The communication cycle consists of an encoder that encodes a message using language, the message itself which is sent via a channel, and a decoder that receives and decodes the message. The encoder transmits an idea using spoken language as signals, the message is the channel along which these signals travel, and the decoder receives the signals and translates them to understand the encoder's original idea.
2. Introduction
The basic communication model is formed
By: An Encoder, The message, and the
The encoder: encodes the message into signals (
natural Language).
The Message: Is send in Spoken Language.
The Decoder: decodes the message
3. The Encoder
Is the information source. Uses natural
Language ( Signals, Native Language, a code)
To transmit a message.
4. The Message
A Channel to which signals are adopted for
5. The Decoder
The Receiver which decodes the message
from the Signal.
6. Conclusion
The Communication cycle is formed by three
Elements. The Encoder The Message- The
The Encoder transmits an idea, using a form
of Spoken Language. The Decoder decodes
the message to get the encoders idea.