This document outlines a project idea called EVACUATE that would create an interactive evacuation routing system visible on satellite navigation terminals. The system would be broadcast using Galileo and other satellites to route people away from dangers like fires, floods, or nuclear disasters. It aims to form a disaster management base in the Netherlands combining space assets, fiber optics, specialists from groups like the Red Cross, and companies that suspend profits during emergencies. Key aspects are its global scope, integration of technologies, and focus on using technology to help
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Evac by ECDA
1. Project Idea
ITEA2 Project Outline
Preparation Days 2012 Madrid
Evac by ECDA
Evacuation routing (interactive) made visible on all satnav terminals.
Broadcasted by Galileo and G3 and G4.E.g. input by meteo for routing against
wind directions in case of CBRN-attack, shown on all satnav-maps in that area.
Useable in combination; fire, nuclear disaster, flooding, tsunami. Eventually making a base in Noordwijk,NL for global
disaster management with permanent seats (specialists) for IAEA, Tsunami Society, Red Cross, EU, NATO, UN etc.
Combining space assets, optical fiber (TAT 14),specialists,ground links and especially companies that on that specific
disaster-day, dont want to make profit.
Partners contacted Partners in consortium
GAMA Operations (ISR) Veiligheidsregio Rotterdam ESA
Athena GS3 (ISR) Rijnmond (NED) TU Delft
Bundesinnenministerium (GER) NATO Google Inc. Mountainview
Department of Homeland Security Tsunami Society (Hawaii)
Geodan (NED) International Red Cross (NED)
RIVM (NED) ANWB Traffic Information (NED)
Dutch Defence (NED) Cabinet of Digital Agenda Ms. Key Selling Points
Lockheed Martin Kroes and HRH Prins Constatijn What is the market relevance?
van Oranje Nassau (EU)
Ministere de l`interieur (FRA) Global mindset.
Direction Generale De la
Arcadis What is the innovation?
Gendarmerie Nationale (FRA)
FEMA (USA) Combining all given tech.
Cesah GmbH (GER)
Thales (NED) Big Brother is Helping You
Pole Risques (FRA)
What is the business impact?
Meteo (NED) Hardware
Ministerie van Infrastuctuur en Network
Milieu (NED)
Missing Project idea number
Funding for start-up. Commercial party that wants to take on this challenge..
Project Leader: Jean-Paul de Garde ECDA, the Netherlands Email: