The document provides 30 daily writing prompts to help writers strengthen their skills through regular practice. It encourages writing for 10 minutes each day and offers ideas like having a character discover a problem with their new apartment on day 1 or including specific elements like a tombstone and butterfly collection in a story on day 2. Keeping a regular writing schedule is likened to daily exercise that improves one's "writing muscles."
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30 days of_inspiration_
1. 30 Days of Inspiration
Ideas to Energize Your Story Writing
Creative Writing Now
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC?
2. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 2?
The Thirty Day Challenge
There are different ways you can use this book, but here's a suggestion. For
thirty days, challenge yourself to write at the same time every day for at least 10
minutes. Use the ideas in this book to get you started.
Many of the story ideas will take much more more than 10 minutes to write, but
don't worry. Just get started, and at the end of the 10 minutes, decide if you
want to continue.
If not, you can abandon the story guilt-free. You've done your job; you've put in
your writing time for the day. If you're inspired to keep going, you can either
write for a longer time or save what you've started and come back to it another
Keeping a regular writing schedule can be very powerful. It's like daily exercise
that trains and strengthens the writing "muscles."
And by working regularly at your writing, you separate yourself from the millions
of people who say, "I want to be a writer." Instead, you can say, "I AM a writer."
You've earned it.
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
3. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 3?
Day 1
Your character moves into a new apartment. On the surface, the place seemed
ideal, but his/her first night there, your character discovers a terrible problem
with the place that he/she didn't take into account...
Day 2
Write a story that includes: a tombstone, a first kiss, and a butterfly collection¡
Day 3
Imagine you're looking through a collection of short stories. One of the titles
catches your interest. That's the story you want to read first. What might the
title be? Invent a title that would make you want to read the story. Now, write a
story to go with that title...
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
4. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 4?
Day 4
Think of two very different people you know. Invent a character who combines
characteristics of both of them. Then put this character in a stressful family
Day 5
Your character has a date but decides not to show up. Your character believes
he or she has a very good reason for this decision (you decide the reason). But
your character's date is furious and decides to make your character sorry¡
Day 6
Write a story that includes: twins, a 12-layer cake, a house that seems to be
haunted but isn't¡
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
5. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 5?
Day 7
Your character gets a call from someone asking to talk to "David." "You have
the wrong number," your character says. But instead of hanging up, the caller
and your character get to chatting, and they decide to meet later that night...
Day 8
Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. The
heartbreaking result: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Write a ghost story or
a love story in less than 20 words...
Day 9
Go to, and click on the "Image" link on the top left. This will take
you to the image search page. Type two words into the search box, and click
on the ""Search"" button. A bunch of pictures will appear. Choose one of them
to use as a writing prompt. You can repeat this exercise whenever you need
fresh writing ideas!
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
6. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 6?
Day 8
Write a story about a bad or unpleasant person. Make this person likable to
your reader¡
Day 9
Marta, your character's neighbor asks your character a favor. Would your
character mind taking in Marta's mail and watering her plants while Marta is
away on an unexpected trip? Your character agrees and accepts Marta's
house key. But when your character lets himself/herself into Marta's house for
the first time, he/she encounters something he/she certainly wasn't expecting....
Day 10
Perhaps the best way to learn about writing is by studying the work of other
writers. Today, you will choose a book by a writer you admire. Read a
paragraph of this book to get the author's "voice" in your head. Now, try to write
your own story (or rewrite a story you have written) the way this author would
have written it. Imitate the author's style and the techniques he or she uses...
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
7. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 7?
Day 11
Your character gets trapped in an elevator with someone he or she is afraid of
(you decide why)¡
Day 12
Write the ending of a mystery story. Then write the beginning.
Day 13
A change of environment can sometimes refresh and recharge the brain. Do
you normally write at a desk or at your kitchen table? Today, go someplace
different to write. For example, try writing outside or in a public place such as a
coffee house or mall¡.
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
8. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 8?
Day 14
Write a story that includes: a blind man, a tent, and a train...
Day 15
Today, you have a choice of two different activities related to point of view. When I say
point of view, I mean the perspective used to tell the story. Think of the location of the
camera when filming a movie. You can tell a story from inside a particular character's
head, showing what that character sees, thinks, and experiences.
? Option 1: Think of an argument or uncomfortable encounter you had with
another person. Tell the story of this encounter from the other person's point of
view. Or...
? Option 2: Rewrite a story you have written previously, but write it from the point
of view of a different character.
Day 16
Put on music in the background today while you write. Write a scene that captures the
feeling of the music....
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
9. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 9?
Day 17
Your character gets on a taxi and tells the driver to take him/her to the airport.
But the driver has his/her own ideas about where they are headed¡
Day1 8
They say you can't judge a book by its cover. But some book covers attract and
fascinate. Browse Amazon, or look on your bookshelves and choose a book
you haven't read that has a cover you really like. Now, you're going to steal that
cover for your own story. Okay, not really "steal" -- just borrow. Write a story of
your own that would go with that cover...
Day 19
Write a story that includes: a gingerbread house, a stolen key, and a surprising
phone message¡
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
10. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 10?
Day 20
Write a story that will make your reader afraid to turn off the lights at bedtime
Day 21
Your character's dream in life is to be a celebrity. He/she is not particularly
talented or successful at anything, so he/she will have to find a different way to
become famous...
Day 22
Supposedly, Ernest Hemingway wrote standing up. On the other hand, Mark
Twain wrote while lying in bed. Could standing up while you write give you
extra energy? Could writing in bed help to relax your mind so that ideas flow
more easily? Today, try doing one or the other and see if the physical change
makes a difference in your writing...
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
11. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 11?
Day 23
One night your character decides to leave home and never come back (you
decide the reason). But at the airport, he or she encounters an old friend, and
they get in a conversation. Something about this conversation (you decide what
it is) makes leaving home suddenly seem much more difficult than your
character had expected¡
Day 24
Write a story about a victimizer and a victim... in which the person who appears
to be the victim is really the victimizer, and the person who appears to be the
victimizer is actually the other person's victim...
Day 25
Write a story that includes: melted snow, a dead poet, and a betrayal¡
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
12. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 12?
Day 26
Today, try telling your story out loud. Speak into a recording device (there may
be one on your cell phone). Then play back what you said and write it down.
You can revise and edit later if you want. Do the words flow more easily when
you are talking instead of writing? If you don't have a recording device, do this
exercise anyway, but stop after a few minutes to write down what you've just
Day 27
Alison decides to find the son she gave up for adoption years ago. The son is
now a teenager. She tracks him down at the fast food restaurant where he
works in the evenings. Write about the encounter from either Alison¡¯s or her
son¡¯s perspective.
Day 28
Write a story that includes: a family argument, a 17th-floor balcony, and an
unforgettable perfume...
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC
13. Creative Writing Now - Advanced Character Questionnaire - Page 13?
Day 29
Imagine a house. Draw a quick floorplan of the house on a piece of paper.
Who do you think lives in this house? Imagine the house¡¯s residents. Now, add
a secret room to your floorplan. What¡¯s in the room? Why is it secret? You
decide. Someone is about to discover the secret room. What happens? Write
the story.
Day 30
Your character believes in love in first sight. In fact, your character believes he
or she has actually fallen in love with someone he or she has only seen in a
photograph. Your character makes up his or mind to marry this person¡
Happy writing!
? 2011. William Victor, S.L. - All rights reserved
Photography by Micha? Zacharzewski, SXC