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                                                     Family Update
                                                                                                   3 February 2012
    US AAC E F R S A, B ld g. 8 9 5 0 , 7 t h Av e n u e, Fo rt R uc k er, Al 3 6 3 6 2
    ( 3 3 4 ) 2 5 5 -0 9 6 0 o r r uc k. fr g ap @co n u s.ar m y. mi l

        Visit us at www.facebook.com/fortruckerfamily

                                          The Official Homepage of the United States
1   Army Homepage Now
    on iPhone                                      Army now on the iPhone!
                                      All of the news from Army.mil can now be carried with you. Read the latest
2   Did You Know? Fort                articles, view the newest pictures, and watch the latest videos direct from your
    Rucker Family Support             iPhone. Save your favorite stories to the phone for offline viewing. Share news
    Facility                          with your friends via email, Twitter and Facebook.

3   FAFSA Workshop &                  Features:
    imAlone Classes                   - Test your skills with a challenging tile strategy game.
                                      - Keep up to date with the latest Army Tweets and the US Army Facebook page.
                                      - Download Army Podcasts direct to your device.
                                      - Learn about Army Ranks, Equipment, Uniforms, and the Army song.
                                      - Browse Stand-To! and the Army Live blog.
                                      - Download and read Soldiers Magazine.
         Love  a wildly              - Find a recruiter.
   misunderstood although
 highly desirable malfunction         Customize the App so your favorite sections are always quickly available.
  of the heart which weakens
    the brain, causes eyes to
sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood
                                      The US Army App works on both the iPhone and iPod touch and requires
pressure to rise and the lips to      iPhone OS 3.0 or later.
pucker. ~Author Unknown

                                                                Have you received excellent customer service from a Fort
                                                              Rucker agency? Have a suggestion for improving a Fort Rucker
                                                                                We want your feedback 
Page 2                                             USAACE Family Weekly Update

                                        Did you Know?
    Training/Workshops                  Fort Rucker has a Family Readiness Support facility for Soldiers and
                                        their Families located on 7th Avenue (Bldg. 8950). The facility also
   13 & 14 February -- AFTB Level I    known as The Commons on 7th houses the Fort Rucker Family
    Training from 0830  1430 at        Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA) office and provides many
    The Commons (Bldg. 8950). To
                                        amenities for Soldiers and their Families.
    register call (334) 255-2382

   14 February  EFMP                  Dont have your household goods just yet? Is your computer or printer
    Information and Support Group       on the fritz? The Commons has 3 computers with internet and
    from 0900  1000 at The             webcam capabilities. Theres a cozy meeting area for spouses to get
    Commons (Bldg. 8950). Topic is      together including a Kids on Site childcare room and fenced in play
    EFMP Respite Care. To
    register, call (334) 255-9277.      area outback. Additionally the facility hosts audio/visual equipment to
                                        support training and meetings.
   22 February  Blended Family
    Workshop from 9-11:30 am at         There is always information on hand at The Commons about Fort
    the Early Childhood Activity        Rucker agencies/programs and events. The FRSA is a great place get
    Center. To register, call (334)
    255-9641                            your questions answered. The FRSA can be reached by calling (334)
   21 & 28 February  Anger
    Management Workshop from 9-         The facility is open Monday  Friday from 0800  1630, and after
    11am at the Early Childhood         hours by reservation. The facility is not available for personal parties.
    Activity Center (Bldg. 3705 off
    Dean St). To register, call (334)

   24 February  Newcomers
    Welcome from 0830  1030 at
    The Landing. To register for free
    childcare, call (334) 255-3564.

                                                                       To Get Your
                                                                    HOOAH Button visit

USAACE Family Weekly Update                                                                           Page 3

                                            & More
             On 16 Feb join us at for a workshop on:

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Help with
                                                                      Picerne Military Housing  Visit
                 Filling Out the Form                                 www.ourfamilyforfamiliesfirst.org to get the
                                                                       application. Deadline is 16 February 2012 for
    at the Post Library from 4:30  5:30 pm. Cost is FREE.             High School students, and 17 May 2012 for
Additional classes will be offered on 22 Mar, 19 Apr, and 10 May       spouses.
                                                                      AER Scholarship  Visit www.aerhq.org to get
                                                                       the application. Deadline is 1 April 2012.
                                                                      Commissary Scholarship  Visit
imAlone classes are being                                              www.militaryscholar.org for application.
                                                                       Deadline is 24 February 2012.
offered on the following dates FREE for registered                     United States Army Warrant Officer
parents and children 10 & older.                                       Association (USAWOA) Scholarship  Visit
Class Dates: 26 Jan, 23 Feb, 29 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May                    www.usawoa.org for application. *Requires
Where: Youth Center                                                    membership
When: 4:30  5:30                                                     Fort Rucker Community Spouse Club
Cost: FREE                                                             (FRCSC) Scholarship  Visit ftruckercsc.com
Deciding whether or not a child is ready to stay at home is a
                                                                       for application.
difficult decision for most parents. This class is designed to        Thrift Shop Scholarship  Visit
prepare children to look after themselves during these times. It       http://www.cacfinfo.org/sacf/scholarships.html to
will focus on daily routines, personal safety, code words, fire,       get application.
keys, how to handle unexpected visitors, and necessary uses of
household appliances. You must call and pre-register.
                                                                      Quad-A Scholarship  Visit www.quad-a.org to
                                                                       get application. *Requires membership
     Register at Building 5700 Rm 193 Parent Central or               Buick Scholarship  www.buickachievers.com.
                 www.webtrac.mwr.army.mil                             Pat Tillman Military Scholar  Visit
      Participants must have a valid Child & Youth Services            www.pattillmanfoundation.org/tillman-military-
             registration. Need more Info- Please Call:                scholars/apply for application and more
                  334-255-9812 or 334-255-1867                         information

                                                          MOAAs Favorite Dos & Donts for
                                                             Military Spouse Job Seekers:

                Do clean up your Facebook page. 89% of employers use social media.
                Dont come in defeated to an interview. Build a relationship with the employer.
                Do lots of informational interviews. People hire people they know.
                Do demonstrate outcomes. Employers want to see results, not just activity.
                Dont worry about paid experience. Highlight your great work  paid or not.

    Sign up for the MOAA Spouse E-Newsletter to learn more and get the scoop on the next Spouse
    Symposium by visiting www.moaa.org and visit the MOAA Spouse Blog.

More Related Content

3 feb 2012

  • 1. USAACE Weekly Family Update 3 February 2012 US AAC E F R S A, B ld g. 8 9 5 0 , 7 t h Av e n u e, Fo rt R uc k er, Al 3 6 3 6 2 ( 3 3 4 ) 2 5 5 -0 9 6 0 o r r uc k. fr g ap @co n u s.ar m y. mi l Visit us at www.facebook.com/fortruckerfamily INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Official Homepage of the United States 1 Army Homepage Now on iPhone Army now on the iPhone! All of the news from Army.mil can now be carried with you. Read the latest 2 Did You Know? Fort articles, view the newest pictures, and watch the latest videos direct from your Rucker Family Support iPhone. Save your favorite stories to the phone for offline viewing. Share news Facility with your friends via email, Twitter and Facebook. 3 FAFSA Workshop & Features: imAlone Classes - Test your skills with a challenging tile strategy game. - Keep up to date with the latest Army Tweets and the US Army Facebook page. - Download Army Podcasts direct to your device. - Learn about Army Ranks, Equipment, Uniforms, and the Army song. - Browse Stand-To! and the Army Live blog. - Download and read Soldiers Magazine. Love a wildly - Find a recruiter. misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction Customize the App so your favorite sections are always quickly available. of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood The US Army App works on both the iPhone and iPod touch and requires pressure to rise and the lips to iPhone OS 3.0 or later. pucker. ~Author Unknown Have you received excellent customer service from a Fort Rucker agency? Have a suggestion for improving a Fort Rucker service? We want your feedback http://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=site&site_id=72
  • 2. Page 2 USAACE Family Weekly Update Upcoming Did you Know? Training/Workshops Fort Rucker has a Family Readiness Support facility for Soldiers and their Families located on 7th Avenue (Bldg. 8950). The facility also 13 & 14 February -- AFTB Level I known as The Commons on 7th houses the Fort Rucker Family Training from 0830 1430 at Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA) office and provides many The Commons (Bldg. 8950). To amenities for Soldiers and their Families. register call (334) 255-2382 14 February EFMP Dont have your household goods just yet? Is your computer or printer Information and Support Group on the fritz? The Commons has 3 computers with internet and from 0900 1000 at The webcam capabilities. Theres a cozy meeting area for spouses to get Commons (Bldg. 8950). Topic is together including a Kids on Site childcare room and fenced in play EFMP Respite Care. To register, call (334) 255-9277. area outback. Additionally the facility hosts audio/visual equipment to support training and meetings. 22 February Blended Family Workshop from 9-11:30 am at There is always information on hand at The Commons about Fort the Early Childhood Activity Rucker agencies/programs and events. The FRSA is a great place get Center. To register, call (334) 255-9641 your questions answered. The FRSA can be reached by calling (334) 255-0960. 21 & 28 February Anger Management Workshop from 9- The facility is open Monday Friday from 0800 1630, and after 11am at the Early Childhood hours by reservation. The facility is not available for personal parties. Activity Center (Bldg. 3705 off Dean St). To register, call (334) 255-3898/9641. 24 February Newcomers Welcome from 0830 1030 at The Landing. To register for free childcare, call (334) 255-3564. To Get Your HOOAH Button visit http://www.armytimes.com/marketplace/
  • 3. USAACE Family Weekly Update Page 3 & More On 16 Feb join us at for a workshop on: FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Help with Picerne Military Housing Visit Filling Out the Form www.ourfamilyforfamiliesfirst.org to get the application. Deadline is 16 February 2012 for at the Post Library from 4:30 5:30 pm. Cost is FREE. High School students, and 17 May 2012 for Additional classes will be offered on 22 Mar, 19 Apr, and 10 May spouses. AER Scholarship Visit www.aerhq.org to get the application. Deadline is 1 April 2012. Commissary Scholarship Visit imAlone classes are being www.militaryscholar.org for application. Deadline is 24 February 2012. offered on the following dates FREE for registered United States Army Warrant Officer parents and children 10 & older. Association (USAWOA) Scholarship Visit Class Dates: 26 Jan, 23 Feb, 29 Mar, 26 Apr, 17 May www.usawoa.org for application. *Requires Where: Youth Center membership When: 4:30 5:30 Fort Rucker Community Spouse Club Cost: FREE (FRCSC) Scholarship Visit ftruckercsc.com Deciding whether or not a child is ready to stay at home is a for application. difficult decision for most parents. This class is designed to Thrift Shop Scholarship Visit prepare children to look after themselves during these times. It http://www.cacfinfo.org/sacf/scholarships.html to will focus on daily routines, personal safety, code words, fire, get application. keys, how to handle unexpected visitors, and necessary uses of household appliances. You must call and pre-register. Quad-A Scholarship Visit www.quad-a.org to get application. *Requires membership Register at Building 5700 Rm 193 Parent Central or Buick Scholarship www.buickachievers.com. www.webtrac.mwr.army.mil Pat Tillman Military Scholar Visit Participants must have a valid Child & Youth Services www.pattillmanfoundation.org/tillman-military- registration. Need more Info- Please Call: scholars/apply for application and more 334-255-9812 or 334-255-1867 information MOAAs Favorite Dos & Donts for Military Spouse Job Seekers: Do clean up your Facebook page. 89% of employers use social media. Dont come in defeated to an interview. Build a relationship with the employer. Do lots of informational interviews. People hire people they know. Do demonstrate outcomes. Employers want to see results, not just activity. Dont worry about paid experience. Highlight your great work paid or not. Sign up for the MOAA Spouse E-Newsletter to learn more and get the scoop on the next Spouse Symposium by visiting www.moaa.org and visit the MOAA Spouse Blog.