What do mothers want as concrete measures to improve work life balance & how ...European Economic and Social Committee - SOC SectionMothers want concrete measures from companies and governments to improve work-life balance. They want policies that support better reconciling of work and family responsibilities, such as expanded maternity leave policies and ensuring quality part-time work. Companies can benefit from family-friendly policies through increased employee morale, productivity, retention and attracting talented job applicants. A private organization evaluates companies based on indicators related to leadership, employment quality, flexibility, family support, development opportunities and equality to recognize family-friendly practices.
Target audience appealginagoodallThis magazine appeals to its target audience of 16-26 year olds through its use of language, images, colors and content. The language uses informal terms that would appeal to younger readers, and discusses popular artists and current music trends. Images feature fashionable, young artists posed in cool ways. Colors are bright and modern. The content focuses on new and popular artists, music reviews, and topics related to gaming and technology that target younger demographics.
Manualnegociosup 130424105511-phpapp01 (1)Jonathas AssisEste manual apresenta os principais pontos do plano de negócios da empresa UP!, incluindo:
1) Apresenta a empresa UP!, sua visão, missão e valores;
2) Explica termos como patrocinador, gerações, volume de grupo e qualificações;
3) Detalha o processo de ingresso na UP!, incluindo cadastro e aquisição da concessão;
4) Descreve o plano de evolução pessoal com diferentes níveis de qualificação.
Cистема превентивного вихованняenvk1Система роботи школи з превентивного виховання
Maravillas modernascarmenpatriciasantaEste documento describe la evolución del ordenador desde sus orígenes hasta la era moderna. Comienza con Charles Babbage y su máquina analítica en el siglo XIX, luego cubre hitos clave como Colossus, ENIAC, UNIVAC y el desarrollo del ratón por Douglas Engelbart en los años 60 y 70. También discute pioneros como Alan Turing, John von Neumann y sus contribuciones al desarrollo de la computadora digital moderna. Finalmente, resume los avances que llevaron a las primeras computadoras personales creadas por Steve
Annual reportwalterhumureThis annual report provides data on company performance over the past year. Key metrics and figures are presented across multiple sections to give an overview of the business and its progress. In summary, the report outlines the company's activities and results for stakeholders.
30 ideas for teaching writingTintinay DRosaThe document provides 30 ideas for teaching writing contributed by experienced writing teachers. It discusses strategies like using shared life events to inspire writing, establishing email dialogues between students reading the same book, analyzing texts by imagining author dialogues, focusing on revision techniques, and using home languages to facilitate standard English. The techniques aim to improve student writing in a variety of ways without promoting a single approach.
Estudio de la dieta mediterránea mediante herramientas 20duendegrisEste documento describe un estudio sobre la dieta mediterránea que utiliza herramientas digitales como wikis, blogs, y redes sociales. Los estudiantes trabajan en grupos para investigar aspectos de la dieta mediterránea y decidir qué alimentos incluirían en una representación pictórica de su pirámide alimenticia basándose en evidencia científica. El objetivo es desarrollar una visión transdisciplinaria de la alimentación y disponer de recursos sobre la dieta mediterránea, además de mejorar las habilidades digital
Backbone and edge - architecting the balance between continuity and changeTetradian ConsultingThis document summarizes key points from a presentation on using an architecture pattern called "backbone and edge" to balance continuity and change in enterprise architecture. Some main ideas discussed include:
1) The backbone and edge pattern can help balance control (e.g. waterfall approaches) with agility (e.g. agile approaches) by distinguishing elements that require more certainty and control (the backbone) from those that can adapt more freely (the edge).
2) Services can be categorized along a spectrum from the certain backbone to the uncertain edge depending on factors like dependencies, the ability to experiment, and whether outcomes are known or unknown.
3) An effective architecture governs both the services themselves and "g
Design in the newsR. Sosa The document discusses issues with the design of parking coupons in Singapore. It notes that 1) enforcement of coupon rules did not actually reduce cheating based on inaccurate increased case reports, and 2) the coupon design relies on users tearing tabs, which tempts and encourages cheating. It proposes that 3) electronic parking systems could provide a technology solution. A user is quoted saying those who can afford a car should not avoid small parking fees. The document suggests that design should target errors and temptations to prevent cheating, and that technology is often used to fix bad design issues. It also notes people are willing to spend on products but less on small associated fees.
«Мобильная Электронная Школа» как средство реализации требований ФГОСШкольная лига РОСНАНОТатьяна Валерьевна Долгова, к.э.н., руководитель отдела продвижения и методического сопровождения ООО «Мобильное электронное образование»
Cистема превентивного вихованняenvk1Система роботи школи з превентивного виховання
Maravillas modernascarmenpatriciasantaEste documento describe la evolución del ordenador desde sus orígenes hasta la era moderna. Comienza con Charles Babbage y su máquina analítica en el siglo XIX, luego cubre hitos clave como Colossus, ENIAC, UNIVAC y el desarrollo del ratón por Douglas Engelbart en los años 60 y 70. También discute pioneros como Alan Turing, John von Neumann y sus contribuciones al desarrollo de la computadora digital moderna. Finalmente, resume los avances que llevaron a las primeras computadoras personales creadas por Steve
Annual reportwalterhumureThis annual report provides data on company performance over the past year. Key metrics and figures are presented across multiple sections to give an overview of the business and its progress. In summary, the report outlines the company's activities and results for stakeholders.
30 ideas for teaching writingTintinay DRosaThe document provides 30 ideas for teaching writing contributed by experienced writing teachers. It discusses strategies like using shared life events to inspire writing, establishing email dialogues between students reading the same book, analyzing texts by imagining author dialogues, focusing on revision techniques, and using home languages to facilitate standard English. The techniques aim to improve student writing in a variety of ways without promoting a single approach.
Estudio de la dieta mediterránea mediante herramientas 20duendegrisEste documento describe un estudio sobre la dieta mediterránea que utiliza herramientas digitales como wikis, blogs, y redes sociales. Los estudiantes trabajan en grupos para investigar aspectos de la dieta mediterránea y decidir qué alimentos incluirían en una representación pictórica de su pirámide alimenticia basándose en evidencia científica. El objetivo es desarrollar una visión transdisciplinaria de la alimentación y disponer de recursos sobre la dieta mediterránea, además de mejorar las habilidades digital
Backbone and edge - architecting the balance between continuity and changeTetradian ConsultingThis document summarizes key points from a presentation on using an architecture pattern called "backbone and edge" to balance continuity and change in enterprise architecture. Some main ideas discussed include:
1) The backbone and edge pattern can help balance control (e.g. waterfall approaches) with agility (e.g. agile approaches) by distinguishing elements that require more certainty and control (the backbone) from those that can adapt more freely (the edge).
2) Services can be categorized along a spectrum from the certain backbone to the uncertain edge depending on factors like dependencies, the ability to experiment, and whether outcomes are known or unknown.
3) An effective architecture governs both the services themselves and "g
Design in the newsR. Sosa The document discusses issues with the design of parking coupons in Singapore. It notes that 1) enforcement of coupon rules did not actually reduce cheating based on inaccurate increased case reports, and 2) the coupon design relies on users tearing tabs, which tempts and encourages cheating. It proposes that 3) electronic parking systems could provide a technology solution. A user is quoted saying those who can afford a car should not avoid small parking fees. The document suggests that design should target errors and temptations to prevent cheating, and that technology is often used to fix bad design issues. It also notes people are willing to spend on products but less on small associated fees.
«Мобильная Электронная Школа» как средство реализации требований ФГОСШкольная лига РОСНАНОТатьяна Валерьевна Долгова, к.э.н., руководитель отдела продвижения и методического сопровождения ООО «Мобильное электронное образование»
Драматизация как средство повышения мотивации изучения английского языкаольга такушевичИспользование драматизации в рамках изучения английского языка в школе
к а к с р е д с т в о р а з в и т и я
индивидуальных особенностей
Домашняя работа №3 по курсу
«Управление индивидуальной
учебной деятельностью»
гр.2.3 «Школьная психология»
Ефремова Ю.С.
2. Педагогическая технология
деятельностного подхода
Технология решения системы задач (развивающего обучения)
3. Проектная задача - система или набор заданий,
целенаправленно стимулирующих систему
детских действий, направленных на получение
еще никогда не существовавшего в практике
ребенка результата «продукта», в ходе решения
которой происходит качественное изменение
группы детей.
14. Комментарии к заданиям.
Комплект Математика и Окружающий мир
Умение: владение понятием масштаба.
Уровень 1 – простое задание на масштаб; с целью доступности
для младших учащихся термин «масштаб» не используется, а дается
его толкование.
Уровень 2 – нахождение местоположение объекта по его
направлению и расстоянию от заданной точки с учетом масштаба.
Уровень 3 – работа одновременно с разными масштабами,
заданными в неявной форме; нестандартная (по сравнению с
картографическими произведениями) ситуация – не уменьшенные, а
увеличенные изображения.
20. Комментарии к заданиям.
Комплект Изо и Литературное чтение
Умение: находить аналогию и различие между художественными
приемами, используемыми в различных видах искусства.
Уровень 1 – установление прямого соответствия между
гиперболой и ее смыслом.
Уровень 2 – сопоставление гиперболы в художественных текстах
и карикатуры в произведениях изобразительного искусства,
построение изображений, соответствующих различным
изображениям, и обратно.
Уровень 3 – создание собственного текста и изображения с
использованием соответствующих литературных и изобразительных