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Each organization, whether it be a corporation, school, hospital,
government agency, military or non-profit, requires teams of people
working together to accomplish their goals. Each team best utilizes the
talents and resources of its participants. True Colors provides an ideal
method for choosing, mixing and motivating the team members, so that
they will perform at their best in an interactive, supportive, creative, and
responsible manner.
In the True Colors Teambuilding Workshop, you will learn how to work with
different personality types and how to use their strengths and interests to best
set up teams that efficiently handle projects, activate sales, produce
products and services, interact with customers, manage and maintain their
departments and the organization as a whole.
Key Benefits Include:
 Learn to choosemembers of a team using True Colors as your guide to different
personality types being to recognizehow they will contribute their talents and abilities
 Participants will understand key concepts of team building
 Participants will understand how to work with members of their team collaboratively
We will be happy to discuss your requirements with you and help design a True Colors workshop that is
right for you and your organization.
For more information, please contact:
Deanna Carpenter at 623.565.7769 or go to

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3.1.16 TeamBuilding Workshop Flyer

  • 1. TeambuildingWorkshop Each organization, whether it be a corporation, school, hospital, government agency, military or non-profit, requires teams of people working together to accomplish their goals. Each team best utilizes the talents and resources of its participants. True Colors provides an ideal method for choosing, mixing and motivating the team members, so that they will perform at their best in an interactive, supportive, creative, and responsible manner. In the True Colors Teambuilding Workshop, you will learn how to work with different personality types and how to use their strengths and interests to best set up teams that efficiently handle projects, activate sales, produce products and services, interact with customers, manage and maintain their departments and the organization as a whole. Key Benefits Include: Learn to choosemembers of a team using True Colors as your guide to different personality types being to recognizehow they will contribute their talents and abilities Participants will understand key concepts of team building Participants will understand how to work with members of their team collaboratively We will be happy to discuss your requirements with you and help design a True Colors workshop that is right for you and your organization. For more information, please contact: Deanna Carpenter at 623.565.7769 or go to www.whatisyourspectrum.com