?? 3.0 ??(?)??? ???????(27 march2014)no2Han Woo PARK
??3.0, ?????, ????, ???????, South Korea, Government 2.0, Government 3.0, Open Government Data, Public Data, Big Data, Platform Governance, Triple Helix, Network Analysis, Webometrics
Another Interdisciplinary Transformation: Beyond an Area-studies JournalHan Woo PARK
Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia (ISSN 2383-9449) is a refereed biannual journal that takes a lead on a new scholarship in Asia. In the past, the JCEA was dedicated to the study of current political, social and economic trends in East and Southeast Asia. But now, the JCEA finds unique aspects of Asian scholarship by expanding its scope to (socio-technical) convergence and future (network) studies. The JCEA editors are working very hard to boost the scholarly presence of new Asian scholarship around the world and secure its reputation as an emerging world-class publishing outlet. The editors welcome manuscripts based on original research or significant reexamination of existing literature.
Global mapping of artificial intelligence in Google and Google ScholarHan Woo PARK
Omar, M., Mehmood, A., Choi, G.S., Park, H.W.@ (2017 Online First). Global mapping of artificial intelligence in Google and Google Scholar. Scientometrics.
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??? ?? ??? Curriculum vitae ??? ?? ???Han Woo PARK
Full Prof. Dr. Han Woo PARK, http://www.hanpark.net /hanpark
(BA-HUFS, MA-Seoul Nat'l Univ. PhD-SUNY Buffalo)
Dept of Media & Communication, Interdisciplinary Program of Digital Convergence Business, YeungNam University, 214-1, Dae-dong, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, Zip Code 712-749
Editor-In-Chief of Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, https://jceasia.org/
Guest Editors of Social Science Computer Review, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, Scientometrics, Quality & Quantity, Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Editorial Boards of Scientometrics, Quality & Quantity, International Journal of Internet Science, Big Data & Society, CollNet Journal of Scientometrics & Information Management, Knowledge Economy, International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, Social Media & Society, Triple Helix - A Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Journal of Data & Information Science, Scholarly Metrics and Analytics (a specialty of Frontiers in Library and Information Science)
Director of Cyber Emotions Research Institute
President of WATEF (World Association for Triple Helix & Future Strategy Studies,
Formerly, Asia Triple Helix Society)
Formerly, Directors of World Class University Webometrics Institute and TEDxPalgong ,Visiting Scholar of Oxford Internet Institute https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/han-woo-park/ Research Associate of Royal Netherland Academy (NIWI-KNAW http://virtualknowledgestudio.nl/people/former-vks-members/
Twitter network map of #ACPC2017 1st day using NodeXLHan Woo PARK
The Asian Conference for Political Communication 2017 is a biennial conference spearheaded by the Media Programme Asia of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Join fellow influencers in academia, politics and government on this special occasion. Talk about challenges on social media, discuss the odds and threats of #twiplomacy, analyze the phenomena of rising populism and watch the hottest tools for e-campaigning.
Facebook bigdata to understand regime change and migration patterns during ca...Han Woo PARK
1) The document discusses Prof. Han Woo Park's research analyzing Facebook data to understand political changes in South Korea during 2016-2017, including candlelight protests over President Park's impeachment and the 2017 presidential election.
2) It focuses on the regions of Taegu and Kyeongbuk, where support for conservative candidate Hong Joon-pyo remained strong in the election, showing some regional divisions remain.
3) Prof. Park interviewed local media in Taegu and analyzed social media data and comments to understand shifting public opinions from the impeachment protests to the presidential campaign.
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2017 Triple Helix Conference Special Issue Session http://www.triplehelix-korea.org/
Theme (??): Measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations using Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data
9? 15? ??? 16:45 - 18:15 ??: ?????
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Mi Young Chong (Univ. of North Texas, USA) miyoungchong@my.unt.edu
Han Woo Park (Yeungnam University, South Korea)
???: ???, Brandon Moore, ???
Presenter: Leo Kim
Title: From Institution to Individual: Data-Based Reflection of Triple-Helix Operation in South Korea
Biography: Leo Kim is the CEO of Ars Praxia. He graduated from LSE (Methodology, Master) and University of Sussex (Science and Technology Studies, PhD). He has been developing the methodology of semantic network analysis and has a professional background in innovation studies and unstructured data analysis.
Presenter: Brandon Moore
Title: Improving open data accessibility: Using domain driven design and microservice architecture to create user friendly open data systems
Biography: Brandon Moore is a solutions architect for Nationstar Mortgage LLC. He has 20 years experience as a software engineer and is currently the lead architect for a new reverse mortgage platform. He is also an Information Science PhD student at the University of North Texas. His research interests are text analytics and data mining.
Presenter: Jungwon Yoon
TItle: Triple Helix Dynamics of Technological Innovation Systems in South Korea: A Comparative Analysis
Biography: Jungwon Yoon is a research fellow at Soongsil University in South Korea. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology of Technology and Science from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Her areas of expertise are in science and technology studies (STS), including science & technology policy, sociology of sciences, innovation studies, and technology management. Her current research focuses on dynamics of innovation systems in both South and North Korea. Her latest publications include "Triple helix dynamics of South Korea¡¯s innovation system: a network analysis of inter-regional technological collaborations" and "Quintuple helix structure of Sino-Korean research collaboration in science."
73. Open Data Barometer:
2013 Global Report
? Amongst higher HDI countries, Japan?s Open
Government Data policy has received a boost
through the recent G8 Open Data Charter.
? New Zealand, South Korea, Australia, Japan
and Singapore all have a high level of
government and private sector readiness
to secure benefits from open data, although
civil society readiness is notably lower in
Singapore and Korea.
75. Full data availability listings
? The Open Data
? information on the
availability of 1078
? different datasets
across 14 categories
? looking at a range of
aspects of
? data availability and
80. ????? ?????? ????? ??
We Need Different Lenses
Network Lens
Organizational Lens
81. ????? ?? ? ??
The Organizational Lens
Hierarchy of the Traditional IT Department
Valdis Krebs orgnet.com
82. ????? ?? ? ??
The Network Lens
How Work Actually Gets Done in the IT Department
Valdis Krebs orgnet.com
95. Discussion issues
Configurations may
constrain the further TH
developments at national
system level by
generating more
uncertainty than can be
managed by three TH
- L. Leydesdorff
??? ??? ???
104. Asso. Prof. Dr. Han Woo PARK, http://www.hanpark.net
Dept of Media & Communication, YeungNam University,
Co-Editor of J Contemporary Eastern Asia,
Guest Editors of Soc Sci Comput Rev, J Comput-Mediat Comm
Directors of WCU Webometrics Institute, Asia Triple Helix Society,
Cyber Emotions Research Institute, and TEDxPalgong