3-D instructional materials like objects, specimens, models and dioramas can help teach concepts that may otherwise be difficult. Models are modified replicas that can be larger, smaller, or show interior views of objects. They serve purposes like representing things too small or large to bring into the classroom, depicting the past or future, overcoming physical inaccessibility, and explaining processes. Common model types include solid models for recognizing external features, cross-section/cut-away models showing internal structures, construction models that can be assembled/disassembled, and working models indicating operations. Mock ups arrange devices to represent reality in a simplified way, focusing on certain features. Dioramas are 3D scenes meant to replicate reality against
2. Objects and Specimens
- concrete materials such as
plants, animals, tools, and
- a part or aspect of some item
that is a typical sample of the
character of others in its same
class or group
- enable us to learn many
things that would otherwise be
3. Models
- modified real things, reproductions of costly or
delicate items
- replicas of real objects which may be larger or
smaller than the real thing
- can be made to show interior view of objects and
they can be simplified to any extent desired in
order that the basic concept represented may be
communicated most adequately
4. Varied Purposes of Models
1. when real objects are too small or too large to
bring into the classroom
2. to present subject matter involving the past and
the future
3. physical inaccessibility
4.abstract construction
5. to explain processes
5. Types of Models
1. Solid Models
- used mainly for recognizing
external features
2. Cross-section Model / Cut-
away Models
- show the internal structures
6. 3.Construction Models
- models which can be
assembled and disassembled
to show relationship of parts to
a whole
4. Working Models
- indicate how the things being
represented operate
7. Mock Ups
- arrangement of a real device or
associated devices, displayed
in such a way that
representation of reality is
- may be simplified in order to
emphasize certain features
- a special model where parts or
a model is singled out,
heightened, and magnified in
order to focus on that part
8. Diorama
of Greek origin which means to see through
a 3D representation of events, ideas or concepts
against a scenic background
miniature scene in 3D treatment meant to
replicate reality