The document discusses RIP and IGRP routing protocols. It provides configuration examples and output of show commands to view routing protocol information and the routing table. It describes how to configure RIP and IGRP on routers, specify networks, and observe routing updates and path selection. Debug commands are also shown to troubleshoot routing protocols.
STP prevents network loops by placing ports in blocking state. It establishes a root bridge with the lowest bridge ID, composed of priority and MAC address. STP transitions ports through blocking, listening, learning and forwarding states. When the network changes, STP maintains connectivity by transitioning some blocked ports to forwarding.
The document discusses configuring and operating Cisco IOS. It describes starting a switch and router, observing the boot process, and entering different command modes. It also covers basic Cisco IOS commands, viewing device information, and configuring parameters like hostname, interfaces, and protocols. The document provides an example of initializing a router through an interactive setup process.
47. Ping 命令 一般情况下,用户可以通过使用一系列 Ping 命令来查找问题出在什么地 方,或检验网络运行的情况。典型的检测次序及对应的可能故障: ① ping 如果测试成功,表明网卡、 TCP/IP 协议的安装、 IP 地址、子网掩码的设置正常。如果测试不成功,就表示 TCP/IP 的安装或运行存在某些最基本的问题。 ② ping 本机 IP 如果测试不成功,则表示本地配置或安装存在问题,应当对网络设备和通讯介质进行测试、检查并排除。
48. Ping 命令 ③ ping 局域网内其他 IP 如果测试成功,表明本地网络中的网卡和载体运行正确。但如果收到 0 个回送应答,那么表示子网掩码不正确或网卡配置错误或电缆系统有问题。 ④ ping 网关 IP 这个命令如果应答正确,表示局域网中的网关路由器正在运行并能够做出应答。 ⑤ ping 远程 IP 如果收到正确应答,表示成功的使用了缺省网关。对于拨号上网用户则表示能够成功的访问 Internet 。
49. Ping 命令 如果上面所列出的所有 Ping 命令都能正常运行,那么计算机进行本地和远程通信基本上就没有问题了。但是,这些命令的成功并不表示你所有的网络配置都没有问题,例如,某些子网掩码错误就可能无法用这些方法检测到。 Ping 命令的常用参数选项 ping IP -t :连续对 IP 地址执行 Ping 命令,直到被用户以 Ctrl+C 中断。 ping IP -l 2000 :指定 Ping 命令中的数据长度为 2000 字节,而不是缺省 的 32 字节。 ping IP -n :执行特定次数的 Ping 命令。
#2: Purpose: This chapter reviews the physical layer and describes how to cable various network devices. Timing: This chapter takes approximately 1 hour to present. Note: This section has a cabling laboratory exercise at the end. Contents: Objectives—This section explains what the student will be able to do at the end of this chapter. TCP/IP Overview—This section describes the TCP/IP protocol stack. TCP/IP Application Layer Overview—This section describes the application protocols. TCP/IP Transport Layer Overview—This section describes TCP and UDP. TCP/IP Internet Layer Overview—This section describes IP and other Internet layer protocols. TCP/IP Address Overview—This section describes IP addressing. Configuring IP Addresses—This section describes how to address an IOS device with IP Interconnecting Networks—This section describes how to interconnect separate VLANs and WANs With TCP/IP. Written Exercise—This section has students work with IP addresses in binary format.