The document is a list of 25 common misconceptions people have about God, along with explanations for why each misconception is incorrect. Some of the key misconceptions addressed include: that God is mad, doesn't love you, is too holy to have a relationship with, doesn't want to help you, wants to punish you with lightning, and doesn't want you to have fun. The document aims to encourage growth in understanding God by debunking these and other common myths.
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25 Misconceptions About God
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Life Development Coaching and
Consulting - David G. Newby
25 Most Common Misconceptions About
God and How to Get Over Them
here are a
lot of things
about God that
people seem to be un-
sure about. However,
God is much easier to
know and understand than most people think. He
knows that we are only human, so He makes it easy
for us to know Him. If people try to overanalyze
God and place Him in boxes that He has no business
being in, they miss Him. Here is a list of the 25 most
common misconceptions that I hear people say or
assume about God.
This list is intended to encourage you in your growth
in God, and not to offend you. See if any item on the
list applies to you.
1. God is mad at you.God forgave you the
moment Jesus died on the Cross at Cavalry.
All sins, past, present, and future is covered.
And the veil of the temple rent when Jesus
died, which meant that you now have access
to the throne and the presence of God (See
Matthew 27:51).
2. God doesnt love you.You are the apple
of Gods eye (See Psalm 17:8andZechariah
2:8). Likewise, God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten son (See John
3:16). God gave you His best gift (Jesus),
which indicates how much He loves you.
Lastly, God also gave the prodigal son His
best gifts when he returned to his Fathers
house after years of riotous living (See Luke
3. God is too holy for you to have a rela-
tionship with Him.Truth be told, you dont
have the slightest amount of holiness wi-
thin you to even put you in the presence of
God. In fact, angels, as holy as they are, are
in Heaven worshipping God all the time.
The only way that you are able to get to
God is through Jesus, and His perfect blood.
Through Jesus, Gods holiness is able to
be connected with your unholiness. Jesus
bridges the gap between you and God, so
now you find God in your midst even when
you are unholy: Heeatswith sinners(See
Mark 2:16-17).
4. God doesnt want you.He really does, and
He invites you to turn unto Him and He will
do the same to you (See Zechariah 1:3).
5. God doesnt want to help you.Dead
wrong! God is a rewarder to those that
diligently seek Him (See Hebrews 11:6).
Also, God has specific thoughts for you and
your life (See Jeremiah 29:11). If youre still
having doubts about whether God wants to
help you in life, God says, Call unto me and I
will answer (See Jeremiah 33:3).
6. God wants to zap you with lightning for
being bad.Honestly, how many times in
your life have you beenzappedby light-
ning? I mean, it happens to some people,
but its not very common. Do I really have
to elaborate here? If so, God has 10,000,0
00,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to take
you out if He so chooses. He is not sitting in
Heaven waiting for the precise moment to
ZAP you with a lightning rod when you do
7. God doesnt want you to have fun.This
is one of the biggest misconceptions about
God. God invented fun, AND every good
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25 Most Common Misconceptions About God and How to Get Over Them
thing that you enjoy. How couldnt He like
fun, nor want you to have fun in life? In
fact, Jesus attended theWedding of Canaas
well as Passovers and other feasts. God
wants you to have fun, but He wants it to be
in righteousness so that He may bless you
and preserve your life. If you have kids, you
know that when they were young or if they
are young, that you dont let them get near
hot ovens. They may have been running
around the kitchen having fun, but you, as
a parent, saw the dangers associated with
that hot oven. So, you protected them and
guarded them from touching the oven,
maybe even telling them sternly to get out of
the kitchen. Well, God as your Father does
the same thing. However, God is all seeing
and all-knowing, unlike you as a parent to
your child. God wants to keep you from the
dangers of life while you enjoy yourself; so
He wants you to walk uprightly.
8. God is the universe.This is the ultimate
understatement concerning God. Do you
want to suppress your blessing and confine
God to a box that reduces His power in your
life down to the size of the universe? Well,
keep referring to God as the universe and
you will most certainly achieve your goal.
This point wont be popular amongst some
readers, but theres one thing you should
know about me: I dont do this for Facebook
likes and Twitter follows. I do it for God, and
I tell you the truth because I care. So, sue me
if youre offended. Im sorry, but I have to
be honest and tell you that God is NOT the
universe. He is its Creator and Hes much
greater than the universe. Dont limit your
blessings to the size of the universe. Instead,
believe in agreaterGod to give yougrea-
terblessings than that which theuni-
versecan give. God makes the universe look
like thenothingnessthat it is when compa-
red to Him.
9. God doesnt understand you.God made
you (See Jeremiah 1:5). He understands the
work of His hands because He designed the
blueprint and created thebuilding(your
body) for Him to dwell in (See Job 32:8).
10. God is too hard to get close to.God is
always available for you whenever you call
on Him. Better yet, even when youre asleep
God is up and there for you (See Hebrews
11:6andJeremiah 33:3).
11. God is untouchable and too far out
there for Him to be real in your life.God
is not untouchable. In fact, the widow wo-
man pressed through the crowd, touched
the hem of Jesus garment, and was made
whole. Besides, as mentioned earlier, the
veil of the temple was rent when Jesus died
on the cross. That gave you access to Gods
throne, and the ability to go before Him
with your prayers and supplications (See
Matthew 27:51).
12. God doesnt get involved in every
aspect of your life.He does. He just wants
you to live holy unto Him, and He will be
there in all areas that you invite Him to. If
I told you that God can cook would you be-
lieve me? Well you should, because He can
run abusiness(His Kingdom.See Luke 2:49)
and fish as well (See Luke 5:4). God created
life and He is the master of every aspect of
life. Ask for His guidance in anything thats
in His will, and He will make you better at it.
13. God is not cool.So, walking on water
isnt cool, huh (See Matthew 14:25)? Or slee-
ping in the midst of a storm and rebuking
the wind is not cool, huh (See Mark 4:35-
40)? I guess its also not cool to have angels
worship you (See Revelation 7:11). You may
not be as cool as you think; and if you are,
you didnt get it from yourself. God has been
cool, calm, and collectedWAYYYYY before
you knew the meaning of cool!
14. God doesnt know what youre thin-
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25 Most Common Misconceptions About God and How to Get Over Them
king.Hes God; he knows everything youre
thinking or feeling (See Psalm 94:11). So
you might as well be honest with Him AND
15. God doesnt know what you did, are
doing, or planning to do.Youre dead
wrong here. Adam tried to hide from God
in the Garden of Eden after he bit the apple,
but God came down and found Adam naked
and hidingahem (See Genesis 3:8). God
knows where you are and what youre
16. God doesnt want to bless you.God
wants you to inherit His Kingdom on earth
AND in Heaven (See Luke 12:32). You dont
have to wait until you get to Heaven to enjoy
the fruits and the bounty of the Kingdom.
Enjoy your time on earth and the many
blessings that God bestows upon you here
before you get there. Then, enjoy them
again when you get to Heaven!
17. God doesnt want to prosper you.God
wants you to prosper in spirit, in your
finances, health, and otherwise (See 3John
18. God doesnt want you to be happy and
free to enjoy life.God does want you to be
happy and enjoy life, but He wants it done
in righteousness and holiness (See John
10:10). That means you will not only obtain
happiness and abundance, but you will en-
joy it and retain it for generations to come.
God blesses righteousness for generations
upon generations. Thats why King David
was given an everlasting Kingdom (through
the birth of Jesus). David was righteous, des-
pite the mistakes he made.
19. God is just about done with you
<ZAP!>.Wrong. His mercy endures forever
(See Psalm 136:1). Additionally, a righteous
man falls seven times, but gets back up
again (See Proverbs 24:16). In fact, there are
countless men in the Bible who did wrong,
yet had the grace and favor of God upon
them: Abraham (lied about his wife Sarah
actually being his wife); David (slept with
Bathsheba and had her husband killed in
battle); Moses (killed an Egyptian); Paul
(persecuted the Jews). God will give you
another chance. Unfortunately for you, God
has all the time in the world. You DONT! So
ask yourself this: How long do you want to
continue going around that same mountain
again and again and again before you reach
your destination and position in life? Again,
God has all the time in the world!
20. God doesnt allow you to mess up and
make mistakes.The blood of Jesus and
Gods grace is sufficient for your sins (See
Romans 5:20). However, He wants you to do
better because He wants to promote you.
God wants you to repent and get it right so
He can move you up and forward in life.
Nonetheless, you dont have enough sin
within you to separate you from the love of
God (See Romans 8:39). His mercy endures
forever (See Psalm 136:1).
21. God doesnt like people who arent
perfect and super religious.Wrong; thats
why Jesus died. And as long as youre alive,
you will NEVER be perfect. Paul wasnt
perfect either (See Romans 7:15-25). No-
netheless, you have to press towards the
mark of doing and being better each day
(See Philippians 3:13). The only one who
will ever be perfect is God. Concerningre-
ligion, God seeks obedience and your love.
Too much religion can make the law of none
effect. Be spiritual, but not so religious that
you expect Gods presence in the form of
fires, and wind, and earthquakes, yet you
miss His still, small voice (See 1Kings 19:11-
22. God is too serious to let you serve Him
and enjoy your life.In the Bible, Israel held
feasts and celebrations throughout the year
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25 Most Common Misconceptions About God and How to Get Over Them
to honor God. And if you celebrate Christ-
mas, Hanukkah, Easter, and other holidays
or events, you probably hold a few feasts
of your own in a year. God is about much
more than feasts though. He wants you to
experience joy in every area of your life,
according to His will. In plain terms, God
wants you to enjoy everyday life (Thanks
Joyce). The joy of the Lord is your strength
(See Nehemiah 8:10).
23. God doesnt control your money and
He cant do anything about your money
problems.God creates trees (your money
source). He also owns everything in the
world (See Psalm 50:10-12). Moreover, wha-
tever you think you own in life is not yours
at all. Its Gods! He loaned it to you, and He
expects to be paid back withinterestwhen
He returns (See Matthew 25:14-30). Enough
24. God is not necessary in your life for
you to live.Oh yeah? Well, first offlets
see how long you can hold your breath
startingNOW! Okay stop. The air that you
breathe is not yours at all; its Gods: God
breathed His breath into your lungs (See
Genesis 2:7). Also, what did you eat and
drink today? That food and water that you
so unknowingly placed into your mouth
today came to you, not from the store, not
from your government, not from the local
reservoir or your well, but from the rain
water God sends down from heaven . That
water sustains life and enables life to flou-
rish. Having doubts about that? Well, go to a
country where there is severe drought and
lack of rain and see how long you survive
(without clean water, without the agricul-
ture that depends on water, and without
the animals that depend on the agriculture
and/or the water to drink). You would die
of thirst, perhaps before you died of starva-
tion. God is necessary in your life for your
very survival (See Matthew 6:25-34).
25. God requires too much time from you
and youre too busy to give Him time each
day.God made time. Do you, for one second,
think that God would not provide enough
time in the day for you to serve Him? If
any other time in the day is missing, or not
allocated for, Gods time is not. He most
certainly made time in the day for you to
put in with Him! Besides, even if you may
be overloaded with work or other commit-
ments, God can literally stop time to favor
you if He wants (See Joshua 10:13). Your
time spent with God is not lost, but gained.
Thats because He propels you forward in
quantum leaps above and beyond where
you wouldve been without putting in time
with Him. He is your competitive advantage
in life. In short, He takes you further and
faster ahead much easier than you could
have gotten without Him. Time with God is
time gained and progress made! Dont be-
lieve me? Spend one hour in earnest prayer
or praise this week about your challenges
and situations in life and see how quickly
God turns it around!
And Last, But Not Least.Another common mis-
conception about God is
If you dont share this post with your
family or friends, God will SQUISH you!
Just kidding, but I would love for you to
share it.
Lets go higher in God and get out of the habit of
confining God to a box,
Hes much greater and better than we can ever
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25 Most Common Misconceptions About God and How to Get Over Them
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PSS. Know of any other common misconceptions
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