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Fascism Rises in EuropeFascism Rises in Europe
Chapter 31, Section 3Chapter 31, Section 3
 After World War I, millions of people lost faith inAfter World War I, millions of people lost faith in
democratic government. In response, theydemocratic government. In response, they
turned to an extreme system of governmentturned to an extreme system of government
called fascism. Fascists promised to revive thecalled fascism. Fascists promised to revive the
economy, punish those responsible for hardeconomy, punish those responsible for hard
times, and restore order and national pride.times, and restore order and national pride.
Their message attracted many people who feltTheir message attracted many people who felt
frustrated and angered by the peace treaties thatfrustrated and angered by the peace treaties that
followed World War I and by the Greatfollowed World War I and by the Great
Fascism vs. CommunismFascism vs. Communism
 Extremely nationalisticExtremely nationalistic
(Fascism is for the good of a(Fascism is for the good of a
particular country alone.)particular country alone.)
 Does not seek aDoes not seek a
classless society.classless society.
 Made up of aristocrats,Made up of aristocrats,
industrialists, warindustrialists, war
veterans, and lowerveterans, and lower
middle class.middle class.
(Communists believe their(Communists believe their
system should spreadsystem should spread
throughout the world.)throughout the world.)
 Seeks a classlessSeeks a classless
 Made up of urbanMade up of urban
working lower classesworking lower classes
(Russia) and peasants(Russia) and peasants
Fascism AND CommunismFascism AND Communism
Both were ruled by dictators.Both were ruled by dictators.
Both allowed only one-party rule.Both allowed only one-party rule.
Both denied individual rights.Both denied individual rights.
In both, the state was supreme.In both, the state was supreme.
Neither practiced democracy.Neither practiced democracy.
Both replaced religion with some kind ofBoth replaced religion with some kind of
competing belief system (atheismin thecompeting belief system (atheismin the
case of the communists; religion of racialcase of the communists; religion of racial
superiorityin the case of the Nazis)superiorityin the case of the Nazis)
 Secret police
 Secret police
 racist (Nazism)
 one-party rule
 supreme leader
 racist (Nazism)
 one-party rule
 supreme leader Economic
 economic functions
controlled by
state corporations
or state
 economic functions
controlled by
state corporations
or state
Basic Principles
 state more
important than
the individual
 charismatic leader
 action oriented
Basic Principles
 state more
important than
the individual
 charismatic leader
 action oriented
Chief Examples
Chief Examples
 Supported by
middle class,
and military
 Supported by
middle class,
and military
Mussolini Takes ControlMussolini Takes Control
 Fascism fueled by ItalysFascism fueled by Italys
failure to win largefailure to win large
territorial gains at theterritorial gains at the
Paris Peace Conference.Paris Peace Conference.
 Inflation andInflation and
unemployment fuelunemployment fuel
 Mussolini promised toMussolini promised to
rescue Italys economyrescue Italys economy
and rebuild armed forces.and rebuild armed forces.
 Mussolini founds theMussolini founds the
Fascist party in 1919.Fascist party in 1919.
 Economic downturnEconomic downturn
makes Fascists popular.makes Fascists popular.
March on RomeMarch on Rome
 October 27-29, 1922 Fascist blackshirts march onOctober 27-29, 1922 Fascist blackshirts march on
Rome an demand that King Victor Emmanuel III putRome an demand that King Victor Emmanuel III put
Mussolini in charge of the government. He putsMussolini in charge of the government. He puts
Mussolini in power legally.Mussolini in power legally.
Il Duces LeadershipIl Duces Leadership
 Mussolini was now called Il Duce translatedMussolini was now called Il Duce translated
the leader.the leader.
 Democracy was abolished along with allDemocracy was abolished along with all
opposing political parties to the Fascists.opposing political parties to the Fascists.
 Secret police jailed political opponents.Secret police jailed political opponents.
 Radio and publications were forced to broadcastRadio and publications were forced to broadcast
or public Fascist teachings.or public Fascist teachings.
 He sought to control the economy by allyingHe sought to control the economy by allying
Fascists with industrialist and large landowners.Fascists with industrialist and large landowners.
Fascist FlagFascist Flag
 The originalThe original
symbol ofsymbol of
Fascism, in ItalyFascism, in Italy
under Benitounder Benito
Mussolini, wasMussolini, was
thethe fascesfasces. This. This
is an ancientis an ancient
Roman symbol ofRoman symbol of
power; a bundlepower; a bundle
of sticks featuringof sticks featuring
an axe, indicatingan axe, indicating
the power overthe power over
life and death.life and death.
through unity.through unity.
Hitler Rises to Power in GermanyHitler Rises to Power in Germany
When Mussolini became dictator of Italy
in the mid-1920s, Adolf Hitler was a
little-known political leader whose early life
had been marked by disappointment.
When World War I broke out, Hitler found
a new beginning. He volunteered for the
German army and was twice awarded the
Iron Cross, a medal for bravery. (p. 911)
The Rise of the NazisThe Rise of the Nazis
 Hitler settled in Munich at the end of World WarHitler settled in Munich at the end of World War
I. He was appointed police-spy to investigate aI. He was appointed police-spy to investigate a
small political party known as the Germansmall political party known as the German
Workers Party.Workers Party.
 Hitler was impressed by the views of this partysHitler was impressed by the views of this partys
leader and joined the group.leader and joined the group.
 The group later changed its name to theThe group later changed its name to the
National Socialist German Workers PartyNational Socialist German Workers Party ,,
NaziNazi for short. The policies of this party formedfor short. The policies of this party formed
the brand of fascism calledthe brand of fascism called NazismNazism..
Symbols of NazismSymbols of Nazism
 The Nazi party choseThe Nazi party chose
the swastika as itsthe swastika as its
 The swastika has beenThe swastika has been
used for thousands ofused for thousands of
years as a symbol ofyears as a symbol of
The SA or BrownshirtsThe SA or Brownshirts
 The Nazis set up aThe Nazis set up a
private militia called theprivate militia called the
meaning stormmeaning storm
detachment or stormdetachment or storm
troopers. They were alsotroopers. They were also
called Brownshirtscalled Brownshirts
because of the brownbecause of the brown
uniform they wore. Theuniform they wore. The
SA was mostly made upSA was mostly made up
ofof working classworking class Nazis.Nazis.
They were prone to streetThey were prone to street
Beer Hall PutschBeer Hall Putsch
 Within a short time Hitler was chosen as theWithin a short time Hitler was chosen as the
FF端hrer (the leader).端hrer (the leader).
 Hitler followed Mussolinis example of the MarchHitler followed Mussolinis example of the March
on Rome and plotted to seize power in Munichon Rome and plotted to seize power in Munich
on November 8, 1923.on November 8, 1923.
 Hitler wanted to use Munich as a base toHitler wanted to use Munich as a base to
overthrow the government in Berlin. This wasoverthrow the government in Berlin. This was
called thecalled the Beer Hall Putsch.Beer Hall Putsch.
 The attempted coup failed and Hitler was triedThe attempted coup failed and Hitler was tried
for treason and sentenced to five years in prison.for treason and sentenced to five years in prison.
He only served nine months of that sentence.He only served nine months of that sentence.
Mein KampfMein Kampf (My Struggle)(My Struggle)
 Written during the nine monthsWritten during the nine months
Hitler served in prison.Hitler served in prison.
 The book set forth his beliefsThe book set forth his beliefs
and goals for Germany.and goals for Germany.
 He asserted Germans were aHe asserted Germans were a
master race.master race.
 He expressed his outrage overHe expressed his outrage over
the Versailles Treaty.the Versailles Treaty.
 He declared Germanys needHe declared Germanys need
for lebensraum or livingfor lebensraum or living
Hitler Becomes ChancellorHitler Becomes Chancellor
The Nazis were the largest political partyThe Nazis were the largest political party
in Germany by 1932.in Germany by 1932.
Conservative leaders advised PresidentConservative leaders advised President
Paul von Hindenburg to name HitlerPaul von Hindenburg to name Hitler
chancellor thinking they could control him.chancellor thinking they could control him.
Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor inHindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor in
January 1933.January 1933.
Reichstag FireReichstag Fire
Hitler immediately called for new electionsHitler immediately called for new elections
hoping to win a parliamentary majority.hoping to win a parliamentary majority.
Fire destroyed the Reichstag (parliament)Fire destroyed the Reichstag (parliament)
building six days before the election.building six days before the election.
The Nazis blamed the Communists for thisThe Nazis blamed the Communists for this
The Nazis won a majority of votes in theThe Nazis won a majority of votes in the
Reichstag and were able to passReichstag and were able to pass
significant legislation increasing Hitlerssignificant legislation increasing Hitlers
The Reichstag Fire DecreeThe Reichstag Fire Decree
 TheThe Reichstag Fire DecreeReichstag Fire Decree abolished civilabolished civil
rights protections. The text reads:rights protections. The text reads:
 則 1. Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of則 1. Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of
the Constitution of the German Reich are suspendedthe Constitution of the German Reich are suspended
until further notice. It is therefore permissible tountil further notice. It is therefore permissible to
restrict the rights of personal freedom [habeasrestrict the rights of personal freedom [habeas
corpus], freedom of opinion, including the freedom ofcorpus], freedom of opinion, including the freedom of
the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, thethe press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the
privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonicprivacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic
communications, and warrants for house searches,communications, and warrants for house searches,
orders for confiscations as well as restrictions onorders for confiscations as well as restrictions on
property, are also permissible beyond the legal limitsproperty, are also permissible beyond the legal limits
otherwise prescribed.otherwise prescribed.
Enabling Act of 1933Enabling Act of 1933
This act gave the Office of the ChancellorThis act gave the Office of the Chancellor
plenary powersplenary powers (powers he could(powers he could
exercise without the review of theexercise without the review of the
legislative branch).legislative branch).
The law gave the Chancellors cabinet theThe law gave the Chancellors cabinet the
power to enact their own laws apart frompower to enact their own laws apart from
the Reichstag. Therefore, Hitler came tothe Reichstag. Therefore, Hitler came to
this absolute power in a legal manner.this absolute power in a legal manner.
Hitlers Totalitarian StateHitlers Totalitarian State
Hitler banned other political parties.Hitler banned other political parties.
Hitler created the SS (Hitler created the SS (SchutzstaffelSchutzstaffel, or, or
protection squad). The SS arrested andprotection squad). The SS arrested and
murdered hundreds of Hitlers enemies.murdered hundreds of Hitlers enemies.
The Gestapo was established as theThe Gestapo was established as the
Nazis secret police.Nazis secret police.
Strikes were made illegal.Strikes were made illegal.
Millions of people were put to workMillions of people were put to work
building up the military.building up the military.
The FThe F端端hrer Is Supremehrer Is Supreme
 Hitler used the press, radio, literature, painting,Hitler used the press, radio, literature, painting,
and film as his propaganda tools.and film as his propaganda tools.
 Churches were forbidden to criticize the Nazis orChurches were forbidden to criticize the Nazis or
the government.the government.
 Ministers were required to sign an oath of allegiance.Ministers were required to sign an oath of allegiance.
This was opposed in Germany by Deitrich BonhofferThis was opposed in Germany by Deitrich Bonhoffer
and the confessing church.and the confessing church.
 The Boy Scouts was abolished in Germany.The Boy Scouts was abolished in Germany.
School children had to join Nazi organizationsSchool children had to join Nazi organizations
like the Hitler Youth.like the Hitler Youth.
Hitler Makes War on the JewsHitler Makes War on the Jews
 Hatred of Jews, anti-Semitism, was a key part ofHatred of Jews, anti-Semitism, was a key part of
Nazi ideology.Nazi ideology.
 Jews were used as scapegoats for allJews were used as scapegoats for all
Germanys troubles since the end of the war.Germanys troubles since the end of the war.
 Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws deprivingNazis passed the Nuremberg Laws depriving
Jews of most of their rights.Jews of most of their rights.
 Violence against Jews grew. On November 9,Violence against Jews grew. On November 9,
1938 mobs attacked thousands of Jewish owned1938 mobs attacked thousands of Jewish owned
buildings and businesses. This was calledbuildings and businesses. This was called
KristallnachtKristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass).(Night of Broken Glass).
Nuremberg LawsNuremberg Laws
 Prohibited marriages between Jews andProhibited marriages between Jews and
German citizens.German citizens.
 Prohibited sexual relations between Jews andProhibited sexual relations between Jews and
German citizens.German citizens.
 Jews were not permitted to hire German femalesJews were not permitted to hire German females
as domestic servants under the age of 45.as domestic servants under the age of 45.
 Jews were forbidden to display the national flagJews were forbidden to display the national flag
or national colors, but could display the Jewishor national colors, but could display the Jewish
colors identifying them as Jews.colors identifying them as Jews.
 Punishment for violating these laws includesPunishment for violating these laws includes
hard labor or imprisonment.hard labor or imprisonment.
Other Countries Fall to DictatorsOther Countries Fall to Dictators
Poland: Marshal Jozef PilsudskiseizedPoland: Marshal Jozef Pilsudskiseized
power in 1926.power in 1926.
Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, andYugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and
Romaniakings turn to strong man rule.Romaniakings turn to strong man rule.
Argentina-Juan Peron is a fascist strong-Argentina-Juan Peron is a fascist strong-
Nazism in the United StatesNazism in the United States
 German-American BundGerman-American Bund , (earlier called the Friends, (earlier called the Friends
of New Germany) headed by the American Fof New Germany) headed by the American F端端hrerhrer
Fritz Julius KuhnFritz Julius Kuhn ..
 Kuhn was appointed because Hitler wanted an AmericanKuhn was appointed because Hitler wanted an American
citizen fronting the organization to make it look like therecitizen fronting the organization to make it look like there
were Americans truly supportive of Nazi Germany.were Americans truly supportive of Nazi Germany.
 Kuhn was eventually convicted of embezzlement fromKuhn was eventually convicted of embezzlement from
his own organization when the Mayor La Guardia of Newhis own organization when the Mayor La Guardia of New
York ordered an investigation into the organization.York ordered an investigation into the organization.
 Kuhn was arrested during World War II as an enemyKuhn was arrested during World War II as an enemy
agent and held in a detainment camp in Texas. He wasagent and held in a detainment camp in Texas. He was
later deported to Germany and died in Munich in 19ter deported to Germany and died in Munich in 1951.

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31 3 fascism-rises_in_europe

  • 1. Fascism Rises in EuropeFascism Rises in Europe Chapter 31, Section 3Chapter 31, Section 3
  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction After World War I, millions of people lost faith inAfter World War I, millions of people lost faith in democratic government. In response, theydemocratic government. In response, they turned to an extreme system of governmentturned to an extreme system of government called fascism. Fascists promised to revive thecalled fascism. Fascists promised to revive the economy, punish those responsible for hardeconomy, punish those responsible for hard times, and restore order and national pride.times, and restore order and national pride. Their message attracted many people who feltTheir message attracted many people who felt frustrated and angered by the peace treaties thatfrustrated and angered by the peace treaties that followed World War I and by the Greatfollowed World War I and by the Great Depression.Depression.
  • 3. Fascism vs. CommunismFascism vs. Communism DifferencesDifferences FascismFascism Extremely nationalisticExtremely nationalistic (Fascism is for the good of a(Fascism is for the good of a particular country alone.)particular country alone.) Does not seek aDoes not seek a classless society.classless society. Made up of aristocrats,Made up of aristocrats, industrialists, warindustrialists, war veterans, and lowerveterans, and lower middle class.middle class. CommunismCommunism InternationalisticInternationalistic (Communists believe their(Communists believe their system should spreadsystem should spread throughout the world.)throughout the world.) Seeks a classlessSeeks a classless societysociety Made up of urbanMade up of urban working lower classesworking lower classes (Russia) and peasants(Russia) and peasants (China).(China).
  • 4. Fascism AND CommunismFascism AND Communism SimilaritiesSimilarities Both were ruled by dictators.Both were ruled by dictators. Both allowed only one-party rule.Both allowed only one-party rule. Both denied individual rights.Both denied individual rights. In both, the state was supreme.In both, the state was supreme. Neither practiced democracy.Neither practiced democracy. Both replaced religion with some kind ofBoth replaced religion with some kind of competing belief system (atheismin thecompeting belief system (atheismin the case of the communists; religion of racialcase of the communists; religion of racial superiorityin the case of the Nazis)superiorityin the case of the Nazis)
  • 5. Cultural Censorship Indoctrination Secret police Cultural Censorship Indoctrination Secret police Political nationalist racist (Nazism) one-party rule supreme leader Political nationalist racist (Nazism) one-party rule supreme leader Economic economic functions controlled by state corporations or state Economic economic functions controlled by state corporations or state Basic Principles authoritarianism state more important than the individual charismatic leader action oriented Basic Principles authoritarianism state more important than the individual charismatic leader action oriented Chief Examples Italy Spain Germany Chief Examples Italy Spain Germany Social Supported by middle class, Industrialists, and military Social Supported by middle class, Industrialists, and military FascismFascism
  • 6. Mussolini Takes ControlMussolini Takes Control Fascism fueled by ItalysFascism fueled by Italys failure to win largefailure to win large territorial gains at theterritorial gains at the Paris Peace Conference.Paris Peace Conference. Inflation andInflation and unemployment fuelunemployment fuel Fascism.Fascism. Mussolini promised toMussolini promised to rescue Italys economyrescue Italys economy and rebuild armed forces.and rebuild armed forces. Mussolini founds theMussolini founds the Fascist party in 1919.Fascist party in 1919. Economic downturnEconomic downturn makes Fascists popular.makes Fascists popular.
  • 7. March on RomeMarch on Rome October 27-29, 1922 Fascist blackshirts march onOctober 27-29, 1922 Fascist blackshirts march on Rome an demand that King Victor Emmanuel III putRome an demand that King Victor Emmanuel III put Mussolini in charge of the government. He putsMussolini in charge of the government. He puts Mussolini in power legally.Mussolini in power legally.
  • 8. Il Duces LeadershipIl Duces Leadership Mussolini was now called Il Duce translatedMussolini was now called Il Duce translated the leader.the leader. Democracy was abolished along with allDemocracy was abolished along with all opposing political parties to the Fascists.opposing political parties to the Fascists. Secret police jailed political opponents.Secret police jailed political opponents. Radio and publications were forced to broadcastRadio and publications were forced to broadcast or public Fascist teachings.or public Fascist teachings. He sought to control the economy by allyingHe sought to control the economy by allying Fascists with industrialist and large landowners.Fascists with industrialist and large landowners.
  • 9. Fascist FlagFascist Flag The originalThe original symbol ofsymbol of Fascism, in ItalyFascism, in Italy under Benitounder Benito Mussolini, wasMussolini, was thethe fascesfasces. This. This is an ancientis an ancient Roman symbol ofRoman symbol of power; a bundlepower; a bundle of sticks featuringof sticks featuring an axe, indicatingan axe, indicating the power overthe power over life and death.life and death. through unity.through unity.
  • 10. Hitler Rises to Power in GermanyHitler Rises to Power in Germany When Mussolini became dictator of Italy in the mid-1920s, Adolf Hitler was a little-known political leader whose early life had been marked by disappointment. When World War I broke out, Hitler found a new beginning. He volunteered for the German army and was twice awarded the Iron Cross, a medal for bravery. (p. 911)
  • 11. The Rise of the NazisThe Rise of the Nazis Hitler settled in Munich at the end of World WarHitler settled in Munich at the end of World War I. He was appointed police-spy to investigate aI. He was appointed police-spy to investigate a small political party known as the Germansmall political party known as the German Workers Party.Workers Party. Hitler was impressed by the views of this partysHitler was impressed by the views of this partys leader and joined the group.leader and joined the group. The group later changed its name to theThe group later changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers PartyNational Socialist German Workers Party ,, NaziNazi for short. The policies of this party formedfor short. The policies of this party formed the brand of fascism calledthe brand of fascism called NazismNazism..
  • 12. Symbols of NazismSymbols of Nazism The Nazi party choseThe Nazi party chose the swastika as itsthe swastika as its symbol.symbol. The swastika has beenThe swastika has been used for thousands ofused for thousands of years as a symbol ofyears as a symbol of power.power.
  • 13. The SA or BrownshirtsThe SA or Brownshirts The Nazis set up aThe Nazis set up a private militia called theprivate militia called the SturmabteilungSturmabteilung meaning stormmeaning storm detachment or stormdetachment or storm troopers. They were alsotroopers. They were also called Brownshirtscalled Brownshirts because of the brownbecause of the brown uniform they wore. Theuniform they wore. The SA was mostly made upSA was mostly made up ofof working classworking class Nazis.Nazis. They were prone to streetThey were prone to street violence.violence.
  • 14. Beer Hall PutschBeer Hall Putsch Within a short time Hitler was chosen as theWithin a short time Hitler was chosen as the FF端hrer (the leader).端hrer (the leader). Hitler followed Mussolinis example of the MarchHitler followed Mussolinis example of the March on Rome and plotted to seize power in Munichon Rome and plotted to seize power in Munich on November 8, 1923.on November 8, 1923. Hitler wanted to use Munich as a base toHitler wanted to use Munich as a base to overthrow the government in Berlin. This wasoverthrow the government in Berlin. This was called thecalled the Beer Hall Putsch.Beer Hall Putsch. The attempted coup failed and Hitler was triedThe attempted coup failed and Hitler was tried for treason and sentenced to five years in prison.for treason and sentenced to five years in prison. He only served nine months of that sentence.He only served nine months of that sentence.
  • 15. Mein KampfMein Kampf (My Struggle)(My Struggle) Written during the nine monthsWritten during the nine months Hitler served in prison.Hitler served in prison. The book set forth his beliefsThe book set forth his beliefs and goals for Germany.and goals for Germany. He asserted Germans were aHe asserted Germans were a master race.master race. He expressed his outrage overHe expressed his outrage over the Versailles Treaty.the Versailles Treaty. He declared Germanys needHe declared Germanys need for lebensraum or livingfor lebensraum or living space.space.
  • 16. Hitler Becomes ChancellorHitler Becomes Chancellor The Nazis were the largest political partyThe Nazis were the largest political party in Germany by 1932.in Germany by 1932. Conservative leaders advised PresidentConservative leaders advised President Paul von Hindenburg to name HitlerPaul von Hindenburg to name Hitler chancellor thinking they could control him.chancellor thinking they could control him. Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor inHindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor in January 1933.January 1933.
  • 17. Reichstag FireReichstag Fire Hitler immediately called for new electionsHitler immediately called for new elections hoping to win a parliamentary majority.hoping to win a parliamentary majority. Fire destroyed the Reichstag (parliament)Fire destroyed the Reichstag (parliament) building six days before the election.building six days before the election. The Nazis blamed the Communists for thisThe Nazis blamed the Communists for this fire.fire. The Nazis won a majority of votes in theThe Nazis won a majority of votes in the Reichstag and were able to passReichstag and were able to pass significant legislation increasing Hitlerssignificant legislation increasing Hitlers power.power.
  • 18. The Reichstag Fire DecreeThe Reichstag Fire Decree TheThe Reichstag Fire DecreeReichstag Fire Decree abolished civilabolished civil rights protections. The text reads:rights protections. The text reads: 則 1. Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of則 1. Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspendedthe Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. It is therefore permissible tountil further notice. It is therefore permissible to restrict the rights of personal freedom [habeasrestrict the rights of personal freedom [habeas corpus], freedom of opinion, including the freedom ofcorpus], freedom of opinion, including the freedom of the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, thethe press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonicprivacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications, and warrants for house searches,communications, and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions onorders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limitsproperty, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.otherwise prescribed.
  • 19. Enabling Act of 1933Enabling Act of 1933 This act gave the Office of the ChancellorThis act gave the Office of the Chancellor plenary powersplenary powers (powers he could(powers he could exercise without the review of theexercise without the review of the legislative branch).legislative branch). The law gave the Chancellors cabinet theThe law gave the Chancellors cabinet the power to enact their own laws apart frompower to enact their own laws apart from the Reichstag. Therefore, Hitler came tothe Reichstag. Therefore, Hitler came to this absolute power in a legal manner.this absolute power in a legal manner.
  • 20. Hitlers Totalitarian StateHitlers Totalitarian State Hitler banned other political parties.Hitler banned other political parties. Hitler created the SS (Hitler created the SS (SchutzstaffelSchutzstaffel, or, or protection squad). The SS arrested andprotection squad). The SS arrested and murdered hundreds of Hitlers enemies.murdered hundreds of Hitlers enemies. The Gestapo was established as theThe Gestapo was established as the Nazis secret police.Nazis secret police. Strikes were made illegal.Strikes were made illegal. Millions of people were put to workMillions of people were put to work building up the military.building up the military.
  • 21. The FThe F端端hrer Is Supremehrer Is Supreme Hitler used the press, radio, literature, painting,Hitler used the press, radio, literature, painting, and film as his propaganda tools.and film as his propaganda tools. Churches were forbidden to criticize the Nazis orChurches were forbidden to criticize the Nazis or the government.the government. Ministers were required to sign an oath of allegiance.Ministers were required to sign an oath of allegiance. This was opposed in Germany by Deitrich BonhofferThis was opposed in Germany by Deitrich Bonhoffer and the confessing church.and the confessing church. The Boy Scouts was abolished in Germany.The Boy Scouts was abolished in Germany. School children had to join Nazi organizationsSchool children had to join Nazi organizations like the Hitler Youth.like the Hitler Youth.
  • 22. Hitler Makes War on the JewsHitler Makes War on the Jews Hatred of Jews, anti-Semitism, was a key part ofHatred of Jews, anti-Semitism, was a key part of Nazi ideology.Nazi ideology. Jews were used as scapegoats for allJews were used as scapegoats for all Germanys troubles since the end of the war.Germanys troubles since the end of the war. Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws deprivingNazis passed the Nuremberg Laws depriving Jews of most of their rights.Jews of most of their rights. Violence against Jews grew. On November 9,Violence against Jews grew. On November 9, 1938 mobs attacked thousands of Jewish owned1938 mobs attacked thousands of Jewish owned buildings and businesses. This was calledbuildings and businesses. This was called KristallnachtKristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass).(Night of Broken Glass).
  • 23. Nuremberg LawsNuremberg Laws Prohibited marriages between Jews andProhibited marriages between Jews and German citizens.German citizens. Prohibited sexual relations between Jews andProhibited sexual relations between Jews and German citizens.German citizens. Jews were not permitted to hire German femalesJews were not permitted to hire German females as domestic servants under the age of 45.as domestic servants under the age of 45. Jews were forbidden to display the national flagJews were forbidden to display the national flag or national colors, but could display the Jewishor national colors, but could display the Jewish colors identifying them as Jews.colors identifying them as Jews. Punishment for violating these laws includesPunishment for violating these laws includes hard labor or imprisonment.hard labor or imprisonment.
  • 24. Other Countries Fall to DictatorsOther Countries Fall to Dictators Poland: Marshal Jozef PilsudskiseizedPoland: Marshal Jozef Pilsudskiseized power in 1926.power in 1926. Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, andYugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Romaniakings turn to strong man rule.Romaniakings turn to strong man rule. Argentina-Juan Peron is a fascist strong-Argentina-Juan Peron is a fascist strong- manman
  • 25. Nazism in the United StatesNazism in the United States German-American BundGerman-American Bund , (earlier called the Friends, (earlier called the Friends of New Germany) headed by the American Fof New Germany) headed by the American F端端hrerhrer Fritz Julius KuhnFritz Julius Kuhn .. Kuhn was appointed because Hitler wanted an AmericanKuhn was appointed because Hitler wanted an American citizen fronting the organization to make it look like therecitizen fronting the organization to make it look like there were Americans truly supportive of Nazi Germany.were Americans truly supportive of Nazi Germany. Kuhn was eventually convicted of embezzlement fromKuhn was eventually convicted of embezzlement from his own organization when the Mayor La Guardia of Newhis own organization when the Mayor La Guardia of New York ordered an investigation into the organization.York ordered an investigation into the organization. Kuhn was arrested during World War II as an enemyKuhn was arrested during World War II as an enemy agent and held in a detainment camp in Texas. He wasagent and held in a detainment camp in Texas. He was later deported to Germany and died in Munich in 19ter deported to Germany and died in Munich in 1951.