This document summarizes Faisal Razzak's 2nd year PhD report. It discusses his research topics of the Web of Domotics, a semantic energy information publishing framework, and an effects-based approach for smart homes. It outlines his past and planned work, including published and submitted journal articles. It also describes his research goals for the next year, which include extending his effects-based approach and exploring intelligent techniques and entertainment aspects of smart homes.
3.  Web of Domotics.
 Semantic Energy Information
Publishing Framework
 Effects Based Approach in Smart
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
4.  Combination of concepts from following
– Domotics.
– Internet ofThings.
 Enables mobile users to access (in a
standard, semantic powered linked data
format) and to control devices in a
ubiquitous manner, without any a priori
knowledge of device controllers from any
network or location.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
5. 1. Domotic Device Identification
2. Domotic Device Control
3. Access to Controller
4. Universal Authentication
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
6. • A mobile phone equipped with a camera and
an enabled Internet connection.
• Every device has a unique identifier.
• The Identifier can be encoded using RFID,
visual tags, NFC etc.
• There exists a reference DNS domain
assigned to all identifiers. For example,
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
9. 9
1. The mobile
application takes a
snap shot of the
visual tag
associated to the
device and located
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
10. 2. The mobile application decodes the visual tag to extract the
UAID of the device.
3. After getting the UAID, the mobile application determines the
URL of the correct Controller through a DNS query on a special
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
11. 11
4. The mobile application
contacts the Controller
and sends the user’s
identity credentials .
5. The Controller forwards
the authentication
credentials to an external
authentication service.
6. The authentication
service informs the
Controller about the
validity of the user
13. • The Controller exposes device information
through RDF or RDFa.
• The user can request pure RDF description of a device or RDFa (XHTML)
as a response user interface.
• Devices are described by reporting semantics-rich information including
their name, type, functionalities, current location and by showing
current state and available operations.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
14.  Conference
– Mobile Interaction with Smart Environments through Linked Data
F. Razzak, D. Bonino, F. Corno, SMC 2010, 2010 IEEE InternationalÂ
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 10-13, 2010,Â
Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2922-2929
 A Journal article submitted.
– Web of Domotics:Towards a web of Smart Environments.
– IEEETransactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part C).
– Submitted on 26/11/2010.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
15.  Provide ability to expose energy
consumption information from the
residential gateways in a machine
understandable format, to achieve
intelligent negotiation and consumption
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
16.  Energy Consumption Information
 Machine understandable format.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
17.  Based on Modular approach.
 It describes the Power consumed by
different appliances in different states.
 Two basic concepts:
– DeviceProfile
– Consumption
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
22.  Implementation.
 A Journal article submitted.
– Enabling Machine Understandable Exchange of Energy
Consumption Information in Intelligent Domotic Environments.
– Energy and Buildings - ELSEVIER
– Submitted on 16/11/2010.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
23.  An abstract modeling approach to
control devices in smart homes.The
approach is called ``Effect Based
Approach in Smart Homes''.
 Modeling
 Evaluation
 Solution
 Optimization
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
25. • Extending Effect based approach in Smart
• Exploring Intelligent system techniques.
• Entertainment Aspects of Smart Homes.
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak
26. • RAZZAK F., CASTELLINA E, F. CORNO, Environmental Control
Application compliant with Cogain Guidelines, In: COGAIN 2009:
Gaze Interaction ForThoseWhoWant It Most, COGAIN 2009,
COGAIN 2009: Gaze Interaction ForThoseWhoWant It Most,
COGAIN 2009, Copenaghen, Denmark 26/05/2009, 2009.
• Mobile Interaction with Smart Environments through Linked Data
F. Razzak, D. Bonino, F. Corno, SMC 2010, 2010 IEEE InternationalÂ
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 10-13, 2010,Â
Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2922-2929
2nd Year PhD Report -- Faisal Razzak