Olaniyi Sofunwa has been elected as a member of the EnergyCPD Membership Programme authorized by the European Energy Centre located in the United Kingdom. The certificate certifies that Sofunwa has been elected as an AEEC Member of the EnergyCPD Membership Programme for renewable energy, as authorized and directed by the EEC in 2014.
La criptograf鱈a se refiere a las t辿cnicas utilizadas para cifrar y descifrar informaci坦n mediante m辿todos matem叩ticos que permiten el intercambio seguro de mensajes. Los sistemas criptogr叩ficos se clasifican seg炭n el n炭mero de claves utilizadas, el tipo de operaci坦n para transformar el texto claro en cifrado, y la forma de procesar el texto claro, ya sea por bloques o de forma continua. DES es un algoritmo de cifrado por bloques que utiliza claves de 56 bits para cifrar bloques de 64 bits de texto claro mediante
Olaniyi Sofunwa has been elected as a member of the EnergyCPD Membership Programme authorized by the European Energy Centre located in the United Kingdom. The certificate certifies that Sofunwa has been elected as an AEEC Member of the EnergyCPD Membership Programme for renewable energy, as authorized and directed by the EEC in 2014.
La criptograf鱈a se refiere a las t辿cnicas utilizadas para cifrar y descifrar informaci坦n mediante m辿todos matem叩ticos que permiten el intercambio seguro de mensajes. Los sistemas criptogr叩ficos se clasifican seg炭n el n炭mero de claves utilizadas, el tipo de operaci坦n para transformar el texto claro en cifrado, y la forma de procesar el texto claro, ya sea por bloques o de forma continua. DES es un algoritmo de cifrado por bloques que utiliza claves de 56 bits para cifrar bloques de 64 bits de texto claro mediante
Program Evaluation Basics - Center for Nonprofit Success slidesIsaac Castillo
This document summarizes a presentation about program evaluation. The presentation discusses why program evaluation is important, defines what program evaluation is, and provides examples of how to conduct an effective program evaluation. Specifically, it covers evaluating outcomes, using both quantitative and qualitative data, comparing results to baselines or control groups, communicating findings, and determining the appropriate level of rigor and whether to conduct the evaluation internally or externally. The overall goal is to use data to improve programs and demonstrate their impact.
Presentation on Building Enclosure Airtightness Testing in Washington StateRDH Building Science
This document discusses building airtightness testing that was conducted in Washington State on 31 buildings. It provides an overview of airtightness testing procedures and requirements under the 2009 and 2012 energy codes. Test results showed that while an airtightness of 0.4 cfm/ft2 is attainable, achieving it requires repetitive simple details, experienced teams, and coordination between designers, contractors and trades to minimize air leakage.
Este documento define una crisis hipertensiva como un aumento repentino de la presi坦n arterial capaz de producir da単os en los 坦rganos. Describe la epidemiolog鱈a, etiolog鱈a, fisiopatolog鱈a, clasificaci坦n, manifestaciones cl鱈nicas, evaluaci坦n y tratamiento de las emergencias y urgencias hipertensivas. Se enfoca en la importancia de diferenciar entre ambas para determinar el enfoque terap辿utico apropiado.
Verolax Ni単os es un laxante rectal indicado para el alivio del estre単imiento ocasional en ni単os de 2 a 12 a単os. Contiene como principio activo glicerol y se administra por v鱈a rectal mediante un aplicador unidosis. Sus efectos adversos m叩s comunes son picor, dolor e irritaci坦n anal. No debe usarse por m叩s de 7 d鱈as sin consultar antes con un m辿dico.
Este documento trata sobre la importancia de la imagen personal y el cuidado del cuerpo. Explica que la imagen personal incluye las dimensiones interpersonales, la imagen que proyectamos de nosotros mismos, y el aspecto corporal como el cuidado de la piel, el cabello y el rostro. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales y la comunicaci坦n con otros. Adem叩s, detalla algunos consejos b叩sicos para el cuidado de la piel, el cabello y el rostro como parte de proyectar una buena imagen personal.
This document is an introduction to an English language textbook on international management practice for students studying global economics. It discusses the following:
- The textbook covers basic theoretical and practical issues of management, the activities of multinational corporations, human resource management, and staff motivation.
- Exercises and tests are designed to help students develop English language skills for professional use.
- The textbook is intended for teaching English to university students and graduates in global economics and other international specializations, as well as professionals who need knowledge of international company management basics.
- The goal is for students to gain professional competencies, including the ability to read, translate and analyze specialty literature in English and select useful information for their professional
This document provides an introduction to an English language textbook titled "Introduction to Accounting" which is intended to teach accounting terminology to Russian university students studying accounting and auditing.
The textbook contains 5 units that present original English language texts from accounting literature along with exercises using carefully selected terminology. The goal is to develop students' professional communication skills in English and improve their ability to quickly understand accounting texts.
Each unit contains main texts, additional readings, and exercises to practice vocabulary and develop language skills through accounting terms. Appendices provide tables of accounting term equivalents in different English varieties and lists of international accounting standards. The textbook is designed to facilitate independent and instructor-guided study of accounting in English.
1) The paper establishes a relationship between the maximal entropy and degree of coherence of radiation. Specifically, it shows that for stationary radiation fields that are coherent in the first order, the maximal entropy cannot exceed that of a partially coherent field with the same mean photon number.
2) As a radiation field approaches higher-order coherence, the maximal entropy never increases for fields described by a P representation density matrix.
3) For stationary radiation fields described by a diagonal density matrix, the maximal entropy is a monotonically increasing function of the second-order coherence and attains its minimum when second-order coherence is lowest, though not necessarily when it is equal to one.