Este documento describe la historia y naturaleza de las divisas. Explica que las divisas son activos financieros denominados en moneda extranjera que son necesarios para el comercio internacional. Detalla los orígenes del mercado de divisas en el siglo XIX y su evolución a través de los sistemas de patrón oro y patrón dólar. También cubre el paso a los tipos de cambio flexibles en las décadas de 1970 y 1980.
El documento presenta una demostración matemática de que dos rectas son perpendiculares si el producto de sus pendientes es igual a -1. La demostración utiliza el teorema de Pitágoras aplicado a un triángulo formado por las rectas y el origen para derivar la ecuación m1m2=-1.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang cara melakukan skoring hasil belajar siswa dengan mengubah sifat kualitatif menjadi kuantitatif, termasuk aturan skoring dan ketentuan mengenai denda. Rumus penskoran denda juga dijelaskan untuk menghitung skor pada tugas pilihan ganda.
Course book about Petroleum Chemistry II (3)Jabbar GARDY
This document provides the course syllabus for Petroleum Chemistry II taught during the 2010/2011 academic year at the University of Salahaddin-Erbil. The course is 2 credit hours and covers topics including the origin, composition, and classification of crude oil; testing and evaluation methods; refining processes like distillation, cracking, and reforming; and petroleum products. It is instructed by Jabbar L. Ismail Agha and includes 3 exams, weekly quizzes, and a final exam as assessment. The syllabus outlines the 15 weekly topics to be covered in the course providing an overview of the key concepts and processes in petroleum chemistry.
This document provides an introduction and overview of LINQ (Language Integrated Query). It discusses that LINQ allows developers to query data from different sources using a SQL-like syntax directly in .NET code. It also summarizes the key LINQ concepts like data sources, query operators, LINQ providers for different data types, and IDE support for LINQ in Visual Studio.
2 g & evaluation of the situation of inegrationMr Bounab Samir
The document outlines criteria and indicators for evaluating student work, including relevance to the assigned topic, correct use of linguistic resources like verb tense and linking words, coherence and organization with a clear topic sentence and supporting details, and demonstration of originality or excellence in presentation. Maximum mastery is achieved when all criteria are fully met while partial or no mastery may be achieved if only some or no criteria are addressed.
2 g and input situation meeting & workshop november 22nd 2016Mr Bounab Samir
2G & The input Situation
( Meeting and workshop November 22nd 2016)
The meeting points:
1) the intial problem solving concept
2) The 4 learning Situations
3) The input situation ( 2nd learning situation)
4) The teaching frame works ( PPU - PDP - PIASP )
5) How to teach PPU?
6) How to teach PD read
7) How ot teach PDP listening
8)How to teach grammar?
9 How to applly PIASP ( to teach grammar and pronunciation items)
10 ) How to deal with TD session?
Special thanks to my audience for thei great collaboration and coordination , they were amazing as usual with their great contribution and workshops , specially this meeting where all showed great mastery how to deal with each framework whic enable them plan a leanrning sequence without facing great problems . Thank you all
By : Mr Samir Bounab ( teacher trainer at MONE)
The power point links:
By : Mr Samir Bounab
Keputusan Kepala Desa Warungering menetapkan pengurus Karang Taruna Desa Warungering periode 2014-2016 yang terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris, bendahara, dan seksi-seksi lainnya. Pengurus bertugas mewujudkan keserasian dan kesejahteraan sosial di desa.
Restaurant Guide: A GPS based Android AppJivan Nepali
This document describes an Android app that uses GPS to provide information about nearby restaurants and hotels, highlight optimal routes, and allow users to order food and message friends. The app's features include displaying the nearest restaurants and hotels using the Haversine formula to calculate distances between locations, enabling food ordering and messaging services, and highlighting routes on a Google Map by geocoding addresses and coordinates. A MySQL database is used to store and query location data and food orders, with responses parsed in JSON format.
Objects can change states in response to events or over time. A UML state diagram captures these state changes by showing the possible states of an object, the transitions between states, and the starting and ending points of state change sequences. It also models the entry and exit activities that occur when a system enters or leaves a state, as well as activities that occur within a state. Guard conditions can be used to specify when a transition takes place.
Méthodologie de Formation et Communication combinant l'utilisation de multiples médias afin d'optimiser le transfert de connaissances et de compétences aux utilisateurs
The document contains two examples involving binomial distributions:
1) The probability of a component surviving a shock test is 3/4. The question asks for the probability that exactly 2 of the next 4 components will survive.
2) The probability that a patient recovers from a rare blood disease is 0.4. The question asks for the probabilities of: a) at least 10 of 15 people surviving, b) between 3 to 8 of 15 people surviving, and c) exactly 5 of 15 people surviving.
The document discusses the binomial distribution, which models the number of successes in a fixed number of independent yes/no experiments, called Bernoulli trials, where the probability of success p is the same for each trial. It provides examples of binomial experiments and calculations. Key points covered include the definition of a binomial random variable X with parameters n (number of trials) and p (probability of success), and that the mean and variance of X are np and np(1-p) respectively. Examples calculate probabilities of outcomes and compare values to means and standard deviations.
The document appears to be a class roster listing students' names, scores on various assignments and exams, and total scores. It includes information on 48 students, listing their names, scores on assignments like tests, quizzes and projects, and overall percentages.
This document appears to contain the results of an exam or course for 42 students. It lists each student's name, student ID number, and their scores on various parts of the assessment including theory, quiz, practical, and total. The students' ranks and overall percentages are also provided.
Solution to 2nd semeter eng. statistics 2015 2016chener Qadr
This document contains an exam for an engineering statistics class consisting of 5 problems:
1) Listing construction time combinations and finding number of engineer pair selections.
2) Calculating flood probability metrics over 31 years.
3) Determining town flooding probabilities from a dam considering earthquake damage.
4) Finding failure probabilities for a retaining wall considering sliding and overturning.
5) Defining performance metrics for a city's water delivery considering reservoir levels and tunnel outages.
Solution to first semester soil 2015 16chener Qadr
This document contains a soil mechanics exam with four questions. Question 1 involves determining properties like void ratio, dry density, and bulk density of a saturated soil sample. It also asks about changes if saturation is reduced and calculating soil requirements for an embankment. Question 2 asks to classify a soil sample using soil classification charts and determine its suitability as backfill. Question 3 involves calculating seepage flow from a canal into a ditch based on soil properties. Question 4, which is not fully summarized, involves analyzing seepage in an embankment dam.
This document contains a soil mechanics exam with four questions. Question 1 involves calculating the factor of safety for a cut in stiff clay. Question 2 calculates total stress at a point below two foundations. Question 3 involves drawing shear strength envelopes from triaxial test data. Question 4 determines shear strength parameters from direct shear tests and uses them to calculate initial cell pressure in a triaxial test.
This document provides an introduction and overview of LINQ (Language Integrated Query). It discusses that LINQ allows developers to query data from different sources using a SQL-like syntax directly in .NET code. It also summarizes the key LINQ concepts like data sources, query operators, LINQ providers for different data types, and IDE support for LINQ in Visual Studio.
2 g & evaluation of the situation of inegrationMr Bounab Samir
The document outlines criteria and indicators for evaluating student work, including relevance to the assigned topic, correct use of linguistic resources like verb tense and linking words, coherence and organization with a clear topic sentence and supporting details, and demonstration of originality or excellence in presentation. Maximum mastery is achieved when all criteria are fully met while partial or no mastery may be achieved if only some or no criteria are addressed.
2 g and input situation meeting & workshop november 22nd 2016Mr Bounab Samir
2G & The input Situation
( Meeting and workshop November 22nd 2016)
The meeting points:
1) the intial problem solving concept
2) The 4 learning Situations
3) The input situation ( 2nd learning situation)
4) The teaching frame works ( PPU - PDP - PIASP )
5) How to teach PPU?
6) How to teach PD read
7) How ot teach PDP listening
8)How to teach grammar?
9 How to applly PIASP ( to teach grammar and pronunciation items)
10 ) How to deal with TD session?
Special thanks to my audience for thei great collaboration and coordination , they were amazing as usual with their great contribution and workshops , specially this meeting where all showed great mastery how to deal with each framework whic enable them plan a leanrning sequence without facing great problems . Thank you all
By : Mr Samir Bounab ( teacher trainer at MONE)
The power point links:
By : Mr Samir Bounab
Keputusan Kepala Desa Warungering menetapkan pengurus Karang Taruna Desa Warungering periode 2014-2016 yang terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris, bendahara, dan seksi-seksi lainnya. Pengurus bertugas mewujudkan keserasian dan kesejahteraan sosial di desa.
Restaurant Guide: A GPS based Android AppJivan Nepali
This document describes an Android app that uses GPS to provide information about nearby restaurants and hotels, highlight optimal routes, and allow users to order food and message friends. The app's features include displaying the nearest restaurants and hotels using the Haversine formula to calculate distances between locations, enabling food ordering and messaging services, and highlighting routes on a Google Map by geocoding addresses and coordinates. A MySQL database is used to store and query location data and food orders, with responses parsed in JSON format.
Objects can change states in response to events or over time. A UML state diagram captures these state changes by showing the possible states of an object, the transitions between states, and the starting and ending points of state change sequences. It also models the entry and exit activities that occur when a system enters or leaves a state, as well as activities that occur within a state. Guard conditions can be used to specify when a transition takes place.
Méthodologie de Formation et Communication combinant l'utilisation de multiples médias afin d'optimiser le transfert de connaissances et de compétences aux utilisateurs
The document contains two examples involving binomial distributions:
1) The probability of a component surviving a shock test is 3/4. The question asks for the probability that exactly 2 of the next 4 components will survive.
2) The probability that a patient recovers from a rare blood disease is 0.4. The question asks for the probabilities of: a) at least 10 of 15 people surviving, b) between 3 to 8 of 15 people surviving, and c) exactly 5 of 15 people surviving.
The document discusses the binomial distribution, which models the number of successes in a fixed number of independent yes/no experiments, called Bernoulli trials, where the probability of success p is the same for each trial. It provides examples of binomial experiments and calculations. Key points covered include the definition of a binomial random variable X with parameters n (number of trials) and p (probability of success), and that the mean and variance of X are np and np(1-p) respectively. Examples calculate probabilities of outcomes and compare values to means and standard deviations.
The document appears to be a class roster listing students' names, scores on various assignments and exams, and total scores. It includes information on 48 students, listing their names, scores on assignments like tests, quizzes and projects, and overall percentages.
This document appears to contain the results of an exam or course for 42 students. It lists each student's name, student ID number, and their scores on various parts of the assessment including theory, quiz, practical, and total. The students' ranks and overall percentages are also provided.
Solution to 2nd semeter eng. statistics 2015 2016chener Qadr
This document contains an exam for an engineering statistics class consisting of 5 problems:
1) Listing construction time combinations and finding number of engineer pair selections.
2) Calculating flood probability metrics over 31 years.
3) Determining town flooding probabilities from a dam considering earthquake damage.
4) Finding failure probabilities for a retaining wall considering sliding and overturning.
5) Defining performance metrics for a city's water delivery considering reservoir levels and tunnel outages.
Solution to first semester soil 2015 16chener Qadr
This document contains a soil mechanics exam with four questions. Question 1 involves determining properties like void ratio, dry density, and bulk density of a saturated soil sample. It also asks about changes if saturation is reduced and calculating soil requirements for an embankment. Question 2 asks to classify a soil sample using soil classification charts and determine its suitability as backfill. Question 3 involves calculating seepage flow from a canal into a ditch based on soil properties. Question 4, which is not fully summarized, involves analyzing seepage in an embankment dam.
This document contains a soil mechanics exam with four questions. Question 1 involves calculating the factor of safety for a cut in stiff clay. Question 2 calculates total stress at a point below two foundations. Question 3 involves drawing shear strength envelopes from triaxial test data. Question 4 determines shear strength parameters from direct shear tests and uses them to calculate initial cell pressure in a triaxial test.
The document contains hydraulic conductivity values for various dam and soil materials for multiple students. It lists the material, hydraulic conductivity value in units of m/sec or other, and the name of the student. There are 48 entries with a student name prefix A for one column and B for a second column of entries.