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Eucharistic Ministries
of the
30th Aug
of the
7th Sep
Eucharistic Ministries
Aug 7:30pm
Maura Marren
Aug 9:30am
Mary Rose Casey
Mary Davey
Sep 7:30pm
Martin F Scanlon
Sep 9:30am
Mary C Scanlon
11: 30am
Maureen McCabe
Aug 7:30pm
Dympna Gorman
Aug 9:30
James Hargadon
John Hanbury
Sep 7:30pm
Nicole Power
Sep 9:30am
Tommy McManus
Francis Kelly
7th Sep
Mary T
30th Aug 9:30am
F. Hargadon
P. Loughlin
S. Duffy
J. McHale
5th Sep
G Price
Annmarie Mc
J Mullane
F Kelly
P Benson
J Kelly
The Sick and Housebound: Mass is on 107FM. Just tune in your radio
before Mass. Also on churchtv.ie/carraroe
Please let the housebound know about this service in your area
Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday 7.30pm
Sunday 9.30am Mary Scanlon (Rec Dec)
11.30am Agnus Mulhern (Anni)
Mon/Tue No Morning Mass
Wed 10.00am
Thur 10.00am
Fri 6.00pm Adoration
Fri 7.00pm Mary Keegan (Rec Dec)
Sat 7.30pm Dean McCormack (Anni)
Sun 9.30am Martina McDonagh (Anni)
Sun 11.30am Johnny Stenson (Anni)
Rosary for the Month of September Jimmy Keegan
Mass Times: Saturday 7:30pm
Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am
Holidays 10:00am & 7:00pm Mass
Priest: Fr Jim Murray,
Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com
Phone: 071-9162136
Mobile: 087-8198466
Websites: www.carraroechurchsligo.com
Community Centre
Slim World has returned to the Hall. Other groups will be returning in
the near future. Please note that ifyou are not booked into a particular
group, you should not be visiting the Hall. Also,the Hall will be
sanitised for Church use at the weekend.
Church Envelopes
We are currently working on the parish Envelops for the newchurch year
which begins in November. Ifyou are not receiving Parish Envelopes or are
not registered in the parish, please contact the Parish Office during the week.
Due to cost and labour we are no longer sending envelops to Parishioners who
do not use them.
Parish Adoration
Parish Adoration will take place on Friday 4th
September at 6.00pm followed
by Mass at 7.00pm. Because ofthe Coronavirus visitation to the sick and
housebound is by request and visitation to the Hospital can only take place
through the Hospital Chaplain. Please contact the Parish Office.
Booking Church Masses
Please book Massesby contacting the Parish Office or call into the Sacristy
after Mass.
Parish Baptism
Congratulation to Siobhan and Seamus Cannon, Collooney, Co. Sligo
on the Baptism ofHarvey Daniel.
Every good wish in the future.
Supporting our Church
Collection Baskets are available in the Church and Community Centre at the
entrance and exit points as no collection will be taken up during Mass. Also,
you can drop your envelopesinto the letter box at the Presbytery or in the
Church during the week. Ifyou would like to help with the roofrepairs,
please drop your contribution into the collection marked,Church Roof.
Your support is appreciated.
Weekend Collection 1,535 inclusing loose change
Church RoofDonation  50
Tobernalt Holy Well
The Holy Well is open to all visitors during the Coronavirus. Please exercise a
sutiable distance from each others and respect the sacredness ofthis soil. This
month might be a good time to reflect on the various shrines.
Church Improvement
During the Coronavirus we have installed a newvideo system which is now
available on churchtv.ie/Carraroe. The radio system on 107FM has also been
enhanced and upgraded. Both are available to the sick and housebound ofour
Parish. We have also improved the system and video link to the Community
Centre with various pods for families. Please come along at the weekend and
support your Parish.
Parish Standing Order
Over the years some Parishioners have set up standing orders to our Church,
payable weekly or monthly. If you would like to do the same our bank details
are as follows: Account: St. Johns Church, Carraroe: Account Number:
12185497 BIC: ULSB IE 2D IBAN: IE86 ULSB 9862 6012 1854 97 Forms are
now availabe at the back ofthe Church.
Parish Readers
We need some more people in our Parish to volunteer as Parish Readers for
our Weekend Masses. Please contact the Parish Office with your details. Your
support is appreciated.
Confirmation and First Communion
Confirmation takes place on 12th
September at 11am and 3pm. First
Communion on 26th
September at 1.00pm. Information and Directive
for both Ceremonies will be sent out to Parents. Obviously both will take place
in line with HSE directive and in the interest ofthe safety ofall involved.
Church Weddings
Some Weddings have changed dates for the coming year.
We are here to facilitate you with your needs ifpossible. Please contact us if
you need any more help.
Carraroe National School
The school will be reopening on Monday. Newdirectives and
guidelines will be in place and all parents should have been contacted
at this stage. Parents are asked to support your school as it begins a
newschool year and a very different school life.
The Season ofCreation
The Season ofCreation or Creation Time, is marked throughout the Christian
world from 1 September to 4 October
(Feast ofSt. Francis ofAssisi) and celebrates the joy ofcreation as well as
encouraging awareness-raising initiativesto protect the natural environment.
Resources are available on: https://www.elphindiocese.ie/the-season-of-creation/
Parish Baptism
Parish Baptisms can be booked through the Parish Office. The Baptism course
takes place in the Gillooly Hall. Contact the parish Office for both booking of
the Baptism and course.
Accord  Sligo
Accord Sligo are offering Pre-Marriage and Counselling courses under the
newdirectives. Please contact the Accord Centre at 071-9145641 or accord.ie

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29 August 2020 (Newsletter)

  • 1. Eucharistic Ministries Weekend of the 30th Aug Weekend of the 7th Sep Eucharistic Ministries 29th Aug 7:30pm Maura Marren 30th Aug 9:30am Mary Rose Casey 11:30am Mary Davey 5th Sep 7:30pm Martin F Scanlon 6th Sep 9:30am Mary C Scanlon 11: 30am Maureen McCabe Readers 29th Aug 7:30pm Dympna Gorman 30th Aug 9:30 James Hargadon 11:30am John Hanbury 5th Sep 7:30pm Nicole Power 6th Sep 9:30am Tommy McManus 11:30am Francis Kelly Altar Society 30th Aug Frances Kelly Emile Feehily 7th Sep Mary T Scanlon Mary Dunbar Mary Kivlehan Collectors 29th Aug7:30pm G.Kelly E.O'Loughlin 30th Aug 9:30am F. Hargadon P. Loughlin 11:30am S. Duffy J. McHale 5th Sep 7:30pm G Price Annmarie Mc Cafferty 6thSep9:30am J Mullane F Kelly 11:30am P Benson J Kelly The Sick and Housebound: Mass is on 107FM. Just tune in your radio before Mass. Also on churchtv.ie/carraroe Please let the housebound know about this service in your area Mass Times and Intentions Saturday 7.30pm Sunday 9.30am Mary Scanlon (Rec Dec) 11.30am Agnus Mulhern (Anni) Mon/Tue No Morning Mass Wed 10.00am Thur 10.00am Fri 6.00pm Adoration Fri 7.00pm Mary Keegan (Rec Dec) Sat 7.30pm Dean McCormack (Anni) Sun 9.30am Martina McDonagh (Anni) Sun 11.30am Johnny Stenson (Anni) Rosary for the Month of September Jimmy Keegan ST JOHNS CHURCH CARRAROE PARISH NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 30th AUGUST 2020 Mass Times: Saturday 7:30pm Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am Holidays 10:00am & 7:00pm Mass Priest: Fr Jim Murray, Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com Phone: 071-9162136 Mobile: 087-8198466 Websites: www.carraroechurchsligo.com www.holywellsligo.com Community Centre Slim World has returned to the Hall. Other groups will be returning in the near future. Please note that ifyou are not booked into a particular group, you should not be visiting the Hall. Also,the Hall will be sanitised for Church use at the weekend. Church Envelopes We are currently working on the parish Envelops for the newchurch year which begins in November. Ifyou are not receiving Parish Envelopes or are not registered in the parish, please contact the Parish Office during the week. Due to cost and labour we are no longer sending envelops to Parishioners who do not use them. Parish Adoration Parish Adoration will take place on Friday 4th September at 6.00pm followed by Mass at 7.00pm. Because ofthe Coronavirus visitation to the sick and housebound is by request and visitation to the Hospital can only take place through the Hospital Chaplain. Please contact the Parish Office.
  • 2. Booking Church Masses Please book Massesby contacting the Parish Office or call into the Sacristy after Mass. Parish Baptism Congratulation to Siobhan and Seamus Cannon, Collooney, Co. Sligo on the Baptism ofHarvey Daniel. Every good wish in the future. Supporting our Church Collection Baskets are available in the Church and Community Centre at the entrance and exit points as no collection will be taken up during Mass. Also, you can drop your envelopesinto the letter box at the Presbytery or in the Church during the week. Ifyou would like to help with the roofrepairs, please drop your contribution into the collection marked,Church Roof. Your support is appreciated. Weekend Collection 1,535 inclusing loose change Church RoofDonation 50 Tobernalt Holy Well The Holy Well is open to all visitors during the Coronavirus. Please exercise a sutiable distance from each others and respect the sacredness ofthis soil. This month might be a good time to reflect on the various shrines. Church Improvement During the Coronavirus we have installed a newvideo system which is now available on churchtv.ie/Carraroe. The radio system on 107FM has also been enhanced and upgraded. Both are available to the sick and housebound ofour Parish. We have also improved the system and video link to the Community Centre with various pods for families. Please come along at the weekend and support your Parish. Parish Standing Order Over the years some Parishioners have set up standing orders to our Church, payable weekly or monthly. If you would like to do the same our bank details are as follows: Account: St. Johns Church, Carraroe: Account Number: 12185497 BIC: ULSB IE 2D IBAN: IE86 ULSB 9862 6012 1854 97 Forms are now availabe at the back ofthe Church. Parish Readers We need some more people in our Parish to volunteer as Parish Readers for our Weekend Masses. Please contact the Parish Office with your details. Your support is appreciated. Confirmation and First Communion Confirmation takes place on 12th September at 11am and 3pm. First Communion on 26th September at 1.00pm. Information and Directive for both Ceremonies will be sent out to Parents. Obviously both will take place in line with HSE directive and in the interest ofthe safety ofall involved. Church Weddings Some Weddings have changed dates for the coming year. We are here to facilitate you with your needs ifpossible. Please contact us if you need any more help. Carraroe National School The school will be reopening on Monday. Newdirectives and guidelines will be in place and all parents should have been contacted at this stage. Parents are asked to support your school as it begins a newschool year and a very different school life. The Season ofCreation The Season ofCreation or Creation Time, is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast ofSt. Francis ofAssisi) and celebrates the joy ofcreation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiativesto protect the natural environment. Resources are available on: https://www.elphindiocese.ie/the-season-of-creation/ Parish Baptism Parish Baptisms can be booked through the Parish Office. The Baptism course takes place in the Gillooly Hall. Contact the parish Office for both booking of the Baptism and course. Accord Sligo Accord Sligo are offering Pre-Marriage and Counselling courses under the newdirectives. Please contact the Accord Centre at 071-9145641 or accord.ie