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Prairie and Woodland Restoration
Our efforts are designed to restore the
existing oak-hickory woodlands and to
increase the less than 1/10th of 1% of tall
grass prairie that remains in Illinois. Not
only the plant species hang in the balance,
but also the insects that are species
dependent, and the birds and mammals that
eat the seeds and insects. It is important to
protect as many pieces of our environment
as possible as we are all interdependent.
Poplar Creek Prairie
Interpretive Trail
These specifically designed houses simulate
the woody cavities which historically were
bluebird homes. Highly territorial tree
swallows (dark iridescent blue) usually
claim the first home, but allow the less
aggressive bluebirds to inhabit the second.
Habitat destruction and cowbird nest
parasitism (cowbirds lay eggs in the nest,
they hatch first & outcompete baby
bluebirds) are two reasons why bluebirds
need our help.
Bluebird Houses
Nature Preserve
This unique area is a gravel hill glacial
deposit. Due to the rocky soil, it was not
suitable for farming or grazing and many
native species remained. It is such a valuable
example of native prairie, that the State of
Illinois gave it maximum protection and
designated it as a Nature Preserve.
Restoration efforts have spread these rare
plant populations throughout this site.
Native Prairie Flower Area
After over 100 years of farming, the
transformation to this haven of native plants
has been remarkable. Twenty-five years of
volunteer effort have helped return this area
to a diverse prairie.
Our namesake creek has a natural meander,
resulting in riffles, pools and sandbars, and
much of its water reaches it only after being
filtered by surrounding natural areas. This
system supports dragonflies, damselflies,
freshwater mussels, fish, otter and beaver.
Poplar Creek
Oak-Hickory Woodland
The majestic oaks and hickories of this
ancient woodland mirror the descriptions
of the original surveyors. These sun-loving
species are now regenerating with the
removal of invasives such as European
Buckthorn and the return of fire to the
When this land was acquired the philosophy
at the time was to plant trees to create a
forest preserve. Subsequent research
revealed that this area was historically
prairie. But this reforestation provides a
pleasant buffer separating the wild prairie
from the development to the west.
Lake Leaky
Turtle Pond
Although built as a fishing lake, not enough
water accumulates to sustain fish.
Nonetheless its wet edges sustain a marshy
habitat for many wetland plants as well as
nesting birds, frogs and insects, along with
providing a welcome layover for migrating
Come volunteer with us!
The Poplar Creek Prairie Stewards are part of
the ecosystem management efforts of the
Forest Preserve District of Cook County, and
are also supported in part by The Nature
Conservancy. This is a reliable water hole for the local
fauna, including the occasional snapping
turtle and assorted frogs. It is also home to
numerous Eastern painted turtles. Scan the
downed logs on a sunny day and you may
see the turtles double-stacked.

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25th Anniversary Pamphlet

  • 1. Prairie and Woodland Restoration Our efforts are designed to restore the existing oak-hickory woodlands and to increase the less than 1/10th of 1% of tall grass prairie that remains in Illinois. Not only the plant species hang in the balance, but also the insects that are species dependent, and the birds and mammals that eat the seeds and insects. It is important to protect as many pieces of our environment as possible as we are all interdependent. Poplar Creek Prairie Interpretive Trail
  • 2. These specifically designed houses simulate the woody cavities which historically were bluebird homes. Highly territorial tree swallows (dark iridescent blue) usually claim the first home, but allow the less aggressive bluebirds to inhabit the second. Habitat destruction and cowbird nest parasitism (cowbirds lay eggs in the nest, they hatch first & outcompete baby bluebirds) are two reasons why bluebirds need our help. Bluebird Houses Nature Preserve This unique area is a gravel hill glacial deposit. Due to the rocky soil, it was not suitable for farming or grazing and many native species remained. It is such a valuable example of native prairie, that the State of Illinois gave it maximum protection and designated it as a Nature Preserve. Restoration efforts have spread these rare plant populations throughout this site. Native Prairie Flower Area After over 100 years of farming, the transformation to this haven of native plants has been remarkable. Twenty-five years of volunteer effort have helped return this area to a diverse prairie. Our namesake creek has a natural meander, resulting in riffles, pools and sandbars, and much of its water reaches it only after being filtered by surrounding natural areas. This system supports dragonflies, damselflies, freshwater mussels, fish, otter and beaver. Poplar Creek Oak-Hickory Woodland The majestic oaks and hickories of this ancient woodland mirror the descriptions of the original surveyors. These sun-loving species are now regenerating with the removal of invasives such as European Buckthorn and the return of fire to the ecosystem. Reforestation When this land was acquired the philosophy at the time was to plant trees to create a forest preserve. Subsequent research revealed that this area was historically prairie. But this reforestation provides a pleasant buffer separating the wild prairie from the development to the west. Lake Leaky Turtle Pond Although built as a fishing lake, not enough water accumulates to sustain fish. Nonetheless its wet edges sustain a marshy habitat for many wetland plants as well as nesting birds, frogs and insects, along with providing a welcome layover for migrating waterfowl. Come volunteer with us! poplarcreekprairiestewards.org The Poplar Creek Prairie Stewards are part of the ecosystem management efforts of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, and are also supported in part by The Nature Conservancy. This is a reliable water hole for the local fauna, including the occasional snapping turtle and assorted frogs. It is also home to numerous Eastern painted turtles. Scan the downed logs on a sunny day and you may see the turtles double-stacked.