Shawar Khan reported vulnerabilities to ESET's security team, including an open redirection bug on their website on June 17, 2015. ESET thanked Khan for reporting these issues, as it helped them improve the security of their online services and prevent exploitation of the vulnerabilities. ESET's Chief Information Security Officer Daniel Chromek acknowledged Khan's contributions from their headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia.
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Acknowledgement for reporting security vulnerability
ESET Security team would like to officially thank Shawar Khan for reporting following vulnerabilities:
ï‚· Open Redirection Bug in on June 17, 2015
This information has helped us to improve security of our online services and has prevented malicious
exploitation of this vulnerability.
Best regards,
Daniel Chromek
Chief Information Security Officer
ESET s.r.o.
Einsteinova 24
851 01 Bratislava