This document discusses three special months in the Islamic calendar - Rajab, Shabaan, and Ramadan. It uses the analogy of growing a garden to illustrate how Muslims can improve themselves spiritually during these months. The story explains how planting good intentions and increasing good deeds, like prayers and Quran recitation, helps individuals "cultivate their character" just as taking care of a garden helps it grow. Maintaining the garden/self through regular worship ensures ongoing spiritual improvement and rewards in this life and the next.
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3 specialmonthsinislam
1. 1
3 Special Months
in Islam
A Story and Coloring Book
For Children
NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
2. 2
Assalamu Alaikum dear children. There are 3 special months in the
Islamic calendar that have been compared to growing a garden. Can
you guess the names of these 3 months correctly? If you said Rajab,
Shabaan and Ramadaan, then you are absolutely correct! If you did
not know, no worries, because you learned something new today.
Now you can share it with your family and friends InshAllah.
Color the names of these 3 special months in Islam.
R a j a b
S h a b a a n
R a m a d a a n
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
3. 3
Lets say, that you have decided to start a garden. You have a choice to
either grow a garden of bright and colorful flowers, or a garden of
juicy and delicious fruits. Hmm... tough decision indeed! Now how do
you go about cultivating the garden that you wish to grow? First, we
should gather some supplies.
Color the gardening supplies that you will need.
Gardening Supplies
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
4. 4
Next, you will have to find a good place in the ground to sow or plant
your seeds. Remember, the more fertile the ground you choose to
plant your seeds, the better your garden will grow! Have you decided
what to grow yet? Beautiful flowers or delicious fruits? Let's do both
Color the different seeds in a basket
Packets of Seeds
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
5. 5
Then, you will need to irrigate or water the seeds you have planted in
the fertile ground. Make sure that your seeds get enough sunlight and
oxygen too! You want to have the best and most abundant garden,
don't you?
And watch out for the weeds! They can harm your new harvest of
flowers and fruits if you do not remove them quickly, before they
overtake your garden.
Color how you may water your garden.
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
6. 6
Alhamdulillah your garden has grown!
Now you can reap the fruits, and gather
the blossoms. Your garden is as
wonderful as you made it. All your
patience and hard efforts have paid off,
and you are so glad you worked diligently to make your garden of
Color some flowers and fruit from your harvest.
Fruits of the Harvest
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
7. 7
Now I am sure you want your garden to remain beautiful and
bountiful, by continuing to grow more brightly colorful flowers, and
juicy, ripe fruits. You want your fruit garden to stay delicious, and
your flower garden to blossom all the time, but what do you do to
ensure that this happens?
Color how you would maintain your garden.
Simple! All you need to do is keep
maintaining your garden. You can
take care of it, by watering it regularly
and by pruning it when needed, to
ensure that your fruit and flowers
don't wither and die from neglect - oh
please don't let that happen!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
8. 8
So how does growing a garden, compare with learning about the 3
special months in Islam you may wonder?
You see dear children, the story of
growing your beautiful garden is similar
to how we have to maintain ourselves as
Muslims. Our character is the garden.
When we plant the seeds in the ground,
those seeds are the good intentions that
we plant in our heart and mind.
Color the bag of seeds and a seed growing in the ground.
The fertile soil where we plant the
seeds, is the purity of our niyaah
when making our intentions. When
growing a garden, the more fertile the
soil, the better the harvest will be.
Similarly, the purer our intentions,
the more abundant our reward will
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
9. 9
When we water, provide enough oxygen and sunlight to our garden,
that is likened to our actions of prayer, fasting and recitation of the
Quran. Our good deeds help us to grow as Muslims, and keep us from
performing bad deeds. In these 3 special months, our efforts are
rewarded even more, so we should increase our good actions!
Color the steps of growing a plant.
How a Plant Grows From a Seed
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
10. 10
And like the weeds in the garden, which try to strangle the fruits and
flowers from growing, shaytaan too, uses his deceptive whispering to
keep us from thriving. He tries to sway us from the right path, and
keep us away from performing the good deeds that we intend to do.
Color the plants that are growing from the seeds.
Growing Garden - Watch Out for Weeds!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
11. 11
When our crops have grown, we reap our harvest and enjoy the
flowers and fruits of our hard efforts. This is similar to improving
ourselves as Muslims when we strive to be better in character. We
have ignored shaytaans whisperings from guiding us astray, and we
will reap the rewards of our good intentions in this life and the next
Color the crops from our harvest.
The Harvest is Ready!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
12. 12
And just as we have to look after our garden regularly to ensure that it
does not wither and die, but remain beautiful for as long as possible,
so too, must we control our actions constantly by remembering to
please Allah swt and abstain from bad deeds for His Pleasure.
Color the tools to maintain your garden.
Maintain Your
Beautiful Garden!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
13. 13
By not listening to the whispering of shaytaan telling us to do
bad deeds.
He only wants the worst for us!
By not hurting others with our words and actions.
No good ever comes from being cruel and unkind!
By respecting our parents, elders, teachers and one another.
They care about us and they guide us, how can we treat
them badly!
By being kind, helping others and all Allah's Creatures.
Showing mercy to Allah's Creation, shows love for our
By remembering Allah and regularly praying, fasting and reciting
the Quran.
This will help our imaan to be strong and to stay good!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息
14. 14
It isn't hard to be a good Muslim,
really it isn't, it is quite simple.
Think of a garden that you want
to grow, and remember all the
things you have to do in order to
make the garden grow well. You
know the reward of your efforts
will be worth it!
Anything worthwhile in
life, needs striving, hard
work and continuous
effort, to reach success.
And our success is in
attaining Jannah InshAllah
- the place where all our
dreams and wishes come
Now that's a garden we
definitely want to cultivate,
and not permit shaytaan to
weed his way through it!
Written by Zakkiya Osman Copyright 2015 息