Ancient Egypt spanned from 3100 BC to 300 BC. The Egyptians had distinct beliefs, art, and customs. They believed in an afterlife and worshipped nature. Their clothing differed by social class and gender. Linen was the most common fabric, while wool was considered dirty. Accessories like jewelry signaled social status and were often made of gold. Hairstyles included wigs and makeup was worn daily, typically thick eyeliner. Egyptians influenced modern fashion through their distinctive garments.
17. Jewelry & Accessory
• Ancient Egyptian’s Jewelry
– Jewelry is very important
– Represent the social class
– Gold is the most popular material
– Necklace
33. Assignment
• Review vocabulary
• Find 5 pictures of ancient period
garment, and 5 pictures of our day
fashion designer’s work which
influenced by ancient period garment
that you found