The document defines several poetic terms:
1) Couplet - two lines that rhyme together
2) Stanza - an arrangement of lines, typically four or more lines
3) Rhyme scheme - the pattern of rhyming lines
4) Metre - the rhythmic structure of a verse with stressed and unstressed words or syllables.
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W.A.l.t identify a
m ak e u s e
diff erent po
m s.
term s and for
Couplet: when the last word
Stanza: An
in a line rhymes with the same arrangement of
ending word in the next.
certain lines
E.g: rapping to you is easy you usually four or
Just rhyme the letters c and
more . E.g:
B. I love to write,
Day and Night.
when the lines end What would my
with a rhyme pattern. heart do?
A: my life as a frog
But Cry, sigh and
B: does not seem easy be blue
to thee
A: But when in the fog
If I cold not
B: you'll see me write.
drinking your tea!
Metre: a rhythmic structure of a verse
with stressed and unstressed words.
The following example is an iambic.
Shall(u) I compare(u) thee(u) to a
summers(u) day?