2015 (CC) 台灣創用CC計畫×開放文化基金會, "台灣創用CC計畫教學教材參考投影片-創用CC知多少", CC BY 3.0 TW.
本簡報由中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心台灣創用 CC 計畫及開放文化基金會共同製作,以創用 CC 姓名標示 3.0 台灣 授權條款
(CC BY 3.0 TW) 釋出。
The materials used in the slides: Creative Commons Web Font
by Ricardo Barros (CC BY 4.0). Rocks by Madeleine Bennett,
Book Title by Thomas Helbig, iPad by iconoci, Copyright by
Shiori Kawada, Copy by Alex Tai, Translation by Joe Mortell,
Upload by Nicolas Vicent, Transform by iconsmind.com, Whistle
by Mike Ashley, Certificate by Michael Wohlwend, Devices by
Gregor re nar, ? ? Edit by Hugo Garduno, ? Global Refresh by
Creative Stall, Document by Jamison Wieser, and Document by
Andrej Preston from the Noun Project (CC BY 3.0 US).
Since the end of the 2015 spring legislative session, dozens of new laws have been signed by the governor. Take a look at some of the most important laws likely to effect your life.
2015 (CC) 台灣創用CC計畫×開放文化基金會, "台灣創用CC計畫教學教材參考投影片-創用CC知多少", CC BY 3.0 TW.
本簡報由中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心台灣創用 CC 計畫及開放文化基金會共同製作,以創用 CC 姓名標示 3.0 台灣 授權條款
(CC BY 3.0 TW) 釋出。
The materials used in the slides: Creative Commons Web Font
by Ricardo Barros (CC BY 4.0). Rocks by Madeleine Bennett,
Book Title by Thomas Helbig, iPad by iconoci, Copyright by
Shiori Kawada, Copy by Alex Tai, Translation by Joe Mortell,
Upload by Nicolas Vicent, Transform by iconsmind.com, Whistle
by Mike Ashley, Certificate by Michael Wohlwend, Devices by
Gregor re nar, ? ? Edit by Hugo Garduno, ? Global Refresh by
Creative Stall, Document by Jamison Wieser, and Document by
Andrej Preston from the Noun Project (CC BY 3.0 US).
Since the end of the 2015 spring legislative session, dozens of new laws have been signed by the governor. Take a look at some of the most important laws likely to effect your life.