Sponsors: Patrick Simeon-Sprauve
Subject: An Act amending Title 3 Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 5 to grant administrative leave to government employees who are members of boards and commissions to attend boards and commissions meetingS
1. Russian law requires limited liability companies and joint-stock companies to hold annual general meetings of shareholders by April 30th and June 30th respectively to approve annual results and elect board members.
2. Meetings must be properly documented according to the type of company, with resolutions requiring notarization for some companies and certification or other means for others.
3. Failure to hold or properly document meetings can result in fines for companies and their general directors.
The document discusses India's transition from a police state under British rule, to a welfare state following independence, where the government's role shifted to focus on public welfare. It describes the concept of public service, and how right to service acts were implemented to regulate timely service delivery and increase accountability. Key aspects covered include citizens' right to timely services, appeal processes for addressing delays or rejections, and penalties for non-compliance. The focus is on ensuring responsiveness of government administration to citizen needs.
The power of the PEOPLE is stronger than the people in power.................sevanavakasa niyamam uploaded by T.J Joseph deputy tahsildar.Kottayam,Mob-9447464502
This document outlines amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules of 2008. It states that the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration proposed amendments to make the rules more comprehensive. The government accepted the proposals and published amendments regarding recruitment quotas, seniority determination, training requirements and probation periods. Key changes include reserving 70% of vacancies for direct recruitment and 30% for internal transfers, and probation periods of 1 year for transfers/promotions and 2 years for direct hires.
David R. Kushner has been licensed by the North Carolina Department of Insurance as an insurance producer. He holds licenses for life insurance, accident and health or sickness insurance, property insurance, and casualty insurance. The licenses were issued on June 22, 2015 and will remain valid until cancelled, surrendered, or revoked as long as continuing education and renewal fees are completed as required.
Justice must always prevail
Our solution is the key
Never give in, never give up
Until our leaders must agree
Compromise is not an option
If we truly want to be free
- Larry Pinsky
This document is a report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. The report recommends that the Senate pass the original bill without amendment. It also notes that a classified supplement contains further budgetary details and legal requirements that are binding. The report provides a section-by-section analysis of the bill, explaining provisions about authorizing appropriations, setting personnel ceilings, incorporating reporting requirements, and responding to congressional requests for intelligence documents.
The petitioner appealed a decision by the Provincial High Court to dismiss their application for a writ of certiorari to quash a notification by the respondent local council. The High Court had dismissed the application on the grounds that the petitioner failed to give the required one month notice to the council as required by the local government act. The Court of Appeal found that the High Court judge misdirected himself by treating the writ application as an "action" against the council, when writ applications filed under the Constitution cannot be restricted by ordinary legislation like the notice period in the local government act. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal, set aside the High Court's order, and sent the application back to the High Court to examine the merits without considering
This document contains the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 which classify civil services and posts in India and establish rules regarding employee discipline and appeals. Some key points:
- Civil services are divided into 4 groups - A, B, C and D - based on pay scale and nature of work. Specific services and grades are listed in the Schedule.
- Civil posts are also divided into the same 4 groups based on pay scale. The President can issue orders reclassifying posts as needed.
- The rules cover most central government employees but exclude some like railway staff. Exceptions can be made.
- They establish rules for disciplinary proceedings and appeals against government servants as well as defining
Ravi Shep received a full and final settlement from Wipro BPO after leaving the company on October 9th, 2014 after working as a Senior Associate in Pune since July 15th, 2011. The settlement details his earnings including basic salary, HRA, medical pay, notice pay, and leave encashment totaling Rs. 21,818 and deductions including an ID card deduction of Rs. 1,000 for a net salary of Rs. 18,483. Ravi Shep confirmed he has no further dues from Wipro BPO.
ORPS Act, 2012 in Odisha is based on Citizens' Right to Charter in various Departments of State Government and having Provisions for Appellate and Revisional Authorities to redress the Grievances of Citizens
124/2010 On the conditions to exempt all who establishtraoman
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Oman passed Decision No. 124/2010 to exempt providers of mobile telecommunications services on aircraft from obtaining telecommunications licenses, provided they obtain radio licenses from the Authority and meet requirements for the use of radio equipment and frequencies. The decision aims to facilitate the provision of mobile services on flights while still regulating radio usage, and takes effect once published in the official gazette.
This document is a certified true copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of [Company Name] to open a current account with [Bank Name]. The resolution authorizes the bank to honor checks, notes, orders and other instructions signed by the Directors or other authorized signatories. It provides the names and specimen signatures of the Directors and other authorized signatories. The resolution will remain in force until an amended resolution is passed and certified by the Chairman and/or Secretary of the company.
This document discusses various exemptions and tax concessions under Pakistan tax law, including:
1. It lists several clauses that provide income tax exemptions for things like educational institutions, sports boards, mutual funds, and encashment of special US dollar bonds.
2. It discusses some medical expenditure exemptions for employees and allowances for government employees posted abroad.
3. It mentions pension exemptions for federal, provincial, and armed forces employees and some perquisite exemptions for public officials like the President and Governors.
4. It briefly outlines some reduced tax rates and liabilities for things like profits on US dollar bonds and presumptive tax rates for shipping businesses.
This document outlines the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules of 1972. Some key points:
- It establishes rules for leave for government servants appointed to civil services and posts related to the Union government.
- It does not apply to certain groups like railway servants, casual workers, members of the armed forces, or those with special rules.
- Key terms are defined, like "earned leave" and "half pay leave." Authority to grant different types of leave is also specified.
- The rules apply to those on temporary transfer or foreign service, with adjustments for foreign service conditions.
- Leave is carried over when transferring between services, within limits, and cash equivalent of leave may be granted when
The document outlines the procedures for finalizing pension and commutation cases for retiring government employees in India.
1. The process should begin 2 years before retirement by collecting service details and examining records for deficiencies. Pension papers must be completed within 8 months of retirement.
2. Qualifying service, average emoluments, pension and gratuity must be determined within 2 months and papers sent to the Pay & Accounts Office 6 months before retirement for pension orders.
3. Provisional pension may be granted if departmental proceedings are pending at retirement to avoid hardship.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide notification no. S.O. 1932(E) and S.O.1933(E)dated June 1, 2016 notified constitution of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT).
For more information visit here : http://www.nclt.in
Fbr regulations of taxing structure for hospital sectorSyed Arslan Rizvi
The document outlines new tax regulations for rental income from property in Pakistan's hospital sector. It establishes progressive tax rates of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% for individuals and associations based on gross annual rental income amounts of up to Rs.150,000, between Rs.150,000 and Rs.400,000, between Rs.400,000 and Rs.1,000,000, and over Rs.1,000,000 respectively. Similar tax rates and thresholds are outlined for companies. The regulations aim to remove distortions from the previous flat 5% rate and ensure a universally accepted principle of progressive taxation.
1. The Ministry of Home Affairs renewed the registration of Udyama under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act for 5 years until November 1, 2021.
2. Udyama must receive foreign contributions only in its designated bank account at the State Bank of India.
3. Udyama must file annual returns reporting any foreign contributions received and how they were spent.
1. The document provides tax filing deadlines and extension information for US service members stationed in Japan, Bahrain, and Libya, noting an automatic 2-month extension to June 15, 2011 for filing 2010 taxes.
2. It discusses recent improvements to the Navy's Career Management System/Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) website that make it more user-friendly and intuitive to use.
3. It addresses the current average lead time for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, which has been reduced to 2 months or less, and notes that sailors with orders through June have or will receive them pending the federal budget resolution.
4. It highlights an issue with sailors failing to complete obligated service
The document outlines rules for the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in India. Some key points:
- It defines terms related to NCLAT such as "appeal", "authorised representative", and "party".
- It specifies the location of NCLAT headquarters, sitting hours, and procedures for listing cases.
- It describes the powers and functions of the Registrar, including registering appeals and receiving applications.
- It provides guidance on filing appeals, including formatting requirements and addressing for service. Appeals must be filed in triplicate in the prescribed form.
This document outlines the Airports Authority of India Act of 1994 which established the Airports Authority of India (AAI). Some key points:
- AAI was constituted to better manage airports, civil enclaves, and aeronautical communication stations in India in a cohesive manner.
- The undertakings of the pre-existing International Airports Authority of India and National Airports Authority were transferred to and vested in the newly established AAI.
- AAI is governed by a board consisting of a chairperson appointed by the central government along with other members from relevant fields like aviation and administration.
- The functions and powers of AAI include planning, developing, and maintaining airport infrastructure
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2016GAURAV KR SHARMA
The document outlines rules related to the National Company Law Tribunal in India. It begins by providing definitions for key terms related to tribunal procedures. It then outlines rules regarding sitting hours, filing documents, the roles of the President, Registrar and Secretary of the tribunal, and procedures for instituting proceedings, petitions, appeals and more. In summary:
1) It defines terms related to tribunal procedures and outlines rules for sitting hours, filing documents, and instituting proceedings.
2) It describes the functions of the President, Registrar and Secretary, including the President overseeing operations and the Registrar handling registrations and applications.
3) It provides details on how to file appeals,
Wildwood Crest Ordinance Amending Police Department Chapter of Borough CodeChristie Rotondo
This ordinance amends the borough code to establish the position of Director of Public Safety for the police department. The Director will be appointed by the Mayor, oversee the fiscal and administrative functions of the department, and be responsible for emergency operations and establishing policies and procedures. The Chief of Police will now report to the Director and be responsible for day-to-day police operations and administration. Previous ordinances regarding the police department are amended to reflect these changes.
Budget 2015 - Extended revisional powers to CIT under section 263 - V. K. Sub...D Murali
Budget 2015 - Extended revisional powers to CIT under section 263 - V. K. Subramani - Article published in Business Advisor, dated March 10, 2015 http://www.magzter.com/IN/Shrinikethan/Business-Advisor/Business/
This document discusses the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981. It provides definitions of key terms like "air pollution" and outlines the constitution and roles of the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards, which were established to enforce the Act. The Act aims to prevent, control, and reduce air pollution in India by establishing these regulatory bodies at the central and state levels with powers and duties around air pollution management and regulation.
Air (prevention & control of pollution) Act 1981 ACS Shalu Saraf
The document provides an overview of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 in India. It summarizes the history and objectives of the act, defines key terms, and outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards in enforcing the act. These include establishing air quality standards, monitoring emissions, conducting inspections, and developing programs to prevent and control air pollution. The act grants powers to central and state governments to direct the boards and declares air pollution control areas to regulate burning and fuel/appliance usage.
28 0072 Relating To The Appointment Of Temporary Employees Within The Govern...Genevieve Whitaker
Sponsors: Usie R. Richards
Subject: An Act amending 3 V.I.C., chapter 25, relating to the appointment of temporary employees within the Government of the VirgiN Islands
The document discusses the concept of "office of profit" under Indian law. Key points:
- The principle seeks to ensure independence of elected representatives and prevent conflict of interest by barring them from offices that offer financial benefits from the executive.
- The Indian constitution prohibits the President, Vice President, governors and legislators from holding offices of profit. It is up to courts to define what constitutes an office of profit on a case-by-case basis.
- Offices are typically deemed offices of profit if they offer the opportunity for financial gain or benefit, and are under control of the government in terms of appointment and remuneration.
- Several court cases have further explored the criteria for defining an office
This document contains the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 which classify civil services and posts in India and establish rules regarding employee discipline and appeals. Some key points:
- Civil services are divided into 4 groups - A, B, C and D - based on pay scale and nature of work. Specific services and grades are listed in the Schedule.
- Civil posts are also divided into the same 4 groups based on pay scale. The President can issue orders reclassifying posts as needed.
- The rules cover most central government employees but exclude some like railway staff. Exceptions can be made.
- They establish rules for disciplinary proceedings and appeals against government servants as well as defining
Ravi Shep received a full and final settlement from Wipro BPO after leaving the company on October 9th, 2014 after working as a Senior Associate in Pune since July 15th, 2011. The settlement details his earnings including basic salary, HRA, medical pay, notice pay, and leave encashment totaling Rs. 21,818 and deductions including an ID card deduction of Rs. 1,000 for a net salary of Rs. 18,483. Ravi Shep confirmed he has no further dues from Wipro BPO.
ORPS Act, 2012 in Odisha is based on Citizens' Right to Charter in various Departments of State Government and having Provisions for Appellate and Revisional Authorities to redress the Grievances of Citizens
124/2010 On the conditions to exempt all who establishtraoman
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Oman passed Decision No. 124/2010 to exempt providers of mobile telecommunications services on aircraft from obtaining telecommunications licenses, provided they obtain radio licenses from the Authority and meet requirements for the use of radio equipment and frequencies. The decision aims to facilitate the provision of mobile services on flights while still regulating radio usage, and takes effect once published in the official gazette.
This document is a certified true copy of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of [Company Name] to open a current account with [Bank Name]. The resolution authorizes the bank to honor checks, notes, orders and other instructions signed by the Directors or other authorized signatories. It provides the names and specimen signatures of the Directors and other authorized signatories. The resolution will remain in force until an amended resolution is passed and certified by the Chairman and/or Secretary of the company.
This document discusses various exemptions and tax concessions under Pakistan tax law, including:
1. It lists several clauses that provide income tax exemptions for things like educational institutions, sports boards, mutual funds, and encashment of special US dollar bonds.
2. It discusses some medical expenditure exemptions for employees and allowances for government employees posted abroad.
3. It mentions pension exemptions for federal, provincial, and armed forces employees and some perquisite exemptions for public officials like the President and Governors.
4. It briefly outlines some reduced tax rates and liabilities for things like profits on US dollar bonds and presumptive tax rates for shipping businesses.
This document outlines the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules of 1972. Some key points:
- It establishes rules for leave for government servants appointed to civil services and posts related to the Union government.
- It does not apply to certain groups like railway servants, casual workers, members of the armed forces, or those with special rules.
- Key terms are defined, like "earned leave" and "half pay leave." Authority to grant different types of leave is also specified.
- The rules apply to those on temporary transfer or foreign service, with adjustments for foreign service conditions.
- Leave is carried over when transferring between services, within limits, and cash equivalent of leave may be granted when
The document outlines the procedures for finalizing pension and commutation cases for retiring government employees in India.
1. The process should begin 2 years before retirement by collecting service details and examining records for deficiencies. Pension papers must be completed within 8 months of retirement.
2. Qualifying service, average emoluments, pension and gratuity must be determined within 2 months and papers sent to the Pay & Accounts Office 6 months before retirement for pension orders.
3. Provisional pension may be granted if departmental proceedings are pending at retirement to avoid hardship.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide notification no. S.O. 1932(E) and S.O.1933(E)dated June 1, 2016 notified constitution of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT).
For more information visit here : http://www.nclt.in
Fbr regulations of taxing structure for hospital sectorSyed Arslan Rizvi
The document outlines new tax regulations for rental income from property in Pakistan's hospital sector. It establishes progressive tax rates of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% for individuals and associations based on gross annual rental income amounts of up to Rs.150,000, between Rs.150,000 and Rs.400,000, between Rs.400,000 and Rs.1,000,000, and over Rs.1,000,000 respectively. Similar tax rates and thresholds are outlined for companies. The regulations aim to remove distortions from the previous flat 5% rate and ensure a universally accepted principle of progressive taxation.
1. The Ministry of Home Affairs renewed the registration of Udyama under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act for 5 years until November 1, 2021.
2. Udyama must receive foreign contributions only in its designated bank account at the State Bank of India.
3. Udyama must file annual returns reporting any foreign contributions received and how they were spent.
1. The document provides tax filing deadlines and extension information for US service members stationed in Japan, Bahrain, and Libya, noting an automatic 2-month extension to June 15, 2011 for filing 2010 taxes.
2. It discusses recent improvements to the Navy's Career Management System/Interactive Detailing (CMS/ID) website that make it more user-friendly and intuitive to use.
3. It addresses the current average lead time for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, which has been reduced to 2 months or less, and notes that sailors with orders through June have or will receive them pending the federal budget resolution.
4. It highlights an issue with sailors failing to complete obligated service
The document outlines rules for the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in India. Some key points:
- It defines terms related to NCLAT such as "appeal", "authorised representative", and "party".
- It specifies the location of NCLAT headquarters, sitting hours, and procedures for listing cases.
- It describes the powers and functions of the Registrar, including registering appeals and receiving applications.
- It provides guidance on filing appeals, including formatting requirements and addressing for service. Appeals must be filed in triplicate in the prescribed form.
This document outlines the Airports Authority of India Act of 1994 which established the Airports Authority of India (AAI). Some key points:
- AAI was constituted to better manage airports, civil enclaves, and aeronautical communication stations in India in a cohesive manner.
- The undertakings of the pre-existing International Airports Authority of India and National Airports Authority were transferred to and vested in the newly established AAI.
- AAI is governed by a board consisting of a chairperson appointed by the central government along with other members from relevant fields like aviation and administration.
- The functions and powers of AAI include planning, developing, and maintaining airport infrastructure
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2016GAURAV KR SHARMA
The document outlines rules related to the National Company Law Tribunal in India. It begins by providing definitions for key terms related to tribunal procedures. It then outlines rules regarding sitting hours, filing documents, the roles of the President, Registrar and Secretary of the tribunal, and procedures for instituting proceedings, petitions, appeals and more. In summary:
1) It defines terms related to tribunal procedures and outlines rules for sitting hours, filing documents, and instituting proceedings.
2) It describes the functions of the President, Registrar and Secretary, including the President overseeing operations and the Registrar handling registrations and applications.
3) It provides details on how to file appeals,
Wildwood Crest Ordinance Amending Police Department Chapter of Borough CodeChristie Rotondo
This ordinance amends the borough code to establish the position of Director of Public Safety for the police department. The Director will be appointed by the Mayor, oversee the fiscal and administrative functions of the department, and be responsible for emergency operations and establishing policies and procedures. The Chief of Police will now report to the Director and be responsible for day-to-day police operations and administration. Previous ordinances regarding the police department are amended to reflect these changes.
Budget 2015 - Extended revisional powers to CIT under section 263 - V. K. Sub...D Murali
Budget 2015 - Extended revisional powers to CIT under section 263 - V. K. Subramani - Article published in Business Advisor, dated March 10, 2015 http://www.magzter.com/IN/Shrinikethan/Business-Advisor/Business/
This document discusses the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981. It provides definitions of key terms like "air pollution" and outlines the constitution and roles of the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards, which were established to enforce the Act. The Act aims to prevent, control, and reduce air pollution in India by establishing these regulatory bodies at the central and state levels with powers and duties around air pollution management and regulation.
Air (prevention & control of pollution) Act 1981 ACS Shalu Saraf
The document provides an overview of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 in India. It summarizes the history and objectives of the act, defines key terms, and outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards in enforcing the act. These include establishing air quality standards, monitoring emissions, conducting inspections, and developing programs to prevent and control air pollution. The act grants powers to central and state governments to direct the boards and declares air pollution control areas to regulate burning and fuel/appliance usage.
28 0072 Relating To The Appointment Of Temporary Employees Within The Govern...Genevieve Whitaker
Sponsors: Usie R. Richards
Subject: An Act amending 3 V.I.C., chapter 25, relating to the appointment of temporary employees within the Government of the VirgiN Islands
The document discusses the concept of "office of profit" under Indian law. Key points:
- The principle seeks to ensure independence of elected representatives and prevent conflict of interest by barring them from offices that offer financial benefits from the executive.
- The Indian constitution prohibits the President, Vice President, governors and legislators from holding offices of profit. It is up to courts to define what constitutes an office of profit on a case-by-case basis.
- Offices are typically deemed offices of profit if they offer the opportunity for financial gain or benefit, and are under control of the government in terms of appointment and remuneration.
- Several court cases have further explored the criteria for defining an office
The Commission on Audit is composed of a Chairman and two Commissioners who are natural-born Filipino citizens at least 35 years old with experience as CPAs or lawyers. They are appointed by the President for 7 years without reappointment.
The Commission has the power to examine, audit, and settle accounts of government revenues/expenditures. It keeps the general accounts of the government and defines the scope of its audits. It promulgates accounting and auditing rules and regulations and submits an annual financial report to the President and Congress.
This executive order creates the Energy Regulatory Board to regulate the energy sector in the Philippines. It transfers regulatory powers over energy from several agencies to the newly established Board. The Board will fix prices for petroleum products and gas, regulate refinery capacities, and take other measures to ensure an effective energy policy. It will have the authority to promulgate rules and adjudicate cases regarding energy. The order also establishes the composition, powers, and oversight of the Energy Regulatory Board.
This document is a conference committee report on Senate Bill 1 from the 98th General Assembly. It recommends that the House recede from its amendments to the bill and replace the bill's contents with new language. The new language includes legislative statements about Illinois' fiscal issues and large debts/deficits. It proposes changes to Illinois' pension systems to reduce costs and unfunded liabilities, including reducing annual pension increases and increasing the retirement age for younger workers. It also bars bargaining over the impact of pension changes.
The Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Ordinance establishes a new Authority to oversee technical education and vocational training in Punjab. The Authority will take control of existing polytechnics, training institutes, and other technical education centers. It will have the power to establish new institutions, regulate existing ones, and perform other functions to develop technical and commercial education as well as vocational training in Punjab. The Authority will be governed by a Chairman and members appointed by the government.
This document is an ordinance from 1961 establishing the Khulna Development Authority in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to oversee development projects in the town of Khulna and surrounding areas. It outlines the establishment of the Authority as a governing body and defines its powers and responsibilities, which include preparing a Master Plan for development, acquiring land, demolishing or constructing buildings, and rehousing displaced persons. It also covers the Authority's membership, procedures for conducting business, and contracting and financial matters.
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1974 to prevent and control water pollution. It established legal bodies like the Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards to enforce its provisions. The Act defined water pollution and prohibited the pollution of streams, wells, and sewers. It also restricted new discharges of pollution without consent and gave powers to regulate and monitor existing discharges. Penalties were prescribed for violations of the Act.
CSC Government Office Hours-posted in their website.IvanClojenNahilat
This document outlines the rules and regulations regarding government office hours and attendance tracking systems in the Philippines. Some key points include:
- The standard office hours are 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, Monday to Friday, for a total of 40 hours per week. Lunch time is excluded from working hours.
- Flexible working schedules may be allowed at the discretion of department heads, but total weekly working hours cannot be reduced.
- Attendance must be recorded daily, usually via a time clock. Some officials are exempt from time clocks but must still record arrivals and departures.
- Falsifying time records is prohibited and punishable by administrative and potential criminal penalties.
This document contains a draft of the Jan Lokpal Bill version 2.2, which proposes establishing an anti-corruption institution called the Lokpal at the central level in India. It defines key terms related to corruption and the Lokpal. It outlines the establishment and appointment process for the Lokpal chairperson and members, including qualifications, term lengths, salaries, and the selection committee process. It also describes the grounds and process for removing the chairperson or members of the Lokpal.
This document contains a draft of the Jan Lokpal Bill version 2.2, which proposes establishing an anti-corruption institution called the Lokpal at the central level in India. It defines key terms related to corruption and the Lokpal. It outlines the establishment and appointment process for the Lokpal chairperson and members, including qualifications, term lengths, salaries, and the selection committee process. It also describes the grounds and process for removing the chairperson or members of the Lokpal.
The document provides an agenda for committee meetings of the Twenty-Eight Legislature of the Virgin Islands scheduled between May 17-28, 2010. Key events include a Senior Citizens Mock Session, hearings on retirement system reforms, tsunami safety measures, agriculture issues, and judicial nominations. The committees will receive testimony from government officials and consider bills on related topics.
The Committee on Rules and Judiciary will meet on April 12, 2010 at 10:00 AM in Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall in St. Thomas to consider the following nominations and bills:
Virgin Islands Historic Preservation Commission nominations of Mr. Felipe Ayala, Jr., Mr. David Hayes, Mr. Ronald Lockhart, and Mr. Robert Moron.
Bill No. 28-0134, Bill No. 28-0194, Bill No. 28-0204, and Bill No. 28-0084, which were previously considered by the Committee on Rules and Judiciary and will be brought before the full Legislature subject to the Committee's approval.
The document outlines the agenda for the Legislative Session committee meetings from March 8-19, 2010. It includes consideration of floor agenda, nominations, resolutions, leases, bills and committee hearings with various government departments and agencies such as the University of the Virgin Islands, Roy L. Schneider Hospital, Department of Education, Department of Public Works, and Virgin Islands Police Department. Meetings are held at Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall in St. Thomas.
The document announces a week-long event in March 2010 called "Better Dads VI" on the Virgin Islands. It will feature workshops and presentations by best-selling author Rick Johnson on inspiring fathers to be more engaged in their children's lives. There will also be a seminar for women on raising boys to become good men. Most workshops will be conducted via radio to encourage community participation. The goals are to help incarcerated fathers and sons begin healing and to strengthen relationships between men and their fathers and sons. Sponsorship of $100 or more is requested to support the initiative.
This document is a sponsorship agreement form for "Better Dads V.I.", a community program. It allows sponsors to pledge financial or in-kind support by selecting from options like sponsoring radio workshops, transportation for father-son visits, or books for inmates. The form collects the sponsor's contact information and details their contribution level and any mention of their business during sponsored events. It states that pledged support helps address anger issues among young men in the community.
The Virgin Islands Commission on the Status of Women is hosting a six-week mentoring program called "Women Helping Girls with Choices and Challenges for Guys" from February 24th to March 31st that will discuss topics like personal power, the political process, health, and life after high school. The goals are to encourage higher education, discourage self-destructive behaviors, encourage economic self-sufficiency, and prepare students for womanhood/manhood. Applications are available from guidance counselors for students aged 15-18 to participate in the free program.
The document outlines the schedule and topics for the First Annual District Conference of the District Court of the United States Virgin Islands held on January 19, 2010. The conference included discussions on judicial independence, appellate review in the Virgin Islands court system, a Supreme Court roundup, and whether constitutional rights extend to US citizens in territories. It also featured a bench/bar forum on the district court overview and the magistrate judge issue with a panel of local judges.
United Nations General Assembly (64th Session) Agenda Item 68 Right Of Pe...Genevieve Whitaker
The UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY (GA) during its 64th Session (18 Dec. 2009) adopted the following RESOLUTION (A/RES/64/149): Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.
~Link to Overseas Territories Review Blog\'s coverage of the resolution: http://overseasreview.blogspot.com/2010/01/un-adopts-annual-self-determination.html
The document provides the schedule and agendas for committee meetings of the Virgin Islands Legislature from January 11-22, 2010. It lists the dates, times, committees, locations, and topics to be discussed at each meeting. Several meetings will discuss proposed bills and receive testimony from government officials and community members. One meeting will focus on addressing concerns about the operations and budget of the Division of Cultural Education within the Department of Education.
The White House Project\'s GO LEAD Program: Genevieve Whitaker\'s Acceptance ...Genevieve Whitaker
Genevieve Whitaker has been accepted to attend The White House Project organization\'s GO LEAD Program! Here is the link to the organization\'s website: http://www.thewhitehouseproject.org/.
The legislative session agenda for December 21, 2009 includes consideration of floor agenda, nominations for judicial and government positions, resolutions ratifying coastal zone permits, lease agreements, and multiple bills. The schedule also lists committee meetings and locations for the following week.
U N I C E F ( Nov. 2008) Comprehensive And Holistic Legislative Reform On...Genevieve Whitaker
This document discusses a human rights-based approach to comprehensive and holistic legislative reform on behalf of children's rights. It argues that such an approach must recognize children as rights holders, take a holistic view of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, and involve stakeholders in the reform process. The key principles of a human rights-based approach include universality of rights, interdependence and indivisibility of rights, non-discrimination, participation, and accountability. Legislative reform following these principles would result in a legal framework that effectively protects all children and enables the realization of all their rights.
The Legislature's Committee on Appropriations and Budget has scheduled a meeting for November 3rd to consider several items:
1) A lease agreement for a waste processing facility and power plant on St. Thomas.
2) A bill relating to the Virgin Islands' highway user tax.
3) A bill allowing senior citizens and disabled persons to pay government debts at any agency.
4) A bill appropriating $500,000 for pre-kindergarten education evaluation.
5) A bill establishing a public school maintenance and repair fund.
The Committee on Health has also scheduled a meeting for November 4th to discuss services at the territory's hospitals, including dialysis units, emergency rooms
The document outlines the terms and conditions for the INCREASE THE PEACE FUN DAY & DANCE COMPETITION 2009. It specifies that groups of 2-6 students from local schools can enter, and must submit entry forms by November 6, 2009. The competition will judge groups on choreography, use of music, showmanship, execution, formation, and synchronization. Winning groups will receive certificates and may have ambassadorial duties for the organizers for one year.
TIME: 1:00 - 9:30 P.M.
TEL. 772-1330 EXT. 3104, 772-3978, OR 244-3781
EMAIL: iyoungthing@yahoo.com
The document provides the agenda for various committee meetings of the Twenty-Eighth Legislature of the Virgin Islands scheduled between October 19-30, 2009. The committees will receive testimony and consider bills related to labor issues, infrastructure projects, healthcare facilities, and other matters. Key invited testifiers include government officials, business leaders, and organization representatives.
Statement of Fifth Constitutional Convention President Luz James II Speech ...Genevieve Whitaker
The president of the Fifth Constitutional Convention of the U.S. Virgin Islands addressed the United Nations General Assembly to summarize the territory's ongoing efforts to draft a locally written constitution to replace the current constitution imposed by the administering power, the United States. However, the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands refused to transmit the draft constitution to the U.S. for review as required by law, citing objections to some provisions. The Constitutional Convention has sued to force the governor to transmit the draft. The president emphasized that the draft constitution is not intended to change the territory's non-self-governing status but to organize its internal governance, and asked the U.N. to support the public education process on
The document provides the schedule and agendas for various legislative committee meetings from Monday, October 12, 2009 to Friday, October 23, 2009. The committees include Education, Youth and Culture; Public Safety, Homeland Security and Justice; Labor and Agriculture; Financial Services, Infrastructure and Consumer Affairs; and Health. The meetings will discuss topics such as the status of education, the Virgin Islands Drug Enforcement Bureau, wrongfully discharged government employees, repairs at the governor's residence, and the status of local health care facilities.
University of the Virgin Islands\' 4-H Club. Inaugural Organizational Meeting
~When: Thursday, October 8, 2009
~Where: UVI Research & Extension Center, Room 143
28-0050 Admin Leave To Govt. Employees Members Of Brds. And Commissions
BILL NO. 28-0050
Twenty-Eighth Legislature of the Virgin Islands
MAY 15, 2009
An act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5 to grant administrative leave to
government employees who are members of boards and commissions to attend boards and
commissions meetings
PROPOSED BY: Senator Patrick Simeon Sprauve
1 WHEREAS, government employees are regularly appointed or elected to executive
2 branch boards and commissions; and
3 WHEREAS, a government employee who attends meetings of a government board
4 or commission to which the employee is elected or appointed is performing officially
5 sanctioned activities in addition to the employees regular work duties and assignments; and
6 WHEREAS, whether elected or appointed, a government employee who is a member
7 of a government or commission is a public officer occupying an office created by law and
8 performing a public function for public benefit; and
9 WHEREAS, certain government employees appointed or elected to government
10 boards and commissions have suffered loss of pay for time spent during regular working
2. 2
1 hours attending meetings of such boards or commissions or have had such time charged
2 against their annual leave time; and
3 WHEREAS, given that members attendance at meetings of government boards or
4 commissions constitute officially sanctioned activities, a government employee appointed or
5 elected to a government board or commission should appropriately be granted paid
6 administrative leave for time spent during regular working hours attending meetings of such
7 boards or commissions; and
8 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands:
9 SECTION 1. Title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 65f that reads as
10 follows:
11 則65f Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any government
12 employee who is a member of a board or commission established by law within the
13 government of the Virgin Islands must be granted paid administrative leave for time spent
14 during regular working hours in attendance of official meeting and functions of the board or
15 commission.
18 This bill adds a new section to chapter 5 of title 3 Virgin Islands Code to grant
19 administrative leave for government employees who serve on boards and commissions.
21 BR09-0656/May 14, 2009/AA