The document discusses NSNotificationCenter and NSNotification in iOS. It describes how objects can observe notifications using addObserver and postNotification. When a notification is posted, the observer receives a call to its selector. This allows objects to communicate and update each other asynchronously. Key-value coding and key-value observing are also covered, which allow observing changes to an object's properties.
2. NSNoti?cationCenter &
CandleDidChanged addObserver: self
uiUpdate name:@¡±CandleDidChanged¡±
object B
Noti?cation object C
object A Center
addObserver: self
CandleDidChanged object D
3. NSNoti?cationCenter Class
Inherits from
Conforms to
NSObject (NSObject)
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
Companion guide
Noti?cation Programming Topics
Declared in
A noti?cation center maintains a noti?cation dispatch table which
speci?es a noti?cation set for a particular observer. A noti?cation set is a
subset of the noti?cations posted to the noti?cation center. Each table entry
contains three items:
? Noti?cation observer: Required. The object to be noti?ed when
qualifying noti?cations are posted to the noti?cation center.
? Noti?cation name: Optional. Specifying a name reduces the set of
noti?cations the entry speci?es to those that have this name.
? Noti?cation sender: Optional. Specifying a sender reduces the set of
noti?cations the entry speci?es to those sent by this object.
4. Class Method
+ (id)defaultCenter
Return Value
The current process¡¯s default noti?cation center,
which is used for system noti?cations.
5. Instance Method
- (void)addObserver:(id)noti?cationObserver selector:(SEL)
noti?cationSelector name:(NSString *)noti?cationName object:(id) - (void)postNotificationName:(NSString
noti?cationSender *)noti?cationName object:(id)
Parameters noti?cationSender userInfo:(NSDictionary
noti?cationObserver *)userInfo
Object registering as an observer. This value must not be nil.
noti?cationSelector Creates a noti?cation with a given name, sender,
Selector that speci?es the message the receiver sends and information and posts it to the receiver.
noti?cationObserver to notify it of the noti?cation posting. The method
speci?ed by noti?cationSelector must have one and only one argument Parameters
(an instance of NSNotification). noti?cationName
The name of the noti?cation.
The name of the noti?cation for which to register the observer; that is, noti?cationSender
only noti?cations with this name are delivered to the observer. The object posting the noti?cation.
If you pass nil, the noti?cation center doesn¡¯t use a noti?cation¡¯s name
Information about the the noti?cation. May be
to decide whether to deliver it to the observer. nil.
The object whose noti?cations the observer wants to receive; that is, only
noti?cations sent by this sender are delivered to the observer.
If you pass nil, the noti?cation center doesn¡¯t use a noti?cation¡¯s sender
to decide whether to deliver it to the observer.
- (void)postNotification:(NSNotification *)noti?cation
Posts a given noti?cation to the receiver.
The noti?cation to post. This value must not be nil.
You can create a noti?cation with the NSNotification class method
notificationWithName:object: or notificationWithName:object:userInfo:. An
exception is raised if noti?cation is nil.
6. Noti?cation Class
Inherits from
NSObject Noti?cation Class : Noti?cationCeneter
Conforms to
NSObject (NSObject)
Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
7. NSNoti?cation Class Method
+ (id)notificationWithName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject
Returns a new noti?cation object with a speci?ed name and object.
aName : The name for the new notification. May not be nil.
anObject : The object for the new notification.
+ (id)notificationWithName:(NSString *)aName object:(id)anObject
userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
Returns a noti?cation object with a speci?ed name, object, and user information.
aName : The name for the new noti?cation. May not be nil.
anObject : The object for the new notification.
userInfo : The user information dictionary for the new
notification. May be nil.
8. NSNoti?cation Instance Method
- (NSString *)name
The name of the noti?cation. Typically you use this method to ?nd out what kind of
noti?cation you are dealing with when you receive a noti?cation.
- (id)object(sender object)
The object associated with the noti?cation. This is often the object that posted this
noti?cation. It may be nil.
Typically you use this method to ?nd out what object a noti?cation applies to when
you receive a noti?cation.
- (NSDictionary *)userInfo
Returns the user information dictionary associated with the receiver. May be nil.
The user information dictionary stores any additional objects that objects receiving
the noti?cation might
12. Key Value Coding
- applications to access the properties of an object
indirectly by name (or key), rather than directly through
invocation of an accessor method or as instance
- Key-value coding is a key technology when working
with key-value observing
- NSObject NSObject
- NSDictionary
BOOL candleStateValue = [myCandle candleState];
[myCandle setCandleState:!candleStateValue];
BOOL candleStateValue = myCandle.candleState; property
myCandle.candleState = !candleStateValue;
BOOL candleStateValue = [myCandle valueForKey: @¡±candleState¡±]; KVC
[myCandle setValue : !candleStateValue forKey: @¡±candleState¡±];
KVC Candle getter & setter