1. One's self-image or beliefs about oneself are the primary determinants of success or failure.
2. Dr. Maxwell Maltz observed that even after cosmetic surgery patients changed their physical appearance, they still felt the same because the change was not within themselves or their self-image.
3. Focusing on positive self-talk and affirming your strengths, abilities, and what you are grateful for can help shift one's self-image in a positive direction.
2. Link Profit System Training
By Far the Most Common Sabotage
Sabotaging belief is in ones self
If you dont believe in yourself, obviously no
one else will
People can sense from a mile away when you
are not confident in yourself.
3. Link Profit System Training
Dr. Maxwell Maltz
Was a plastic surgeon who observed his patients
There were people who changed their faces,
noses, etc to enhance them
Even after their surgeries, they felt as if he didnt
do anything
Because the change wasnt within themselves
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What He Realized
Your self image is the idea of who you think
you are
He concluded that your self image is the #1
determiner of peoples success/failure
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This Happens All the Time
People win the lottery they feel uncomfortable
playing the part of a rich person
Lottery winners, people who made a ton of money,
are 5 times more likely to file bankruptcy
People who become successful in business, dont
feel comfortable with their new surroundings
They sabotage the business
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People Who Become Rich Quick
Blow it all away Mike Tyson Blew away $300
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You Dont Last In Places Where You Dont Belong
If you feel like or think you dont belong, you
will avoid that place as much as possible
The thing will generate too much cortisol
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Everything You Do Now
Is your outward expression of your inner self
If you feel that you are worthy, you will dress
for success for example
If you feel like your worthy, you will meet others
who have achieved what you would like to achieve
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Quotes and Motivational Videos
Dont work because these are out of you
Not within you
They only give a rush of dopamine
But your self-reality will kick in
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Negative Self Talk Revisited
What you say about yourself will cause your
brain to scan the environment
If you say you are not good or you are stupid,
or whatever
Your brain uses that information to avoid
situations that will help you get to your goals
And look for ways that you are stupid
11. Link Profit System Training
It All Comes Down to Your Self Image
So if youre telling your brain, Im stupid and
its looking for ways to prove that
What will be the result?
If youre telling yourself Im broke, your
brain will look for the bills to prove that
If youre telling yourself Im too fat, your
brain looks for ways your fat
12. Link Profit System Training
When You Tell Yourself Too Much
People develop eating disorders because they
tell themselves they are too fat
No matter how much the outside world tells
them they are skinny, their mind says they are
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The Things to Say
Firstly, Remember Allah
But its not just a clich辿
When you remember you have the All
powerful by your side, your brain will more
likely go out of its comfort zone
Again, the all powerful is by YOUR SIDE
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The Things to Say
Remember youre enough
No human being is drastically superior than
another human being
With the exception of very little physical traits,
you are enough
But even physical traits dont matter
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There Are People With No Arms and Legs
The guy in the middle is Nick Vujicic, he has no arms or legs.
He's a multi-millionaire business owner, married, and has two
kids- MA.
Next time you have excuses about why you can't do things,
remember Nick has no arms or legs and has no excuses.
16. Link Profit System Training
He Could Have Said to Himself
I have no arms, I cant do things
Btw, no one have cared anyway
Or he could have said I still have a mouth and
the ability to speak and motivate
We will get more into this into the ANTs lesson
17. Link Profit System Training
At Startup Muslim, Happens All The Time
Beginning entrepreneurs focus on what they
are not good at or what they dont have
Its a mindset garbage dump
Their Minds are focus on their weaknesses
So they get weakness after weakness coming to
18. Link Profit System Training
1. Focus That You Are Enough
On the fact that you are enough
Even world geniuses are not much smarter
than you
If a guy with no arms or legs can accomplish things
you can too
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Me and The Quran
Every time, I say I am older and am unable to
memorize Quran
I see a blind guy who is the imam at my masjid
and hes memorized and is reciting
Are my excuses valid now?
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2. Focus on Strengths
When people say I cant start a business because I
dont have capital
Brain shuts off starting a business
But if you told yourself I can convince someone to give
me capital
Or I can learn to make my business attractive to investors
Then your mind actually can take action
Youll be contacting people
Or youll be building a business that is investment worthy
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3. Be Grateful for What You Have
Any time you use the words cant or dont
have catch yourself and remember the
complete opposite
Be Grateful for the people around you
Be Grateful for the resources you have
Be Grateful for your health and abilities
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But what if I cant Find Anything to Be Grateful
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To Do
What Are Ways in Which You Believe You Are
Not Enough?
What are the opposites (things to be grateful) of
you being enough?
List them all down