The Canadian Mental Health Association has three offices on Prince Edward Island that provide programs and services to promote mental wellness. They offer various pamphlets and resources on topics related to mental health issues, illnesses, and coping strategies. The organization aims to support all Islanders through programs like consumer advocacy, a consumer and family support program, an educational program called I'm Thumbody for children, and initiatives for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Membership is available and helps support their efforts.
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1. CMHA Pamphlets Where Are We? Canadian Mental Health
• Children and Attention Deficit Disorders The Canadian Mental Health Association
• Children and Depression
has three offices on Prince Edward Island:
PEI Division
• Children and Difficult Behavior
• Children and Family Break-up
• CMHA/PEI Division
Children and Self-Esteem
Children and the Stress of Parenting
Children and their Fears 178 Fitzroy Street Promoting the
Coping with Unemployment P.O. Box 785
Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Depression in the Workplace
Eating Disorders
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7L9
Phone: (902) 566-3034
Mental Health
• Feeling Angry? Fax: (902) 566-4643
Grief After Suicide
Growing Older
Web Page:
of All Islanders
• Mental Health for Life
Mental Illness in the Family
Mental Illnesses CMHA/Prince County
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 61 Duke Street
• Phobias and Panic Disorder Summerside, PE C1N 3R9
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Postpartum Depression Phone: (902) 436-7399
• Preventing Suicide Fax: (902) 436-2209
• Reflections on Youth Suicide email:
• Schizophrenia
• Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Separation and Divorce CMHA/West Prince
• Stress
• The Myths of Mental Illness
1 College Street - P.O. Box 537
• Understanding Anxiety Disorders Alberton, PE C0B 1B0
• Violence and Mental Illness Phone: (902) 853-4180
• When A Young Person is Suicidal
Fax: (902) 853-3877
• You and Your Aging Parents
• “Mental Fitness-Ours to Share" – the CMHA/PEI email:
Division semi-annual newsletter
• CMHA Program pamphlets
These publications, as well as many other resources Canadian Mental Health
on mental health and mental illness, are available at: Association
1) Consumer & Family Support Program PEI Division
(628-1648 or toll-free 1-800-682-1648)
178 Fitzroy Street, Charlottetown
2) Consumer & Family Support, East Prince
Celebrating 50 Years!
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ea in
61 Duke Street, Summerside (436-7399) Phone: 902 566-3034
Y at
Fax: 902 566-4643
3) Consumer & Family Support, West Prince
50 leb
1 College Street, Alberton (853-4180) Email:
2. Who We Are with information and support resources on mental
health and mental illness topics. CMHA/PEI Membership
The Canadian Mental Health Association/PEI Di- • Consumer Advocacy There are many benefits to becoming a member of
vision began its work on Prince Edward Island as a Through social action, CMHA/PEI influences CMHA/PEI. You will receive our newsletter regu-
division of CMHA National late in 1959. CMHA government, other policy makers and funding larly, have a voice in mental health issues on P.E.I.
National, formed in 1918, is one of the oldest vol- agencies to improve legislation and services af- and across Canada and have the opportunity to di-
unteer organizations in Canada. fecting the mental health of Islanders. rectly support CMHA programs and activities.
CMHA/PEI is a non-profit mental health agency, • Consumer & Family Support Program
Promotes mental health and social action through If you are interested in becoming a member, please
promoting the mental health of all Islanders fill out the form below and send to:
through the provision of information, strategies, Self-Help/Mutual Aid, produces a resource direc-
supports and services designed to enable people to tory annually, delivers presentations raising men- CMHA/PEI Division
manage and take positive charge of their lives to tal health/illness awareness and is the primary sup- P.O. Box 785
the best of their abilities. port program for the self-help community. Charlottetown, PE
• I'm Thumbody Program C1A 7L9
We have over 125 volunteers and more than 40 A self-esteem program for Grade 3 students pre-
support staff to manage and deliver our programs. sented in the classrooms across the Island by
trained volunteers. CMHA Membership Form
What We Do • ‘With Hope in Mind’ Program
CMHA/PEI delivers programs and services, pro- A family-to-family program delivered by trained
vides education and information, conducts re- volunteers designed to educate and support family Name
search, helps develop social policy and advocates members of someone with a serious mental illness.
on issues affecting people with mental illness. • Mental Health Week Address
National Mental Health Week, held the first week
Program Highlights: in May, offers activities aimed at raising the pub- City Province
lic’s awareness of mental health issues.
• Changing Minds
• Mental Health Works Postal Code Phone
An innovative, two day, mental illness education
An award-winning program, delivered by HRA,
program designed for front-line responders that
that offers practical strategies to help managers Signature Date
addresses a community need for mental health
effectively address complex issues with employ-
education and stigma reduction.
ees who may be dealing with a mental illness.
• Clubhouse Program Membership:
• Suicide Prevention Program new renewal
Provides 1,000 individuals living with persistent
Delivers the Signals of Suicide program in junior
mental health problems with opportunities to
high schools and provides Applied Suicide Inter- Our membership Fee is $20.00/year (or $2.50/
become involved in residential, pre-vocation,
vention Training (ASIST) for caregivers. Also year for low income persons). Cheques are to be
employment, education and social-recreation
helps coordinate suicide prevention, intervention made payable to CMHA/PEI Division. All chari-
programs. Program locations are:
and post-vention efforts that strengthen supports
Fitzroy Centre ............. Charlottetown table donations will be receipted.
and enhance resiliency in Island communities.
Notre Dame Place ....... Summerside
Hope Centre................. Alberton • White Cross Program
Provides regular social-recreation programs in the Canadian Mental Health
• CMHA Resource Libraries Queens region and an Island-wide Christmas gift Association
Located in Charlottetown, Summerside and Al- program to people with mental and emotional dis- PEI Division
berton, they provide individuals and families orders. Over 500 gifts are delivered each year.