El documento habla sobre las caracter鱈sticas principales del mayor crucero del mundo que pesa 162.000 toneladas. Entre las caracter鱈sticas se destacan una de las piscinas climatizadas, una zona acu叩tica con tobog叩n, el Solarium con piscinas principales, la Avenida Real, la entrada al comedor, el teatro "Arcadia", exhibiciones de patinaje sobre hielo, un ring de boxeo en el gimnasio y la discoteca llamada "La Cripta".
El documento habla sobre las caracter鱈sticas principales del mayor crucero del mundo que pesa 162.000 toneladas. Entre las caracter鱈sticas se destacan una de las piscinas climatizadas, una zona acu叩tica con tobog叩n, el Solarium con piscinas principales, la Avenida Real, la entrada al comedor, el teatro "Arcadia", exhibiciones de patinaje sobre hielo, un ring de boxeo en el gimnasio y la discoteca llamada "La Cripta".
The document proposes a website called thehall.in to simplify searching for party halls and wedding venues. It aims to provide an online platform where users can search hall availability by location, date and other parameters. Users can view details of different halls, compare facilities and costs, and read reviews from other customers. The founders plan to eventually expand the website's services to other cities in India and globally. It outlines revenue streams from advertisements and commissions from related service providers. An incubation period of 12 months is proposed to develop the technology, gather hall listings, and launch initial operations in Bangalore.
Gnomes-that-code can transition to winners-that-code.
This presentation introduces the concept of development options.
An appropriately designed network continuously synthesizes development options that provide the potential to take action that may result in a favorable gain.
When an attractive gain may be realized, options are exercised.
Multiple options can be active simultaneously to provide multiple opportunities to win within the networks current capabilities and within the projects current constraints
Concepts that can help gnomes that code improve their capability to synthesize and exercise attractive development options include:
Requisite variety
Pair Development
Cristiano Mascaro 辿 um fot坦grafo brasileiro formado em arquitetura que nunca trabalhou nessa 叩rea. Ele iniciou sua carreira como rep坦rter fotogr叩fico e depois lecionou fotojornalismo e comunica巽達o visual. Recebeu v叩rios pr棚mios incluindo o Pr棚mio Eug竪ne Atget em 1985 e conquistou um doutorado em fotografia e arquitetura em 1995.
CINF 1: Generating Canonical Identifiers For (Glycoproteins And Other Chemica...NextMove Software
Bioinformatics dogma asserts that all-atom representations, capable of encoding details such as disulfide bridging and post-translationally modified amino acids, are too unwieldy to be of practical use. In this presentation, we show how recent advances in computer power, software algorithms and storage technology require us to question this precept. We show how InChI, InChI keys and canonical SMILES can be generated for the largest known proteins, and even for nucleic acid sequences as large as viral and prokaryotic genomes. Indeed, unique identifiers derived from all-atom nucleic acid representations, allow the capture of epigenetic methylation information and circular DNA; feats that are impossible with the one-letter codes used by bioinformaticians. These unique identifiers allow the linking of mature antibodies to the unique identifiers of the plasmids used to express them. Finally, we discuss the possibility of polymer-specific implementations/optimizations of standard InChI, by showing how InChIs and InChI keys may be generated efficiently for specific classes of polymer with over a million atoms.
La hipertensi坦n arterial es una enfermedad com炭n que puede provocar complicaciones graves si no se detecta y trata de manera temprana. Es importante realizar un cribado oportunista de la presi坦n arterial en personas mayores de 40 a単os cada dos a単os para identificar casos de hipertensi坦n arterial. Una vez diagnosticada, es necesario evaluar la gravedad, la afectaci坦n de 坦rganos y la presencia de otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular para guiar el tratamiento farmacol坦gico adecuado, que suele incluir inhibidores de la enzima convert
This letter provides a strong recommendation for Kelley Detweiler. It describes Kelley as outgoing, open-minded, and determined to complete assignments perfectly and on time. The letter highlights that Kelley designed databases to streamline information used at the law firm and took extra steps to ensure their proper usage and ongoing usefulness. The letter also notes that Kelley was universally respected by all levels of the firm and was always courteous and concise with clients and others. The author highly recommends Kelley for any position.
El documento resume varias enfermedades ampollares autoinmunes, incluyendo su frecuencia, caracter鱈sticas cl鱈nicas y ant鱈genos relacionados. El penfigoide ampolloso se caracteriza por autoanticuerpos contra las prote鱈nas BP180 y BP230, y afecta a aproximadamente 6-7 millones de personas por a単o a nivel mundial. El penfigoide gestacional ocurre en 1 de cada 20,000 embarazos y se caracteriza por autoanticuerpos contra BP180 y BP230. La epiderm坦lisis bullosa adquirida implic
Recomendaciones de las Gu鱈as de Tratamiento Europeas para la HTA. 2013.
Fuente: Gu鱈a de pr叩ctica cl鱈nica de la ESH/ESC 2013 para el manejo de la hipertensi坦n arterial
Grupo de Trabajo para el manejo de la hipertensi坦n arterial de la Sociedad Europea de Hipertensi坦n (ESH) y la Sociedad Europea de Cardiolog鱈a (ESC). Rev Esp Cardiol. 2013;66(10):880.e1-880.e64
This chapter discusses the self-concept and how it relates to interpersonal communication. It defines self-concept and self-esteem and how they develop through reflected appraisals from others and social comparisons. The self-concept can be subjective and resistant to change. Self-fulfilling prophecies are explored where a person's expectations of an event can influence the actual outcome through their behaviors. The chapter also covers how people manage identities and impressions through self-presentation strategies and discloses levels of personal information to others. Guidelines are provided for appropriate self-disclosure versus alternatives like evasion or lying.
This document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 2 of Interplay regarding culture, communication, and developing intercultural competence. It defines culture and intercultural communication, discusses how cultural values like individualism/collectivism and high/low context influence communication. It also examines how characteristics like gender, age, socioeconomic status shape co-cultures and communication between groups. Developing intercultural competence requires openness, understanding verbal and nonverbal codes, managing ambiguity, and willingness to learn about other cultures. The document poses a discussion question about how national political rhetoric may affect intercultural dialogue.
This document summarizes key aspects of the perception process and influences on perception. It discusses four steps in perception: selection of data, organization of data, interpretation of perceptions, and negotiation of meaning. It then outlines several influences on perception like physiological, psychological, social and cultural factors. Finally, it reviews some common tendencies in perception such as stereotyping, clinging to first impressions, and judging ourselves more favorably than others. The document stresses the importance of perception checking, building empathy through open-mindedness, imagination and commitment, and synchronizing perceptions with others.
El documento describe las principales manifestaciones cut叩neas asociadas a la infecci坦n por VIH. Indica que la piel es el 坦rgano m叩s afectado y que algunas lesiones pueden ser la primera se単al de infecci坦n. Describe las lesiones infecciosas m叩s comunes como sarcoma de Kaposi, herpes, molusco contagioso, as鱈 como otras no infecciosas como dermatitis seborreica. Explica que el tratamiento es complejo debido a la persistencia e intensidad de las lesiones y que la terapia antirretroviral ha
An Integrated Approach To Drug Discovery Using Parallel SynthesisGraham Smith
An Integrated Approach To Drug Discovery Using Parallel Synthesis. The history of parallel chemistry for lead discovery at Pfizer Sandwich from begining to outsourcing
Este paciente de 65 a単os acude por dolor lumbar derecho de dos meses de evoluci坦n que no cede con analgesia. La exploraci坦n f鱈sica muestra dolor a la palpaci坦n lumbar y contractura muscular. Ante la falta de mejor鱈a con el tratamiento, se realizan pruebas complementarias que revelan una masa pancre叩tica, diagnostic叩ndose una neoplasia pancre叩tica que explicar鱈a el dolor cr坦nico del paciente.
The document summarizes Diacon Inc.'s work polishing the concrete floors at Solyndra's new solar panel manufacturing facility, Fab 2. Diacon polished 270,000 square feet of newly installed flooring within 60 days on a fast-track schedule. They encountered issues with uneven edges and whitish spots around construction joints but were able to resolve it by applying a water-based antique gray stain to blend the spots. Diacon also prepped the floor of an existing nearby building, removing old coatings in preparation for a new floor install, and used modified equipment to efficiently complete the large projects on tight timelines, including having to pause work for a presidential visit to the facility.
12. Konstantin SIMONOV
Tushante la tri grandajn
La urbojn etendinte, kushas
Per ret' kovrita de meridianoj,
Fiera, nevenkebla, la Patri'.
Sed en la hor', kiam grenado
Levita estas jam en via man',
Kaj devas rememori
Vi chion, kio restis en
Elvivi eblas en tempest', en
Kaj tolereblas frosto kaj
Ne gravas mort'... Sed tiujn tri
Neniel rajtas cedi ni, soldat'.
(tradukita en 1981)
19. 弌亳仂于仂亠仆亳亠 仗亠亠于亠亟亠仆仂 仆舒
磶从亳 仆舒仂亟仂于 仄亳舒
Wait For Me (舒仆亞仍.磶.)
Wait for me, and I will return.
Only truly wait.
Wait while bringing sorrow
The autumn rains come late.
Wait while snow is blowing,
Wait while heat burns haze,
Wait while others cease to
Forgetting yesterdays.
Wait when letters cease to
From places far away,
Wait, while others tire of
Together day after day.
Esp辿rame (亳仗.磶.)
Esp辿rame y volver辿,
Espera, espera.
Aunque las lluvias amarillas
Infundan tristeza, espera.
Espera aunque la nieve caiga y
vuelva a caer,
Espera aunque el calor te sofoque,
Espera aunque otros
Olvidados de ayer
No esperen.
Aunque no llegen cartas
Del frente distante, espera.
Espera aunque todos los que
Se hayan cansado de esperar.
20. Espere por mim... (仗仂亞.磶.)
Espere por mim que voltarei!
Mas 辿 preciso que espere com f辿
e de todo o cora巽達o!
Espere por mim
na tristeza infind叩vel dos dias de chuva.
Espere por mim
nas horas uivantes em que a neve cai.
Espere por mim
na 但nsia sufocante que vem do calor.
Espere por mim
mesmo que todas as outras
que esperam por outros
j叩 tenham cessado de esperar...
Espere por mim.
Espere, sim,
que hei de enfrentar a morte...
mas voltarei!
21. 畛i anh v畛
束亟亳 仄亠仆晛 (于亠仆.磶.)
Em 董i 畛i anh v畛
畛i anh hoi em nh辿
M動a c坦 r董i d畉m d畛
Ngy c坦 di l棚 th棚
Em 董i em c畛 畛i.
D湛 tuy畉t r董i gi坦 th畛i
D湛 n畉ng ch叩y em 董i
B畉n c滴 c坦 qu棚n r畛i
畛i anh v畛 em nh辿!
Tin anh d湛 v畉ng v畉
L嘆ng ai d湛 t叩i t棚
Ch畉ng mong chi ngy v畛
Th狸 em 董i c畛 畛i!
Em 董i em c畛 畛i
D湛 ai th動董ng nh畛 ai
Ch畉ng mong c坦 ngy mai
D湛 m畉 gi con d畉i
H畉t mong anh tr畛 l畉i
D湛 b畉n vi畉ng h畛n anh
Y棚n ngh畛 n畉m m畛 xanh
N但ng ch辿n t狸nh d畛c c畉n
Th狸 em 董i m畉c b畉n
畛i anh hoi em nghe
Tin r畉ng anh s畉p v畛!
畛i anh anh l畉i v畛.
Tr担ng ch畉t c動畛i ng畉o ngh畛.