Alves et Soares - THE INTRODUCTION OF AVATARS AS A FACTOR OF SOCIABILITY IN E...Consommation DigitaleThis document discusses introducing avatars into e-commerce websites to increase sociability and human warmth. It suggests small retailers can leverage their expertise in personalized relationships by applying avatar technology online. The paper reviews literature showing avatars can increase trust, satisfaction and purchase intent by providing social stimuli. It then describes an experiment comparing an online store with a realistic avatar, one with a less human-like avatar, and one without an avatar. The results are discussed and implications for management are considered.
Lecture7Álvaro CárdenasThis document discusses proof by contradiction in propositional logic. It introduces proof by contradiction and provides examples. It then discusses the semantics of propositional logic, including the notation used to indicate a tautology. Finally, it covers soundness and completeness in propositional logic: soundness ensures all proven theorems are true, while completeness means any true proposition can be proven from the axioms and rules of inference.
FB Meme ݺߣshowLauren HawkinsThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
ClassexpressionsEstrellita PanamaThe document provides instructions for students to learn classroom expressions. It lists expressions like "repeat after me", "listen", "open your book", "speak", "close your book", and "write the expressions on your paper". The teacher uses the expressions to guide student participation and engagement in the classroom.
Chp.1questionsEstrellita PanamaEl documento presenta una lista de preguntas comunes en español y sus respuestas correspondientes, incluyendo "¿Cómo te llamas?", "¿Cómo estás?", "¿Cuántos años tienes?" y "¿De dónde eres?". Luego insta al lector a recordar cómo responder a estas preguntas.
Lecture3Álvaro CárdenasThe document discusses predicate logic and quantification. It introduces predicates, universal and existential quantifiers, and provides examples of their usage. It also discusses uniqueness quantification, nested quantification, and the importance of quantifier order. Negation of quantified expressions is explained. The concept of a limit of a function is introduced and its negation is derived.
ݺߣshop usa mapDennis LynchThe document contains illustrations and maps related to the United States, including:
- An outline map of the US with state boundaries and labels.
- A map highlighting the capital and ten largest cities.
- Additional maps and illustrations related to US demographics, locations, and distances.
NumbersEstrellita PanamaThe document provides a lesson on numbers and colors in Spanish. It introduces the numbers 1-20, colors, and grammar points about agreeing colors with nouns and using question words like "cuántos" correctly based on gender and number. It prompts the reader to practice writing number amounts and items in Spanish.
Pelet et Lecat - WILL DIGITAL CONSUMPTION BASED UPON SOCIAL NETWORK SYSTEMS A...Consommation DigitaleThis document discusses how digital consumption through social networks and mobile devices may help wine producers connect with Generation Y consumers. It presents research on Generation Y's use of social media and mobile technology as well as their brand loyalty and satisfaction with online wine purchases and access. The authors conducted interviews of Generation Y consumers that found most use Facebook and their phones for social media. The document suggests social networks combined with GPS on phones could help wine producers and distributors more efficiently market and deliver wines to Generation Y consumers.
Film distributing moimoi1996The document discusses various aspects of film distribution, including common distribution models, important factors for distributors, and examples of major distribution companies. It also provides strategies for marketing an independent film, such as creating an appealing trailer, advertising in different media, and considering various release windows and exhibition options. Overall, the document provides an overview of the film distribution process and important considerations for getting a film in front of audiences.
Lecture2Álvaro CárdenasThis lecture defines tautologies, contradictions, and logical equivalence. It also defines valid and fallacious arguments. Students completed exercises to prove De Morgan's laws, that the negation of a negation is the original proposition, and to identify fallacies of denying the hypothesis, affirming the conclusion, and applying modus tollens.
Lecture6Álvaro CárdenasThis document summarizes a lecture on formal deduction in propositional logic. It discusses using an axiomatic propositional calculus with Jan Lukasiewicz's axioms and modus ponens as the only rule of inference. It provides examples of theorems derived from the axioms and rules, including proofs showing the step-by-step deductions. The document also notes that previously derived theorems can be used in subsequent proofs.
Royal York golf course, Armstrong, B.C.Rob Mellander, CPWI 2This was a new installation to supply a new subdivision. The shortest and most economical route was through the middle of the golf course, which was completed with the golfers playing directly on the fairways while the pipe was being directionally drilled below.
Unidad i ilectura1Zaira ManzaneraEste documento presenta una interpretación socio-cognitiva de la construcción de aprendizajes dentro del enfoque de educación basada en competencias. Argumenta que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje debe verse como un continuum influenciado por factores contextuales. Define el concepto de competencia y propone que se construyen primero a nivel social entre pares y luego a nivel individual, a través de un acompañamiento estratégico del maestro. Finalmente, reflexiona sobre cómo se desarrollan los cuatro saberes esenciales (conocer, ser
Research GuidelinesSavannah GrandeyThe document provides guidelines for staff at Historic Westville on citing sources when conducting research and developing interpretive content. It explains that properly citing primary and secondary sources is important for maintaining high quality, transparent interpretations and meeting ethical standards. Staff are instructed to record all sources used in research, including enough information like author, title, date, and location so others can easily find the sources. Citing sources allows the organization to substantiate its historical interpretations, respond to any public inquiries or disagreements, and demonstrate that it is following best practices for an educational institution.
Printr Pitch SMC Amsterdam event 15 april 2015Social Media Club AmsterdamDouwe Bart Mulder pitcht startup Printr en hun 3D printing ecosystem bij SMC Amsterdam event 15 april 2015
FlinkAlexey DeminThis document provides an overview of Apache Flink, a stream processing framework. It begins by discussing how streaming has evolved from batch frameworks like Hadoop. It then covers key aspects of Flink like its API, compatibility with other frameworks like Storm and Dataflow, windowing and triggers, examples, and features. Finally it lists some companies that use Flink like Huawei, Ericsson, and Capital One.
Informatica 2Jonathan SaltosPresentación nos a da a conocer sobre donde podemos guardas nuestros archivos o documentos cuando no contamos con un pen driver
Recomendation LetterEmily LawrenceEmily Lawrence is being recommended for a position based on her experience in the Educational Assistant Program at Ridgewater College. She contributes thoughtful ideas to class discussions and digs deep into course content. Emily is a team player who guides groups to complete tasks on time. Her onsite supervisors commented on her willingness to help where needed with flexibility and energy. Emily has demonstrated commitment to working with people through her dedication to coursework and professionalism during internships.
A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION REGARDING CELL PHONES SERVICESPrashant KumarThis document is a project report submitted by Prashant Kumar to his faculty guide Dr. Devendra Kumar Pandey on a study of customer satisfaction with cell phone services. The report includes an introduction on India's growing telecom sector, objectives to study customer satisfaction levels and awareness of new phones. It also reviews literature and describes the methodology used, including hypotheses. Key findings and suggestions will be analyzed, with the goal of understanding customer satisfaction.
Gigantismo y enanismoAlvaro SalcedoEste documento define y explica el gigantismo y el enanismo. Define el gigantismo como un crecimiento anormalmente grande causado por un exceso de hormona del crecimiento durante la niñez. Define el enanismo como un trastorno del crecimiento caracterizado por una talla muy inferior a la media. Explica que las causas más comunes de gigantismo son tumores benignos en la hipófisis, y que las causas de enanismo incluyen alteraciones genéticas, carencias nutricionales y trastornos endocrinológicos.
Lecture3Álvaro CárdenasThe document discusses predicate logic and quantification. It introduces predicates, universal and existential quantifiers, and provides examples of their usage. It also discusses uniqueness quantification, nested quantification, and the importance of quantifier order. Negation of quantified expressions is explained. The concept of a limit of a function is introduced and its negation is derived.
ݺߣshop usa mapDennis LynchThe document contains illustrations and maps related to the United States, including:
- An outline map of the US with state boundaries and labels.
- A map highlighting the capital and ten largest cities.
- Additional maps and illustrations related to US demographics, locations, and distances.
NumbersEstrellita PanamaThe document provides a lesson on numbers and colors in Spanish. It introduces the numbers 1-20, colors, and grammar points about agreeing colors with nouns and using question words like "cuántos" correctly based on gender and number. It prompts the reader to practice writing number amounts and items in Spanish.
Pelet et Lecat - WILL DIGITAL CONSUMPTION BASED UPON SOCIAL NETWORK SYSTEMS A...Consommation DigitaleThis document discusses how digital consumption through social networks and mobile devices may help wine producers connect with Generation Y consumers. It presents research on Generation Y's use of social media and mobile technology as well as their brand loyalty and satisfaction with online wine purchases and access. The authors conducted interviews of Generation Y consumers that found most use Facebook and their phones for social media. The document suggests social networks combined with GPS on phones could help wine producers and distributors more efficiently market and deliver wines to Generation Y consumers.
Film distributing moimoi1996The document discusses various aspects of film distribution, including common distribution models, important factors for distributors, and examples of major distribution companies. It also provides strategies for marketing an independent film, such as creating an appealing trailer, advertising in different media, and considering various release windows and exhibition options. Overall, the document provides an overview of the film distribution process and important considerations for getting a film in front of audiences.
Lecture2Álvaro CárdenasThis lecture defines tautologies, contradictions, and logical equivalence. It also defines valid and fallacious arguments. Students completed exercises to prove De Morgan's laws, that the negation of a negation is the original proposition, and to identify fallacies of denying the hypothesis, affirming the conclusion, and applying modus tollens.
Lecture6Álvaro CárdenasThis document summarizes a lecture on formal deduction in propositional logic. It discusses using an axiomatic propositional calculus with Jan Lukasiewicz's axioms and modus ponens as the only rule of inference. It provides examples of theorems derived from the axioms and rules, including proofs showing the step-by-step deductions. The document also notes that previously derived theorems can be used in subsequent proofs.
Royal York golf course, Armstrong, B.C.Rob Mellander, CPWI 2This was a new installation to supply a new subdivision. The shortest and most economical route was through the middle of the golf course, which was completed with the golfers playing directly on the fairways while the pipe was being directionally drilled below.
Unidad i ilectura1Zaira ManzaneraEste documento presenta una interpretación socio-cognitiva de la construcción de aprendizajes dentro del enfoque de educación basada en competencias. Argumenta que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje debe verse como un continuum influenciado por factores contextuales. Define el concepto de competencia y propone que se construyen primero a nivel social entre pares y luego a nivel individual, a través de un acompañamiento estratégico del maestro. Finalmente, reflexiona sobre cómo se desarrollan los cuatro saberes esenciales (conocer, ser
Research GuidelinesSavannah GrandeyThe document provides guidelines for staff at Historic Westville on citing sources when conducting research and developing interpretive content. It explains that properly citing primary and secondary sources is important for maintaining high quality, transparent interpretations and meeting ethical standards. Staff are instructed to record all sources used in research, including enough information like author, title, date, and location so others can easily find the sources. Citing sources allows the organization to substantiate its historical interpretations, respond to any public inquiries or disagreements, and demonstrate that it is following best practices for an educational institution.
Printr Pitch SMC Amsterdam event 15 april 2015Social Media Club AmsterdamDouwe Bart Mulder pitcht startup Printr en hun 3D printing ecosystem bij SMC Amsterdam event 15 april 2015
FlinkAlexey DeminThis document provides an overview of Apache Flink, a stream processing framework. It begins by discussing how streaming has evolved from batch frameworks like Hadoop. It then covers key aspects of Flink like its API, compatibility with other frameworks like Storm and Dataflow, windowing and triggers, examples, and features. Finally it lists some companies that use Flink like Huawei, Ericsson, and Capital One.
Informatica 2Jonathan SaltosPresentación nos a da a conocer sobre donde podemos guardas nuestros archivos o documentos cuando no contamos con un pen driver
Recomendation LetterEmily LawrenceEmily Lawrence is being recommended for a position based on her experience in the Educational Assistant Program at Ridgewater College. She contributes thoughtful ideas to class discussions and digs deep into course content. Emily is a team player who guides groups to complete tasks on time. Her onsite supervisors commented on her willingness to help where needed with flexibility and energy. Emily has demonstrated commitment to working with people through her dedication to coursework and professionalism during internships.
A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION REGARDING CELL PHONES SERVICESPrashant KumarThis document is a project report submitted by Prashant Kumar to his faculty guide Dr. Devendra Kumar Pandey on a study of customer satisfaction with cell phone services. The report includes an introduction on India's growing telecom sector, objectives to study customer satisfaction levels and awareness of new phones. It also reviews literature and describes the methodology used, including hypotheses. Key findings and suggestions will be analyzed, with the goal of understanding customer satisfaction.
Gigantismo y enanismoAlvaro SalcedoEste documento define y explica el gigantismo y el enanismo. Define el gigantismo como un crecimiento anormalmente grande causado por un exceso de hormona del crecimiento durante la niñez. Define el enanismo como un trastorno del crecimiento caracterizado por una talla muy inferior a la media. Explica que las causas más comunes de gigantismo son tumores benignos en la hipófisis, y que las causas de enanismo incluyen alteraciones genéticas, carencias nutricionales y trastornos endocrinológicos.