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DMX Korea    谿
讌 SDN (れ豺 覯るれ 譴朱)
1st 覦 Review
1. SDN企 覓伎瑚?
(Control Plane)
Hardware  (Data Plane)
蠍一ヾ ろ語 ル
(Control Plane)
(Data Plane)
SDN ろ語 ル
SDN Control Plane螻 Data Plane 覿襴 ろ豎 .
2. SDN螻 OpenFlow 螳 蟇願?
OpenFlow SDN 蟲  .
Control plane螻 Data Plane 豐  蟆 OpenFlow企,
 覿覿  Specification 殊螻 給.
3. Programmable API SDN瑚?
API 豌企 企 襦 SDN .
API SDN ろ豎襯 蟲  襦  .
OpenSource 讌 SDN 蟯 覯る 讌 SDN 蟯
Source : HP Technical white paper
4. Enterprise ろ語  螳ロ螳?
伎  蟆 れ襦 覿覿讌襷,
 螳語 蟆企 蟲伎 讌 讌  蟆 蟠ロ.
伎  螳讌.
1. Enterprise ろ語 豕 Application 讌 覿譟燕.
2. Enterprise  SDN  Switch 焔 覦 譬襯 讌 螻螳 給.
一危一狩, Cloud, Carrier 覦 轟 襭 .
企 れ豺襯  蟆瑚斡?
覓伎 蠍一朱 ル襯 伎 螳?
1. 焔
-  蠍磯 ろ
-  蟆 磯 螻
2. 蠍磯
- 朱 蠍磯ル 蟲
- 12Tuple 覈 蟲
3. 曙
- OpenFlow 蠍磯 譴 讌   蠍磯  
4. Legacy Network 磯
- OpenFlow ろ語襷 
- 覲 Application 
- れ豺 螻 蠍磯  (Brocade / Arista)
1. 焔 蟯 Source : HP
- OpenFlow 譯殊 HP 譟一姶 襷 蠍磯レ Software朱 豌襴.
- 覈 蠍磯レ 伎朱 豌襴 覯るれ 讌襷 螳蟆 谿螳 襷 .
2. 蠍磯 蟯
Interop L2 Interop. L3
# of
Edge Core Edge Core
A  Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y 2.5K Very good
B  Y N Y N Y L2 or L3 ? N 4K
No flow
C  Y N N N N L2 Y Y 4K Bad
D  Y Y Y N Y L2 or L3 Will N NDA
Bug in D-Mac
E  Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y Million OK
F  Y ? Y ? Y 12 N Y ? Good
G  Y N N N N ? N ? ? Worst
H  Y N Y N Y L2 ? ? ? OK
I  Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y ? Good
Source : ONF Plug-Fest
1. A  :
- Strip VLAN tag such as 802.1q header is not supported.
2. B  :
- Output to ingress port is silently dropped.
- Changing the list of controllers causes the current controller connection to be dropped.
3. C  :
- Local and Normal actions is not supported
- Layer 3 mode is not supported
譯殊  :
- SDN / OpenFlow襯 襷貅朱襷 伎 覈覈 Vendor れ 給.
- 企 覯るれ OpenFlow襯 讌 れ豺手 讌襷 れ  蠍磯レ 蟇一  蟆曙郁 襷給.
- 覦 焔, 蠍磯,   襾殊 誤 .
4. Legacy Network 磯
4. Legacy Network 磯  Route Flow (SDN App)
4. Legacy Network 磯  Route Flow (SDN App)
Current router architectures OpenFlow architectures
4. Legacy Network 磯  Legacy Flow (SDN App)
4. Legacy Network 磯  Hybrid Switch
Legacy switch architecture OpenFlow switch architecture
4. Legacy Network 磯  Arista 螻 蠍磯 #1
Route Flow 螳  ??
=> れ豺 豌 螻 蠍磯レ 牛 Legacy Routing Protocol螻 磯
1. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 1 and 2 are assigned to VLAN 1 and are processed by OpenFlow.
2. Packets received on routed port Ethernet 8 are assigned to the routed port's internal VLAN and are not
processed by OpenFlow.
3. Interface Ethernet 48 recirculates traffic routed to and from VLAN 1 via the routed transit VLAN 401.
 : (VLAN 1) -> recirc -> (VLAN 401) -> routing -> (Et8 VLAN)
 : (Et8 VLAN) -> routing -> (VLAN 401) -> recirc -> (VLAN 1)
4. Legacy Network 磯  Arista 螻 蠍磯 #2
OpenFlow ろ語 螳 Routing ..
=> れ豺 豌 螻 蠍磯レ 牛 OpenFlow ろ語 螳 旧
(VLAN 1) -> recirc -> (VLAN 401) -> routing -> (VLAN 402) -> recirc -> (VLAN 2)
(VLAN 2) -> recirc -> (VLAN 402) -> routing -> (VLAN 401) -> recirc -> (VLAN 1)
1. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 1 and 2 are assigned to VLAN 1 and are processed by OpenFlow.
2. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 5 and 6 are assigned to VLAN 2 and are processed by OpenFlow.
3. interface Ethernet 48 recirculates traffic routed between VLANs 1 and 2 via the routed transit VLANs 401
and 402.
れ豺 覯る覲 SDN
HP   豌 襭 磯
HP   Security, All In One 觜
HP   Security Use Case
HBO: Sentinel Security Application Use Case
IBM   豌 襭 磯
SDN Controller  Legacy Switch, 螳 れ豺, OpenFlow れ豺 蟯襴
IBM   螳ろ語 觜
- Distributed Policy Service (DPS):
discovers & disseminates VM location (physical server), maintains communication controls (e.g. allow, deny) within a Virtual
domain and disseminates those controls to Virtual switches
- Gateway Service:
Connectivity to non-Virtual networks
NEC   Control Plane螻 Data Plane襷 讌譴
NEC   れ 螳ろ語 蟲
NEC   API 螻糾襯 牛 3rd party 磯
3rd party
mgmt system
Arista   れ豺  螳覦 蟆 螻糾
 Full access to bash shell
 Scripting via python / shell
 seamless integration to 3rd party API.
- Vmware, Openstac SDN Agent/OpenFlow Agent
- Install standard packages (RPM)
- Virtual machine (KVM) support
- Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)
- vmTracer integration with VMWare
Arista   れ豺  螳覦 蟆 螻糾
If you know Linux, you will love EOS, as it gives you the POWER that NO other network device operating system has before
Arista7124SX >en
Arista Networks EOS shell
[admin@tm225 ~]$

Arista EOS also provides
the user complete access to the
Linux kernel of the switch.
To enter it, simply enter bash:
No other switches have this
tm225#bash sudo tcpdump I e1
tcpdump: WARNING: fabric: no IPv4
address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use
-v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on fabric, link-type EN10MB
(Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
12:57:30.222171 00:1c:73:0f:80:a6 (oui
Unknown) > 01:00:5e:00:00:05 (oui
Unknown ), ethertype
802.1Q (0x8100), length 82: vlan 1, p 0,
ethertype IPv4,
length 44
localhost# cat -n HelloCli.py
1 import BasicCli, CliParser
2 tokenHello = CliParser.KeywordRule(
'hello', helpdesc='Says hello' )
3 def doHello( mode ):
4 print "World.n"
5 BasicCli.UnprivMode.addCommand( (
tokenHello, doHello ) )
localhost>show hello ?
| Output modifiers
localhost>show hello
Hello World.

You can create and add new commands by
simply writing your own python script:

You can easily do a tcpdump on an Arista
switch with no impact to the CPU. You can
see ospf hello packets being received
Arista   SDN 蟲 れ 蠍磯
Brocade    螻給 (Router,  )
 Maximum service performance:
 OpenFlow enabled in hardware for flows up to 100 G
 Flexible deployment:
 Hybrid mode for simultaneous support of OpenFlow and traditional L2/L3 forwarding
 Investment protection:
 Programmable network processors ideal for evolving standards
Brocade   Hybrid 
Deliver value-added services for specific customer
traffic on top of standard forwarding
OpenFlow as an overlay on top of a unprotected IP
WAN network
Unprotected Hybrid port mode:
- Hybrid port mode means:
WAN ports run OpenFlow concurrently with
traditional MPLS/IP routing
- Unprotected means:
OpenFlow is allowed to affect MPLS/IP traffic
- Protected means :
 WAN ports run OpenFlow concurrently with
traditional MPLS/IP routing
 Protected mode ensure OpenFlow cannot
affect MPLS/IP routed traffic
Value-added Services with OpenFlow on top of Production Network
覯る覲 SDN 讌 乏
Page 34
 Controller 覯る ( 覲伎)
覯る 轟 觜螻
Big Switch Big Network Controller OpenSource (FloodLight)
VMWare Cloud 蟆曙 豐 / 覓朱Μ れ豺 蟯  . NICIRA 語
NEC DataCenter 覦 Telco 豐 螳 焔 Portfolio 螻
NTT DataCenter  豐 (SI ) 朱蓋  覦
Page 35
 Controller 覯る (RoadMap)
覯る 轟 觜螻
HP DataCenter  豐 / 企 豐 豢  豌 襭螻 磯 螻
Cisco Test Bed 豐 /  Q4 豢  OF ろ語
NTT Data DataCenter 豐 /  Q4 豢  SI 
IBM DataCenter  豐 豌 襭螻 磯 螻
MidoKura Cloud 蟆曙 豐 / 覓朱Μ れ豺 蟯  .
Page 36
 Switch 覯る ( 覲伎)
覯る 轟 觜螻
HP 5螳 覈語 25螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌
HP 3500 / 3500yl / 3800 /
5400 / 8200
IBM 2螳 覈 3螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 G8264 / 8264T / 8052
2螳 覈 2螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌
 狩 Controller / Switch  覲伎 覯る
PF 5820 / 5240
Arista 1螳 覈 5螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 Arista 7050 Series
Brocade 3螳 覈 8螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌
MLX Series / CES 2000 /
CES 2000
Page 37
 Switch 覯る ( 覲伎)
覯る 轟 觜螻
Pica8 3螳 覈 4螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌
Pica8 3290 / 3295 / 3780 /
Netgear 1螳 覈 1螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 GSM7352Sv2
Extreme 1螳 覈 1螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 BlackDiamond X8
Page 38
 Switch 覯る (RoadMap)
覯る 轟 觜螻
HP 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.3 讌   蠍一
CISCO  Q4 OpenFlow 1.0 讌   貂襴 語 Catalyst 3750 / 3560
NEC 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.3 讌   蠍一
Juniper JunOS SDK (1.0 讌)  貊碁殊ろ 語 MX routers / EX Switches
Extreme ExtremeXOS 15.1 (1.0 讌) Stackable Switch
Arista 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.2 讌   蠍一
Page 39
螳 Switch 覯る
覯る 轟 觜螻
VMWare, Xen, Hyper-V   / OpenFlow 讌
vSphere Distributed Switch
Open Virtual Switch
CISCO VMWare / Hyper-V  Nexus 1000V Switch
MicroSoft Hyper-V  Hyper-V Virtual Switch
IBM VMWare  Virtual Switch 5000V
Big Switch 語 1 Big Switch 覦 襭 谿瑚 Big Virtual Switch
NEC Hyper-V   / OpenFlow 讌 vPFS Virtual Switch
Thank you.

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濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
OpenStack Korea Community
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
Opendaylight beryllium
Opendaylight berylliumOpendaylight beryllium
Opendaylight beryllium
Cheolmin Lee
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
覓瑚鍵 覦
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OCP Switch Overview
OCP Switch OverviewOCP Switch Overview
OCP Switch Overview
Seung-Hoon Baek
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center NetworkNetwork virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Inho Kang
Next generation cloud data center technologies
Next generation cloud data center technologiesNext generation cloud data center technologies
Next generation cloud data center technologies
hybrid cloud
[IBM Technical NewsLetter - 牛 6]
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HyunHwa Myoung
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
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Jongsoo Jeong
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
OpenStack Korea Community
James Ahn
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Innovating OpenStack Network with SDN solution
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Innovating OpenStack Network with SDN solution[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Innovating OpenStack Network with SDN solution
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Innovating OpenStack Network with SDN solution
OpenStack Korea Community
1st SDN Interest Group Seminar - Session2 (121017)
1st SDN Interest Group Seminar - Session2 (121017)1st SDN Interest Group Seminar - Session2 (121017)
1st SDN Interest Group Seminar - Session2 (121017)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
SDN - 2018 Zeropage Devil's Camp
SDN - 2018 Zeropage Devil's CampSDN - 2018 Zeropage Devil's Camp
SDN - 2018 Zeropage Devil's Camp
4th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session 2-1(130313)
4th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session 2-1(130313)4th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session 2-1(130313)
4th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session 2-1(130313)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - How to speed up OpenStack network with P...
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - How to speed up OpenStack network with P...[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - How to speed up OpenStack network with P...
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - How to speed up OpenStack network with P...
OpenStack Korea Community
濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
濠鍵覦蟆螳 2010 CPD
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
[OpenStack Days Korea 2016] Track2 - 襴ろ OpenStack 磯 覦 CloudVision 襭 螳
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 3) - SDN/NFV enabled Openstack Platform : ...
OpenStack Korea Community
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
SDN覓 (Overlay and Underlay)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
Opendaylight beryllium
Opendaylight berylliumOpendaylight beryllium
Opendaylight beryllium
Cheolmin Lee
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
Cloud, sdn and nfv 蠍一 atto-research-覦覓瑚鍵-20171016
覓瑚鍵 覦
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
5th SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session2 (130605)
NAIM Networks, Inc.
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center NetworkNetwork virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Network virtualization for the better understanding of Data Center Network
Inho Kang
Next generation cloud data center technologies
Next generation cloud data center technologiesNext generation cloud data center technologies
Next generation cloud data center technologies
hybrid cloud
[IBM Technical NewsLetter - 牛 6]
[IBM Technical NewsLetter - 牛 6] [IBM Technical NewsLetter - 牛 6]
[IBM Technical NewsLetter - 牛 6]
HyunHwa Myoung
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
ろろ 覃磯碁 れ 蠍
NanoQplus for EFM32 - EnergyMicro Seminar Korea 20120823
NanoQplus for EFM32 - EnergyMicro Seminar Korea 20120823NanoQplus for EFM32 - EnergyMicro Seminar Korea 20120823
NanoQplus for EFM32 - EnergyMicro Seminar Korea 20120823
Jongsoo Jeong
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
[OpenStack Day in Korea 2015] Track 2-4 - Towards Programmable Network (Conce...
OpenStack Korea Community
James Ahn

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NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯 蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯  蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯  蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing  micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing  micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩 -語 伎 谿
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩  -語 伎 谿[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩  -語 伎 谿
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩 -語 伎 谿
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-觜 讌 螳襯 NFV/SDN
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
[White Paper] SDN 蠍磯 螻糾鴬 讌谿 螳襯 ろ語 蟯襴 覲 蟲 覦
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NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯 蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯  蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯  蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDN蠍磯 蠍一 企 一危一狩 覦-ろ語 蟾蠏 襷る
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing  micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing  micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] edge computing micro data center 蠍一 覦 蟲豢 襦-企朱碁Ν ...
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩 -語 伎 谿
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩  -語 伎 谿[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩  -語 伎 谿
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] SDDC 蟲豢 襦 蟆 一危一狩 -語 伎 谿
NAIM Networks, Inc.
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
[企 蟆 一危一狩 貉朱一] 企 蟆 一危一狩一 蟲 -蟲覦 蟠 蟲
NAIM Networks, Inc.
ONK2015-Jive:SDN/NFV Based Enterprise IoT Management Solution
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ONK2015-Jive:SDN/NFV Based Enterprise IoT Management Solution
NAIM Networks, Inc.
9th SDN Expert Group Seminar - Session4
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9th SDN Expert Group Seminar - Session2
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9th SDN Expert Group Seminar - Session1
NAIM Networks, Inc.
螻襤 ろ語-企殊磯 SDN 覲伎
螻襤 ろ語-企殊磯 SDN 覲伎螻襤 ろ語-企殊磯 SDN 覲伎
螻襤 ろ語-企殊磯 SDN 覲伎
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 襦 (朱蓋): O3 Project : User-oriented SDN for WAN
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 襦 (朱蓋): O3 Project : User-oriented SDN for WANOVNC 2015-SDN 伎 襦 (朱蓋): O3 Project : User-oriented SDN for WAN
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 襦 (朱蓋): O3 Project : User-oriented SDN for WAN
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-High performance Network Function Virtualization & VNF acceleration
OVNC 2015-High performance Network Function Virtualization & VNF accelerationOVNC 2015-High performance Network Function Virtualization & VNF acceleration
OVNC 2015-High performance Network Function Virtualization & VNF acceleration
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 IoT 蟆 襷覲伎
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 IoT 蟆 襷覲伎OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 IoT 蟆 襷覲伎
OVNC 2015-SDN 伎 IoT 蟆 襷覲伎
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-Service Provider SDN with Cloud Transformation
OVNC 2015-Service Provider SDN with Cloud TransformationOVNC 2015-Service Provider SDN with Cloud Transformation
OVNC 2015-Service Provider SDN with Cloud Transformation
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-炎概 Customer Optimized Datacenter 蟲豢 覦
OVNC 2015-炎概 Customer Optimized Datacenter 蟲豢 覦OVNC 2015-炎概 Customer Optimized Datacenter 蟲豢 覦
OVNC 2015-炎概 Customer Optimized Datacenter 蟲豢 覦
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-Open Ethernet螻 SDN 牛 Mellanox 谿碁 ろ語 覦
OVNC 2015-Open Ethernet螻 SDN 牛 Mellanox 谿碁 ろ語  覦OVNC 2015-Open Ethernet螻 SDN 牛 Mellanox 谿碁 ろ語  覦
OVNC 2015-Open Ethernet螻 SDN 牛 Mellanox 谿碁 ろ語 覦
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-觜 讌 螳襯 NFV/SDN
OVNC 2015-觜 讌 螳襯  NFV/SDN OVNC 2015-觜 讌 螳襯  NFV/SDN
OVNC 2015-觜 讌 螳襯 NFV/SDN
NAIM Networks, Inc.
OVNC 2015-谿碁 一危一狩 ろ豌, 襴貅伎 譴 誤殊ろ碁豌 ACI
OVNC 2015-谿碁 一危一狩 ろ豌, 襴貅伎 譴 誤殊ろ碁豌 ACIOVNC 2015-谿碁 一危一狩 ろ豌, 襴貅伎 譴 誤殊ろ碁豌 ACI
OVNC 2015-谿碁 一危一狩 ろ豌, 襴貅伎 譴 誤殊ろ碁豌 ACI
NAIM Networks, Inc.

2nd SDN Interest Group Seminar-Session3 (121218)

  • 1. DMX Korea 谿 讌 SDN (れ豺 覯るれ 譴朱) (2012.12)
  • 3. 1. SDN企 覓伎瑚? Software (Control Plane) Hardware (Data Plane) Routing Policy QoS Forwarding 蠍一ヾ ろ語 ル Software (Control Plane) Hardware (Data Plane) Routing Policy QoS Forwarding SDN ろ語 ル SDN Control Plane螻 Data Plane 覿襴 ろ豎 .
  • 4. 2. SDN螻 OpenFlow 螳 蟇願? OpenFlow SDN 蟲 . Control plane螻 Data Plane 豐 蟆 OpenFlow企, 覿覿 Specification 殊螻 給.
  • 5. 3. Programmable API SDN瑚? API 豌企 企 襦 SDN . API SDN ろ豎襯 蟲 襦 . OpenSource 讌 SDN 蟯 覯る 讌 SDN 蟯 Source : HP Technical white paper
  • 6. 4. Enterprise ろ語 螳ロ螳? 伎 蟆 れ襦 覿覿讌襷, 螳語 蟆企 蟲伎 讌 讌 蟆 蟠ロ. 伎 螳讌. 1. Enterprise ろ語 豕 Application 讌 覿譟燕. 2. Enterprise SDN Switch 焔 覦 譬襯 讌 螻螳 給. 一危一狩, Cloud, Carrier 覦 轟 襭 .
  • 7. 企 れ豺襯 蟆瑚斡?
  • 8. 覓伎 蠍一朱 ル襯 伎 螳? 1. 焔 - 蠍磯 ろ - 蟆 磯 螻 2. 蠍磯 - 朱 蠍磯ル 蟲 - 12Tuple 覈 蟲 3. 曙 - OpenFlow 蠍磯 譴 讌 蠍磯 4. Legacy Network 磯 - OpenFlow ろ語襷 - 覲 Application - れ豺 螻 蠍磯 (Brocade / Arista)
  • 9. 1. 焔 蟯 Source : HP - OpenFlow 譯殊 HP 譟一姶 襷 蠍磯レ Software朱 豌襴. - 覈 蠍磯レ 伎朱 豌襴 覯るれ 讌襷 螳蟆 谿螳 襷 .
  • 10. 2. 蠍磯 蟯 Vendor Interop LLDP Interop L2 Interop. L3 Match Strip VALN Mac Rewrite # of flows Memo Edge Core Edge Core A Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y 2.5K Very good B Y N Y N Y L2 or L3 ? N 4K No flow delete? C Y N N N N L2 Y Y 4K Bad D Y Y Y N Y L2 or L3 Will N NDA Bug in D-Mac of LLDP E Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y Million OK F Y ? Y ? Y 12 N Y ? Good G Y N N N N ? N ? ? Worst H Y N Y N Y L2 ? ? ? OK I Y Y Y Y Y 12 Y Y ? Good Source : ONF Plug-Fest
  • 11. 3. 1. A : - Strip VLAN tag such as 802.1q header is not supported. 2. B : - Output to ingress port is silently dropped. - Changing the list of controllers causes the current controller connection to be dropped. 3. C : - Local and Normal actions is not supported - Layer 3 mode is not supported 譯殊 : - SDN / OpenFlow襯 襷貅朱襷 伎 覈覈 Vendor れ 給. - 企 覯るれ OpenFlow襯 讌 れ豺手 讌襷 れ 蠍磯レ 蟇一 蟆曙郁 襷給. - 覦 焔, 蠍磯, 襾殊 誤 .
  • 13. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Route Flow (SDN App)
  • 14. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Route Flow (SDN App) Current router architectures OpenFlow architectures
  • 15. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Legacy Flow (SDN App)
  • 16. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Hybrid Switch Legacy switch architecture OpenFlow switch architecture
  • 17. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Arista 螻 蠍磯 #1 Route Flow 螳 ?? => れ豺 豌 螻 蠍磯レ 牛 Legacy Routing Protocol螻 磯 1. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 1 and 2 are assigned to VLAN 1 and are processed by OpenFlow. 2. Packets received on routed port Ethernet 8 are assigned to the routed port's internal VLAN and are not processed by OpenFlow. 3. Interface Ethernet 48 recirculates traffic routed to and from VLAN 1 via the routed transit VLAN 401. : (VLAN 1) -> recirc -> (VLAN 401) -> routing -> (Et8 VLAN) : (Et8 VLAN) -> routing -> (VLAN 401) -> recirc -> (VLAN 1)
  • 18. 4. Legacy Network 磯 Arista 螻 蠍磯 #2 OpenFlow ろ語 螳 Routing .. => れ豺 豌 螻 蠍磯レ 牛 OpenFlow ろ語 螳 旧 : (VLAN 1) -> recirc -> (VLAN 401) -> routing -> (VLAN 402) -> recirc -> (VLAN 2) : (VLAN 2) -> recirc -> (VLAN 402) -> routing -> (VLAN 401) -> recirc -> (VLAN 1) 1. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 1 and 2 are assigned to VLAN 1 and are processed by OpenFlow. 2. Packets received on interfaces Ethernet 5 and 6 are assigned to VLAN 2 and are processed by OpenFlow. 3. interface Ethernet 48 recirculates traffic routed between VLANs 1 and 2 via the routed transit VLANs 401 and 402.
  • 20. HP 豌 襭 磯
  • 21. HP Security, All In One 觜
  • 22. HP Security Use Case HBO: Sentinel Security Application Use Case
  • 23. IBM 豌 襭 磯 SDN Controller Legacy Switch, 螳 れ豺, OpenFlow れ豺 蟯襴
  • 24. IBM 螳ろ語 觜 - Distributed Policy Service (DPS): discovers & disseminates VM location (physical server), maintains communication controls (e.g. allow, deny) within a Virtual domain and disseminates those controls to Virtual switches - Gateway Service: Connectivity to non-Virtual networks
  • 25. NEC Control Plane螻 Data Plane襷 讌譴
  • 26. NEC れ 螳ろ語 蟲
  • 27. NEC API 螻糾襯 牛 3rd party 磯
  • 28. 3rd party mgmt system Arista れ豺 螳覦 蟆 螻糾 Full access to bash shell Scripting via python / shell seamless integration to 3rd party API. - Vmware, Openstac SDN Agent/OpenFlow Agent - Install standard packages (RPM) - Virtual machine (KVM) support - Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) - vmTracer integration with VMWare
  • 29. Arista れ豺 螳覦 蟆 螻糾 If you know Linux, you will love EOS, as it gives you the POWER that NO other network device operating system has before Arista7124SX> Arista7124SX >en Arista7124SX#bash Arista Networks EOS shell [admin@tm225 ~]$ Arista EOS also provides the user complete access to the Linux kernel of the switch. To enter it, simply enter bash: No other switches have this capability tm225#bash sudo tcpdump I e1 tcpdump: WARNING: fabric: no IPv4 address assigned tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on fabric, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 12:57:30.222171 00:1c:73:0f:80:a6 (oui Unknown) > 01:00:5e:00:00:05 (oui Unknown ), ethertype 802.1Q (0x8100), length 82: vlan 1, p 0, ethertype IPv4, > OSPF-ALL.MCAST.NET: OSPFv2, Hello, length 44 localhost# cat -n HelloCli.py 1 import BasicCli, CliParser 2 tokenHello = CliParser.KeywordRule( 'hello', helpdesc='Says hello' ) 3 def doHello( mode ): 4 print "World.n" 5 BasicCli.UnprivMode.addCommand( ( tokenHello, doHello ) ) localhost>show hello ? | Output modifiers <cr> localhost>show hello Hello World. Localhost> You can create and add new commands by simply writing your own python script: You can easily do a tcpdump on an Arista switch with no impact to the CPU. You can see ospf hello packets being received
  • 30. Arista SDN 蟲 れ 蠍磯
  • 31. Brocade 螻給 (Router, ) Maximum service performance: OpenFlow enabled in hardware for flows up to 100 G Flexible deployment: Hybrid mode for simultaneous support of OpenFlow and traditional L2/L3 forwarding Investment protection: Programmable network processors ideal for evolving standards
  • 32. Brocade Hybrid Need: Deliver value-added services for specific customer traffic on top of standard forwarding Solution: OpenFlow as an overlay on top of a unprotected IP WAN network Unprotected Hybrid port mode: - Hybrid port mode means: WAN ports run OpenFlow concurrently with traditional MPLS/IP routing - Unprotected means: OpenFlow is allowed to affect MPLS/IP traffic - Protected means : WAN ports run OpenFlow concurrently with traditional MPLS/IP routing Protected mode ensure OpenFlow cannot affect MPLS/IP routed traffic Value-added Services with OpenFlow on top of Production Network
  • 34. Page 34 Controller 覯る ( 覲伎) 覯る 轟 觜螻 Big Switch Big Network Controller OpenSource (FloodLight) VMWare Cloud 蟆曙 豐 / 覓朱Μ れ豺 蟯 . NICIRA 語 NEC DataCenter 覦 Telco 豐 螳 焔 Portfolio 螻 NTT DataCenter 豐 (SI ) 朱蓋 覦
  • 35. Page 35 Controller 覯る (RoadMap) 覯る 轟 觜螻 HP DataCenter 豐 / 企 豐 豢 豌 襭螻 磯 螻 Cisco Test Bed 豐 / Q4 豢 OF ろ語 NTT Data DataCenter 豐 / Q4 豢 SI IBM DataCenter 豐 豌 襭螻 磯 螻 MidoKura Cloud 蟆曙 豐 / 覓朱Μ れ豺 蟯 .
  • 36. Page 36 Switch 覯る ( 覲伎) 覯る 轟 觜螻 HP 5螳 覈語 25螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 HP 3500 / 3500yl / 3800 / 5400 / 8200 IBM 2螳 覈 3螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 G8264 / 8264T / 8052 NEC 2螳 覈 2螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 狩 Controller / Switch 覲伎 覯る PF 5820 / 5240 Arista 1螳 覈 5螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 Arista 7050 Series Brocade 3螳 覈 8螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 MLX Series / CES 2000 / CES 2000
  • 37. Page 37 Switch 覯る ( 覲伎) 覯る 轟 觜螻 Pica8 3螳 覈 4螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 Pica8 3290 / 3295 / 3780 / 3920 Netgear 1螳 覈 1螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 GSM7352Sv2 Extreme 1螳 覈 1螳 譬 OpenFlow 讌 BlackDiamond X8
  • 38. Page 38 Switch 覯る (RoadMap) 覯る 轟 觜螻 HP 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.3 讌 蠍一 CISCO Q4 OpenFlow 1.0 讌 貂襴 語 Catalyst 3750 / 3560 NEC 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.3 讌 蠍一 Juniper JunOS SDK (1.0 讌) 貊碁殊ろ 語 MX routers / EX Switches Extreme ExtremeXOS 15.1 (1.0 讌) Stackable Switch Arista 企 譴 OpenFlow 1.2 讌 蠍一
  • 39. Page 39 螳 Switch 覯る 覯る 轟 觜螻 VMWare VMWare VMWare, Xen, Hyper-V / OpenFlow 讌 vSphere Distributed Switch Open Virtual Switch CISCO VMWare / Hyper-V Nexus 1000V Switch MicroSoft Hyper-V Hyper-V Virtual Switch IBM VMWare Virtual Switch 5000V Big Switch 語 1 Big Switch 覦 襭 谿瑚 Big Virtual Switch NEC Hyper-V / OpenFlow 讌 vPFS Virtual Switch