Vasant Ramachandran discusses 3 successful entrepreneurs with surprising backgrounds in this in-depth presentational blog. For more information, please visit!
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3 Successful Entrepreneurs With Surprising Backgrounds - Vasant Ramachandran
Many people dream of owning their own
business. Many followed their dreams and
succeeded. Others failed. A number of
entrepreneurs offer words of advice and
encouragement in an attempt to help
business owners become more fruitful.
V A S A N T R A M A C H A N D R A N . N E T
Perhaps the most famous of those tech gurus with a surprising
background is Steve Jobs. You may know him as the genius
behind Apple. As much success as Jobs had and how far he
pushed the boundaries of tech, you might thing that he had
earned college degree after college degree. But in fact, Jobs was
a college drop-out. Although he attended Reed College for a
little while, he had to leave the school when his parents were
unable to pay his tuition.
Jobs time at Reed College, however, did have a huge influence
on him. The humanities classes that he took expanded his
mind when it came to human interaction and empathy. He also
took a calligraphy course, which later influence the designs he
made for Apple. Jobs goes to show that a well-rounded
education, even just a small one, can lead to success.
V A S A N T R A M A C H A N D R A N . N E T
4. JACKDORSEY Like Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter
and Square, never completed college or earned an
undergraduate degree. Dorsey did attend Missouri
University of Science and Technology and later New
York University, but he dropped out of school
because he thought he could put his coding talents to
better use in the outside world. Dorsey has a familiar
story that many in the tech world share.
V A S A N T R A M A C H A N D R A N . N E T
Walter Driver co-founded a gaming network that is called Scopeley. Unlike Jobs
and Dorsey, however, Driver didnt major in a science-related field in college.
Surprisingly, he has a degree in creative writing and literature from Brown
University. Many people look down on humanities degrees, such as English and
Literature. But Driver proves that these types of degrees foster critical thinking
skills, writing skills, and imagination, all of which can lead to success in all kinds
of fields.
V A S A N T R A M A C H A N D R A N . N E T