 24. Capture and Replay A capture and replay testing tool captures user sessions (user inputs and events) and store them in scripts (one per session) suitable to be used to replay the user session. An ad-hoc infrastructure is needed to intercept GUI events, GUI states, thus storing user sessions and also to be able to replay them. - they can work at application or VM level 24
  • 25. 25 Recorded information Inputs, outputs, and other information needed to replay a user session need to be recorded during the capture process. Examples: General information: date/time of recording, etc. System start-up information Events from test tool to system Point of control, event Events from system to test tool Checkpoints / expected outputs Time stamps
  • 26. 26 Capture and Replay: the process 1. The tester interacts with the system GUI to run the system, thus generating sessions of sequence of mouse clicks, UI and keyboard events; 2. The tool captures and stores the user events and the GUI screenshots; a script is produced per each user session 3. The tester can automatically replay the execution by running the script the script can be also changed by the tester the script can be enriched with expected output, checkpoints the script can be replicated to generate many variants (e.g., changing the input values) 4. In case of GUI changes, the script must be updated
  • 27. 27 Tools for GUI-based testing Marathon Abbot Java Guitar HtmlUnit, HttpUnit,JWebUnit HtmlFixture Selenium . Web
  • 28. 28 Running Example: Calculator Calc_1 : Logic mixed to GUI GUI realized by using Swing Calc_2 : Logic mixed to GUI GUI realized by using AWT Calc_3 : Logic separated from the GUI GUI realized by using AWT +Swing These apps are from the net hence please refer to the authors copyright
  • 29. Marathon Is a tool that helps writing System/GUI tests 29 for Java/Swing applications Consists of a recorder, player, and an editor Records tests script in Python It is possible to use it without knowing Python Allows to insert assertions in the script easily Using a specific GUI Shows testing results using JUnits control bar Red/green http://www.marathontesting.com download Marathon and its user manual
  • 30. 30 Marathon example (1) A calculator application was developed (Swing) We want to write tests for the calculator Ex. add two values Steps: 1. create a new Marathon project 2. create a new empty test (a test is a Python script file) 3. build the test (recording)
  • 31. 31 Marathon example (2) Record the script click on the record button in the toolbar the red circle enter 12 + 4 =, the result is displayed (16) press control + right-click in the text area, to open the contextual menu select Assert Text stop recording (the button with a red square), the script now looks like: save the script
  • 32. 32 Marathon example (3) Run the script Select the JUnit tab Click the test view, you should see your new created test Click on the Run all tests button, in the JUnits control bar and get the green bar
  • 33. 33 Abbot Is a tool that helps writing System/GUI tests for Java AWT/Swing applications Consists of a recorder, player, and an editor (via Costello, built on top of Abbot) Records tests script in Java Allows to write test cases directly from Java code (named programmatic GUI testing) Allows to insert assertions in the script easily Shows testing results using JUnits control bar Red/green Two main building blocks: ComponentReferences to get a handle on a GUI component Robot: to perform user-level actions on various GUI components http://abbot.sourceforge.net download Marathon and its user manual
  • 34. 34 Abbot example (1) A calculator application was developed (AWT/Swing) We want to write tests for the calculator Ex. add two values Steps: 1. create a new empty Abbot test 2. Initialize the test with the application under test information 3. build the test (recording)
  • 35. 35 Abbot example (2) Recording 1. Start recording of all actions 2. Execute the software 3. Add assertions 1. select the GUI element with SHIFT+F1 2. select the property (e.g., (Text) 3. set the expected value 4. Stop recording
  • 36. 36 Guitar A testing framework implementing the Event-flow graph approach Four main components: The GUIRipper: extract GUI information from a program The GUIStructure2Graph: build a traversable graph representation of the GUI elements The TestCaseGenerator: create an extensive set of test cases based on the graph The GUIReplayer: run the program as instructed by these tests It is a research tool http://guitar.cs.umd.edu It requires ANT to be executed
  • 37. 37 Guitar (1) Four main components: (1) GUIRipper: GUI information extraction >ant -Dproperties=jfcripper.properties -f jfcripper.xml (2) GUIStructure2Graph: Event-flow graph inference >ant -v -f GUIStructure2GraphConvert.xml
  • 38. Guitar (2) (3) TestCaseGenerator: Test cases generation traversing the graph 38 >ant -v -f TestCaseGenerator.xml (4) GUIReplayer: Run the program GUI according to the generated test cases >ant -Dproperties=jfcreplayer.properties -f jfcreplayer.xml
  • 39. Tools for other GUI-based testing of Java HtmlUnit, HttpUnit, JWebUnit HtmlFixture Selenium . 39
  • 40. 40 XUnit Web tools HtmlUnit, HTTPUnit, JWebUnit, etc. - They are inspired by JUnit - They let us to verify the functionalities of Web sites - They emulate the relevant portions of browser behavior form submission, JavaScript, http authentication, cookies, automatic page redirection, etc. - They allow Java test code to examine returned pages in terms of text, DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links - They make it easy to write Junit tests that verify HTTP requests and responses
  • 41. Send the request 41 HttpUnit example import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse; import com.meterware.httpunit.WebConversation; import com.meterware.httpunit.WebForm; import com.meterware.httpunit.WebRequest; public class SearchExample extends TestCase { public void testSearch() throws Exception { WebConversation wc = new WebConversation(); WebResponse resp = wc.getResponse("http://www.google.com"); WebForm form = resp.getForms()[0]; form.setParameter("q", "HttpUnit"); WebRequest req = form.getRequest("btnG"); resp = wc.getResponse(req); assertNotNull(resp.getLinkWith("HttpUnit")); resp = resp.getLinkWith("HttpUnit").click(); assertEquals(resp.getTitle(), "HttpUnit"); assertNotNull(resp.getLinkWith("User's Manual")); } } Set the google page Fill the google form get the google response verify the response
  • 42. HtmlFixture http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.HtmlFixture - It is used to exercise and test web pages. - It allows us make assertions about the structure of a page and to navigate between pages. - We can also fire java script, submit forms, "click" links, etc. - It is based on a fixture that lets us navigate to any element of the page DOM. To use this we need some knowledge about the DOM (Document Object Model). 42
  • 44. 44 Capture and Replay for Web Selenium http://seleniumhq.org/ Selenium IDE: a Firefox add-on that will do simple record-and- playback of interactions with the browser Selenium WebDriver: a collection of language specific bindings to drive a browser -- the way it is meant to be driven.
  • 45. Additional references -Atif M. Memon. An event-flow model of GUI-based applications for testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2007, John Wiley & Sons http://www.cs.umd.edu/~atif/papers/MemonSTVR2007-abstract.html -Atif M. Memon, M.E. Pollack, Mary Lou Soffa. A planning-based Approach to GUI testing. International Software/Internet Quality Week, May 2000 http://www.cs.umd.edu/~atif/papers/MemonSQW2000-abstract.html -Marlon Vieira, Johanne Leduc, Bill Hasling, Rajesh Subramanyan, Juergen Kazmeier. Automation of GUI Testing Using a Model-driven Approach AST06 http://www.irisa.fr/lande/lande/icse-proceedings/ast/p9.pdf -Jessica Chen and Suganthan Subramaniam. A GUI Environment to Manipulate FSMs for Testing GUI-based Applications in Java. International Conference on System Sciences, 2001 http://wenku./view/5f544c5377232f60ddcca145.html?from=related -Alessandro Marchetto, Paolo Tonella and Filippo Ricca. State-based testing of Ajax Applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing, 2008 http://selab.fbk.eu/tonella/papers/icst2008.pdf 45