31 متشابهات في سورة لقمانRivadoThe document contains passages from Surah Luqman in the Quran discussing ambiguous verses and their interpretation. It discusses how God has sent down verses that are similar in meaning called mutashabihat, whose true meanings and interpretations are known only to God. It cautions against speculative interpretation of these ambiguous verses and affirms that their true meanings can only be known by God.
الوقفات التدبرية لربع الثالث الجزء الاول من سورة البقرةratelquran2الوقفات التدبرية لربع الثالث الجزء الاول من سورة البقرة
مشروع ورتل القران ترتيلا
النور المبين
16 متشابهات في سورة النحلRivadoThe document discusses ambiguous verses in Surat an-Nahl (The Bee) in the Quran. It examines terms like "qalakha" and phrases like "ḍarā' al-awwāt wa-l-samā'" found in various verses. For each term or phrase, it provides the Arabic text of the relevant verse and then an analysis seeking to explain the intended meaning in context. The aim is to shed light on ambiguous parts of these verses through examination of the Arabic language used and how it was applied in early Islamic scholarship.
13 متشابهات في سورة الرعدRivadoThe document discusses ambiguous verses in Surah Ar-Ra'd (Chapter 13 of the Quran). It provides examples of several ambiguous verses from the surah and asks for their interpretation. The verses discuss topics like the Day of Judgment, punishment of disbelievers, and guidance from God. The document aims to understand the meaning behind ambiguous parts of the referenced Quranic chapter.