Bulgaria - “Implementation of the 2003 Convention of UNESCO in Bulgaria”UNESCO Venice OfficeThis document summarizes Bulgaria's implementation of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Key aspects include establishing a National Council and Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage, developing legislation and policies to protect ICH, maintaining an inventory of ICH elements and Living Human Treasures, inscribing elements on UNESCO's Representative List, and collaborating through regional networks to safeguard shared ICH in Southeast Europe.
Portafolio de evidenciaspaulina montañoEste documento presenta la información de una alumna del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios No.81. La alumna cursa el cuarto semestre del grupo A matutino con la especialidad de Administración de Recursos Humanos. El documento incluye el portafolio de evidencias de la alumna para la materia de Física I con el maestro Isaias Osorio Garcia.
Parameter study of stable walking gaits for nao humanoid roboteSAT JournalsAbstract It is a challenge to any researcher to maintain the stability of the robot while in the walking motion. This paper proposes for parameter study of a walking pattern method which is inspired by the Dip Goswami (2009). The walking pattern is generated based on three points. These points are located at ankle left and right and one at the hip of the NAO humanoid robot. By using these points the walking gaits are generated to use as a reference point while walking motion. Then, an inverse kinematics with geometric solution of a ten degree-of-freedom humanoid robot is formulated from hip until the ankle joint. By sampling period of time with ten this reference point is used to find the joint angle of each link. The NAO humanoid robot is built in with force resistive sensor (FSR) located under both feet are used to determine the walking stability by using force distributer concept. The zero moment point of the robot is calculated on the normalized value between FSR reading from right leg and left leg. The result shown based on the real time simulation environment by using Webots Robotic Software. A simulation result shows that a NAO humanoid robot successfully walks in stable condition by following five different walking parameter setting. The humanoid robot is stable if and only if the normalized value of the ZMP is between 1 and -1. Index Terms: Walking gaits, NAO humanoid robot, ZMP
Life Science Marketing Survey 2012Mary CanadyComprendia's survey on life science marketing trends for 2012. View the related workshop webinar: http://comprendia.com/2012workshop
Laszlo Czirjak - Differences Between CEE & US Startup Ecosystems - Startup Ad...Startup AddVenture by CCC StartupsLaszlo is a US/Hungarian investor and executive. His venture capital, private equity, investment banking and operational experience spans e-commerce, Internet, automotive and transport, financial services, consumer and retail, energy and power, health care, manufacturing, technology, business services, and media and telecom, all across Europe. Prior to founding iEurope, he was a Managing Director at Bankers Trust Company/BT Alex Brown in London.
BBC foaf talkDan BrickleyThe document summarizes the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project. It describes FOAF as a way to represent personal homepages as linked data using standards-based methods. FOAF allows for decentralized and unpredictable sharing of information about people and their connections on the semantic web in a way that provides meaning and relationships between concepts that computers can understand.
October, a Good MonthBanco Pine- Core retail sales in Brazil increased 0.8% in October and broad retail sales increased 8.0%, exceeding expectations. Annual growth rates were 9.1% and 14.5% respectively.
- Recently, broad retail trade has been fluctuating significantly depending on government tax incentives, while core retail sales remains detached from its average level since 2009.
- The authors expect continued expansion in the retail sector guided by job growth, fiscal stimulus, and loose monetary policy in coming months, though the sustainability of recovery is unclear especially in manufacturing.
Evaluation question 2resentation1EmzzinoThe document discusses how the marketing campaign for a horror film focused on consistency across three media products: a movie poster, magazine cover, and trailer. Key elements like location, characters, and typography/titles were reflected in all pieces to create synergy and intrigue audiences about the film. The woods setting was prominently featured. While the killer's identity was kept mysterious, the same character appeared in the magazine and trailer. Font styles and taglines were also kept consistent to make the campaign iconic and help audiences recognize what franchise they were engaging with.
Happy workers happy libraryllwyattThe document discusses how the circulation supervisors at Lewis Clark State College Library implemented changes to improve worker happiness and productivity. These changes included updating task tracking, designating task masters, decorating the workspace, implementing regular awards and appreciation events, and promoting top workers. Surveys showed that these changes led to higher worker satisfaction and engagement. Resources for replicating the program are provided.
Системы оценки рисков при катании вне трассAlexandr GabchenkoСистемах оценки рисков при внетрассовом катании - такова тема лекции предваряющей катальный сезон 2014-2015 в Заилийском Алатау. На мероприятии сертифицированный специалист по лавинной безопасности, горный гид Сергей Бродский представил наиболее удобную и зарекомендовавшую себя систему - фильтр 3х3 (Assessment and Decision Framework 3x3), а также рассказал о снижении рисков метод "Редукции". Больше подробностей на gabchenko.kz
erikson1 .pptxΚαπετανάκης ΓεώργιοςΕνώ η θεωρία του Freud εστιάζει στις ψυχοσεξουαλικές πτυχές της ανάπτυξης, οι πολυπολιτισμικές επιρροές που δέχτηκε ο Erikson τον βοηθούν να διευρύνει την ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία.
η οργάνωση-της-πρώιμης-εκκλησίαςΚαπετανάκης Γεώργιος Το κείμενο αυτό το έγραψε ο Χρ. Γιανναράς και είναι από το Αλφαβητάρι της πίστης. Αναφέρει για το πώς λεγόταν η πρώτη κοινότητα των μαθητών του Χριστού. Επίσης, αναφέρει για το τι σημαίνει εκκλησία. Τέλος, λέει για το τι πίστευαν οι πρώτοι μαθητές του Χριστού και για το πώς ζούσαν.
BBC foaf talkDan BrickleyThe document summarizes the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project. It describes FOAF as a way to represent personal homepages as linked data using standards-based methods. FOAF allows for decentralized and unpredictable sharing of information about people and their connections on the semantic web in a way that provides meaning and relationships between concepts that computers can understand.
October, a Good MonthBanco Pine- Core retail sales in Brazil increased 0.8% in October and broad retail sales increased 8.0%, exceeding expectations. Annual growth rates were 9.1% and 14.5% respectively.
- Recently, broad retail trade has been fluctuating significantly depending on government tax incentives, while core retail sales remains detached from its average level since 2009.
- The authors expect continued expansion in the retail sector guided by job growth, fiscal stimulus, and loose monetary policy in coming months, though the sustainability of recovery is unclear especially in manufacturing.
Evaluation question 2resentation1EmzzinoThe document discusses how the marketing campaign for a horror film focused on consistency across three media products: a movie poster, magazine cover, and trailer. Key elements like location, characters, and typography/titles were reflected in all pieces to create synergy and intrigue audiences about the film. The woods setting was prominently featured. While the killer's identity was kept mysterious, the same character appeared in the magazine and trailer. Font styles and taglines were also kept consistent to make the campaign iconic and help audiences recognize what franchise they were engaging with.
Happy workers happy libraryllwyattThe document discusses how the circulation supervisors at Lewis Clark State College Library implemented changes to improve worker happiness and productivity. These changes included updating task tracking, designating task masters, decorating the workspace, implementing regular awards and appreciation events, and promoting top workers. Surveys showed that these changes led to higher worker satisfaction and engagement. Resources for replicating the program are provided.
Системы оценки рисков при катании вне трассAlexandr GabchenkoСистемах оценки рисков при внетрассовом катании - такова тема лекции предваряющей катальный сезон 2014-2015 в Заилийском Алатау. На мероприятии сертифицированный специалист по лавинной безопасности, горный гид Сергей Бродский представил наиболее удобную и зарекомендовавшую себя систему - фильтр 3х3 (Assessment and Decision Framework 3x3), а также рассказал о снижении рисков метод "Редукции". Больше подробностей на gabchenko.kz
erikson1 .pptxΚαπετανάκης ΓεώργιοςΕνώ η θεωρία του Freud εστιάζει στις ψυχοσεξουαλικές πτυχές της ανάπτυξης, οι πολυπολιτισμικές επιρροές που δέχτηκε ο Erikson τον βοηθούν να διευρύνει την ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία.
η οργάνωση-της-πρώιμης-εκκλησίαςΚαπετανάκης Γεώργιος Το κείμενο αυτό το έγραψε ο Χρ. Γιανναράς και είναι από το Αλφαβητάρι της πίστης. Αναφέρει για το πώς λεγόταν η πρώτη κοινότητα των μαθητών του Χριστού. Επίσης, αναφέρει για το τι σημαίνει εκκλησία. Τέλος, λέει για το τι πίστευαν οι πρώτοι μαθητές του Χριστού και για το πώς ζούσαν.
1. Θ.Ε.: Μποροφν οι άνκρωποι να
εικονίηουν το Θεό;
Σχολιαςμόσ :ΕΞ32,19-20
Στρόμπλοσ –Βλάχοσ Φοίβοσ
2. • 19 Και κακϊσ πλθςίαςε
ςτο ςτρατόπεδο, είδε
το μοςχάρι, και τουσ
χοροφσ· και ο κυμόσ
τοφ Μωυςι άναψε, και
ζριξε τισ πλάκεσ από τα
χζρια του, και τισ
ςφντριψε ςτθ βάςθ τοφ
19 καὶ ἡνίκα ἤγγιηε τῇ παρεμβολῇ, ὁρᾷ τὸν
μόςχον καὶ τοὺσ χορούσ, καὶ ὀργιςκεὶσ κυμῷ
Μωυςῆσ ἔρριψεν ἀπὸ τῶν χειρῶν αὐτοῦ τὰσ
δύο πλάκασ, καὶ ςυνέτριψεν αὐτὰσ ὑπὸ τὸ
3. • Ο Μωυςισ
αγανάκτθςε για τθν
πράξθ αυτι των
Ιςραθλιτϊν, οι οποίοι
λάτρευςαν ορατό
άγαλμα ωσ παράςταςθ
του αοράτου Θεοφ
τουσ. Και ζςπαςε τισ
δυο πλάκεσ, όπου
ιςαν γραμμζνεσ οι
εντολζσ του Θεοφ.
4. • Αυτό ςιμαινε ότι
κραφςτθκε θ
διακικθ του Θεοφ
με τον λαό του, γιατί
οι πλάκεσ ιταν
ςφμβολο αυτισ τθσ
5. • 20 και παίρνοντασ το
μοςχάρι που είχαν
κάνει, το κατζκαψε ςε
φωτιά, και αφοφ το
ςφντριψε μζχρι που το
λζπτυνε, το ςκόρπιςε
επάνω ςτο νερό, και
πότιςε τουσ γιουσ του
20 καὶ λαβὼν ηὸν μόζτον, ὃν
ἐποίηζαν, καηέκασζεν αὐηὸν ἐν
πσρὶ καὶ καηήλεζεν αὐηὸν λεπηὸν
καὶ ἔζπειρεν αὐηὸν ἐπὶ ηὸ ὕδωρ
καὶ ἐπόηιζεν αὐηὸ ηοὺς σἱοὺς
6. • Ζκανε ςκόνθ τον χρυςό
μόςχο, πζταξε τθν
ςκόνθ ςτο ρυάκι που
ζτρεχε ςτουσ
πρόποδεσ του Σινά και
υποχρζωςε τουσ
Ιςραθλίτεσ να τθν
πιουν .
7. • Με αυτό ο Μωυςισ ικελε
να δείξει τθν μθδαμινότθτα
του ειδϊλου και ότι ο λαόσ
ενςωματϊκθκε τθν
αμαρτία του και κα
υποςτεί τισ ςυνζπειζσ τθσ.
Ο χρυςόσ μόςχοσ που ζγινε
το όργανο αμαρτία τουσ,
ζγινε επίςθσ το όργανο
τιμωρίασ τουσ.