This document analyzes past exam papers for A Level Biology from 2009 to 2013. It summarizes the types of questions and practical investigations covered in each paper. The questions generally involve analyzing data from practical experiments, suggesting improvements to methods, identifying variables, plotting graphs, and drawing conclusions. The practical investigations covered include topics like the effect of temperature on membranes, enzyme reactions, plant mineral deficiencies, fiber strength, vitamin C content, caffeine effects, plant tissue culture, and observing mitosis under a microscope.
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3 b paper breakdown
1. SAIntS (Malawi) Biology Department April 2014 EDEXCEL A Level Biology Past Paper Analysis Paper 3B
A level Biology Past Paper Analysis - 3B
May 2009 Jan 2010 May 2010 Jan 2011 May 2011
Qu. 1
Temperature effect on
beetroot (Plasma
Bacteria resistance to
Enzymes efficiency of
washing powders
Mineral deficiency
Tensile strength of
plant fibres
CV and IV, How DV
(degrees of redness) can
be measured.
Suggest 2 improvements CV and suitable values
Plot graph; Calculate dry
IV & DV.
How CV can be
Describe how to
prepare an agar plate
and how to find size of
the clear zone
Risk assessment.
Describe & suggest
effects of deficiency.
State 2 CV and how they
can be controlled.
1b Calculate mean and plot
Plot graph.
Calculate mean and plot
CV, IV, state 2 CV and
how they can be
Plot graph
Use graph to explain
pattern of result.
Comment on the
relationship between
garlic and effects.
Describe & explain
graph shape; comment
on reliability; Suggest
Describe how to find the
dry mass.
Describe effects from
1c -
Calculate mean &
compare results
- -
State similarities /
differences; data
reliability; use data to
suggest which fibre is
most suitable.
1d - Discuss validity - -
2. SAIntS (Malawi) Biology Department April 2014 EDEXCEL A Level Biology Past Paper Analysis Paper 3B
May 2009 Jan 2010 May 2010 Jan 2011 May 2011
Qu. 2
Gene Testing (Tay-
Sachs disease)
William Withering
Branston zoological
CO2 Acidification of
periwinkle and
State ways to reduce
disease & discuss ethical
Draw a flow chart;
Economic implications;
ID difference /
similarities between
modern and WW drug
Suggest a suitable title
and how to investigate
the validity of the info
sources. Where to
insert a table / why
Where to insert 2
graphs / why; to what
extent do graphs
support a statement.
Explain why childhood
leukaemia is considered
to be a problem.
Draw genetic diagram &
explain where to put in
extract. Draw a graph.
Write an account on 2
diagrams & where to
insert them in the
extract. Consider further
questions / where to
look for answers.
Cholesterol vs CVD use
3 charts to evaluate
benefits / risks of statins
(SPG mark) Consider
further questions and
where to look for
answers. Suggest source
of info about statins that
may be unreliable /
Draw suitable chart
data; would majority of
people agree with
opinions expressed in
Social / economic
implications and where
to insert in extract.
Suggest a suitable title &
explain where to put in
2c - -
Suggest how
bibliography should be
Calculate mean;
describe a suitable
graph & trends shown.
Suggest risks and
cautions with data.
Ethical, social, economic
or environmental issues
2d / e - -
Ethical, social, economic
or environmental issues
How data supports a
statement; describe
graph. Improving a
3. SAIntS (Malawi) Biology Department April 2014 EDEXCEL A Level Biology Past Paper Analysis Paper 3B
Jan 2012 May 2012 Jan 2013 May 2013
Qu. 1 Vitamin C and DCPIP Daphnia & lactic acid Stem Cells Mitosis
Two CVs; Describe 1 more and
how it could be controlled.
Reasons for choosing daphnia,
ethical implications. CV why
keep temperature constant.
Describe 1 more and how it could
be controlled.
Name 1 DV and IV; Describe 1
CV and howit couldbe controlled.
ID zone where mitosis is taking
place in a root tip
Calculate mean & plot graph.
Describe effects of
temperature on vitamin C
content; comment on
reliability of data.
Calculate mean & plot graph.
Describe & explain trends.
Plot graph & describe effects of
glucose concn on mean dry
mass of callus; comment on
data reliability.
Describe effects of glucose
concn on mean % of explants
forming a callus; suggest
optimum glucose concn
ID cells undergoing mitosis and
ID anaphase; with reasons
Compare data with that in the
study & comment on validity.
Suggest further info needed for
valid comparisons.
Comment on significance of
data from a second graph.
Name a suitable stain;
calculate mitotic index
1d - - -
Mitotic Index (MI) - Draw
graph; use graph to find where
no mitosis; relationship b/n MI
& distance from root tip; why
not confident of difference b/n
mean MIs
4. SAIntS (Malawi) Biology Department April 2014 EDEXCEL A Level Biology Past Paper Analysis Paper 3B
Jan 2012 May 2012 Jan 2013 May 2013
Qu. 2
Stem cells Pain and acupuncture Farming with GM crops Making Blood
2a Visit report problems ID in
Visit report problems ID in
Show advantages &
disadvantages. Suggest where
to place a visual & calculate
mean. Sketch graph.
Complete table on benefits /
drawbacks of HBOCs
(Haemoglobin-based Oxygen
Carriers); Suggest 2 further
features of HBOCs & RBCs
2b Flow diagram on a project and
where to include.
How to make a visual
presentation of the data.
Explain 2 environmental issues.
Draw a sketch graph of the
table (O2 conc. in plasma vs
Perflubron at differing PP of
O2; Suggest where graph
should go n the article.
2c Advantages and disadvantages
of ex situ conservation.
Rewrite Bibliography &
improve it.
Find a bibliography reference
in the extract. Rewrite a
ID in article an economic issue;
suggest additional info to
Usefulness of source evidence
and how to present data in a
suitable visual format.
Comment on datas validity -
Writing references (choose one
form list provided); choose
another references and list
missing info.
Ethical, social, economic or
environmental issues; how stem
cell therapy may affect costs.
Suggest 2 ways to improve the
2f Bibliographies
Economic implications of the
2g -
Review evidence of acupuncture
as painrelief /iscussalternatives. -
5. SAIntS (Malawi) Biology Department April 2014 EDEXCEL A Level Biology Past Paper Analysis Paper 3B
When? AS Core Practicals
May 2009 The effect of temperature on membranes.
Jan 2010 The antimicrobial properties of plants.
May 2010 Enzyme concentration and rate of reaction.
Jan 2011 Investigating plant mineral deficiencies.
May 2011 The strength of plant fibres.
Jan 2012 The vitamin C content of fruit juice.
May 2012 The effect of caffeine on heart rate (Daphnia)
Jan 2013 Totipotency and plant tissue culture
May 2013 Observing mitosis