Introduction to the histology. Basics of cytology. The structural and molecular basis of cell function / 仗 亟仂 仗亠亟仄亠 亞仂仍仂亞. 仆仂于亳 亳仂仍仂亞. 弌从仆 舒 仄仂仍亠从仍仆 仂仆仂于亳 仆从仂仆于舒仆仆 从仍亳仆.
Introduction to the histology. Basics of cytology. The structural and molecular basis of cell function / 仗 亟仂 仗亠亟仄亠 亞仂仍仂亞. 仆仂于亳 亳仂仍仂亞. 弌从仆 舒 仄仂仍亠从仍仆 仂仆仂于亳 仆从仂仆于舒仆仆 从仍亳仆.
The document discusses various methods for dealing with toxic waste, including burying it in containers underground, burning it, or sending it to poorer countries. However, these methods often allow the toxic chemicals to leak into the environment. Some more promising approaches involve using bacteria to break down toxic waste into safer substances like carbon dioxide and water.