1) The 3TIER TMY methodology uses satellite-derived irradiance data from 1997 to present and numerical weather prediction model output for weather variables, selecting 4-day samples to develop typical meteorological years.
2) A case study in Southern California found that when compared to private observations over 2 years, the 3TIER TMY values more closely matched the observed data than the nearest NREL TMY sites.
3) While 3TIER TMY data provides a global dataset, its long-term variability is limited. For accurate system performance predictions, obtaining a long-term on-site weather dataset is preferable to using a TMY.
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3 tier spg 2013 ppt
1. Building a Better TMY
Gwendalyn Bender - Presenting
Andrew Etringer, Steve Ihnen, Pascal Storck
February 14, 2013
3. NREL TMY Methodology
TMY2: Ground data derived 1961- TMY3: TMY2 database + Satellite
1990 (mixed irradiance and data derived irradiance data 1991-
meteorological observations) 2005
With met data obs only: Irradiance is
With irradiance obs: Monthly
derived. Then monthly cumulative Monthly cumulative distribution of
cumulative distribution of daily
distribution of daily means for 5 daily means for 5 variables using
means for 5 variables using different
variables using different weights (GHI different weights (GHI (25%), DNI
weights (GHI (25%), DNI (25%),
(25%), DNI (25%), temperature (25%), temperature (20%), dew point
temperature (20%), dew point (20%),
(20%), dew point (20%), and wind (20%), and wind speed(10%))
and wind speed(10%))
4. 3TIER TMY Methodology
Satellite Derived Data (1997 NWP run (1997 Current) for
Current) for irradiance. weather variables.
4-day samples, within 0.5%
deviation, for monthly means, Temperature, wind speed,
Choose irradiance value as the monthly cumulative wind direction, surface
main input (GHI, DNI or DIF). distribution of daily means, pressure, and relative humidity
monthly diurnal cycles and for matching time period
the annual mean.
4-day samples for irradiance
must also preserve temporal
correlation for weather, within
1.0% deviation, for the same
5. TMY Dataset Differences
Direct irradiance & weather observations for the TMY2
database vs derived irradiance & weather observations
from 3TIER and the TMY3 database.
The time periods covered vary.
NREL dataset is static vs the 3TIER updated dataset
NRELs monthly sampling period vs 3TIERs 4-day
sampling period
Weighting for the different parameters also varies
Coverage of the United States and India with NREL vs
global coverage with 3TIER
so how do they compare?
8. Case Study Southern California
Private observations with 2+ years of GHI
3TIER TMY pulled at the site
Nearest 7 NREL sites were TMY3 locations
Nearest TMY2 location ~130km away
9. Case Study Southern California
10. Case Study Southern California
Mean (W/m2) Private Site 3TIER NREL Site 1 NREL Site 2 NREL Site 3
Annual 251.27 241.77 240.36 224.8 225.67
Jan 146.5 143.36 148.58 146.13 144.78
Feb 189.39 177.64 172.86 179.86 177.08
Mar 256.41 247.41 239.89 207.06 189.7
Apr 303.45 299.56 300.18 287.36 277.55
May 338.6 330.97 327.19 291.53 324.74
Jun 341.12 345.68 340.27 292.08 300.2
Jul 315.86 315.12 316.14 294.94 298.1
Aug 288.34 288.03 296.96 263.87 273.7
Sept 266.12 258.11 254.19 254.31 250.93
Oct 205.99 206.2 191 208.39 209.66
Nov 162.28 155.43 155.53 164.17 153.5
Dec 124.26 130.21 137.58 106.48 105.68
11. Case Study Southern California
Private Observations
Monthly Means Comparison 3TIER TMY
12. Case Study Southern California
14. Case Study Southern California
Annual Yield Ann Avg DNI Ann Avg GHI
[GWh] [Wh/m2-day] [Wh/m2-day]
3TIER 14-year 33.778 6,441 5,784
data set
3TIER TMY 33.816 6,405 5,803
NREL TMY 35.751 7,230 5,767
15. Long-term Variability is Important
The TMY should not be used to predict weather for a particular
period of time, nor is it an appropriate basis for evaluating real-
time energy production or efficiencies for building design
applications or solar conversion systems.
NREL Technical Report 2008
16. Conclusions
3T TMY = pretty good, available any where
for better site accuracy
BUT TMYs suck
Get a long-term timeseries