Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out Robert Collier
All of us have our own dreams and desires. There are times that we ask ourselves why are there achievers and non-achievers.
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3 awesome success lessons 16 mar2015
2. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day
in and day out Robert Collier
All of us have our own dreams and desires.
There are times that we ask ourselves why
are there achievers and non-achievers.
What separates the winners from the whiners.
Here 3 Awesome Success Lessons that you
can ponder about
3 Awesome Success Lessons
3. 1.) Learn to Unlearn Stuffs
3 Awesome Success Lessons
4. 1.) Learn to Unlearn Stuffs
In order for us to achieve massive results, we
must learn to unlearn the things that we thought
we know.
As the legendary Bruce Lee puts it Empty
your cup that it may be filled; become devoid to
gain totality
This is totally true as Ive experienced these
many times already.
3 Awesome Success Lessons
5. 1.) Learn to Unlearn Stuffs
Heres the truth,
Where I am now is a direct result of what I know
and the things that I did a few years ago
and if I want to achieve a certain goal in the
years to come, I have to change the things that I am
doing now starting with what I think I know
I hope I did not loose you there
3 Awesome Success Lessons
6. 1.) Learn to Unlearn Stuffs
So if you think you know it all, think again.
Look at where youre at right now.
if where you are right now is not where you want to
be, then there is something wrong in what you are
currently doing
you must accept the fact that, in order for you to
get to where you want to be, you have to change
some things in your life.
and that includes the know-it-all mindset.
3 Awesome Success Lessons
7. 1.) Learn to Unlearn Stuffs
You have to clear your mind of your past
conditioning and start embracing the process of
change start embracing the process of learning.
Life is a process of continuous growth
So if you are not growing, then you are not living
And if you are not living, youre actually DEAD
Be like water and let knowledge flow through you.
Remember, you are a vessel of learning
3 Awesome Success Lessons
9. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
2.) Understand that Success Is Not An Accident
Success is actually a choice.
The key element to being successful in whatever we
venture into is our work habits.
Understand that whatever stage we are in our lives
right now, we are the one responsible.
We get to choose the things that we do on a daily
10. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
2.) Understand that Success Is Not An Accident
Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters in the
planet today because he made a CHOICE to create
great habits
Habits are what separate winners from losers.
Whatever you do on a regular basis today will
determine where you will be tomorrow.
So ask yourself everyday,
Are the Habits you have today at par with the
Dreams you have for tomorrow
12. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
3.) Listen To Your Mentor
The fastest way to achieving success is to have
someone who has achieved the success that we long
Mentors are there to guide us in the things that we
need to do and the things that we should not do
Having mentors to guide us along the way will
surely shorten the learning curve.
Mentors will surely save us a lot of pain because
they are the ones who has been there, done that.
13. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
3.) Listen To Your Mentor
When you choose a mentor, consider the following:
a. Choose a mentor who is more successful than
Surely, it is unwise to choose someone who is more
desperate than you as a Mentor.
When choosing your mentor, pick someone who is living
the life that you very much wanted.
Not just those who are successful in one are of their
lives. Instead, choose a mentor who is successful in
every area of his life.
That way, you are pretty sure that he will point you to
the right direction.
14. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
3.) Listen To Your Mentor
When you choose a mentor, consider the following:
b. Choose a mentor who is willing to get down and
dirty with you when the going gets tough.
Sure there are lots of people (who accidentally call
themselves Mentors or Coaches) that are not really
expressing genuine care for people.
Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough
gets going and the coach goes with them
15. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
3.) Listen To Your Mentor
When you choose a mentor, consider the following:
c. Choose a mentor who has a Mentor himself
The mentor must also be dedicated in the
process of learning.
He should be investing in his own personal
growth and development.
This way, you are pretty sure that he will also
become your accountability partner when it
comes to your own personal growth and
16. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
With the right mindset, conditioning, work habits and
great mentors, you are truly poised toward success
17. 3 Awesome Success Lessons
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Neo C. Rayos