Modeling Algorithm of Estimation Of Renal Function by the Cockcroft and M...hiijThe purpose of this study was to determine the concordance between two equations used for estimating
glomerular filtration rate, in order to verify the possibility to be used interchangeably in the clinical
practice. The two equations are of Cockcroft & Gault (CG) (1976) formula and MDRD (modification of
Diet in Renal Disease) (1999) formula, these two models allow the assessment of glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) by calculating creatinine clearance (CLCR).To make a comparison between these two formulas
different models were examined for Subjects with normal renal function, Patients with renal impairment,
Diabetic patients, Age and sex, finally lean and obese patients by modeling two algorithms with the two
functions. Results show that the formula of Cockcroft & Gault remains the method of choice for estimating
renal function in clinical practice.
Listrik4 editlembayungtirta1. Arus searah terjadi ketika muatan bergerak di dalam konduktor akibat adanya medan listrik. Arah arus searah sama dengan arah gerak muatan positif.
2. Hukum Ohm menyatakan hubungan antara arus, tegangan, dan hambatan pada konduktor. Arus proporsional dengan tegangan dan invers proporsional dengan hambatan.
3. Daya listrik ditentukan oleh hasil kali antara arus dan tegangan. Daya digunakan unt
PressInfo.pl_Prezentacja_Raporty MedyczneGM_TAITylko w - raporty (branża medyczna) na podstawie monitoringu rynku zamówień publicznych - opis produktu.
Spring paintingsShauna MorganSpring brings new growth and warmer weather. During this season, one may observe flowers blooming, trees budding with fresh leaves, and animals becoming more active outside. Nature comes alive in Springtime.
Jyoti engineers-constructionsJyoti Engineers & ConstructionsJyoti Engineers & Constructions is a manufacturer and supplier of chemical and pharmaceutical processing equipment, structural fabrication, storage tanks, and other related products. It was established in 2007 and is located in Mumbai, India. The company provides products like industrial agitators, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, and more to various industries. It prides itself on offering customized solutions and has 11-25 employees.
All change: responses to the public libraries crisis in England 2010 to 2013Public Libraries NewsIncludes reductions in usage, closure of libraries, protests, campaigns, co-location, outsourcing and the Government response. Produced for the Assocation de Bibliothecaires Francais conference in Lyons, June 2013.
Power point for_april_28-2JewishInterfaithCouplesThe document summarizes the history and programs of the Washington DCJCC's Interfaith Connections initiative. For the past 19 years, it has offered programs to interfaith couples and families to be inclusive and provide comprehensive programming. Its signature program is the "Love and Religion" workshop for interfaith couples, which meets for 4 weeks to openly discuss issues, explore creating a new religious life together, and develop community. It also offers classes on Judaism fundamentals and Jewish holidays geared toward interfaith families. Going forward, it aims to further integrate outreach to interfaith families and maximize use of the internet to engage new couples.
Listrik00lembayungtirtaDokumen tersebut membahas dua bab fisika, yaitu Fisika Listrik dan Magnet serta Fisika Gelombang dan Optik. Pada bab pertama dijelaskan konsep-konsep dasar tentang muatan listrik, medan listrik, kapasitor, arus listrik dan induksi elektromagnetik. Sedangkan pada bab kedua dibahas tentang gelombang mekanik, sinar dan cahaya serta interferensi gelombang cahaya. Diakhir masing-masing bab disebutkan daftar pustaka yang
Listrik7.lembayungtirtaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang hukum Faraday dan hukum lens yang menjelaskan induksi elektromagnetik, termasuk contoh perhitungan masalah yang terkait. Juga dibahas tentang transformator, generator, dan induktansi kumparan.
Modeling Algorithm of Estimation Of Renal Function by the Cockcroft and M...hiijThe purpose of this study was to determine the concordance between two equations used for estimating
glomerular filtration rate, in order to verify the possibility to be used interchangeably in the clinical
practice. The two equations are of Cockcroft & Gault (CG) (1976) formula and MDRD (modification of
Diet in Renal Disease) (1999) formula, these two models allow the assessment of glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) by calculating creatinine clearance (CLCR).To make a comparison between these two formulas
different models were examined for Subjects with normal renal function, Patients with renal impairment,
Diabetic patients, Age and sex, finally lean and obese patients by modeling two algorithms with the two
functions. Results show that the formula of Cockcroft & Gault remains the method of choice for estimating
renal function in clinical practice.
Listrik4 editlembayungtirta1. Arus searah terjadi ketika muatan bergerak di dalam konduktor akibat adanya medan listrik. Arah arus searah sama dengan arah gerak muatan positif.
2. Hukum Ohm menyatakan hubungan antara arus, tegangan, dan hambatan pada konduktor. Arus proporsional dengan tegangan dan invers proporsional dengan hambatan.
3. Daya listrik ditentukan oleh hasil kali antara arus dan tegangan. Daya digunakan unt
PressInfo.pl_Prezentacja_Raporty MedyczneGM_TAITylko w - raporty (branża medyczna) na podstawie monitoringu rynku zamówień publicznych - opis produktu.
Spring paintingsShauna MorganSpring brings new growth and warmer weather. During this season, one may observe flowers blooming, trees budding with fresh leaves, and animals becoming more active outside. Nature comes alive in Springtime.
Jyoti engineers-constructionsJyoti Engineers & ConstructionsJyoti Engineers & Constructions is a manufacturer and supplier of chemical and pharmaceutical processing equipment, structural fabrication, storage tanks, and other related products. It was established in 2007 and is located in Mumbai, India. The company provides products like industrial agitators, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, and more to various industries. It prides itself on offering customized solutions and has 11-25 employees.
All change: responses to the public libraries crisis in England 2010 to 2013Public Libraries NewsIncludes reductions in usage, closure of libraries, protests, campaigns, co-location, outsourcing and the Government response. Produced for the Assocation de Bibliothecaires Francais conference in Lyons, June 2013.
Power point for_april_28-2JewishInterfaithCouplesThe document summarizes the history and programs of the Washington DCJCC's Interfaith Connections initiative. For the past 19 years, it has offered programs to interfaith couples and families to be inclusive and provide comprehensive programming. Its signature program is the "Love and Religion" workshop for interfaith couples, which meets for 4 weeks to openly discuss issues, explore creating a new religious life together, and develop community. It also offers classes on Judaism fundamentals and Jewish holidays geared toward interfaith families. Going forward, it aims to further integrate outreach to interfaith families and maximize use of the internet to engage new couples.
Listrik00lembayungtirtaDokumen tersebut membahas dua bab fisika, yaitu Fisika Listrik dan Magnet serta Fisika Gelombang dan Optik. Pada bab pertama dijelaskan konsep-konsep dasar tentang muatan listrik, medan listrik, kapasitor, arus listrik dan induksi elektromagnetik. Sedangkan pada bab kedua dibahas tentang gelombang mekanik, sinar dan cahaya serta interferensi gelombang cahaya. Diakhir masing-masing bab disebutkan daftar pustaka yang
Listrik7.lembayungtirtaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang hukum Faraday dan hukum lens yang menjelaskan induksi elektromagnetik, termasuk contoh perhitungan masalah yang terkait. Juga dibahas tentang transformator, generator, dan induktansi kumparan.
VolunteersPublic Libraries NewsPresented at Speak Up For Libraries conference 10 November 2012. Looks at the contemporary situation for volunteers taking over public libraries, pros and cons, practicalities and questions arising.
Ok 12 perform_1lembayungtirtaDokumen ini membahas tentang pengukuran kinerja komputer. Secara singkat, dibahas mengenai berbagai metode pengukuran kinerja seperti waktu eksekusi program, waktu CPU, CPI, MIPS, dan benchmark. Dokumen ini juga membandingkan berbagai metode pengukuran kinerja tersebut dan kelemahannya.
Cruce de zonas peligrosasjavieralmartEl documento describe los pasos que sigue una patrulla militar para cruzar de forma segura una zona de peligro. El punta señaliza el área y la patrulla se detiene. Luego cada miembro cruza la zona uno por uno cubriendo al anterior hasta que toda la patrulla ha cruzado, manteniendo en todo momento posiciones de protección y seguridad.
Csiro miicrc agileUTSBusinessSchoolThe document summarizes four research projects that are part of the Agile Manufacturing program within the Manufacturing Industry Innovation CRC. The projects are: 1) The High Performance Worker, which develops assistive and virtual technologies to enhance worker productivity and safety, 2) Agile Production Systems, which accelerates adoption of additive and flexible manufacturing through knowledge bases and tools, 3) Virtual Factories and Supply Chains, which develops simulation tools to optimize product lifecycles and supply chains, and 4) an example scenario showing assembly assistance using lightweight robotics with remote instruction.
Aantallen linkedin juni 2012Bright Mind MediaLinkedIn has over 174 million members worldwide, with 3.4 million members in the Netherlands. Most Dutch LinkedIn users are between 25-54 years old and live in the Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, or Utrecht areas. The most common industries represented on LinkedIn in the Netherlands are corporate, high tech, finance, and medical, and the most common job functions are entrepreneurship, sales, and consulting.
Wisdom letter2fayaz248This letter outlines daily spiritual practices for a seeker, including:
1) Remembrance (dhikr) of Allah by saying "Allah, Allah, Allah" throughout the day.
2) Reflection (murāqabah) by focusing on Allah's mercy while sitting quietly for 10-15 minutes.
3) Sending salutations to the Prophet Muhammad.
4) Seeking forgiveness (istighfar) by reciting a supplication 100 times daily.
5) Reading a portion of the Quran daily and corresponding with one's spiritual guide. Regular practice of these acts is encouraged to purify the heart and bring one closer to Allah.
14 15 16Suksun Vanz NoiiThis document contains a series of numbers and letters that do not seem to form coherent words or sentences. It includes numbers from 1 to 10, letters from A to E, and symbols like hyphens and slashes in an unclear arrangement. The overall meaning or purpose of the document cannot be determined from the visual elements and grouping presented.
ใบงานท 11Suksun Vanz NoiiThis document discusses several topics related to agriculture and crafts including: 1) different types of plants and their growth cycles, mentioning some plants take 1-2 years to grow and produce results; 2) the process of making umbrellas including selecting materials, assembling parts, and decorating; 3) formulas for calculating percentages and areas of shapes. The document provides references to online resources for further information.
ใบงาน2Suksun Vanz NoiiThis document does not contain any substantive information to summarize. It appears to be a placeholder or template with placeholder text and numbers but no actual content.