Bobcat e20 z compact excavator service repair manual instant download (sn b4p...fiodsidkkd
This document provides safety instructions and guidelines for maintaining a Bobcat excavator. Key points include:
- Read and understand all manuals before operating or servicing the excavator and follow all safety warnings.
- Never service the excavator without instructions and ensure good ventilation when welding or grinding.
- Stop the engine, cool it, and clean away flammable materials before checking fluids.
- Avoid contact with leaking hydraulic fluid or diesel fuel as it can penetrate skin or eyes.
- The document outlines specific safety procedures for maintenance, operation, electrical systems, fueling, starting, and welding/grinding to prevent fire.
Toyota 62-5fd25 Forklift Service Repair Manualfudjfjjskefkkem
This document provides an overview and service manual for the Toyota Forklift 5FG10-30/5FD70-30 Series from August 1986 to August 1989. It includes exterior views of the models, a listing of all vehicle models with specifications, abbreviations used in the manual, operational tips, standard bolt and nut tightening torques, high pressure hose fitting tightening torques, frame numbers, wire rope suspension angles and load capacities, component weights, recommended lubricant quantities and types, lubrication charts, periodic maintenance schedules, and periodic replacement lubricants and parts. Reference manuals for the mounted engines are also listed.
Este manual fornece instru??es sobre a opera??o, manuten??o e seguran?a de carregadeiras de rodas Cat 924K, 930K e 938K. Ele destaca as precau??es de seguran?a que devem ser tomadas e localiza as placas de advertência na máquina. O manual também contém se??es sobre opera??o, manuten??o, especifica??es e solu??o de problemas.
The document provides checklists for normal operations of a Cessna 172S Skyhawk, including preflight, engine starting, taxiing, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, landing, shutdown and securing the aircraft. Emergency checklists are also included for events such as engine failure during takeoff, in flight, or after landing, as well as procedures for electrical and engine fires.
Case 580 st stage iv tractor backhoe loader service repair manualfjkskekkemmmd
This service manual provides information for servicing 580ST, 590ST, and 695ST Stage IV Tractor Backhoe Loaders. It includes sections covering the engine, transmission, axles, brakes, hydraulics, frames, steering, wheels, cab climate control, electrical systems, front loader/bucket, booms/dippers/buckets, and other components. The manual contains specifications, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting information to aid in repairing and maintaining these machines.
- The document is a technical and repair manual for N Series engines that provides instructions on repairs, overhauls, diagnostics and maintenance.
- It describes the engine features and operation, fuel system, mechanical and electrical components specific to different applications, and overhaul procedures.
- Symbols are used to classify information as warnings, service operations, or additional explanations. Safety precautions are outlined to prevent accidents during work.
O documento descreve os principais módulos eletr?nicos de veículos e seus componentes. Inclui informa??es sobre módulos de controle de motor, ABS, ar condicionado, painel de instrumentos, travamento de portas e outros. Também explica sobre sensores, tipos de sinais elétricos e comunica??o CAN entre os módulos.
O documento discute as causas de falhas prematuras em diversas pe?as de motores a combust?o, incluindo pist?es, anéis, camisas, bronzinas, buchas, válvulas, tuchos e turbocompressores. As causas incluem erros de montagem, mau funcionamento do motor, lubrifica??o inadequada, contamina??o e aplica??es incorretas. O documento fornece detalhes e exemplos para cada tipo de pe?a e causa de falha.
Este documento fornece informa??es sobre motores elétricos produzidos pela WEG, incluindo linhas de produtos, características, especifica??es, instala??es e manuten??es. A garantia oferecida pela WEG é de 18 meses, cobrindo defeitos de fabrica??o, desde que atendidos certos requisitos de transporte, instala??o, opera??o e manuten??o.
O documento é um catálogo de produtos da FAG que lista diversos tipos de rolamentos, como de esferas, rolos cilíndricos e c?nicos, além de acessórios e ferramentas. O catálogo descreve as principais linhas de produtos da FAG, indicando suas aplica??es e especifica??es técnicas.
Vista explodida e manual de servi?o toyota bandeiranteRicardo Akerman
A Toyota Bandeirante foi inicialmente montada no Brasil, inicialmente ainda sob o nome Land Cruiser FJ-251 (Série J5), a partir de 23 de janeiro de 1958.
Assim, o Land Cruiser brasileiro passou a ser a série J5, em contraste com a série J4 japonesa. Mas a série J5 que designa o Land Cruiser brasileiro n?o pode ser confundida com a série J5 do Land Cruiser japonês, um Station Wagon (perua longa com quatro portas que nos anos 60 foi produzida principalmente para o mercado norte-americano, onde obteve um considerável sucesso).
A fabrica??o do Bandeirante no Brasil foi nacionalizada a partir de maio de 1962[1]. A produ??o só se encerrou em novembro de 2001[2]. Nesse período, o mais longo que um mesmo modelo de automóvel já teve de produ??o no Brasil, foram montadas 103.750 unidades, que sobem para 104.621 se somados os Land Cruisers montados em CKD.[1][3]
? conhecido pela sua robustez e capacidade de se deslocar em terrenos desfavoráveis aos automóveis de passeio.[1]. De 1958 a 1962, foi equipado com o motor 2F da Toyota, um 4.0 de baixa rota??o a gasolina, com 6 cilindros e que desenvolvia 110 cv a 2000 rpm. Logo se viu, porém, que a gula por gasolina desse motor diminuía o alcance do veículo excessivamente, tornando-o inviável para o interior brasileiro daqueles anos. Assim, com a nacionaliza??o da fabrica??o em 1962, o modelo foi renomeado Toyota Bandeirante e equipado com o motor OM-324 (algumas fontes afirmam o motor ter sido um OM-326) da Mercedes-Benz, um 3.4 a diesel com quatro cilindros que desenvolvia 78 cv a 3000 rpm e que rendeu o apelido de "Britadeira" ao veículo. Em 1973, o OM-324 foi seguido pelo OM-314, também da Mercedes-Benz. O OM-314 é um 3.8 de quatro cilindros a diesel que desenvolve 85 cv a 2.800 rpm. Esse motor ficaria até 1990, ano em que foi substituído por outro motor Mercedes-Benz, o OM-364. O OM-364 é um 4.0 a diesel, cuja potência é de 90 cv a 2800 rpm. Foi por causa dos motores OM (?l Motor) da Mercedes-Benz que a linha Bandeirante de 1962 a 1994 seria chamada de série OJ5. O ano de 1994 marcaria o fim dos motores da Mercedes-Benz: nesse ano, o Bandeirante passou a ser equipado com o propulsor Toyota 14B, um 3.7 com quatro cilindros, sempre a diesel, que chega a 96 cv a 3.400 rpm.
Scania industrial and marine engines 12 litre engine service repair manualufjdjfjksekkmm
This document provides work instructions for servicing various components of 12 liter Scania industrial and marine engines, including the complete engine, cylinder head, turbocharger, pistons, flywheel, timing gears, camshaft, crankshaft, cylinder block, and lubrication system. It includes diagrams to identify parts, specifications for different components, and lists of required special tools. Procedures are outlined for removing, inspecting, repairing, and replacing parts as needed.
1. O documento apresenta um curso de Desenho Técnico II para alunos de um Curso Técnico de Estruturas e Máquinas Navais.
2. O curso aborda tópicos como plano de linhas, desenho de arranjo geral para estruturas navais e offshore, desenho estrutural e desenho de tubula??o.
3. Exemplos e exercícios s?o fornecidos para cada tópico para orientar os alunos no estado da arte de projetar e desenhar estruturas aplicadas às áreas de
PERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC)(Model VK)Service Rep...jkmsmem ejksmmd
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for thePERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC), this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.PERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC) Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to havePERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC) Service Repair Workshop Manual.
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:
Thanks for visiting!
This document provides guidelines for track alignment design parameters for railway applications with track gauges of 1435 mm and wider. It establishes normal and exceptional limits for parameters such as radius of horizontal curves, cant, cant deficiency, cant excess, rate of change of cant, length of transition curves, and radius of vertical curves. The guidelines are intended to promote safe and comfortable train operation by specifying limits for track geometry.
MAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Manualjkksejkdm
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theMAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.MAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.?
Service Repair Manual Covers:?
Engine type classification
Safety regulations
Fault table
General notes on engine overhaul
Commissioning after engine overhaul
Engine views D 2876 LE 423
Schematic diagram of engine lubrication
Schematic diagram of cooling system
Schematic diagram of fuel system
Schematic diagram of engine timing
Fuel system
Cooling system
Flywheel / Crankshaft seal
Intake / exhaust system
Cylinder head
Valve timing
Crankgear, pistons
Service Data
Special tools
File Format: PDF?
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac?
Language: English?
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveMAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Workshop Manual.?
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:?
Thanks for visiting!
1. O documento discute análise de falhas e troubleshooting em motores de combust?o interna, identificando causas comuns de falhas e métodos para diagnosticá-las.
2. As causas de falhas incluem erros de projeto, fabrica??o, instala??o, manuten??o e opera??o, enquanto os mecanismos de falha incluem deforma??o, fratura, desgaste e contamina??o.
3. A análise de falhas investiga o que causou uma falha específica, enquanto o troubleshooting busca identificar e corrig
O documento fornece informa??es sobre a revis?o do Chevrolet e como agendar online. Ele também contém um índice detalhado sobre os sistemas e componentes do veículo.
New Holland TG210 TG230 TG255 TG285 Repair ManualPeterStalker1
This document is a repair manual that contains contents, general information, specifications, maintenance schedules, troubleshooting, and repair procedures for New Holland TG210, TG230, TG255, and TG285 engines. The repair manual covers the engine, fuel system, lubrication system, cooling system, air intake system, and drive units. It provides detailed instructions on removal, installation, inspection, and repair of engine components.
Manual retroescavadeira case 580 operador portugueslbeatrizmendonca
Este documento fornece instru??es sobre a opera??o e manuten??o de retroescavadeiras e carregadeiras da Série 2. Ele contém informa??es sobre componentes, controles, opera??o segura, manuten??o e especifica??es técnicas.
Successful Aging Theory Review Discussion.pdfsdfghj21
1) The theory proposes that aging is a process of adapting to changes through increasingly complex coping processes. A person's choices influence whether their aging is successful.
2) Key aspects of successful aging according to the theory are physical and mental health, meaningful activities, relationships, spirituality, creativity, and a sense of control.
3) The theory was influenced by Roy's adaptation model and aims to help nurses support older adults' transition to later life.
This document discusses various appendages attached to ship hulls including rudders, skegs, stabilizers, bilge keels, sacrificial anode systems, propellers, bow thrusters, and bulbous bows. It describes the purpose and characteristics of each appendage in 1-3 sentences. Rudder types include balanced, semi-balanced skeg, full skeg, and spade rudders. Propeller types are fixed pitch, variable pitch, ducted, and skeg propellers. Bow thrusters assist in ship maneuvering. A bulbous bow reduces drag and increases speed and stability.
This document discusses MAN Diesel & Turbo's exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) technology for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from ships to meet upcoming Tier III standards. It provides an overview of EGR, including the system layout, key components, control system, and initial service experience on MAN engines equipped with EGR. EGR works by recirculating a portion of exhaust gas into the engine to reduce combustion temperatures and lower NOx production. MAN has conducted successful sea trials of EGR technology and found no adverse impacts to engine components after over 700 hours of operation.
Volkswagen SDI 1.9L 60-4 Diesel Marine Engine Service Repair Manualjnksemmd87
This document is a workshop manual that provides technical information and instructions for servicing VW Marine Boat Engine BGM BGL ANC 4-Cylinder Diesel Engines. It contains sections on safety precautions, self-diagnosis procedures, removing and installing the engine, servicing the crankshaft group, cylinder head and valve gear, and lubrication system. The manual provides detailed instructions on inspection, maintenance, repairs and testing to correctly service these marine diesel engines.
O documento discute as causas de falhas prematuras em diversas pe?as de motores a combust?o, incluindo pist?es, anéis, camisas, bronzinas, buchas, válvulas, tuchos e turbocompressores. As causas incluem erros de montagem, mau funcionamento do motor, lubrifica??o inadequada, contamina??o e aplica??es incorretas. O documento fornece detalhes e exemplos para cada tipo de pe?a e causa de falha.
Este documento fornece informa??es sobre motores elétricos produzidos pela WEG, incluindo linhas de produtos, características, especifica??es, instala??es e manuten??es. A garantia oferecida pela WEG é de 18 meses, cobrindo defeitos de fabrica??o, desde que atendidos certos requisitos de transporte, instala??o, opera??o e manuten??o.
O documento é um catálogo de produtos da FAG que lista diversos tipos de rolamentos, como de esferas, rolos cilíndricos e c?nicos, além de acessórios e ferramentas. O catálogo descreve as principais linhas de produtos da FAG, indicando suas aplica??es e especifica??es técnicas.
Vista explodida e manual de servi?o toyota bandeiranteRicardo Akerman
A Toyota Bandeirante foi inicialmente montada no Brasil, inicialmente ainda sob o nome Land Cruiser FJ-251 (Série J5), a partir de 23 de janeiro de 1958.
Assim, o Land Cruiser brasileiro passou a ser a série J5, em contraste com a série J4 japonesa. Mas a série J5 que designa o Land Cruiser brasileiro n?o pode ser confundida com a série J5 do Land Cruiser japonês, um Station Wagon (perua longa com quatro portas que nos anos 60 foi produzida principalmente para o mercado norte-americano, onde obteve um considerável sucesso).
A fabrica??o do Bandeirante no Brasil foi nacionalizada a partir de maio de 1962[1]. A produ??o só se encerrou em novembro de 2001[2]. Nesse período, o mais longo que um mesmo modelo de automóvel já teve de produ??o no Brasil, foram montadas 103.750 unidades, que sobem para 104.621 se somados os Land Cruisers montados em CKD.[1][3]
? conhecido pela sua robustez e capacidade de se deslocar em terrenos desfavoráveis aos automóveis de passeio.[1]. De 1958 a 1962, foi equipado com o motor 2F da Toyota, um 4.0 de baixa rota??o a gasolina, com 6 cilindros e que desenvolvia 110 cv a 2000 rpm. Logo se viu, porém, que a gula por gasolina desse motor diminuía o alcance do veículo excessivamente, tornando-o inviável para o interior brasileiro daqueles anos. Assim, com a nacionaliza??o da fabrica??o em 1962, o modelo foi renomeado Toyota Bandeirante e equipado com o motor OM-324 (algumas fontes afirmam o motor ter sido um OM-326) da Mercedes-Benz, um 3.4 a diesel com quatro cilindros que desenvolvia 78 cv a 3000 rpm e que rendeu o apelido de "Britadeira" ao veículo. Em 1973, o OM-324 foi seguido pelo OM-314, também da Mercedes-Benz. O OM-314 é um 3.8 de quatro cilindros a diesel que desenvolve 85 cv a 2.800 rpm. Esse motor ficaria até 1990, ano em que foi substituído por outro motor Mercedes-Benz, o OM-364. O OM-364 é um 4.0 a diesel, cuja potência é de 90 cv a 2800 rpm. Foi por causa dos motores OM (?l Motor) da Mercedes-Benz que a linha Bandeirante de 1962 a 1994 seria chamada de série OJ5. O ano de 1994 marcaria o fim dos motores da Mercedes-Benz: nesse ano, o Bandeirante passou a ser equipado com o propulsor Toyota 14B, um 3.7 com quatro cilindros, sempre a diesel, que chega a 96 cv a 3.400 rpm.
Scania industrial and marine engines 12 litre engine service repair manualufjdjfjksekkmm
This document provides work instructions for servicing various components of 12 liter Scania industrial and marine engines, including the complete engine, cylinder head, turbocharger, pistons, flywheel, timing gears, camshaft, crankshaft, cylinder block, and lubrication system. It includes diagrams to identify parts, specifications for different components, and lists of required special tools. Procedures are outlined for removing, inspecting, repairing, and replacing parts as needed.
1. O documento apresenta um curso de Desenho Técnico II para alunos de um Curso Técnico de Estruturas e Máquinas Navais.
2. O curso aborda tópicos como plano de linhas, desenho de arranjo geral para estruturas navais e offshore, desenho estrutural e desenho de tubula??o.
3. Exemplos e exercícios s?o fornecidos para cada tópico para orientar os alunos no estado da arte de projetar e desenhar estruturas aplicadas às áreas de
PERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC)(Model VK)Service Rep...jkmsmem ejksmmd
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for thePERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC), this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.PERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC) Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.
Service Repair Manual Covers:
File Format: PDF
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac
Language: English
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to havePERKINS 1100 SERIES 1106C INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ELECTRONIC) Service Repair Workshop Manual.
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:
Thanks for visiting!
This document provides guidelines for track alignment design parameters for railway applications with track gauges of 1435 mm and wider. It establishes normal and exceptional limits for parameters such as radius of horizontal curves, cant, cant deficiency, cant excess, rate of change of cant, length of transition curves, and radius of vertical curves. The guidelines are intended to promote safe and comfortable train operation by specifying limits for track geometry.
MAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Manualjkksejkdm
This is the Highly Detailed factory service repair manual for theMAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES, this Service Manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step instructions,It is 100 percents complete and intact. they are specifically written for the do-it-yourself-er as well as the experienced mechanic.MAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete dis-assembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also, All pages are printable. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your vehicle working properly.?
Service Repair Manual Covers:?
Engine type classification
Safety regulations
Fault table
General notes on engine overhaul
Commissioning after engine overhaul
Engine views D 2876 LE 423
Schematic diagram of engine lubrication
Schematic diagram of cooling system
Schematic diagram of fuel system
Schematic diagram of engine timing
Fuel system
Cooling system
Flywheel / Crankshaft seal
Intake / exhaust system
Cylinder head
Valve timing
Crankgear, pistons
Service Data
Special tools
File Format: PDF?
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac?
Language: English?
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
NO waiting, Buy from responsible seller and get INSTANT DOWNLOAD, Without wasting your hard-owned money on uncertainty or surprise! All pages are is great to haveMAN MARINE DIESEL ENGINES R6-800 SERIES Service Repair Workshop Manual.?
Looking for some other Service Repair Manual,please check:?
Thanks for visiting!
1. O documento discute análise de falhas e troubleshooting em motores de combust?o interna, identificando causas comuns de falhas e métodos para diagnosticá-las.
2. As causas de falhas incluem erros de projeto, fabrica??o, instala??o, manuten??o e opera??o, enquanto os mecanismos de falha incluem deforma??o, fratura, desgaste e contamina??o.
3. A análise de falhas investiga o que causou uma falha específica, enquanto o troubleshooting busca identificar e corrig
O documento fornece informa??es sobre a revis?o do Chevrolet e como agendar online. Ele também contém um índice detalhado sobre os sistemas e componentes do veículo.
New Holland TG210 TG230 TG255 TG285 Repair ManualPeterStalker1
This document is a repair manual that contains contents, general information, specifications, maintenance schedules, troubleshooting, and repair procedures for New Holland TG210, TG230, TG255, and TG285 engines. The repair manual covers the engine, fuel system, lubrication system, cooling system, air intake system, and drive units. It provides detailed instructions on removal, installation, inspection, and repair of engine components.
Manual retroescavadeira case 580 operador portugueslbeatrizmendonca
Este documento fornece instru??es sobre a opera??o e manuten??o de retroescavadeiras e carregadeiras da Série 2. Ele contém informa??es sobre componentes, controles, opera??o segura, manuten??o e especifica??es técnicas.
Successful Aging Theory Review Discussion.pdfsdfghj21
1) The theory proposes that aging is a process of adapting to changes through increasingly complex coping processes. A person's choices influence whether their aging is successful.
2) Key aspects of successful aging according to the theory are physical and mental health, meaningful activities, relationships, spirituality, creativity, and a sense of control.
3) The theory was influenced by Roy's adaptation model and aims to help nurses support older adults' transition to later life.
This document discusses various appendages attached to ship hulls including rudders, skegs, stabilizers, bilge keels, sacrificial anode systems, propellers, bow thrusters, and bulbous bows. It describes the purpose and characteristics of each appendage in 1-3 sentences. Rudder types include balanced, semi-balanced skeg, full skeg, and spade rudders. Propeller types are fixed pitch, variable pitch, ducted, and skeg propellers. Bow thrusters assist in ship maneuvering. A bulbous bow reduces drag and increases speed and stability.
This document discusses MAN Diesel & Turbo's exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) technology for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from ships to meet upcoming Tier III standards. It provides an overview of EGR, including the system layout, key components, control system, and initial service experience on MAN engines equipped with EGR. EGR works by recirculating a portion of exhaust gas into the engine to reduce combustion temperatures and lower NOx production. MAN has conducted successful sea trials of EGR technology and found no adverse impacts to engine components after over 700 hours of operation.
Volkswagen SDI 1.9L 60-4 Diesel Marine Engine Service Repair Manualjnksemmd87
This document is a workshop manual that provides technical information and instructions for servicing VW Marine Boat Engine BGM BGL ANC 4-Cylinder Diesel Engines. It contains sections on safety precautions, self-diagnosis procedures, removing and installing the engine, servicing the crankshaft group, cylinder head and valve gear, and lubrication system. The manual provides detailed instructions on inspection, maintenance, repairs and testing to correctly service these marine diesel engines.
This document examines the need for a systemic transformation in how cities are developed to make them more sustainable and beneficial to human development and the environment. It discusses how cities have evolved over time from centers of trade, production and social organization to places that now threaten biodiversity and natural resources through pollution, waste and unsustainable growth patterns. The document proposes a vision of "rejuvenative cities" that would take a holistic approach to city planning and development focused on positively contributing to both human well-being and planetary health.
This document provides 30 tips for starting a food revolution at schools to improve school meals and food education. It suggests educating yourself about the issues, finding supporters, auditing current school food, meeting with officials in charge, setting goals and a plan of action, addressing suppliers, keeping the community informed and involved, fundraising, conducting taste tests, providing teacher training, integrating food into classrooms, serving fresh and local foods, focusing on proper mealtimes, growing food, celebrating successes, and remaining persistent through challenges. The overall goal is to replace junk food with healthier, fresher options and improve nutrition education for students.
Democratizing the future (Philips Design)Luann Liu
1) The document discusses the need to move beyond a market-led, consumer-focused approach and adopt a more socially-led approach to drive creativity and growth.
2) It argues that new technologies enable more radical, context-based innovation through customized services and systems that can deliver sustainable solutions.
3) Shifting emphasis from consumption to services and focusing both on consumer needs and social needs means rethinking how we view and engage with the future in more open, collaborative ways.
3. 资料来源:贰测别奥谤颈迟别谤 資料來源:Luann Liu
表 1.
在 EyeWriter1.0 的文章中,它列出了 Tool & Parts List,在表 2.中我稍微將它做了註解與建議:
EyeWriter1.0 列出的清單 註解與建議
1x IR sensitive Camera (without auto-iris) PS3 Eye 1 個只要 400-600 元,如果你不
-- PS3 Eye . $39.95 US (using this camera 想買 PS3 eye,你也可以弄到 8mm PCC
system removes the need for an additional video 板用的鏡頭,固定光圈(1 個 250) ,但如
capture card) 同下方描述,你要弄的到底座。
1x camera-lens mount 鏡頭底座(如果你是用 PS3 Eye 你就不用
-- you can use the lens mount that comes with 買) 。
the PS3, but it is glue together and difficult to
-- Lens holder, M12x0.5, 15.5, centered $6.00
this is the cheap one, but it requires some
modification to match PS3 through-hole footprint
-- more expensive $20.00
1x cheap glasses 一個便宜的夜市眼鏡。
-- really any cheap sunglasses will do... or try (建議可用塑膠護目鏡,一個只要 40-80
these . ~$5.00 元,比起 cheap sunglasses 更便宜也可以
4. aluminum wire 銅線或鋁線,或只要是用來把眼動儀固定
-- 9-gauge wire $7.99 在鏡架上的東西,必需要能承重有彈性,
3x alligator clips 3 個鱷魚夾。這是給無法焊接的人使用的。
-- Radio Shack $7.00
a pack of wire-ties 束帶,我們台灣是束帶王國,一包不用 30
-- Radio Shack $2.49 元。
2x IR LEDs 2 個紅外線 LED 燈,電子材料行大約 20
-- Radio Shack $1.99 元。
1x 8mm camera lens-- Fixed IRIS Lens Set for 8mm 鏡頭,固定光圈(如果你是用 PS3
Webcams and Security/CCTV Cameras (6-Lens Eye 就不用買) 。
Pack) $14.91
IR wratten 是要用來濾光的,不用花大錢去買底片,
-- infrared filter gel $26.99 用以前的老軟碟裡面那片即可。
Cheaper DIY version of IR filter include cutting a
piece of film out of a floppy disk or using
unexposed and developed photographic film
battery holder 電池盒,給眼動儀提供電力,建議購買有
-- Radio Shack AAA holder $1.99 開關的,不然 USB 接上電腦後,一直開著
small screw driver set 小螺絲起子組 (用來拆解 PS3 時會用到,
-- 7ps set $14.95 其他時候沒有) ,借一下就可以了
scissors 作者建議可以去幼稚園偷,所以免錢。
--steal them from a kindergarten
表 2.
*以上資料與圖片版權皆來自於 EyeWriter 原作者與 Luann Liu。